Running Out Of Angry White Guys

"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something
]Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

Liberals have long been known to be divorced from reality.

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

It was the church-goers and deeply religious who were fighting against slavery, not the ancestors of today's gay marriage and abortion fiends.

Are KKK members liberal?

Go and look at the policy platforms of neonazi groups. They socialist as can be, just for the white man though.

Was Hitler a liberal?

National Socialism giving you a clue? How about the NAZI platform?

7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press,

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Liberals on the Supreme Court brought us KELO (#17) and liberals are opposed to Citizens United (#23) and liberals support centralized government (#25), maternity care (#21), public schooling being a monopoly (#20), a downsizing of the military (#22) , child labor laws (#21), they favor liberal ideology in books, magazines, classrooms, tv, movies, computer games, it's all social justice, all the damn time (#20). Liberals are always crying about oil company profits (#18), high CEO salaries(#18), they're always moaning about corporate agriculture and a desire for local farming done by small plot holders (#17), they're always railing against Walmart and favor shopping at small local stores (#13, #14, #16), they're always calling for more welfare (#15), they were calling for blood with respect to Halliburton and Blackwater (#12) and they're on a constant battle to create rights for groups (#9)

Modern day American Progressives borrow a lot of what they believe from Hitler.

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

I'll rock it some more. The 2008 Exit Polls conducted by CNN asked this specific question "Was the race of the candidate the most important factor in deciding whom to vote for" and more racists were shown to have voted for Obama than for McCain.

That's liberals, we see there racism expressed in many forms. Here's another:

Are Republicans stingy but principled while Democrats are generous but racist?

"I wouldn't put it quite so starkly," said Stanford University professor Shanto Iyengar. He would prefer to call Democrats "less principled" rather than bigoted, based on his analysis of data collected in a recent online experiment that he conducted with The Washington Post and

As reported in this column a few weeks ago, the study found that people were less likely to give extended aid to black Hurricane Katrina victims than to white ones. The race penalty, on average, totaled about $1,000 per black victim.

As Iyengar and his colleagues subsequently dug deeper into these data, another finding emerged: Republicans consistently gave less aid, and gave over a shorter period of time, to victims regardless of race.

Democrats and independents were far more generous; on average, they gave Katrina victims on average more than $1,500 a month, compared with $1,200 for Republicans, and for 13 months instead of nine.

But for Democrats, race mattered -- and in a disturbing way. Overall, Democrats were willing to give whites about $1,500 more than they chose to give to a black or other minority. (Even with this race penalty, Democrats still were willing to give more to blacks than those principled Republicans.) "Republicans are likely to be more stringent, both in terms of money and time, Iyengar said. "However, their position is 'principled' in the sense that it stems from a strong belief in individualism (as opposed to handouts). Thus their responses to the assistance questions are relatively invariant across the different media conditions. Independents and Democrats, on the other hand, are more likely to be affected by racial cues."
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
Regarding this post, and the previous.......don't mistake my disacknowegement for capitulation.
But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
Regarding this post, and the previous.......don't mistake my disacknowegement for capitulation.
That strategy works for you?

"baby, don't mistake this forced sex for rape."
"Miss, don't mistake this forced withdrawal for armed robbery."
"Officer, don't mistake my high velocity for speeding."

You're a liberal, which means that your political philosophy is located at the end of a raw nerve and is extremely sensitive to what your peer group is believing at the moment. It's all emotion and peer posturing and no thought, logic or evidence is required. I get it, I understand your handicap, hence your response, you need to make yourself look superior when you're presented with evidence which disconfirms your statements.

A normal person would concede and call it a day, but liberals being all pride and emotion can't mimic what normal people would do because it would be too ego damaging for them and so you preen like a peacock to showboat your superior position.

Why did you even bother with that comment in that it adds no value to anyone reading along, it simply serves to puff up your own ego. You should have simply remained silent.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

They will be replaced with Latinos. Any they don't give two terds about liberals or PC.
Boy are you in for a surprise. :rofl:
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama is black is really exercising poor voting skills

So, conversely you must admit that all those who voted for him simply BECAUSE he's a black man also showed poor voting skills.

