Roy Moore handwriting 1 and 2 - the same

Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.

How do you reconcile the fact that the woman has admitted she "modified" the yearbook by adding the date? She has now admitted to criminal wrongdoing, and in a Court of Law that is tantamount to perjury.
And when one part of the evidence has been tampered with they throw the whole thing out.
There is no "tampering".

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate

Proves nothing. Try again.

Of course, she could submit it for hand writtting analysis, which she refuses to do....
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No, they are different signatures. One has his assistant's abbreviations at the end.

Counterfeit Money: How to Spot Fake Bills
That's just utterly idiotic. Look at the two pieces of writing, they are the same, by the same person. A child could see that and they could also see in the first one that more than one person wrote part of it, the top part versus the bottom part. You are so far from grasping at straws that you can't even see the Dairy Queen on the horizon anymore.

Even if it is his signature, what crime is it to sign a yearbook? It means nothing. Nothing at all. It's the fact she added the date to make it appear to bolster her story. The date is crucial to her fairy tale to prove she quit the day after.

She's toast.
How many 30 year old non relatives sign teenage yearbooks you child molester sympathizer?
Where's the crime in doing so? Law and link please.
It’s just not done. Period. Yearbooks are signed by fellow students and sometimes teachers. Not 30 year old district attorneys.
But it’s says a lot about you going to bat for a child molester.
Law and link asshole! Put up or shut up.
It's your site rep shit head.
The answer to the question is simple. Have the yearbook examined by experts. But Allred won’t allow it. Why? Because her case would be dead if the truth came out, obviously.

Allred wants an investigation to go along with any forensic examination, why isn't Moore interested in that?
If he is going to sue her, he has to testify under oath. And he is ready to take her to court. Allred is the one that is backing down. But now since the accuser has admitted altering the inscriptions in the yearbook, that shows to the court, that it is proven that she is a manipulating liar. And so her testimony must be backed up with evidence. Her integrity is shot. That nasty heifer doesn't knows how many real victims has been stained by her lies. Now everytime when a woman says that she has been victimized, that nobody will believe her. I guessed that this was a set up by the Clintons. Bill Clinton probably will be having more victims from all across the globe, coming up accusing him of rape. Now since that woman stained other accusers names, that they will be afraid to step up to the plate. Knowing that nobody will believe them. Nice trick that the Clintons had done.

Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.

How do you reconcile the fact that the woman has admitted she "modified" the yearbook by adding the date? She has now admitted to criminal wrongdoing, and in a Court of Law that is tantamount to perjury.
And when one part of the evidence has been tampered with they throw the whole thing out.
There is no "tampering".

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate


Who ever attributed the date and location to Moore?

Fox has become outright scummy.
BECOME scummy? Fox has been the pits since the 90’s.
The answer to the question is simple. Have the yearbook examined by experts. But Allred won’t allow it. Why? Because her case would be dead if the truth came out, obviously.

Allred wants an investigation to go along with any forensic examination, why isn't Moore interested in that?
If he is going to sue her, he has to testify under oath. And he is ready to take her to court. Allred is the one that is backing down. But now since the accuser has admitted altering the inscriptions in the yearbook, that shows to the court, that it is proven that she is a manipulating liar. And so her testimony must be backed up with evidence. Her integrity is shot. That nasty heifer doesn't knows how many real victims has been stained by her lies. Now everytime when a woman says that she has been victimized, that nobody will believe her. I guessed that this was a set up by the Clintons. Bill Clinton probably will be having more victims from all across the globe, coming up accusing him of rape. Now since that woman stained other accusers names, that they will be afraid to step up to the plate. Knowing that nobody will believe them. Nice trick that the Clintons had done.

Allred is backing down? When is Moore going to sue, cuz he hasn't even filed a case in court yet, what is he waiting for?
How do you reconcile the fact that the woman has admitted she "modified" the yearbook by adding the date? She has now admitted to criminal wrongdoing, and in a Court of Law that is tantamount to perjury.

She didn't forge the date, the handwriting where is clearly different from her and Moore's.

So who wrote it?

Who wrote the note? Well it looks like Moore's handwriting.
Even if you think it was his handwriting, it is idiotic to maintain that it is some sort of evidence on malfeasance.

