Roy Moore’s Wife Forged Old Letter to Show 50 Pastors Support Him

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Hitting the swamp between the eyes? More like the swamp is getting more and nastier critters if AL elects Moore
There are a lot of swamp creatures that mistreat women. This phony 40 year old attack on Moore is already helping to drain the swamp...Al Franken is just the first swamp pervert to be exposed there will be more. Democrats have to learn that when they do their dirty tricks it will always come back to them. Because they are dirtier than anyone.
And here's hoping that Al Franken gets what he deserves......good to see you agree that all Sexual Harassers/Abusers/Predators get what's coming to them.

No problem. I am all for those who did wrong being punished accordingly.
Actually, the forgery is part of the kid touching story. It's trying to show that people still support Moore, when in fact, they no longer do.

And.................sorry..................but she DID post an altered letter, and yeah, that is forgery
Get back to me when something...anything gets proven...okay? We do not run this nation on speculation and dirty political surprises...if that's your game you are on the losing end of our society...not up front making things better along side of the winners.
Actually, the forgery is part of the kid touching story. It's trying to show that people still support Moore, when in fact, they no longer do.

And.................sorry..................but she DID post an altered letter, and yeah, that is forgery
Get back to me when something...anything gets proven...okay? We do not run this nation on speculation and dirty political surprises...if that's your game you are on the losing end of our society...not up front making things better along side of the winners.
^ Flailing now.
this election is Alabama's BIG CHANCE to show America they will no longer be owned by false prophets for profit. :eusa_pray:

Analysis | Sen. Doug Jones? It could happen.

Or America's chance to show the world the world it can be stupid enough to be suckered into altering its politics, based on a political hit job using brand new claims, 1 month before an election (strike 1), of stuff from 39 years ago (strike 2), without the presentation of a shred of evidence (strike 3). Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
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  • #45
Actually, the forgery is part of the kid touching story. It's trying to show that people still support Moore, when in fact, they no longer do.

And.................sorry..................but she DID post an altered letter, and yeah, that is forgery
Get back to me when something...anything gets proven...okay? We do not run this nation on speculation and dirty political surprises...if that's your game you are on the losing end of our society...not up front making things better along side of the winners.

Funny, that never stopped republicans. But you go ahead and keep chanting "Unsubstantiated!" and see if it helps.
Wake me up when these stand by your man white mops actually do something news worthy, like leave these jerks.
Actually, you need to get more sleep.

Funny, that never stopped republicans. But you go ahead and keep chanting "Unsubstantiated!" and see if it helps.
Why wouldn't/shouldn't it help ? That's our system. Burden of proof on the accuser. Presumption of innocence, unless proven guilty.

And yes it HAS stopped Republicans - numerous times. :biggrin:
I wonder if that includes all the right wing Christian pastors who call publicly for the murder of millions of US gays?
Here's a few:
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech
Have never heard of that before. Fake new ?
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How interesting. But like many other anti-Moore things being tossed around, it still doesn't present a shred of evidence of Ray Moore being guilty of these off-the-wall accusations. If these are to be taken seriously, we better all start looking over our shoulders.

It shows desperation coming from the Moore camp. Having lived in Alabama during much of Moore's time there, I don't think he is fit to serve in the US Senate. Someone there needs to, at the very least, respect the US Constitution he swore an oath to uphold.

And I won't need to look over my shoulder at all. Perhaps you will?
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It does expose them as LIARS!!!
Get it???
It does not expose Roy Moore as a liar, nor does it present a shred of evidence of Ray Moore being guilty of these off-the-wall accusations. Get it ?

Ol' Roy has already shown himself to be a liar. And the worst kind of liar.

He put his hand on the Bible and swore and oath. He later broke that oath.
When he was sworn in a second time, he swore the same oath. And he broke that oath again. Both times he swore to uphold the US Constitution and the laws of the US and of Alabama.
You know, there is a huge difference between what Franken did and what Moore did.

Franken groped a full grown woman while she was asleep and took a photo of it while touring as a comedian. Not gonna excuse what he did because it was crass and stupid, but crap like that happens in show business. And, Franken has already apologized.

Moore on the other hand is alleged to have stripped a 14 year old girl down to her underwear while he did the same, and placed her hand on his erection while she was trying to tell him no. Moore has yet to apologize.
You know, there is a huge difference between what Franken did and what Moore did.

Franken groped a full grown woman while she was asleep and took a photo of it while touring as a comedian. Not gonna excuse what he did because it was crass and stupid, but crap like that happens in show business. And, Franken has already apologized.

Moore on the other hand is alleged to have stripped a 14 year old girl down to her underwear while he did the same, and placed her hand on his erection while she was trying to tell him no. Moore has yet to apologize.
Here comes the excuses for democrats sexually harassing. ^^^^

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