Running Scared: Maryland Democrats Play The Race Card

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
It's truly disgusting the way the Democratic Party perceives black people. They really do think that blacks are stupid and ignorant.

Anthony Brown has performed poorly in each of the candidate’s three debates, and his campaign ads have been mostly negative attacks on Hogan, a small business owner and founder of the non-profit Change Maryland. He’s also been accused of ducking the media. He even got the name of one of the state’s largest cities wrong, saying he visited “Fredricktown.” The city is Fredrick. This led to a parody song mocking him.

Enthusiasm for Brown is low.

All these factors appear to have led to the Democratic Party of Maryland to panic.

A new mailer with the authority line “Paid for by the Maryland Democratic Party” targets black voters by tying Republicans to the Democratic Party’s racist past.

The mailer’s front page reads, “It’s been a long journey…” over a picture of Martin Luther King and civil rights marchers.

The next page reads, “They’ve placed roadblocks in our path at every turn.” It features pictures of a “colored waiting room” sign, a “must show ID to vote,” sign, racists marching against civil rights, and Donald Trump superimposed over a billboard reading “Where’s the birth certificate?” At the bottom it reads, “In Maryland, it’s our turn to take an important step in the journey…”

That leads to the next page, reading, “Vote for Anthony Brown as Maryland’s first African-American Governor.” And includes, “History is watching to see if we vote.”

At least this lady sees through the charade.

The mailer was sent to an African-American woman in Silver Spring, Md., who was appalled and tweeted it. The woman, known as FreedomGrilRN on Twitter, told me, “Do you think they sent this out to WHITES? Of course not. This was addressed to my husband –>Democrat and 1of my daughters- Independent.

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