Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

Was the party of Lincoln in 1860 made up of conservatives? and were southern slave holders liberals?

Are KKK members liberal?

Was Hitler a liberal?

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something
We are all a little bit racist because as a child our parents, either knowingly or unknowingly, teach us to distrust those that are different from themselves. How racism a child becomes depends on the degree that parents and peers reinforce that distrust. The right kind of education can nullity racism to some extent, but it can never completely eliminated it. I think there are really very few people who are truly color bind.

Racism isn't solely determined by how one accepts what one was taught as a little kid.

Take an impeccable liberal anti-racist Ivy League graduate, have the join Teach for America, have them assigned to an underperforming ghetto school with 90%+ black students. Let this liberal stew in that environment for 2 years. You have just now raised the probability of that good liberal coming out of that experience as a racist. This is just an accelerated method of cooking up a new batch of racists. The slow cooking method is for young single liberal anti-racist to move to a highly diverse urban neighborhood and then measure their life choices later when they become parents. Most people stop mouthing the silly platitudes about loving diversity and instead they're seeking to buy homes in the whitest of school districts.
I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

You can't just say "hey race isn't a factor" and it is so. The fact is you are lying when you claim that race doesn't play a part in why blacks perform so poorly in EVERY metric when compared to other races.

EVERY metric. And what is the common denominator? Please say poverty, so I can provide you links to countless wealthy blacks who are thugs and criminals. They just dress nicer than their ghetto counterparts.
More unsupported conclusions about that data.

The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country

Oh really? The Jews would beg to differ, they seem to be doing fairly well for the most part, are Jews six times more likely to be criminals than non Jews (bankers excepted?)

As but one example.
You're missing the point, it wasn't the blacks who were racists, it was the white racists who voted for Obama. You pointing to black voting history doesn't absolve them of their racism.

As for the GOP trying to win black votes, the GOP can't out-racist the Democrats. If the GOP tried to out-bid the Democrats in terms of bribing blacks with race-based goodies, they'd have a revolt from within their vast anti-racism base. The GOP stands against racism and to win blacks the GOP would have to copy Democratic Party racism and that's DOA as a plan.
Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

Was the party of Lincoln in 1860 made up of conservatives? and were southern slave holders liberals?

Are KKK members liberal?

Was Hitler a liberal?

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something
We are all a little bit racist because as a child our parents, either knowingly or unknowingly, teach us to distrust those that are different from themselves. How racism a child becomes depends on the degree that parents and peers reinforce that distrust. The right kind of education can nullity racism to some extent, but it can never completely eliminated it. I think there are really very few people who are truly color bind.

Racism isn't solely determined by how one accepts what one was taught as a little kid.

Take an impeccable liberal anti-racist Ivy League graduate, have the join Teach for America, have them assigned to an underperforming ghetto school with 90%+ black students. Let this liberal stew in that environment for 2 years. You have just now raised the probability of that good liberal coming out of that experience as a racist. This is just an accelerated method of cooking up a new batch of racists. The slow cooking method is for young single liberal anti-racist to move to a highly diverse urban neighborhood and then measure their life choices later when they become parents. Most people stop mouthing the silly platitudes about loving diversity and instead they're seeking to buy homes in the whitest of school districts.
I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

The white children of POOR mothers who are HIGH SCHOOL DROP-OUTS perform IDENTICALLY to the black children of MIDDLE-CLASS mothers with a COLLEGE DEGREE.


The white children of families earning less than $20,000 per year perform IDENTICALLY to black children raised in families earning more than $200,000 per year.

That should tell you the white boys are still hiring other white boys at every opportunity.
Because it is glaringly obvious what you mean by "culture", but of course, I expect you will be a RW coward and lie about your real intentions.
Ive been very consistent with my posts. I cant tell you how many times ive said the problems in the black community aren't racial, they are cultural. YOU don't know anything about me, yet you sit there and pretend like you know my thoughts. That makes you lose all credibility in all your future posts, because you now have a history of making absurd claims about people you don't know, that are totally untrue. In other words, you are clearly a bad judge of character. That makes you useless.
Sorry but no one is buying that dummy. By claiming they are cultural you prove your racists views. The problems aren't cultural just because you say so. If I practice Black culture then why am I free of any problems?

Then feel free to explain why black males are SIX times more likely to spend time in prison than white males.

And please try to respond with something more intelligent than "racism"
What did I tell you about trying to control the situation son? You cant.

