Russia is now claiming to want peace talks with Ukraine

Before the war started I didn't know there was such a thing as "Peace Keeping Troops", sounds like an oxymoron. Now I know you can have Peace Keeping Tanks, Nukes, Missiles, Atomic Bombs. Putin taught me something new I never knew before until now.

Just like the President had up to 10,000 troops for "peacekeeping" missions that can be deployed without the consent of Congress and an official declaration of war. Vietnam started as such a deployment, and war was never officially declared. Congress just kept extending the President's peacekeeping authority.

The UN and NATO both have their own peacekeeping divisions, which are used to do things like defending civilians, protect humanitarian workers, etc. They don't get directly involved in military operations on either side, but if Russia were to start attacking civilians who are fleeing, the UN and NATO troops, who are typically better trained and better armed than Russian soldiers, would have the legal authority to use lethal force. They are also used to stop things like genocide, The last time the UN did anything major with their troops was 1994 in Rwanda. They sent troops in to defend the victims of the genocide and escort refugees to safety. They did have to actively fight the Rwandan militias at some points.

if the UN decides they need to intervene to protect refugees or prevent civilian deaths, the Russians don't really stand a chance. The UN troops are very well trained and very well armed. They are one of the most effective paramilitary organizations in the world.

and if NATO brings Ukraine in, then you can bet NATO forces will be sent in at some point, and they are just as effective as the UN forces, but without the limitation of not specifically being involved in offensive combat. NATO forces are specifically intended to give direct military aid as party of the treaty.
With all the threats Putin has made over Ukraine, even implying any help for Ukraine could lead to nuclear war, after the Russian economy has been dropping like a stone in the face of Hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions, including the Swiss freazing Putin's personal bank accounts. and even threatening to seize all Russian money in Swiss banks permantly,, Russia is now wanting peace talks. Ukraine is wanting to officialy join both the EU and NATO, which would destroy Russia's plans, which is also the reason why Putin went as far as implying threats of nuclear war if this were allowed.

But Russia is in no place to make demends. They figured that Ukraine was small enough that the wor;d would just ignore the invasion, and the opposite happened. Now, they are face an economic collapse if the sanctions continue.

And, with them attacking merchant ships, several nations might be considered declaring war. Turkey has already started considering blocking all Russian passage into the Black Sea, including their merchant ships, which would further destroy Russia's economy.

I say we bring Ukraine into NATO and then just for the fun of it, we continue destroying the Russian economy through sanctions. FUCK RUSSIA.

Peace probably looks like the Ukraine capitulating.

Putin is getting rather annoying. He had a "cease fire" to let civilians out of certain cities and then completely ignored it.
The very best that can be realistically hoped for is that hostilities cease where things are. More than that is unrealistic. At the same time, many imaginable events could come about. For one unlikely, but conceivable thing, China might decide its interests are being damaged and call in Putin's debts to it.
With all the threats Putin has made over Ukraine, even implying any help for Ukraine could lead to nuclear war, after the Russian economy has been dropping like a stone in the face of Hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions, including the Swiss freazing Putin's personal bank accounts. and even threatening to seize all Russian money in Swiss banks permantly,, Russia is now wanting peace talks. Ukraine is wanting to officialy join both the EU and NATO, which would destroy Russia's plans, which is also the reason why Putin went as far as implying threats of nuclear war if this were allowed.

But Russia is in no place to make demends. They figured that Ukraine was small enough that the wor;d would just ignore the invasion, and the opposite happened. Now, they are face an economic collapse if the sanctions continue.

And, with them attacking merchant ships, several nations might be considered declaring war. Turkey has already started considering blocking all Russian passage into the Black Sea, including their merchant ships, which would further destroy Russia's economy.

I say we bring Ukraine into NATO and then just for the fun of it, we continue destroying the Russian economy through sanctions. FUCK RUSSIA.
You listen way too much to what the CIA controlled media tells you.NATO thst occupy the Ukraine started the bloodbath with sleepy have way too much faith in the western media.

