Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Anybody with half a brain knows the Dems cheated. Don't be blinded by party lines. And sure both the Democrypyts and Repulicons have been doing this for a long time. What about the entities that were running for Pres that you didn't even here about. LIke the Constitutional party and the Libertarian party. They don't even get a chance because of all the cheating. So use some common sense.
There is a massive flaw in your argument. You don’t see it. So let me explain it to you please. JoeB doesn’t have half a brain. Quarter at best. I find it odd that 25mil more voted but the libertarian candidate received 3 mil fewer votes. Hmmmm.....
We all know it was a fake election but with zero state cooperation, zero FBI help and zero media
There is not enough time

The FBI is part of it and should be shut down or atleast cleaned out of corruption. They are not doing their job.

Trumpy bear told you that?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

If Biden lost, what did Hillary say? Do not concede. Don't you think Biden would be doing the same thing? It was going to happen either way because now the cheating as been brought to our minds. Most people never thought of this. But another reason I don't vote because I knew this a long time ago and I won't waste my time.

Hillary? I thought Biden ran.

Hillary ran in 2016. She conceeded THE NEXT DAY after election, even though she had qualms.

What Trump is doing is pathetic and so are you for going along with this clown show. He loves himself above all else.
She conceded out of fear of further exposure for her dasturdly deeds.
Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Anybody with half a brain knows the Dems cheated. Don't be blinded by party lines. And sure both the Democrypyts and Repulicons have been doing this for a long time. What about the entities that were running for Pres that you didn't even here about. LIke the Constitutional party and the Libertarian party. They don't even get a chance because of all the cheating. So use some common sense.
There is a massive flaw in your argument. You don’t see it. So let me explain it to you please. JoeB doesn’t have half a brain. Quarter at best. I find it odd that 25mil more voted but the libertarian candidate received 3 mil fewer votes. Hmmmm.....
We all know it was a fake election but with zero state cooperation, zero FBI help and zero media
There is not enough time

The FBI is part of it and should be shut down or atleast cleaned out of corruption. They are not doing their job.

Trumpy bear told you that?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

If Biden lost, what did Hillary say? Do not concede. Don't you think Biden would be doing the same thing? It was going to happen either way because now the cheating as been brought to our minds. Most people never thought of this. But another reason I don't vote because I knew this a long time ago and I won't waste my time.

Hillary? I thought Biden ran.

Hillary ran in 2016. She conceeded THE NEXT DAY after election, even though she had qualms.

What Trump is doing is pathetic and so are you for going along with this clown show. He loves himself above all else.
Yes, she conceeded the NEXT Day but why ? because Trump did do a Hold-Up like Hiden did that why.

Your awesome Dalia! Thanks for being you!:re:
Hillary had no illegal voting fraud ??’
Trump may have had millions of votes shift
I think we conservatives have lost the war !!
Big tech and Big media is too powerful
We lost one battle but not the war.
I have to say war because Biden will flood in millions of more 5th World bums who will all vote blue
I think it’s game over
Everything seem to had been prepared in avance when Trump was doing very well the vote count stop to make Hiden win the election this is pretty disgusting never think they will have go this far.
Where do you think Covid-19 came from ? It came from the Chinese who is presently moving around the world in a strategic attempt to position themselves for the coming conflicts....... Yeah they will go to the extreme, and they have proven it in their rehtoric, and now possibly their actions, and in their loyalties.

And now the Chinese are having fun without lockdowns. How ironic.:D
Hillary had no illegal voting fraud ??’
Trump may have had millions of votes shift

Actually there were a few that went to jail for stuffing votes for Hillary. She was so bad, even cheating didn't get her in. The Dems perfected the art the last 4 years. Why do you think Biden didn't even have to do anything. Because he knew the fix was in and he would win no matter what he does.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.
I think we conservatives have lost the war !!
Big tech and Big media is too powerful
We lost one battle but not the war.
I have to say war because Biden will flood in millions of more 5th World bums who will all vote blue
I think it’s game over
Everything seem to had been prepared in avance when Trump was doing very well the vote count stop to make Hiden win the election this is pretty disgusting never think they will have go this far.
Where do you think Covid-19 came from ? It came from the Chinese who is presently moving around the world in a strategic attempt to position themselves for the coming conflicts....... Yeah they will go to the extreme, and they have proven it in their rehtoric, and now possibly their actions, and in their loyalties.

