Russia is now claiming to want peace talks with Ukraine

Putin is simply playing games. They are simply giving false hopes to get the Ukrainians to drop their guard, lure them out, and blow them up some more.

No, Russia has always seriously need the breadbasket of the Ukraine, and has always bent over backwards trying to be nice to them.
But trying to get NATO nukes on Russia's border is such a treaty violation, Russia had no choice at all any more.
The Ukraine's oil thefts were an act of war.
The Ukraine's murder of 14k ethnic Russians was an act of war..
The Ukraine attempt to get NATO nukes was an act of war.
The Ukraine treaty violations were an act of war.
The Ukraine breaking off negotiations was an act of war.

Russia invading the Ukraine is not an act of war or aggression, but simply the legal consequences of Ukraine's crimes.
Sounds like Ukraine existing as an independent state is "an act of war".
Sounds like Ukraine existing as an independent state is "an act of war".
So you would not mind if Canada or Mexico stole US oil out of a pipeline, or put Russian nukes on our border?
The Ukraine even trying to join a western alliance like NATO, is a treaty violation that puts the Ukraine back into being a state of the USSR.
It is illegal for the Ukraine to try to join NATO.
Any time the Ukraine violates treaties by trying to illegally join NATO, they will always be invaded.
It is the same as Cuba installing Russian nukes.
It is never going to be allowed.
Why is a democratic sovereign country not allowed to join NATO?
The illegality you suggest is against what law of what country?

I can see you are still supporting the communists. Thats very virtuous of a republican.
Putin is simply playing games. They are simply giving false hopes to get the Ukrainians to drop their guard, lure them out, and blow them up some more.
Apparently, it's the ones closest to Putin, the Russian mobsters and Oligarchs who make up his inner circle that were pushing for peace. The sanctions are really hurting them. Especially after the Swiss starting freezing their Swiss bank accounts, and the US and EU started going after their overseas businesses, real estate, etc.
I say that the only way this ends is with Russia's economy collapsing into a depression from the sanctions.
Apparently, Biden has been taking with people in both parties about a possible ban on Russian imports and exports, to go along with the other sanctions. Basically, it would ban all Russian-made products from entering the US, ban Russian ships from entering US ports at all, and ban US companies from selling certain types of goods to Russian businesses or the Russian government.
With all the threats Putin has made over Ukraine, even implying any help for Ukraine could lead to nuclear war, after the Russian economy has been dropping like a stone in the face of Hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions, including the Swiss freazing Putin's personal bank accounts. and even threatening to seize all Russian money in Swiss banks permantly,, Russia is now wanting peace talks. Ukraine is wanting to officialy join both the EU and NATO, which would destroy Russia's plans, which is also the reason why Putin went as far as implying threats of nuclear war if this were allowed.

But Russia is in no place to make demends. They figured that Ukraine was small enough that the wor;d would just ignore the invasion, and the opposite happened. Now, they are face an economic collapse if the sanctions continue.

And, with them attacking merchant ships, several nations might be considered declaring war. Turkey has already started considering blocking all Russian passage into the Black Sea, including their merchant ships, which would further destroy Russia's economy.

I say we bring Ukraine into NATO and then just for the fun of it, we continue destroying the Russian economy through sanctions. FUCK RUSSIA.
By all means let’s hope Turkey declares war on Russia. Maybe we can even hope for a general conflict involving Russia and NATO and if we are really fortunate WW III. Wouldn’t that be fabulous!

Let’s encourage Ukraine to join NATO. Then the war will continual indefinitely. Lots of corpses, hurrah!
Tramp is putins love child, Biden is not.
It amazes me that Democrats still believe the made up BS by Hillary and the DNC. The Steele Dossier was FALSE.

It is possible that Putin wanted to see Trump as our President but that is because Putin may have viewed Trump as a businessman who he could deal with while Hillary was an individual he could never trust.

In December 2011, Vladimir Putin came closer than he’s ever been to losing his hold on power. His decision that year to run for a third term as Russia’s President had inspired a massive protest movement against him. Demonstrations calling for him to resign were attracting hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Some of his closest allies had defected to the opposition, causing a split in the Kremlin elites, and Russian state media had begun to warn of a revolution in the making.

At a crisis meeting with his advisers on Dec. 8 of that year, the Russian leader chose to lay the blame on one meddling foreign diplomat: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“She set the tone for certain actors inside the country; she gave the signal,” Putin said of Clinton at the time, accusing her of ordering the opposition movement into action like some kind of revolutionary sleeper cell. “They heard this signal and, with the support of the U.S. State Department, started actively doing their work.”

