Running Out Of Angry White Guys

I'm not suggesting any of what you call "descriptions" are negative.

I'm merely referring to Fox, and the GOP's strongest demographic.

No you're not; you're "merely" being a partisan douche.
There is nothing wrong with being white, over 60, attending church once a week, and not having a college degree. I fit that demographic except I'm only 50.

Sites like this are great to vent your political frustrations, so you don't have to have exchanges like you're looking for with family, friends, and coworkers.

You seem quite angry, and looking for a fight that I haven't provoked. There is no reason to be defensive about what I've said.

I am curious if you think the demographic I've referenced is being picked on, or if you are part of it. And given your previous uncalled for reaction, I want t be clear that's a question, not an insult

Fox News and the GOP are trying to cultivate anger these days to keep righty voters fired up...using of course stories about how Obama loves Muslims, and Ebola, and those stories about cute young white girls missing, or being killed by black men.

It is driving them insane that a Black man was re-elected by a Majority of the American People

WOOHOO you finally got a black man elected. Too bad he's so inept that America is likely to NEVER put a black man in the oval again.
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama isn't doing things the way they like is really exercising poor voting skills

No, they exercised poor voting skills by casting a vote as a symbol of their anti-racism instead of voting because the candidate was qualfiied to hold office.
If Pearl Harbor happened tomorrow, and we had to rely on the current generation to be the "greatest generation" my God son we'd be fucked.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted over 90% Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

The day after the '08 election, my entire lab was celebrating their own marvelous anti-racism for having voted for a black man. His victory said something about THEM. It was sickening to watch.
No you're not; you're "merely" being a partisan douche.
There is nothing wrong with being white, over 60, attending church once a week, and not having a college degree. I fit that demographic except I'm only 50.

Sites like this are great to vent your political frustrations, so you don't have to have exchanges like you're looking for with family, friends, and coworkers.

You seem quite angry, and looking for a fight that I haven't provoked. There is no reason to be defensive about what I've said.

I am curious if you think the demographic I've referenced is being picked on, or if you are part of it. And given your previous uncalled for reaction, I want t be clear that's a question, not an insult

Fox News and the GOP are trying to cultivate anger these days to keep righty voters fired up...using of course stories about how Obama loves Muslims, and Ebola, and those stories about cute young white girls missing, or being killed by black men.

It is driving them insane that a Black man was re-elected by a Majority of the American People

WOOHOO you finally got a black man elected. Too bad he's so inept that America is likely to NEVER put a black man in the oval again.
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama isn't doing things the way they like is really exercising poor voting skills

No, they exercised poor voting skills by casting a vote as a symbol of their anti-racism instead of voting because the candidate was qualfiied to hold office.

The Democrats proved that they didn't care about the more qualified candidate when they pushed Hillary aside for Obama in 2008. She was the more qualified candidate by ANY measure. In fact, I dare say she may have been at least as qualified as McCain if not MORE so.
I thought minorities wanted EQUALITY?

There are two forms of equality. Whites want a society of equal opportunity for all. Minorities want a society of equal outcomes for all because a society of equal opportunity for all will still result in racial stratification and that's unacceptable to the pride of minorities.
Any American who would never vote for another black man for President because Obama is black is really exercising poor voting skills

So, conversely you must admit that all those who voted for him simply BECAUSE he's a black man also showed poor voting skills.

I would agree on both points.
Of course it's wrong for blacks to vote for Obama only because he's black, but blacks have voted Democratic in the last 7 or 8 Presidential elections, and most of those guys were white.

So statistically, probably less than 10% of blacks changed their regular voting habits because Obama is black. But we can't really know how many black people didn't even give Mitt Romney a listen because Obama is black. And we'll never know. All commentary about that is speculation

It's not speculation when you have video after video posted online of people saying they voted for Obama because "it was time for a black President" or dat my niggah right there" or anything similar.

Hell look at Colin Powerll, conservative Republican until Obama shows up , then all the sudden we're supposed to believe skin color isn't why he abandoned ship?

Frankly, I don't even necessarily have a problem with skin color being used to decide who to vote for. All else being equal Obama probably relates better to black voters than Romney, and people want to vote for people they can relate to. My consternation is that the same also holds true for white people, yet white people are VILIFIED if they state they want to elect a white man. Just as women should probably feel more comfortable voting for a woman, etc etc.

It's a ridiculously unfair double standard.applied to white men. We're the only group in the voting base who is considered evil if we vote for one of our own.
I've seen those videos, and if I wanted to assemble a compilation of videos showin blacks who didn't care if he were black or white, I could.

Colin Powell said he liked Obama's platform better than McCain's. And there isn't anything wrong with being a swing voter. I'm one. I voted for Reagan once, GHW Bush twice, Clinton once, Gore, then W Bush, then McCain, then Obama

I'm not concerned about being vilified.

The unfair standard against whites is the same punitive stuff that Germans faced after WWII. Bigotry in the hands of white people has historically been far more potent in terms of long term socio-economic disadvantages for blacks than all other races that practice bigotry towards blacks. Maybe it's just easy for me to overlook because I don't care if I'm accused of racism, and hven't lost job or school placement to anyone because they were black

Powell wasn't a swing voter, come on....

And the excuse of "well you have to put up with a little racism because whites have had the power for so long" is wearing thin man.