And now the Chinese are having fun without lockdowns. How ironic.:D
I think we conservatives have lost the war !!
Big tech and Big media is too powerful
We lost one battle but not the war.
I have to say war because Biden will flood in millions of more 5th World bums who will all vote blue
I think it’s game over
Everything seem to had been prepared in avance when Trump was doing very well the vote count stop to make Hiden win the election this is pretty disgusting never think they will have go this far.
Where do you think Covid-19 came from ? It came from the Chinese who is presently moving around the world in a strategic attempt to position themselves for the coming conflicts....... Yeah they will go to the extreme, and they have proven it in their rehtoric, and now possibly their actions, and in their loyalties.

And now the Chinese are having fun without lockdowns. How ironic.:D
They probably had a vaccine the whole time. We ought to offer up a reward for any information coming out of China to it's defecting citizen's for whom with the truth in their hands they can be proven as trustworthy.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

I think anybody who loves their country can see this brother. Look at the truckers now locking down. IF Biden comes out with the win which I think he won't. The truckers are going to fight back and not deliver goods and Biden will have the worse economy ever on top of his policies.
I think we conservatives have lost the war !!
Big tech and Big media is too powerful
We lost one battle but not the war.
I have to say war because Biden will flood in millions of more 5th World bums who will all vote blue
I think it’s game over
Everything seem to had been prepared in avance when Trump was doing very well the vote count stop to make Hiden win the election this is pretty disgusting never think they will have go this far.
Where do you think Covid-19 came from ? It came from the Chinese who is presently moving around the world in a strategic attempt to position themselves for the coming conflicts....... Yeah they will go to the extreme, and they have proven it in their rehtoric, and now possibly their actions, and in their loyalties.

And now the Chinese are having fun without lockdowns. How ironic.:D
I think we conservatives have lost the war !!
Big tech and Big media is too powerful
We lost one battle but not the war.
I have to say war because Biden will flood in millions of more 5th World bums who will all vote blue
I think it’s game over
Everything seem to had been prepared in avance when Trump was doing very well the vote count stop to make Hiden win the election this is pretty disgusting never think they will have go this far.
Where do you think Covid-19 came from ? It came from the Chinese who is presently moving around the world in a strategic attempt to position themselves for the coming conflicts....... Yeah they will go to the extreme, and they have proven it in their rehtoric, and now possibly their actions, and in their loyalties.

And now the Chinese are having fun without lockdowns. How ironic.:D
They probably had a vaccine the whole time. We ought to offer up a reward for any information coming out of China to it's defecting citizen's for whom with the truth in their hands they can be proven as trustworthy.

In actuallity from my sources, they say they had the vaccine ready for awhile. They are just making it look like. All illusions. Smoke and mirrors.
Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Anybody with half a brain knows the Dems cheated. Don't be blinded by party lines. And sure both the Democrypyts and Repulicons have been doing this for a long time. What about the entities that were running for Pres that you didn't even here about. LIke the Constitutional party and the Libertarian party. They don't even get a chance because of all the cheating. So use some common sense.
There is a massive flaw in your argument. You don’t see it. So let me explain it to you please. JoeB doesn’t have half a brain. Quarter at best. I find it odd that 25mil more voted but the libertarian candidate received 3 mil fewer votes. Hmmmm.....
We all know it was a fake election but with zero state cooperation, zero FBI help and zero media
There is not enough time

The FBI is part of it and should be shut down or atleast cleaned out of corruption. They are not doing their job.

Trumpy bear told you that?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

If Biden lost, what did Hillary say? Do not concede. Don't you think Biden would be doing the same thing? It was going to happen either way because now the cheating as been brought to our minds. Most people never thought of this. But another reason I don't vote because I knew this a long time ago and I won't waste my time.

Hillary? I thought Biden ran.

Hillary ran in 2016. She conceeded THE NEXT DAY after election, even though she had qualms.