What the western corporate controlled media in the stars is not reporting is new world order stooge zelensky propped up by NATO has violated a world agreement put in place in 2017 of putting missiles on the Ukraine Russia border and murdering citizens in Ukraine.

Imagine fir a second if Russia agreed with us to not put any missiles on the Mexican United States border but violated that agreement and put missiles in Canada and started murdering citizens in Mexico,should we just sit back and ignore it and give them their blessing, :cuckoo: that’s what Russia is facing,you all need to turn off the idiot box in the living room and look at the alternative media not controlled by the corporations.
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Well, at least now we'll never need to wonder whether Putin is lying!

Silver lining!
With all the threats Putin has made over Ukraine, even implying any help for Ukraine could lead to nuclear war, after the Russian economy has been dropping like a stone in the face of Hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions, including the Swiss freazing Putin's personal bank accounts. and even threatening to seize all Russian money in Swiss banks permantly,, Russia is now wanting peace talks. Ukraine is wanting to officialy join both the EU and NATO, which would destroy Russia's plans, which is also the reason why Putin went as far as implying threats of nuclear war if this were allowed.

But Russia is in no place to make demends. They figured that Ukraine was small enough that the wor;d would just ignore the invasion, and the opposite happened. Now, they are face an economic collapse if the sanctions continue.

And, with them attacking merchant ships, several nations might be considered declaring war. Turkey has already started considering blocking all Russian passage into the Black Sea, including their merchant ships, which would further destroy Russia's economy.

I say we bring Ukraine into NATO and then just for the fun of it, we continue destroying the Russian economy through sanctions. FUCK RUSSIA.

The process to admit Ukraine is not that simple.
Bug keep destroying the little turd. He will eventually have to stop.

Here's some thought. I'll bet he flees the country mysterious and goes to China, shoots himself then let's the big ones go before. What u think.
if someone has a judgement against you, you don’t have a right to invade their home with guns and take it over

As a matter of fact, you DO have the right to invade if you caught someone stealing oil from you for decades, and they refuse to pay up.
Inside the US, you get the police to confiscate their property for you so it can be returned to you.
But since there are no international police, then countries are authorized to do it themselves.

Russia was more than patient, since they won the judgement way back in 2012.
But the Ukraine also murdered ethnic Russians, violated treaties, and tried to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
And Russia STILL did not invade until it was the Ukraine that broke off negotiations.
Dont get carried away

if the russians withdraw from all parts of ukraine thats a win for the west

but that has not happened yet

Russia will not and can not withdraw from any of the Ukraine until the west stops illegally interfering.
Economic sanctions against Russia are illegal and make the Oligarchs stronger because they used to have to compete against US competition. Now they can charge poor Russians whatever the Oligarchs want to charge.
Stupid move.
Russia can not back down because the Ukraine went to far, stealing oil, violating treaties, trying to get NATO nukes, etc.
The process to admit Ukraine is not that simple.
Bug keep destroying the little turd. He will eventually have to stop.

Here's some thought. I'll bet he flees the country mysterious and goes to China, shoots himself then let's the big ones go before. What u think.

The Ukraine even trying to join a western alliance like NATO, is a treaty violation that puts the Ukraine back into being a state of the USSR.
It is illegal for the Ukraine to try to join NATO.
Any time the Ukraine violates treaties by trying to illegally join NATO, they will always be invaded.
It is the same as Cuba installing Russian nukes.
It is never going to be allowed.
Supposedly, Vlad's dropped the regime change demand. But the basic problem will be is how any promise Russia makes can be enforced without Nato troops. And we really don't want to be involved in that. We really don't want to give Ukraine tanks and aircraft.
A military invasion by the powerful but dilapidated russian military is illegal

responding to aggression is perfectly legal

The Ukraine's oil thefts were an act of war.
The Ukraine's murder of 14k ethnic Russians was an act of war..
The Ukraine attempt to get NATO nukes was an act of war.
The Ukraine treaty violations were an act of war.
The Ukraine breaking off negotiations was an act of war.