You want just a micro example? Here on this board there is a black member who runs around calling whites feral apes, liberals laugh and think hes funny. There are of course other posters who call blacks apes and worse and they are attacked and called every sort of name.

How is one any worse than the other?

I thought minorities wanted EQUALITY? Equality doesn't mean "Hey I can call you names, but you better not say shit to me" and it most certainly does not mean "Hey I can vote for a black man simply because he's black, but you better not DARE vote against a a black man just because he's black"

All be honest, I will NEVER vote for a black President. Obama has guaranteed that. I've seen what blacks with chips on their shoulders do when given power and don't want to see it again. If that makes me a racist in your book, so be it..
About Powell, maybe, maybe not...and why care? He has the right to vote for anybody he wants, and I have the right to be intellectually repulsed if he did vote based on race alone.

I'm not saying anybody needs to put up with reverse racism because whites were in power for so long, but I do understand that racism from whites has caused more damage (in the eyes of black people) than racism from others. Keeping that in mind, it doesn't excuse, but rather explains hyper sensitivity about racism, real or otherwise, from whites towards blacks.

On that example of a double standard...sounds like that guy, based on what you wrote, is trolling.

Every culture has their hot buttons. Righties these days seem to be hypersensitive to being called racists. You can call white people "crackuhs", "honkeys", and other things and they're not bothered. Black have hot buttons too. "Ape", "monkey", and so on. IMO, not using hot button words isn't some plot by PC liberals to stifle white people, it's just plain polite.

Too bad you're jaded on the whole black president thing, but would it be different if was Ben Carson?
Old angry white guys simply became movers and shakers in the democrat party. KKK recruiter Robert Byrd became a democrat senator and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers became an adviser to the president.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys
The old racist will die out but they'll be replace with new racists who believe in the inferiority of black race just as their Dads and granddads did. They just have a different agenda.

But with the demographic shift they will no longer control the narrative and will further be marginalized
yea go ahead and run with that.....
NO however, if you knew anything about the 'latino" culture you would know if you put a person from Cuba, puerto rico, mexico, argentina, peru and el salvador and Spain in a room together they would not know what each other are saying. While they do speak "spainish" the mexican dialect is not the same as Cuban or argentinian or honduran.

I can understand a Mexican while a Cuban I am almost clueless to what they are saying.

It is similiar to someone from America, say a cajun, Scotland, Jamaica and austrailia.

The spainish variants vary wildly depending on the country.
Youre a retard thats why. I speak Spanish I can understand people that speak it from different parts of the world. It may not be exact but you can figure out what they are saying.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.
Alienated women? Examples. Or shut your pie hole.
How far do you libs think you can push normal people before they push back...
This country is SICK of your left wing radical ideas. They have FAILED....Precisely the reason your side may very well lose the US Senate.

I don't have time to list everything, so we can start with legitimate rape, moron.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.

Sad that you and others can't see your own racist tendencies.

Do you really think you can outlaw human nature?

I think it's funny that all racist people assume everyone is a racist, just like them.
I thought minorities wanted EQUALITY?

There are two forms of equality. Whites want a society of equal opportunity for all. Minorities want a society of equal outcomes for all because a society of equal opportunity for all will still result in racial stratification and that's unacceptable to the pride of minorities.

Uninformed whites want a status quo resulting from 350 years of white AA and subsequent minority oppression. Minorities/intelligent whites want equal division of systems/resources then we can have a complete equal society. Racist whites want slavery to come back so they can feel superior to Blacks.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.

Sad that you and others can't see your own racist tendencies.

Do you really think you can outlaw human nature?

I think it's funny that all racist people assume everyone is a racist, just like them.

Look at the demographics of the schools white liberals send their own kids to. Racist as as all fuck.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.

Sad that you and others can't see your own racist tendencies.

Do you really think you can outlaw human nature?

I think it's funny that all racist people assume everyone is a racist, just like them.

Look at the demographics of the schools white liberals send their own kids to. Racist as as all fuck.

Strange, my children went to public schools, and I never reported to the school district which way I lean politically.
"Frankly, it may just take fifteen or twenty years for the old racists to slowly die off " :bye1:

More like under ten years!! :dance:

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.

Sad that you and others can't see your own racist tendencies.

Do you really think you can outlaw human nature?

I think it's funny that all racist people assume everyone is a racist, just like them.

Look at the demographics of the schools white liberals send their own kids to. Racist as as all fuck.

Strange, my children went to public schools, and I never reported to the school district which way I lean politically.

What were the racial demographics of the school you sent your kids to?
What will Republican's do now that they've alienated women, the LGBT community, and minorities, once old white racist men die off? I guess the Republican party will die off at the same time. Oh well.

Sad that you and others can't see your own racist tendencies.

Do you really think you can outlaw human nature?

I think it's funny that all racist people assume everyone is a racist, just like them.

Look at the demographics of the schools white liberals send their own kids to. Racist as as all fuck.

Strange, my children went to public schools, and I never reported to the school district which way I lean politically.

What were the racial demographics of the school you sent your kids to?

This should be interesting (if not predictable).
Sad that you and others can't see your own racist tendencies.

Do you really think you can outlaw human nature?

I think it's funny that all racist people assume everyone is a racist, just like them.

Look at the demographics of the schools white liberals send their own kids to. Racist as as all fuck.

Strange, my children went to public schools, and I never reported to the school district which way I lean politically.

What were the racial demographics of the school you sent your kids to?

This should be interesting (if not predictable).

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