Running Out Of Angry White Guys

racism will never die.

recent behavior here in fact convinced me that our species is doomed.
I agree the conduct of you and other communist like Gunno are fucking up a great nation.

Well, that was a particularly stupid response.

The Germans are Coming is a brand-new member here and shows absolutely not signs of leaning in any way toward communism.

Sometimes, your ignorance is fun to watch, but at other times, it is just plain old sad. Thank G-d you are in the Republican Party. I don't want ignorant people like you in my party, to be sure.


The Germans are coming
I'm amazed the mods allow goono to post thread after thread like this.

It's called "free speech", something the reactionary RWNJS love when it means they get to hate on blacks, asians, latinos, gays, jews, you name it. But as soon as someone else expresses himself, if a reactionary RWNJ doesn't like it, he goes screaming to mommy nanny-state and demands that that bad man be censored.

racism will never die.

recent behavior here in fact convinced me that our species is doomed.
What species are you? Dog?

So now you follow me arround.

What species are you? a std?
You are being watched...Keep it up...

You are not a mod. You have no power to say this.

Do you tire of running this sock account?

Stop pretending to be a moderator.

You're "new" here right?


Yeah, why?
You would be wise to mind your place.

You are not a mod. You have no power to say this.
I am legit.

Everything is checked and crossed. Not that it is any of your buisness.

I appreciate the Latinos work ethic and respect the same ideas my heritage wanted. They are not so much worried of themselves and want a better life for their children. A lot of Americans should remember that a lot of families that came to America faced the same challenges they do now. I know the Irish did.

They know they are not going to get rich planting bushes and laying irrigation pipes. I do not hear any complaints and very rarely lose any to competition.
You didn't answer the questions.

Because they were inappropriate questions and you are acting like a blithering, blathering asshole.
What you are asking is tantamount to data-mining.

I see you really like to attack people. Is your life so miserable that you feel the need to do this on an anonymous internet forum?
Being that I own a landscaping and irrigation buisness and the majority of my workers are Latino, I can tell you they can communicate, they will straight up tell you they do not know what the Cubans are saying and vice versa.
Communicate and conversation are two different things.

Way to start name calling! That didnt take long.
And how many are undocumented? Tell the truth.
Do you pay your people properly? Or do you status them as "contractors" on 1099's?
Are you paying all of your payroll taxes? Or are you skirting tax law by misclassifying your workers?

These are inappropriate questions and have absolutely no place on an internet forum.

I do hope your fever subsides.
I'm amazed the mods allow goono to post thread after thread like this.

It's called "free speech", something the reactionary RWNJS love when it means they get to hate on blacks, asians, latinos, gays, jews, you name it. But as soon as someone else expresses himself, if a reactionary RWNJ doesn't like it, he goes screaming to mommy nanny-state and demands that that bad man be censored.


The First Amendment doesn't protect you from this message board violating your freedom of speech , retard.
As long as Fox News continues to get ratings by getting old white guys, without college educations, who attend church once a week, ......

Which of those descriptions are you suggesting is negative? All of them? And since that network all the liberals seem obsessed with is only for the target of Batshit Boy's racism, who is watching? Must be a lot of somebody to remain top in the ratings year after year.
I'm not suggesting any of what you call "descriptions" are negative.

I'm merely referring to Fox, and the GOP's strongest demographic.

No you're not; you're "merely" being a partisan douche.
There is nothing wrong with being white, over 60, attending church once a week, and not having a college degree. I fit that demographic except I'm only 50.

Sites like this are great to vent your political frustrations, so you don't have to have exchanges like you're looking for with family, friends, and coworkers.

You seem quite angry, and looking for a fight that I haven't provoked. There is no reason to be defensive about what I've said.

I am curious if you think the demographic I've referenced is being picked on, or if you are part of it. And given your previous uncalled for reaction, I want t be clear that's a question, not an insult

Fox News and the GOP are trying to cultivate anger these days to keep righty voters fired up...using of course stories about how Obama loves Muslims, and Ebola, and those stories about cute young white girls missing, or being killed by black men.