Slavery and racism is not over. thats why Black males are 6 times more likely to be in prison.
What does racism have to do with black guys killing people? Did you know that 70% of murders in Chicago are unsolved? Did you that 80% of all non fatal shootings are unsolved? There is so much fucking crime in your community that it overwhelms the police. They cant keep up with it. If all your criminals were brought to justice, the number of black males in prison would triple!!!

Your community is literally getting away with murder, so quit bitching. There should be FAR more black men in prison, and its a travesty that your people are getting away with it. We really need to start cracking down on you guys.
I dont think your pea brain can understand how racism directly affects the Black community. You chimps have a short attention span. Either you take my word for it or deal with the frustration of not knowing. You personally arent going to crack anything but nice try at being brave. You would piss yourself if you ever got caught out in public with a Black guy you sissy. :lol:
The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country



Vietnamese American : $55,132
African American : $38,705

Nowhere in those pictures does it show a loss of history, religion, language and customs. It also doesn't show forced transport to a new continent, ongoing slavery and Jim Crow for several centuries. Come to think of it, I also dont see anywhere a hypocritical white government. Am I missing something?
The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country



Vietnamese American : $55,132
African American : $38,705

Nowhere in those pictures does it show a loss of history, religion, language and customs. It also doesn't show ongoing slavery and Jim Crow for several centuries. Am I missing something?

Almost every Vietnamese boat person who arrived in America arrived penniless, with either no, or poor, command of English, with little schooling, with no understanding of American culture, having suffered imprisonment, brutal crimes, horrendous treatment, great risk to life and many had suffered extreme trauma. They arrived in land where many people viewed them as the enemy responsible for killing our boys.

When they arrived here they lost their history, the land didn't reverberate with their religious customs, their language was gone, so too their customs. Blacks in the 80s and 90s had none of these disadvantages. Blacks have been the favored child, all sorts of Affirmative Action quotas and billions upon billions of dollars have been spent to uplift blacks.

The trauma of the living Vietnamese outweighs the imaginary trauma blacks suffer from their long dead ancestors once having been enslaved by African tribes and sold to Americans.
The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country



Vietnamese American : $55,132
African American : $38,705

Nowhere in those pictures does it show a loss of history, religion, language and customs. It also doesn't show ongoing slavery and Jim Crow for several centuries. Am I missing something?

Almost every Vietnamese boat person who arrived in America arrived penniless, with either no, or poor, command of English, with little schooling, with no understanding of American culture, having suffered imprisonment, brutal crimes, horrendous treatment, great risk to life and many had suffered extreme trauma. They arrived in land where many people viewed them as the enemy responsible for killing our boys.

When they arrived here they lost their history, the land didn't reverberate with their religious customs, their language was gone, so too their customs. Blacks in the 80s and 90s had none of these disadvantages. Blacks have been the favored child, all sorts of Affirmative Action quotas and billions upon billions of dollars have been spent to uplift blacks.

The trauma of the living Vietnamese outweighs the imaginary trauma blacks suffer from their long dead ancestors once having been enslaved by African tribes and sold to Americans.

They didnt lose their religion, history, customs, or language dumbass. They knew exactly who and what they are. I had a girlfriend that was the daughter of one of the immigrants so I know exactly what I am talking about. They also did not go through this trauma for centuries either. The trauma they went through was bad but it in no way compares to what centuries of dehumanization, slavery, murder, and rape did to Blacks. Go sale that shit to some fool that looks like you. I doesnt pass the credibility test at all.
They also did not go through this trauma for centuries either.

Hey Methuselah, neither did you.

The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.
They also did not go through this trauma for centuries either.

Hey Methuselah, neither did you.

The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.

That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.
They also did not go through this trauma for centuries either.

Hey Methuselah, neither did you.

The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.

That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.

Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.
They also did not go through this trauma for centuries either.

Hey Methuselah, neither did you.

The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.

That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.

Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.

I'm not talking abut Jesus, I'm talking about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers who were Roman slaves. I still carry the trauma of what happened to them. Someone needs to give me reparations to make up for the treatment all of them suffered.
They also did not go through this trauma for centuries either.

Hey Methuselah, neither did you.

The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.

That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.

Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.

I'm not talking abut Jesus, I'm talking about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers who were Roman slaves. I still carry the trauma of what happened to them. Someone needs to give me reparations to make up for the treatment all of them suffered.
Talk to the Romans. However, I bet your suffering stopped before the 1300's. Ours still hasnt stopped.
Hey Methuselah, neither did you.

The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.

That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.

Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.

I'm not talking abut Jesus, I'm talking about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers who were Roman slaves. I still carry the trauma of what happened to them. Someone needs to give me reparations to make up for the treatment all of them suffered.
Talk to the Romans. However, I bet your suffering stopped before the 1300's. Ours still hasnt stopped.