I would agree on both points.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted over 90% Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

This is correct. The number has generally been between 88 and 90% of the black vote for the Democratic Candidate since 1976. Obama got 93% of the black vote in 2012 and 95% in 2008. Considering that exit polls are rough estimates (although virtually every exit poll in 2012 was spot-on), it looks like only about 4% of the black electorate moved toward Obama over their statistic for John Kerry in 2004.

The GOP has had 50 years to make inroads into the black vote and and every turn, the GOP has squandered this opportunity.

You're missing the point, it wasn't the blacks who were racists, it was the white racists who voted for Obama. You pointing to black voting history doesn't absolve them of their racism.

As for the GOP trying to win black votes, the GOP can't out-racist the Democrats. If the GOP tried to out-bid the Democrats in terms of bribing blacks with race-based goodies, they'd have a revolt from within their vast anti-racism base. The GOP stands against racism and to win blacks the GOP would have to copy Democratic Party racism and that's DOA as a plan.
Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

Was the party of Lincoln in 1860 made up of conservatives? and were southern slave holders liberals?

Are KKK members liberal?

Was Hitler a liberal?

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something
We are all a little bit racist because as a child our parents, either knowingly or unknowingly, teach us to distrust those that are different from themselves. How racism a child becomes depends on the degree that parents and peers reinforce that distrust. The right kind of education can nullity racism to some extent, but it can never completely eliminated it. I think there are really very few people who are truly color bind.
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The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood? That's an interesting question. A person that has never seen a black person is very unlikely to feel that they are an inferior race. The sames can be said of other races. If you are raised in a mono-racial area, your lack of racism is likely to be an accident of birth. However, if you raised in area with a lot of people of different races, it's a lot harder to avoid being a racist, but it's certainly possible. So much depends on the attitudes of the parents and peers.
So, conversely you must admit that all those who voted for him simply BECAUSE he's a black man also showed poor voting skills.

I would agree on both points.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted over 90% Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

This is correct. The number has generally been between 88 and 90% of the black vote for the Democratic Candidate since 1976. Obama got 93% of the black vote in 2012 and 95% in 2008. Considering that exit polls are rough estimates (although virtually every exit poll in 2012 was spot-on), it looks like only about 4% of the black electorate moved toward Obama over their statistic for John Kerry in 2004.

The GOP has had 50 years to make inroads into the black vote and and every turn, the GOP has squandered this opportunity.

You're missing the point, it wasn't the blacks who were racists, it was the white racists who voted for Obama. You pointing to black voting history doesn't absolve them of their racism.

As for the GOP trying to win black votes, the GOP can't out-racist the Democrats. If the GOP tried to out-bid the Democrats in terms of bribing blacks with race-based goodies, they'd have a revolt from within their vast anti-racism base. The GOP stands against racism and to win blacks the GOP would have to copy Democratic Party racism and that's DOA as a plan.
Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

Was the party of Lincoln in 1860 made up of conservatives? and were southern slave holders liberals?

Are KKK members liberal?

Was Hitler a liberal?

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something
We are all a little bit racist because as a child our parents, either knowingly or unknowingly, teach us to distrust those that are different from themselves. How racism a child becomes depends on the degree that parents and peers reinforce that distrust. The right kind of education can nullity racism to some extent, but it can never completely eliminated it. I think there are really very few people who are truly color bind.

Racism isn't solely determined by how one accepts what one was taught as a little kid.

Take an impeccable liberal anti-racist Ivy League graduate, have the join Teach for America, have them assigned to an underperforming ghetto school with 90%+ black students. Let this liberal stew in that environment for 2 years. You have just now raised the probability of that good liberal coming out of that experience as a racist. This is just an accelerated method of cooking up a new batch of racists. The slow cooking method is for young single liberal anti-racist to move to a highly diverse urban neighborhood and then measure their life choices later when they become parents. Most people stop mouthing the silly platitudes about loving diversity and instead they're seeking to buy homes in the whitest of school districts.
But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood? That's an interesting question. A person that has never seen a black person is very unlikely to feel that they are an inferior race. The sames can be said of other races. If you are raised in a mono-racial area, your lack of racism is likely to be an accident of birth. However, if you raised in area with a lot of people of different races, it's a lot harder to avoid being a racist, but it's certainly possible. So much depends on the attitudes of the parents and peers.