Russia invading the Ukraine is not an act of war or aggression, but simply the legal consequences of Ukraine's crimes.
Supposedly, Vlad's dropped the regime change demand. But the basic problem will be is how any promise Russia makes can be enforced without Nato troops. And we really don't want to be involved in that. We really don't want to give Ukraine tanks and aircraft.

Sure we do.
The whole point of the US taking over the government of the Ukraine in 2014 was to get them by buy US tanks and aircraft instead of Russian ones.
The Ukraine's oil thefts were an act of war.
The Ukraine's murder of 14k ethnic Russians was an act of war..
The Ukraine attempt to get NATO nukes was an act of war.
The Ukraine treaty violations were an act of war.
The Ukraine breaking off negotiations was an act of war.

Russia invading the Ukraine is not an act of war or aggression, but simply the legal consequences of Ukraine's crimes.
You make no more sense than bendog does

you folks can battle to the death without me
Sure we do.
The whole point of the US taking over the government of the Ukraine in 2014 was to get them by buy US tanks and aircraft instead of Russian ones.
That's factually incorrect.

But yes, the euromaiden was about Ukrainians insisting Yanukovych complete the Ukraine - EU trade agreement. I don't think polls were really reliable, but it was certain that a Ukrainian maj govt made the deal. SO, perhaps, it would be fair to agree that the West supported a revolution in Ukraine to toss out a Russian stooge so that Ukraine would be a trading ally.

There's actually not that much profit in selling arms, unless the US treasury is at least "subsidizing" the deal. We may have gotten good value from the arab oil producers though ...., and Biden seems to be stiffing them, imo.
With all the threats Putin has made over Ukraine, even implying any help for Ukraine could lead to nuclear war, after the Russian economy has been dropping like a stone in the face of Hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions, including the Swiss freazing Putin's personal bank accounts. and even threatening to seize all Russian money in Swiss banks permantly,, Russia is now wanting peace talks. Ukraine is wanting to officialy join both the EU and NATO, which would destroy Russia's plans, which is also the reason why Putin went as far as implying threats of nuclear war if this were allowed.

But Russia is in no place to make demends. They figured that Ukraine was small enough that the wor;d would just ignore the invasion, and the opposite happened. Now, they are face an economic collapse if the sanctions continue.

And, with them attacking merchant ships, several nations might be considered declaring war. Turkey has already started considering blocking all Russian passage into the Black Sea, including their merchant ships, which would further destroy Russia's economy.

I say we bring Ukraine into NATO and then just for the fun of it, we continue destroying the Russian economy through sanctions. FUCK RUSSIA.

Putin is simply playing games. They are simply giving false hopes to get the Ukrainians to drop their guard, lure them out, and blow them up some more.
Putin is simply playing games. They are simply giving false hopes to get the Ukrainians to drop their guard, lure them out, and blow them up some more.
I suspect you are spot on. Russians will not demand Putin stop his aggression, and honestly a maj of them may actually support invading countries to establish a third Russian Empire. Sanctions might keep Russia from having enough working farm equip to plant a wheat crop, or maybe harvest it months down the line. If there's no bread ... it might change Russians minds ... but maybe not.

This war could go on for years. Maybe another thread title is correct that once Putin actually invaded a former 'republic' with the intent to recreate it - again - as a vassal state with a stooge govt and fake elections, then even the milquetoast Biden has become a full throated Scoop Jackson Dem to join with the Gop establishment, and the US will try to use Ukrainian lives to bleed Mother Russia White (there's a pun in there)

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I see. Like Quid Pro Pedo Joe you are very worried about the Iranian citizens of Kiev. :lol:
May not agree with every intent of president Biden, but we do not have all the information about what is happening. Two many politicians are saying too much about our plans. allowing Putin to get to much information, that is one of the things that messed up sending planes. At this point Biden appears steady and measured.

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