Running Out Of Angry White Guys

I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

You can't just say "hey race isn't a factor" and it is so. The fact is you are lying when you claim that race doesn't play a part in why blacks perform so poorly in EVERY metric when compared to other races.

EVERY metric. And what is the common denominator? Please say poverty, so I can provide you links to countless wealthy blacks who are thugs and criminals. They just dress nicer than their ghetto counterparts.
More unsupported conclusions about that data.

The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country

Oh really? The Jews would beg to differ, they seem to be doing fairly well for the most part, are Jews six times more likely to be criminals than non Jews (bankers excepted?)

As but one example.
You can't really compare Jews and Blacks. About the only similarity is they are both minorities that have suffered from prejudice and discrimination. In America, Blacks lived in slavery and the aftermath for hundreds of years. Jews of the other hand, were free, owned slaves, and were some of the richest men in America.

The Jews weren't slaves?

How ridiculous.

Here's a more fair statement. It's nor fair that any dumb ass blame slavery for the condition ANY black person is in today. NO ONE who is alive today was ever a slave.

It's saddens me that blacks who don't even know the history of slavery are blaming that slavery on their predicament. They are in the condition they are in because of themselves. PERIOD
Its sad that simple minded people like you actually have the right to carry a BB gun. Its a wonder you havent put your eye out.
No other immigrant group were stripped of their family units, and selectivelly bread to be docile and physically strong.

Yes, America is a weird country. We have so many black men in prison because we've outlawed docility in men.

Whenever people think of African Americans docility comes immediately to mind.
I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

You can't just say "hey race isn't a factor" and it is so. The fact is you are lying when you claim that race doesn't play a part in why blacks perform so poorly in EVERY metric when compared to other races.

EVERY metric. And what is the common denominator? Please say poverty, so I can provide you links to countless wealthy blacks who are thugs and criminals. They just dress nicer than their ghetto counterparts.
More unsupported conclusions about that data.

The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country

Oh really? The Jews would beg to differ, they seem to be doing fairly well for the most part, are Jews six times more likely to be criminals than non Jews (bankers excepted?)

As but one example.
You can't really compare Jews and Blacks. About the only similarity is they are both minorities that have suffered from prejudice and discrimination. In America, Blacks lived in slavery and the aftermath for hundreds of years. Jews of the other hand, were free, owned slaves, and were some of the richest men in America.

The Jews weren't slaves?

How ridiculous.

Here's a more fair statement. It's nor fair that any dumb ass blame slavery for the condition ANY black person is in today. NO ONE who is alive today was ever a slave.

It's saddens me that blacks who don't even know the history of slavery are blaming that slavery on their predicament. They are in the condition they are in because of themselves. PERIOD
It's what followed slavery which had the biggest impact on the black race in America. The freeing of the slaves just gave way to a new form of slavery.

All-white state legislatures passed "black codes" designed to force freed blacks to work on plantations, where they would be put to work in gangs. These codes denied blacks the right to purchase or even rent land. Vagrancy laws allowed authorities to arrest blacks "in idleness" and assign them to a chain gang or auction them off to a planter for as long as a year. Other statutes required blacks to have written proof of employment and barred blacks from leaving plantations. The Freedmen's Bureau, ostensibly designed to aid former slaves, helped to enforce laws against vagrancy and loitering and refused to allow ex-slaves to keep land that they had occupied during the war. One black army veteran asked rhetorically: "If you call this Freedom, what did you call Slavery?"

The black codes gave way to the Jim Crow laws in the 1870's and sharecropping throughout the South which became the new slavery. The Jim Crow laws deprived blacks of most of the civil rights enjoyed by whites in the South and the sharecropping system guaranteed that most blacks would remain at the bottom of the economic ladder. The liberation of blacks didn't really begin until after WWII.

In the second half of 20th century, blacks were making progress economically in the white collar labor market but it wasn't fast enough to overcome the shrinking market for unskilled and semi-skilled labor which blacks still dominated in many parts of the country. As the trend accelerated, black family income began to fall and with it many black communities.

It's funny how you never attack those ANGRY BLACKS! Oh, the ones that KILL twice as many whites every fucking year and blame everything on whites.

These mother fuckers are truly racist!!!

Weird how whites wanting to keep our laws and ability to make a living makes us angry.
It's funny how you never attack those ANGRY BLACKS! Oh, the ones that KILL twice as many whites every fucking year and blame everything on whites.

These mother fuckers are truly racist!!!