It is driving them insane that a Black man was re-elected by a Majority of the American People

Indeed, a number of people seem to be having a real problem with this simple historical fact.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

They will be replaced with Latinos. Any they don't give two terds about liberals or PC.

Oh, really?

Latinos just voted for a man whom the Right calls extreme left, in 2012, with 71% to Romney's 24%.

Conservatives cannot even get 1/4 of the Latino vote. That is just plain old sad.
"Running Out Of Angry White Guys"

'White guys' have nothing to be 'angry' about.

Gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil liberties is no reason to be 'angry.'

Women exercising their right to privacy is no reason to be 'angry.'

Immigrants being afforded their due process rights is no reason to be 'angry.'

And African-Americans exercising their right to vote should make no one 'angry.'

Vero, e vero.
No you're not; you're "merely" being a partisan douche.
There is nothing wrong with being white, over 60, attending church once a week, and not having a college degree. I fit that demographic except I'm only 50.

Sites like this are great to vent your political frustrations, so you don't have to have exchanges like you're looking for with family, friends, and coworkers.

You seem quite angry, and looking for a fight that I haven't provoked. There is no reason to be defensive about what I've said.

I am curious if you think the demographic I've referenced is being picked on, or if you are part of it. And given your previous uncalled for reaction, I want t be clear that's a question, not an insult

Fox News and the GOP are trying to cultivate anger these days to keep righty voters fired up...using of course stories about how Obama loves Muslims, and Ebola, and those stories about cute young white girls missing, or being killed by black men.

It is driving them insane that a Black man was re-elected by a Majority of the American People

WOOHOO you finally got a black man elected. Too bad he's so inept that America is likely to NEVER put a black man in the oval again.

Maybe in the racist rightwing pin headed sloop skull minds, your said that before he was re elected an oh how sure you were of mittens taking the white house!!:ack-1:


OMG, Diane Sawyer on ABC was blasted off her ass!!!
There is nothing wrong with being white, over 60, attending church once a week, and not having a college degree. I fit that demographic except I'm only 50.

Sites like this are great to vent your political frustrations, so you don't have to have exchanges like you're looking for with family, friends, and coworkers.

You seem quite angry, and looking for a fight that I haven't provoked. There is no reason to be defensive about what I've said.

I am curious if you think the demographic I've referenced is being picked on, or if you are part of it. And given your previous uncalled for reaction, I want t be clear that's a question, not an insult

Fox News and the GOP are trying to cultivate anger these days to keep righty voters fired up...using of course stories about how Obama loves Muslims, and Ebola, and those stories about cute young white girls missing, or being killed by black men.

It is driving them insane that a Black man was re-elected by a Majority of the American People

WOOHOO you finally got a black man elected. Too bad he's so inept that America is likely to NEVER put a black man in the oval again.
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama is black is really exercising poor voting skills

So, conversely you must admit that all those who voted for him simply BECAUSE he's a black man also showed poor voting skills.

I would agree on both points.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted over 90% Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

This is correct. The number has generally been between 88 and 90% of the black vote for the Democratic Candidate since 1976. Obama got 93% of the black vote in 2012 and 95% in 2008. Considering that exit polls are rough estimates (although virtually every exit poll in 2012 was spot-on), it looks like only about 4% of the black electorate moved toward Obama over their statistic for John Kerry in 2004.

The GOP has had 50 years to make inroads into the black vote and and every turn, the GOP has squandered this opportunity.
It is driving them insane that a Black man was re-elected by a Majority of the American People

WOOHOO you finally got a black man elected. Too bad he's so inept that America is likely to NEVER put a black man in the oval again.
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama is black is really exercising poor voting skills

So, conversely you must admit that all those who voted for him simply BECAUSE he's a black man also showed poor voting skills.