Exactly. This is why Obama achieved his highest level of white support in states with low black population and the lowest level of white support in states with the highest level of black population.
But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood? That's an interesting question. A person that has never seen a black person is very unlikely to feel that they are an inferior race. The sames can be said of other races. If you are raised in a mono-racial area, your lack of racism is likely to be an accident of birth. However, if you raised in area with a lot of people of different races, it's a lot harder to avoid being a racist, but it's certainly possible. So much depends on the attitudes of the parents and peers.

So you assign no blame to the people who are the "victims" of racism? I mean we know for fact that black Americans are more likely to be criminal high school drop outs than any other race. Isn't it at least a little bit THEIR fault that other people look at those stats and say "gee maybe they ARE inferior?"
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
Where I live in Northern California...the practice of racism just doesn't happen. But there are probably plenty of people with racial resentments, or people who make racial generalizations...probably when they're drunk or something

That's right, Northern Californians are too evolved to be racists and that's why they flock to non-diverse locales. How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood.

Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white.

The agreement, signed last month with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, came more than a year after the agency found that the county failed to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and two other antidiscrimination statutes.​
How can you be racist when there are no blacks living in your neighborhood? That's an interesting question. A person that has never seen a black person is very unlikely to feel that they are an inferior race. The sames can be said of other races. If you are raised in a mono-racial area, your lack of racism is likely to be an accident of birth. However, if you raised in area with a lot of people of different races, it's a lot harder to avoid being a racist, but it's certainly possible. So much depends on the attitudes of the parents and peers.

So you assign no blame to the people who are the "victims" of racism? I mean we know for fact that black Americans are more likely to be criminal high school drop outs than any other race. Isn't it at least a little bit THEIR fault that other people look at those stats and say "gee maybe they ARE inferior?"
Does the fact that they are a very dangerous culture count for anything? People are obviously going to be highly critical about that, and its the driving force behind the white power movement, which by the way is practically non existant. You hardly ever see those guys bitching about asians, do you?

Are you under the impression that the black community is less racist than the white community? Can you post a video of a group of white guys beating up a black guy while using racial slurs against him? I can post tons of those videos the other way around, so the evidence clearly shows that the racism in the black community isnt just rude, they are terribly violent with their racism.

We shame the fuck out of anyone who dares make a racist comment. I dont see the same diligence in the black comunity, and i know that you dont either.
Last edited:
]Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

Liberals have long been known to be divorced from reality.

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

It was the church-goers and deeply religious who were fighting against slavery, not the ancestors of today's gay marriage and abortion fiends.

Are KKK members liberal?

Go and look at the policy platforms of neonazi groups. They socialist as can be, just for the white man though.

Was Hitler a liberal?

National Socialism giving you a clue? How about the NAZI platform?

7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press,

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:

25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Liberals on the Supreme Court brought us KELO (#17) and liberals are opposed to Citizens United (#23) and liberals support centralized government (#25), maternity care (#21), public schooling being a monopoly (#20), a downsizing of the military (#22) , child labor laws (#21), they favor liberal ideology in books, magazines, classrooms, tv, movies, computer games, it's all social justice, all the damn time (#20). Liberals are always crying about oil company profits (#18), high CEO salaries(#18), they're always moaning about corporate agriculture and a desire for local farming done by small plot holders (#17), they're always railing against Walmart and favor shopping at small local stores (#13, #14, #16), they're always calling for more welfare (#15), they were calling for blood with respect to Halliburton and Blackwater (#12) and they're on a constant battle to create rights for groups (#9)

Modern day American Progressives borrow a lot of what they believe from Hitler.

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

I'll rock it some more. The 2008 Exit Polls conducted by CNN asked this specific question "Was the race of the candidate the most important factor in deciding whom to vote for" and more racists were shown to have voted for Obama than for McCain.

That's liberals, we see there racism expressed in many forms. Here's another:

Are Republicans stingy but principled while Democrats are generous but racist?