Weird how whites wanting to keep our laws and ability to make a living makes us angry.
Stop whining like a little bitch. You are making my head hurt.
Asclepias post: 9944452 said:
It's funny how you never attack those ANGRY BLACKS! Oh, the ones that KILL twice as many whites every fucking year and blame everything on whites.

These mother fuckers are truly racist!!!

Weird how whites wanting to keep our laws and ability to make a living makes us angry.
Stop whining like a little bitch. You are making my head hurt.
Copping out again i see. Mathew raises a good point. In fact, it was such a good point that you couldnt produce an effective rebuttal. Obviously that means you agree with Mathew, but you dont have the integrity to be honest about it. This was a clear win for Mathew.

Nice work Matt.
Asclepias post: 9944452 said:
It's funny how you never attack those ANGRY BLACKS! Oh, the ones that KILL twice as many whites every fucking year and blame everything on whites.

These mother fuckers are truly racist!!!

Weird how whites wanting to keep our laws and ability to make a living makes us angry.
Stop whining like a little bitch. You are making my head hurt.
Copping out again i see. Mathew raises a good point. In fact, it was such a good point that you couldnt produce an effective rebuttal. Obviously that means you agree with Mathew, but you dont have the integrity to be honest about it. This was a clear win for Mathew.

Nice work Matt.
What a stupid ass post. :lol:

What did he raise except his estrogen levels with that post? He couldnt make a point if someone gave him a pencil sharpener and a 2 day head start. You and him both are angry because other people are slowly getting opportunites which makes your lives look even more desolate and bleak. You see before you were able to say "I may be poor and live in a trailer park but at least Im not Black". Now you have to deal with Blacks like me that make more money, live a better lifestyle than you and will beat your ass if you get disrespectful and sleep with as many white women as possible since they are out there hunting us down. I know its frustrating for you but you will just need to learn how to deal with it.
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Still copping out i see. Mathew really backed you into a corner.
He may have molested and traumatized you but he couldnt back me into a corner if his welfare check depended on it.
If that was true, you would have had an intelligent response to what he said. All you provided were weak deflections. You lose.
He may have molested and traumatized you but he couldnt back me into a corner if his welfare check depended on it.
If that was true, you would have had an intelligent response to what he said. All you provided were weak deflections. You lose.
You cant give an intelligent response to a retarded thought. All you can do is make fun of it like I do to you frequently.
It's funny how you never attack those ANGRY BLACKS! Oh, the ones that KILL twice as many whites every fucking year and blame everything on whites.

These mother fuckers are truly racist!!!

Weird how whites wanting to keep our laws and ability to make a living makes us angry.
Many blacks are racist, possibly more so than whites because they believe the black race is inferior. Their parents taught them as they were taught as children. It's a white man's world. White's control the money, the jobs, and the government. Don't try to change things because you will fail and bring down the wrath of the whites.

In the mid 20th century things changed radically for blacks. They were told they were equal to whites. They deserved good jobs, good school, and a good neighborhood. A better life laid within reach. However, blacks lacked both the education and self confidence needed to make the transition. Making matters worst, labor markets for unskilled workers were shrinking in the later 20th century creating more poverty in black neighborhoods. Lack of success of many government programs infuriated both blacks and whites.
In the second half of 20th century, blacks were making progress economically in the white collar labor market but it wasn't fast enough to overcome the shrinking market for unskilled and semi-skilled labor which blacks still dominated in many parts of the country. As the trend accelerated, black family income began to fall and with it many black communities. .
If there is a shrinking market for unskilled and semiskilled labor, then what is attracting all those illegals from south of the border to come here? Isn't it the unfilled low paying job opportunities?
“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” --Washington Post, August 29, 2012
Unfortunately for Sen Graham and the Republican Party, many of these angry white men have perspectives more aligned with a fellow like this one, who was participating in an Occupy Baltimore rally meant to protest policies that appear to benefit only the top 1% of society.
In the second half of 20th century, blacks were making progress economically in the white collar labor market but it wasn't fast enough to overcome the shrinking market for unskilled and semi-skilled labor which blacks still dominated in many parts of the country. As the trend accelerated, black family income began to fall and with it many black communities. .
If there is a shrinking market for unskilled and semiskilled labor, then what is attracting all those illegals from south of the border to come here? Isn't it the unfilled low paying job opportunities?
Whatever poor whites and blacks are paid, illegal immigrants will work for less because it's better than what they can make at home. They also don't have the social programs to fall back on that poor blacks and whites do. I would think that the increasing number of illegals is cutting into available unskilled and semiskilled jobs hurting both poor blacks and whites..
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