Hasn't anyone ever asked to sign your yearbook?
The evidence is he is lying when he says he never met her, which he obviously did.
Actually you are lying.

Moore said that he presided over her divorce case, jackass. He did not say that he never met her.
Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.
No, they are different signatures. One has his assistant's abbreviations at the end.

Counterfeit Money: How to Spot Fake Bills
That's just utterly idiotic. Look at the two pieces of writing, they are the same, by the same person. A child could see that and they could also see in the first one that more than one person wrote part of it, the top part versus the bottom part. You are so far from grasping at straws that you can't even see the Dairy Queen on the horizon anymore.

Even if it is his signature, what crime is it to sign a yearbook? It means nothing. Nothing at all. It's the fact she added the date to make it appear to bolster her story. The date is crucial to her fairy tale to prove she quit the day after.

She's toast.
How many 30 year old non relatives sign teenage yearbooks you child molester sympathizer?

He had signed her yearbook 2 months ago. And she isn't a 14 yearsold. She is an old lady that even her son doesn't believe her story.
She didn't forge the date, the handwriting where is clearly different from her and Moore's.

So who wrote it?

Who wrote the note? Well it looks like Moore's handwriting.
Even if you think it was his handwriting, it is idiotic to maintain that it is some sort of evidence on malfeasance.

Hasn't anyone ever asked to sign your yearbook?
The evidence is he is lying when he says he never met her, which he obviously did.
Actually you are lying.

Moore said that he presided over her divorce case, jackass. He did not say that he never met her.

Funny, Moore seemed to have lied about presiding over her divorce case too.

Roy Moore’s Evidence Against Accuser Was Wrong
Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.
No, they are different signatures. One has his assistant's abbreviations at the end.

Counterfeit Money: How to Spot Fake Bills
That's just utterly idiotic. Look at the two pieces of writing, they are the same, by the same person. A child could see that and they could also see in the first one that more than one person wrote part of it, the top part versus the bottom part. You are so far from grasping at straws that you can't even see the Dairy Queen on the horizon anymore.

Even if it is his signature, what crime is it to sign a yearbook? It means nothing. Nothing at all. It's the fact she added the date to make it appear to bolster her story. The date is crucial to her fairy tale to prove she quit the day after.

She's toast.
How many 30 year old non relatives sign teenage yearbooks you child molester sympathizer?

He had signed her yearbook 2 months ago. And she isn't a 14 yearsold. She is an old lady that even her son doesn't believe her story.
Why would this pervert sign an old woman’s yearbook? You Trump cultists just get more insane by the minute.
The answer to the question is simple. Have the yearbook examined by experts. But Allred won’t allow it. Why? Because her case would be dead if the truth came out, obviously.

Allred wants an investigation to go along with any forensic examination, why isn't Moore interested in that?
If he is going to sue her, he has to testify under oath. And he is ready to take her to court. Allred is the one that is backing down. But now since the accuser has admitted altering the inscriptions in the yearbook, that shows to the court, that it is proven that she is a manipulating liar. And so her testimony must be backed up with evidence. Her integrity is shot. That nasty heifer doesn't knows how many real victims has been stained by her lies. Now everytime when a woman says that she has been victimized, that nobody will believe her. I guessed that this was a set up by the Clintons. Bill Clinton probably will be having more victims from all across the globe, coming up accusing him of rape. Now since that woman stained other accusers names, that they will be afraid to step up to the plate. Knowing that nobody will believe them. Nice trick that the Clintons had done.

Allred is backing down? When is Moore going to sue, cuz he hasn't even filed a case in court yet, what is he waiting for?
That is why that they had to bring out the truth. It is because Senator Moore was going to take it to court. And so they better clean up the mess.

Roy Moore says he will file lawsuit against The Washington Post
What possible reason is there for Allred to refuse to let experts examine the book? The only reason is that she doesn’t want it to be known it’s fake. There is no other logical reason.
The answer to the question is simple. Have the yearbook examined by experts. But Allred won’t allow it. Why? Because her case would be dead if the truth came out, obviously.