Five years later, the U.S. presidential elections may have given Putin his chance for getting even. According to Clinton’s campaign staff and a number of cyber-security experts, Russian hackers in the service of the Kremlin were behind last week’s leak of emails from the Democratic National Committee. The hacked messages appeared to show DNC officials, who are meant to remain neutral during the Democratic Party’s primary race, favoring Clinton over her then-rival, Senator Bernie Sanders.
Then why did Trump not hesitate to order US forces to target and destroy Russian Forces in Syria twice and warn Putin such attacks would be repeated if necessary?
It's an article of faith to them, and facts simply don't penetrate.
Why is a democratic sovereign country not allowed to join NATO?
The illegality you suggest is against what law of what country?

I can see you are still supporting the communists. Thats very virtuous of a republican.

The legality of whether or not the Ukraine can join NATO is determined by treaty.
The Ukraine essentially signed a contract for its independence in 1992, and joining NATO is a contract violation that amounts to a criminal act.

Was the US legally justified in blockading Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Cuba had not signed any treaties promising not to install missiles like the Ukraine had signed about not joining NATO.

And by the way, I have never voted Republican in my life.
I tend to vote Green or Socialist, when faced with a choice like Hillary.
Apparently, it's the ones closest to Putin, the Russian mobsters and Oligarchs who make up his inner circle that were pushing for peace. The sanctions are really hurting them. Especially after the Swiss starting freezing their Swiss bank accounts, and the US and EU started going after their overseas businesses, real estate, etc.

It is totally illegal to impose economic sanctions on individuals.
That makes the US and banks as the mobsters.
It is totally illegal to impose economic sanctions on individuals.
That makes the US and banks as the mobsters.
Banks can legally freeze any accounts they have evidence is connected to criminal activities
I say that the only way this ends is with Russia's economy collapsing into a depression from the sanctions.

Russia is totally and completely self sufficient and always has been.
They do not lose anything by having western fast food pull out.
They gain because all those western businesses drained capital out of Russia.
Now Russia gets to keep all their own wealth internally.
Banks can legally freeze any accounts they have evidence is connected to criminal activities

The economic sanctions are not against the Russian government, but innocent individuals instead, and that is a war crime according to the 1906 Geneva Conventions.
Individual Russian civilians are not guilty of anything necessarily.
There certainly has not been any "evidence".
In fact, it is the Ukraine that first committed the original acts of war, like treaty violations and murdering ethnic Russians.
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Then why did Trump not hesitate to order US forces to target and destroy Russian Forces in Syria twice and warn Putin such attacks would be repeated if necessary?

It was totally illegal for US forces to even be in Syria at all.
The only legal way would be if the UN had called for US assistance, and that never happened.
The Russians were there legally because Assad was the legitimate ruler and can ask for Russian aid.
Apparently, Biden has been taking with people in both parties about a possible ban on Russian imports and exports, to go along with the other sanctions. Basically, it would ban all Russian-made products from entering the US, ban Russian ships from entering US ports at all, and ban US companies from selling certain types of goods to Russian businesses or the Russian government.

Economic sanctions that are totally illegal according to the 1906 Geneva conventions against civilian economic warfare.
It amazes me that Democrats still believe the made up BS by Hillary and the DNC. The Steele Dossier was FALSE.

It is possible that Putin wanted to see Trump as our President but that is because Putin may have viewed Trump as a businessman who he could deal with while Hillary was an individual he could never trust.

In December 2011, Vladimir Putin came closer than he’s ever been to losing his hold on power. His decision that year to run for a third term as Russia’s President had inspired a massive protest movement against him. Demonstrations calling for him to resign were attracting hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Some of his closest allies had defected to the opposition, causing a split in the Kremlin elites, and Russian state media had begun to warn of a revolution in the making.

At a crisis meeting with his advisers on Dec. 8 of that year, the Russian leader chose to lay the blame on one meddling foreign diplomat: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“She set the tone for certain actors inside the country; she gave the signal,” Putin said of Clinton at the time, accusing her of ordering the opposition movement into action like some kind of revolutionary sleeper cell. “They heard this signal and, with the support of the U.S. State Department, started actively doing their work.”

Five years later, the U.S. presidential elections may have given Putin his chance for getting even. According to Clinton’s campaign staff and a number of cyber-security experts, Russian hackers in the service of the Kremlin were behind last week’s leak of emails from the Democratic National Committee. The hacked messages appeared to show DNC officials, who are meant to remain neutral during the Democratic Party’s primary race, favoring Clinton over her then-rival, Senator Bernie Sanders.

The fact the Steele dossier was false, means the impeachment proceedings based on it were criminal I think.
I do not like Trumps, the the impeachments were far in excess of normal legal procedures.

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