What kind of fool stays mired in suffering when freedom beckons in Africa. Your African brothers are coming here voluntarily, idiots, don't they know that America is worse for blacks than the free Africa they're leaving behind. Go, be free, end your suffering. Send us a post card.
The people that raised the people that raised the people that raised the people that raised me did though. If I learned from people stunted by this racist country of cave apes I am affected as well.

Dont be mad I shot your bullshit down like duck falling from the sky.

That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.

Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.

I'm not talking abut Jesus, I'm talking about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers who were Roman slaves. I still carry the trauma of what happened to them. Someone needs to give me reparations to make up for the treatment all of them suffered.
Talk to the Romans. However, I bet your suffering stopped before the 1300's. Ours still hasnt stopped.

What kind of fool stays mired in suffering when freedom beckons in Africa. Your African brothers are coming here voluntarily, idiots, don't they know that America is worse for blacks than the free Africa they're leaving behind. Go, be free, end your suffering. Send us a post card.

People that have built lives, own property, and have families over here. I'm already free. Do you honestly think I would leave and let you have the results of my hard work.without any compensation? Besides too many white women would riot if we were to leave. So you have a choice. Reparations or get bred out. Chose wisely.
That though doesn't compare to what the Romans did to one of my ancestors. Crucifixion is nasty business. I'm still traumatized by the effects of what happened to him.

Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.

I'm not talking abut Jesus, I'm talking about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers who were Roman slaves. I still carry the trauma of what happened to them. Someone needs to give me reparations to make up for the treatment all of them suffered.
Talk to the Romans. However, I bet your suffering stopped before the 1300's. Ours still hasnt stopped.

What kind of fool stays mired in suffering when freedom beckons in Africa. Your African brothers are coming here voluntarily, idiots, don't they know that America is worse for blacks than the free Africa they're leaving behind. Go, be free, end your suffering. Send us a post card.

People that have built lives, own property, and have families over here. I'm already free. Do you honestly think I would leave and let you have the results of my hard work.without any compensation? Besides too many white women would riot if we were to leave. So you have a choice. Reparations or get bred out. Chose wisely.

The beauty of the free market is that you can cash out at full value and set yourself up as a King in Africa as you reconnect with your people, religion, customs and heritage.
Well you have one of the worlds most populous religions to make sure you dont forget your history and everything else thats important to a culture. besides, its just one guy and he probably never really existed anyway.

I'm not talking abut Jesus, I'm talking about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers who were Roman slaves. I still carry the trauma of what happened to them. Someone needs to give me reparations to make up for the treatment all of them suffered.
Talk to the Romans. However, I bet your suffering stopped before the 1300's. Ours still hasnt stopped.

What kind of fool stays mired in suffering when freedom beckons in Africa. Your African brothers are coming here voluntarily, idiots, don't they know that America is worse for blacks than the free Africa they're leaving behind. Go, be free, end your suffering. Send us a post card.

People that have built lives, own property, and have families over here. I'm already free. Do you honestly think I would leave and let you have the results of my hard work.without any compensation? Besides too many white women would riot if we were to leave. So you have a choice. Reparations or get bred out. Chose wisely.

The beauty of the free market is that you can cash out at full value and set yourself up as a King in Africa as you reconnect with your people, religion, customs and heritage.
Its way more fun to stay here and fight for the unpaid wages of our ancestors, piss off racist whites by utilizing AA, and getting white women pregnant.
We are all a little bit racist because as a child our parents, either knowingly or unknowingly, teach us to distrust those that are different from themselves. How racism a child becomes depends on the degree that parents and peers reinforce that distrust. The right kind of education can nullity racism to some extent, but it can never completely eliminated it. I think there are really very few people who are truly color bind.

Racism isn't solely determined by how one accepts what one was taught as a little kid.

Take an impeccable liberal anti-racist Ivy League graduate, have the join Teach for America, have them assigned to an underperforming ghetto school with 90%+ black students. Let this liberal stew in that environment for 2 years. You have just now raised the probability of that good liberal coming out of that experience as a racist. This is just an accelerated method of cooking up a new batch of racists. The slow cooking method is for young single liberal anti-racist to move to a highly diverse urban neighborhood and then measure their life choices later when they become parents. Most people stop mouthing the silly platitudes about loving diversity and instead they're seeking to buy homes in the whitest of school districts.
I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

You can't just say "hey race isn't a factor" and it is so. The fact is you are lying when you claim that race doesn't play a part in why blacks perform so poorly in EVERY metric when compared to other races.

