Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Being that I own a landscaping and irrigation buisness and the majority of my workers are Latino, I can tell you they can communicate, they will straight up tell you they do not know what the Cubans are saying and vice versa.
Communicate and conversation are two different things.

Way to start name calling! That didnt take long.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand...another troll thread from Batshit Boy the racist. How creative...........

Bulls-eye... ya nailed it... wish I could still Pos-Rep ya for that one...

Being that I own a landscaping and irrigation buisness and the majority of my workers are Latino, I can tell you they can communicate, they will straight up tell you they do not know what the Cubans are saying and vice versa...

"Being" that I have taught thousands and thousands of Spanish speakers from every Spanish-speaking country on earth and have had every combination in the same room at the same time, and "being" that my training is in Linguistics, I can tell you that you are wrong. You may not understand what any of them are saying, and that makes it much easier to latch onto silly exaggerations.
I am repeating what they tell me.

Working people telling me what they are saying. Ill take that.
Yeah, the nation is slowly running out of angry white guys. However, with the last census showing a higher birthrate of Muslims, the angry white guys will be replaced with angry Muslims; generations after that, it'll probably be angry black guys.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.
yea like the Latinos who take over wont have any bigotry.....dont be as stupid as Guno is...
NO however, if you knew anything about the 'latino" culture you would know if you put a person from Cuba, puerto rico, mexico, argentina, peru and el salvador and Spain in a room together they would not know what each other are saying. While they do speak "spainish" the mexican dialect is not the same as Cuban or argentinian or honduran.

I can understand a Mexican while a Cuban I am almost clueless to what they are saying.

It is similiar to someone from America, say a cajun, Scotland, Jamaica and austrailia.

The spainish variants vary wildly depending on the country.
Sammy i dont know how true that is......where i am at....its mostly Mexican but there are handful of guys from different parts of Central and South America....none of these guys have problems communicating in Spanish.....its like you said....just a slightly different accent....but they know what they are saying.....same thing with the guys i worked Argentinian who spoke to all the Mexican guys....a guy from problems understanding each other....
I am repeating what they tell me.

Working people telling me what they are saying. Ill take that.
Sam....lots of the Mexicans act like they dont understand English when white people are around,but they understand it,they like to hear the white people try to communicate.....especially when they start doing the they get a kick out of that....
As long as Fox News continues to get ratings by getting old white guys, without college educations, who attend church once a week, ......

Which of those descriptions are you suggesting is negative? All of them? And since that network all the liberals seem obsessed with is only for the target of Batshit Boy's racism, who is watching? Must be a lot of somebody to remain top in the ratings year after year.
I'm not suggesting any of what you call "descriptions" are negative.

I'm merely referring to Fox, and the GOP's strongest demographic.
Yeah, the nation is slowly running out of angry white guys. However, with the last census showing a higher birthrate of Muslims, the angry white guys will be replaced with angry Muslims; generations after that, it'll probably be angry black guys.

Fixed it for you, to read:

a fellow random USMB shadow said:
Yeah, the nation is slowly running out of angry white guys. However, with the last census showing a higher birthrate of Muslims, the angry white guys will be replaced with angry Muslims. And there won't be any generations after that, because the goddamned Muslims will have long since set the world ablaze in nuclear fire.

As long as Fox News continues to get ratings by getting old white guys, without college educations, who attend church once a week, ......

Which of those descriptions are you suggesting is negative? All of them? And since that network all the liberals seem obsessed with is only for the target of Batshit Boy's racism, who is watching? Must be a lot of somebody to remain top in the ratings year after year.
I'm not suggesting any of what you call "descriptions" are negative.

I'm merely referring to Fox, and the GOP's strongest demographic.

No you're not; you're "merely" being a partisan douche.
As long as Fox News continues to get ratings by getting old white guys, without college educations, who attend church once a week, ......

Which of those descriptions are you suggesting is negative? All of them? And since that network all the liberals seem obsessed with is only for the target of Batshit Boy's racism, who is watching? Must be a lot of somebody to remain top in the ratings year after year.
I'm not suggesting any of what you call "descriptions" are negative.

I'm merely referring to Fox, and the GOP's strongest demographic.

No you're not; you're "merely" being a partisan douche.
There is nothing wrong with being white, over 60, attending church once a week, and not having a college degree. I fit that demographic except I'm only 50.

Sites like this are great to vent your political frustrations, so you don't have to have exchanges like you're looking for with family, friends, and coworkers.

You seem quite angry, and looking for a fight that I haven't provoked. There is no reason to be defensive about what I've said.

I am curious if you think the demographic I've referenced is being picked on, or if you are part of it. And given your previous uncalled for reaction, I want t be clear that's a question, not an insult

Fox News and the GOP are trying to cultivate anger these days to keep righty voters fired up...using of course stories about how Obama loves Muslims, and Ebola, and those stories about cute young white girls missing, or being killed by black men.

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