"I wouldn't put it quite so starkly," said Stanford University professor Shanto Iyengar. He would prefer to call Democrats "less principled" rather than bigoted, based on his analysis of data collected in a recent online experiment that he conducted with The Washington Post and

As reported in this column a few weeks ago, the study found that people were less likely to give extended aid to black Hurricane Katrina victims than to white ones. The race penalty, on average, totaled about $1,000 per black victim.

As Iyengar and his colleagues subsequently dug deeper into these data, another finding emerged: Republicans consistently gave less aid, and gave over a shorter period of time, to victims regardless of race.

Democrats and independents were far more generous; on average, they gave Katrina victims on average more than $1,500 a month, compared with $1,200 for Republicans, and for 13 months instead of nine.

But for Democrats, race mattered -- and in a disturbing way. Overall, Democrats were willing to give whites about $1,500 more than they chose to give to a black or other minority. (Even with this race penalty, Democrats still were willing to give more to blacks than those principled Republicans.) "Republicans are likely to be more stringent, both in terms of money and time, Iyengar said. "However, their position is 'principled' in the sense that it stems from a strong belief in individualism (as opposed to handouts). Thus their responses to the assistance questions are relatively invariant across the different media conditions. Independents and Democrats, on the other hand, are more likely to be affected by racial cues."
When I said "you rocked my world" I was actually laughing at you.

Your post is rank with foregone conclusions and intellectual filth
When I said "you rocked my world" I was actually laughing at you.

Your post is rank with foregone conclusions and intellectual filth

We can all learn from your "My dad can beat up your dad" style of posturing which passes for liberal argumentation.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

They will be replaced with Latinos. Any they don't give two terds about liberals or PC.
Boy are you in for a surprise. :rofl:

Indeed. Some racists will grab at every straw they can...
Does the fact that they are a very dangerous culture count for anything? People are obviously going to be highly critical about that, and its the driving force behind the white power movement, which by the way is practically non existant. You hardly ever see those guys bitching about asians, do you?

Are you under the impression that the black community is less racist than the white community? Can you post a video of a group of white guys beating up a black guy while using racial slurs against him? I can post tons of those videos the other way around, so the evidence clearly shows that the racism in the black community isnt just rude, they are terribly violent with their racism.

We shame the fuck out of anyone who dares make a racist comment. I dont see the same diligence in the black comunity, and i know that you dont either.

So, why didn't you just shame the fuck out of yourself for what you wrote? Look at the two statements you made that I bolded and go, hmmmmmm.......
Yeah, the nation is slowly running out of angry white guys. However, with the last census showing a higher birthrate of Muslims, the angry white guys will be replaced with angry Muslims; generations after that, it'll probably be angry black guys.

Fixed it for you, to read:

a fellow random USMB shadow said:
Yeah, the nation is slowly running out of angry white guys. However, with the last census showing a higher birthrate of Muslims, the angry white guys will be replaced with angry Muslims. And there won't be any generations after that, because the goddamned Muslims will have long since set the world ablaze in nuclear fire.

You're probably correct.
So let me get this straight
1. We(as in the people you hate) build a first world civilization with all the comforts.
2. You went in and hike with your children across massive deserts to come here. FOR A BETTER life. You can't do better for yourself in your own effin country!
3. Your people wreck and screw over entire cities and portions of our country.
4. You whine about how we're angry and evil for doing better than you or wondering wtf about the damage you're doing to our society.

One word; fuck you.
So let me get this straight
1. We(as in the people you hate) build a first world civilization with all the comforts.
2. You went in and hike with your children across massive deserts to come here. FOR A BETTER life. You can't do better for yourself in your own effin country!
3. Your people wreck and screw over entire cities and portions of our country.
4. You whine about how we're angry and evil for doing better than you or wondering wtf about the damage you're doing to our society.

One word; fuck you.

Hmmm, you mad, bro?

Talking about Latinos?
So let me get this straight
1. We(as in the people you hate) build a first world civilization with all the comforts.....

YOU didn't build squat. Stop trying to take credit for things that have NOTHING to do with you.

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