Allred wants an investigation to go along with any forensic examination, why isn't Moore interested in that?
If he is going to sue her, he has to testify under oath. And he is ready to take her to court. Allred is the one that is backing down. But now since the accuser has admitted altering the inscriptions in the yearbook, that shows to the court, that it is proven that she is a manipulating liar. And so her testimony must be backed up with evidence. Her integrity is shot. That nasty heifer doesn't knows how many real victims has been stained by her lies. Now everytime when a woman says that she has been victimized, that nobody will believe her. I guessed that this was a set up by the Clintons. Bill Clinton probably will be having more victims from all across the globe, coming up accusing him of rape. Now since that woman stained other accusers names, that they will be afraid to step up to the plate. Knowing that nobody will believe them. Nice trick that the Clintons had done.

Allred is backing down? When is Moore going to sue, cuz he hasn't even filed a case in court yet, what is he waiting for?
That is why that they had to bring out the truth. It is because Senator Moore was going to take it to court. And so they better clean up the mess.

Roy Moore says he will file lawsuit against The Washington Post

Where is the lawsuit again? As of now it doesn't exist.
Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.

How do you reconcile the fact that the woman has admitted she "modified" the yearbook by adding the date? She has now admitted to criminal wrongdoing, and in a Court of Law that is tantamount to perjury.
So what, she wrote the damn date down. That changes nothing. It's still his handwriting and still him claiming that he never knew her. Are all of you completely brain dead?

Just another day in the rednecks deplorables world. This happens all the time in small towns in the south, give them youngins.
So who wrote it?

Who wrote the note? Well it looks like Moore's handwriting.
Even if you think it was his handwriting, it is idiotic to maintain that it is some sort of evidence on malfeasance.

Hasn't anyone ever asked to sign your yearbook?
The evidence is he is lying when he says he never met her, which he obviously did.
Actually you are lying.

Moore said that he presided over her divorce case, jackass. He did not say that he never met her.

Funny, Moore seemed to have lied about presiding over her divorce case too.

Roy Moore’s Evidence Against Accuser Was Wrong
the racists in Alabama sees this child sex offender as the salt of the earth. In reality he’s the scum of the earth. No wonder DEPLORABLES are attracted to him.
Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.

How do you reconcile the fact that the woman has admitted she "modified" the yearbook by adding the date? She has now admitted to criminal wrongdoing, and in a Court of Law that is tantamount to perjury.
So what, she wrote the damn date down. That changes nothing. It's still his handwriting and still him claiming that he never knew her. Are all of you completely brain dead?

Just another day in the rednecks deplorables world. This happens all the time in small towns in the south, give them youngins.

You are a butthurt liar.
Who wrote the note? Well it looks like Moore's handwriting.
Even if you think it was his handwriting, it is idiotic to maintain that it is some sort of evidence on malfeasance.

Hasn't anyone ever asked to sign your yearbook?
The evidence is he is lying when he says he never met her, which he obviously did.
Actually you are lying.

Moore said that he presided over her divorce case, jackass. He did not say that he never met her.

Funny, Moore seemed to have lied about presiding over her divorce case too.

Roy Moore’s Evidence Against Accuser Was Wrong
the racists in Alabama sees this child sex offender as the salt of the earth. In reality he’s the scum of the earth. No wonder DEPLORABLES are attracted to him.

This is why you morons lost and will lose. America is tired of your lies and childishness.
So who wrote it?

Who wrote the note? Well it looks like Moore's handwriting.
Even if you think it was his handwriting, it is idiotic to maintain that it is some sort of evidence on malfeasance.

Hasn't anyone ever asked to sign your yearbook?
The evidence is he is lying when he says he never met her, which he obviously did.
Actually you are lying.

Moore said that he presided over her divorce case, jackass. He did not say that he never met her.

Funny, Moore seemed to have lied about presiding over her divorce case too.

Roy Moore’s Evidence Against Accuser Was Wrong
Your farticle is a ridiculous anonymous source.

No Name. No Date.
Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.

How do you reconcile the fact that the woman has admitted she "modified" the yearbook by adding the date? She has now admitted to criminal wrongdoing, and in a Court of Law that is tantamount to perjury.
So what, she wrote the damn date down. That changes nothing. It's still his handwriting and still him claiming that he never knew her. Are all of you completely brain dead?

Just another day in the rednecks deplorables world. This happens all the time in small towns in the south, give them youngins.

You are a butthurt liar.

Am I dick breath? Do you live in a small town in the deep south? If you do you're blind.

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