What Trump is doing is pathetic and so are you for going along with this clown show. He loves himself above all else.
She conceded out of fear of further exposure for her dasturdly deeds.

No moron, she conceeded, with some presure from Obama, because they PUT COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE FIRST. They respect certain ideals like peaceful transfer of power that is at the very foundation of our governance.

This is a concept foreign to self-absorbed daytrader like Trump. He doesn't give any shit about the long term damage he is inflicting on America. All he cares about is how to capitalize on your gullibility and not EVER having to admit that he is a loser.
Last edited:

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

I think anybody who loves their country can see this brother. Look at the truckers now locking down. IF Biden comes out with the win which I think he won't. The truckers are going to fight back and not deliver goods and Biden will have the worse economy ever on top of his policies.
Bribens pandering and mental condition will cause this nation alot of pain for sure. The nation will be like a rutterless ship adrift in a sea of sharks awaiting their soon to be meals.
Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Anybody with half a brain knows the Dems cheated. Don't be blinded by party lines. And sure both the Democrypyts and Repulicons have been doing this for a long time. What about the entities that were running for Pres that you didn't even here about. LIke the Constitutional party and the Libertarian party. They don't even get a chance because of all the cheating. So use some common sense.
There is a massive flaw in your argument. You don’t see it. So let me explain it to you please. JoeB doesn’t have half a brain. Quarter at best. I find it odd that 25mil more voted but the libertarian candidate received 3 mil fewer votes. Hmmmm.....
We all know it was a fake election but with zero state cooperation, zero FBI help and zero media
There is not enough time

The FBI is part of it and should be shut down or atleast cleaned out of corruption. They are not doing their job.

Trumpy bear told you that?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

If Biden lost, what did Hillary say? Do not concede. Don't you think Biden would be doing the same thing? It was going to happen either way because now the cheating as been brought to our minds. Most people never thought of this. But another reason I don't vote because I knew this a long time ago and I won't waste my time.

Hillary? I thought Biden ran.

Hillary ran in 2016. She conceeded THE NEXT DAY after election, even though she had qualms.

What Trump is doing is pathetic and so are you for going along with this clown show. He loves himself above all else.
She conceded out of fear of further exposure for her dasturdly deeds.

No moron, she conceeded, with some presure from Obama, because they PUT COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE BEFORE THEMSELF.

A concept foreign to self-absorbed daytrader like Trump. He doesn't give any shit about the long term damage he is inflicting on America.

She told Biden not to concede. I am not talking about last election.
Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Anybody with half a brain knows the Dems cheated. Don't be blinded by party lines. And sure both the Democrypyts and Repulicons have been doing this for a long time. What about the entities that were running for Pres that you didn't even here about. LIke the Constitutional party and the Libertarian party. They don't even get a chance because of all the cheating. So use some common sense.
There is a massive flaw in your argument. You don’t see it. So let me explain it to you please. JoeB doesn’t have half a brain. Quarter at best. I find it odd that 25mil more voted but the libertarian candidate received 3 mil fewer votes. Hmmmm.....
We all know it was a fake election but with zero state cooperation, zero FBI help and zero media
There is not enough time

The FBI is part of it and should be shut down or atleast cleaned out of corruption. They are not doing their job.

Trumpy bear told you that?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

If Biden lost, what did Hillary say? Do not concede. Don't you think Biden would be doing the same thing? It was going to happen either way because now the cheating as been brought to our minds. Most people never thought of this. But another reason I don't vote because I knew this a long time ago and I won't waste my time.

Hillary? I thought Biden ran.

Hillary ran in 2016. She conceeded THE NEXT DAY after election, even though she had qualms.

What Trump is doing is pathetic and so are you for going along with this clown show. He loves himself above all else.
She conceded out of fear of further exposure for her dasturdly deeds.

No moron, she conceeded, with some presure from Obama, because they PUT COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE BEFORE THEMSELF.