EVERY metric. And what is the common denominator? Please say poverty, so I can provide you links to countless wealthy blacks who are thugs and criminals. They just dress nicer than their ghetto counterparts.
More unsupported conclusions about that data.

The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country

Oh really? The Jews would beg to differ, they seem to be doing fairly well for the most part, are Jews six times more likely to be criminals than non Jews (bankers excepted?)

As but one example.
You can't really compare Jews and Blacks. About the only similarity is they are both minorities that have suffered from prejudice and discrimination. In America, Blacks lived in slavery and the aftermath for hundreds of years. Jews of the other hand, were free, owned slaves, and were some of the richest men in America.
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Racism isn't solely determined by how one accepts what one was taught as a little kid.

Take an impeccable liberal anti-racist Ivy League graduate, have the join Teach for America, have them assigned to an underperforming ghetto school with 90%+ black students. Let this liberal stew in that environment for 2 years. You have just now raised the probability of that good liberal coming out of that experience as a racist. This is just an accelerated method of cooking up a new batch of racists. The slow cooking method is for young single liberal anti-racist to move to a highly diverse urban neighborhood and then measure their life choices later when they become parents. Most people stop mouthing the silly platitudes about loving diversity and instead they're seeking to buy homes in the whitest of school districts.
I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

You can't just say "hey race isn't a factor" and it is so. The fact is you are lying when you claim that race doesn't play a part in why blacks perform so poorly in EVERY metric when compared to other races.

EVERY metric. And what is the common denominator? Please say poverty, so I can provide you links to countless wealthy blacks who are thugs and criminals. They just dress nicer than their ghetto counterparts.
More unsupported conclusions about that data.

The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country

Oh really? The Jews would beg to differ, they seem to be doing fairly well for the most part, are Jews six times more likely to be criminals than non Jews (bankers excepted?)

As but one example.
You can't really compare Jews and Blacks. About the only similarity is they are both minorities that have suffered from prejudice and discrimination. In America, Blacks lived in slavery and the aftermath for hundreds of years. Jews of the other hand, were free, owned slaves, and were some of the richest men in America.

The Jews weren't slaves?

How ridiculous.

Here's a more fair statement. It's nor fair that any dumb ass blame slavery for the condition ANY black person is in today. NO ONE who is alive today was ever a slave.

It's saddens me that blacks who don't even know the history of slavery are blaming that slavery on their predicament. They are in the condition they are in because of themselves. PERIOD
Racism isn't solely determined by how one accepts what one was taught as a little kid.

Take an impeccable liberal anti-racist Ivy League graduate, have the join Teach for America, have them assigned to an underperforming ghetto school with 90%+ black students. Let this liberal stew in that environment for 2 years. You have just now raised the probability of that good liberal coming out of that experience as a racist. This is just an accelerated method of cooking up a new batch of racists. The slow cooking method is for young single liberal anti-racist to move to a highly diverse urban neighborhood and then measure their life choices later when they become parents. Most people stop mouthing the silly platitudes about loving diversity and instead they're seeking to buy homes in the whitest of school districts.
I agree racism is not just a product of what one learns as a child because learning is a life long process. However, what we learn as a child is not easily changed. There is much truth in the saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Attributing the inferior academic, financial, and social success that exist in a ghetto to race is racism because by definition, racism is the belief that a race is inferior. Attributing the poor performance to environmental factors such as education, economics, and parenting is not. So if a person worked in a ghetto for several years and attributed poor performance to factors other than race, they would likely leave the ghetto no more of racist than when they entered.

You can't just say "hey race isn't a factor" and it is so. The fact is you are lying when you claim that race doesn't play a part in why blacks perform so poorly in EVERY metric when compared to other races.

EVERY metric. And what is the common denominator? Please say poverty, so I can provide you links to countless wealthy blacks who are thugs and criminals. They just dress nicer than their ghetto counterparts.
More unsupported conclusions about that data.

The black experience between 1630-1970 in America has no parallel in any other country

Oh really? The Jews would beg to differ, they seem to be doing fairly well for the most part, are Jews six times more likely to be criminals than non Jews (bankers excepted?)

As but one example.
You can't really compare Jews and Blacks. About the only similarity is they are both minorities that have suffered from prejudice and discrimination. In America, Blacks lived in slavery and the aftermath for hundreds of years. Jews of the other hand, were free, owned slaves, and were some of the richest men in America.
Besides that...the black experience is unique amongst immigrants.

No other immigrant group were stripped of their family units, and selectivelly bread to be docile and physically strong.

Jews, Italians, Irish, Germans, Latinos, etc....all retained thier family units

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