I would agree on both points.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted over 90% Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

This is correct. The number has generally been between 88 and 90% of the black vote for the Democratic Candidate since 1976. Obama got 93% of the black vote in 2012 and 95% in 2008. Considering that exit polls are rough estimates (although virtually every exit poll in 2012 was spot-on), it looks like only about 4% of the black electorate moved toward Obama over their statistic for John Kerry in 2004.

The GOP has had 50 years to make inroads into the black vote and and every turn, the GOP has squandered this opportunity.

You're missing the point, it wasn't the blacks who were racists, it was the white racists who voted for Obama. You pointing to black voting history doesn't absolve them of their racism.

As for the GOP trying to win black votes, the GOP can't out-racist the Democrats. If the GOP tried to out-bid the Democrats in terms of bribing blacks with race-based goodies, they'd have a revolt from within their vast anti-racism base. The GOP stands against racism and to win blacks the GOP would have to copy Democratic Party racism and that's DOA as a plan.
If you were able to look into the wallets of the KKK members back in the 50's and 60's there is little doubt you would find that they were all registered democrat. Al Gore's father , senator Gore, was a segregationist. Robert Byrd, the well respected long term democrat senator was an unrepentant high ranking KKK member who freely used the "N" word while fellow democrats merely chuckled and shook their formerly segregationist heads.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

They will be replaced with Latinos. Any they don't give two terds about liberals or PC.

Oh, really?

Latinos just voted for a man whom the Right calls extreme left, in 2012, with 71% to Romney's 24%.

Conservatives cannot even get 1/4 of the Latino vote. That is just plain old sad.

And it is due to the immigration question. Once it's resolved all bets are off.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

They will be replaced with Latinos. Any they don't give two terds about liberals or PC.

Oh, really?

Latinos just voted for a man whom the Right calls extreme left, in 2012, with 71% to Romney's 24%.

Conservatives cannot even get 1/4 of the Latino vote. That is just plain old sad.

And it is due to the immigration question. Once it's resolved all bets are off.

Well, good luck with that one. Hillary will take 80% of the Latino vote in 2016.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
Kids in school today get a pretty hefty dose of anti-racism. Of course in the deep South where there are communities that are mostly black, race will continue to be a hot button, but not as much as in previous generations. In areas where the percentage of blacks is around the national average of 13%, race is not an issue and won't be in the future. My grand kids live in such an area. For them race is a completely non-issue. They are far more concerned with sex, cyber-bulling, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, and violence than ever before.
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WOOHOO you finally got a black man elected. Too bad he's so inept that America is likely to NEVER put a black man in the oval again.
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama is black is really exercising poor voting skills

So, conversely you must admit that all those who voted for him simply BECAUSE he's a black man also showed poor voting skills.

I would agree on both points.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted over 90% Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

This is correct. The number has generally been between 88 and 90% of the black vote for the Democratic Candidate since 1976. Obama got 93% of the black vote in 2012 and 95% in 2008. Considering that exit polls are rough estimates (although virtually every exit poll in 2012 was spot-on), it looks like only about 4% of the black electorate moved toward Obama over their statistic for John Kerry in 2004.

The GOP has had 50 years to make inroads into the black vote and and every turn, the GOP has squandered this opportunity.

You're missing the point, it wasn't the blacks who were racists, it was the white racists who voted for Obama. You pointing to black voting history doesn't absolve them of their racism.

As for the GOP trying to win black votes, the GOP can't out-racist the Democrats. If the GOP tried to out-bid the Democrats in terms of bribing blacks with race-based goodies, they'd have a revolt from within their vast anti-racism base. The GOP stands against racism and to win blacks the GOP would have to copy Democratic Party racism and that's DOA as a plan.
Wow...have you ever read something that you can't begin to know where to start unwinding it?

So, from was the racism on the part of liberals that created the institution of slavery?...and from was racism on the part of liberals that perpetuated segregation?

Was the party of Lincoln in 1860 made up of conservatives? and were southern slave holders liberals?

Are KKK members liberal?

Was Hitler a liberal?

You've rocked my world. I can see it all now for what it is.

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