A concept foreign to self-absorbed daytrader like Trump. He doesn't give any shit about the long term damage he is inflicting on America.
Bullcrap and you know it.
Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Anybody with half a brain knows the Dems cheated. Don't be blinded by party lines. And sure both the Democrypyts and Repulicons have been doing this for a long time. What about the entities that were running for Pres that you didn't even here about. LIke the Constitutional party and the Libertarian party. They don't even get a chance because of all the cheating. So use some common sense.
There is a massive flaw in your argument. You don’t see it. So let me explain it to you please. JoeB doesn’t have half a brain. Quarter at best. I find it odd that 25mil more voted but the libertarian candidate received 3 mil fewer votes. Hmmmm.....
We all know it was a fake election but with zero state cooperation, zero FBI help and zero media
There is not enough time

The FBI is part of it and should be shut down or atleast cleaned out of corruption. They are not doing their job.

Trumpy bear told you that?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

If Biden lost, what did Hillary say? Do not concede. Don't you think Biden would be doing the same thing? It was going to happen either way because now the cheating as been brought to our minds. Most people never thought of this. But another reason I don't vote because I knew this a long time ago and I won't waste my time.

Hillary? I thought Biden ran.

Hillary ran in 2016. She conceeded THE NEXT DAY after election, even though she had qualms.

What Trump is doing is pathetic and so are you for going along with this clown show. He loves himself above all else.
She conceded out of fear of further exposure for her dasturdly deeds.

No moron, she conceeded, with some presure from Obama, because they PUT COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE FIRST. They respect certain ideals like peaceful transfer of power that is at the very foundation of our governance.

This is a concept foreign to self-absorbed daytrader like Trump. He doesn't give any shit about the long term damage he is inflicting on America.


Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

You show me a serious indictment (not even conviction) for bribery you claim and we'll have something to talk about. Right now you are just posting baseless bullshit.

It's easy to run your mouth, PROVE IT.

Trumps and his people keep running their mouth about supposedly huge election fraud, but get LAUGHED out of courts, because their claims are without any legal merrit. Does it register with you dupes? Nope not one bit, you belive whatever the fuck you want to.
Last edited:

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

You show me a serious indictment (not even conviction) for bribery charges you claim and we'll have something to talk about. Right now you are just posting baseless bullshit.

It's easy to run your mouth, PROVE IT.

Trumps and his people keep running their mouth about supposedly huge election fraud, but get LAUGHED out of courts, because their claims are without any legal merrit.
Show you ??? It came straight from the dumb aces mouth. Show you ???? Rotflmbo.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

You show me a serious indictment (not even conviction) for bribery you claim and we'll have something to talk about. Right now you are just posting baseless bullshit.

It's easy to run your mouth, PROVE IT.

Trumps and his people keep running their mouth about supposedly huge election fraud, but get LAUGHED out of courts, because their claims are without any legal merrit. Does it register with you dupes? Nope not one bit, you belive whatever the fuck you want to.

Your daddy Biden is going to Guantanamo face it.:D

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

You show me a serious indictment (not even conviction) for bribery you claim and we'll have something to talk about. Right now you are just posting baseless bullshit.

It's easy to run your mouth, PROVE IT.

Trumps and his people keep running their mouth about supposedly huge election fraud, but get LAUGHED out of courts, because their claims are without any legal merrit. Does it register with you dupes? Nope not one bit, you belive whatever the fuck you want to.

Your daddy Biden is going to Guantanamo face it.:D

Guantanamo?...are you on drugs?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

If you care about your country you don't claim American election results can't be trusted without DAMN GOOD EVIDENCE you can take to court.

If you love your country you don't spread self serving bullshit, you conceed a loss at the ballot box and you facilitate peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.
If you love your country, you don't elect a man like Briben and his Affirmative action pick to the offices of the Presidency, and you sure as hell don't concede to them after knowing what we know about their ideas and positions to be taken against the majority of citizen's in this nation.

You show me a serious indictment (not even conviction) for bribery you claim and we'll have something to talk about. Right now you are just posting baseless bullshit.

It's easy to run your mouth, PROVE IT.

Trumps and his people keep running their mouth about supposedly huge election fraud, but get LAUGHED out of courts, because their claims are without any legal merrit. Does it register with you dupes? Nope not one bit, you belive whatever the fuck you want to.


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