Russian 'Pig' Used To Blow Up Pipeline

It was by the same reporter, Leo saw live on FOX on Special Report with Brett Baier, so there is that. Everything else I found was from overseas on the leaked pics and vids today of the Swedish investigation of the incident in their waters.

I'm not so credulous as you or some of you here!

You have to check and double check everything, particularly in this Ukranian war.
I'm not so credulous as you or some of you here!

You have to check and double check everything, particularly in this Ukranian war.
Skye, at this point I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't need to 'double check' the fact that this is a story from Jennifer Griffin and her source. Whether or not the Russians actually did this is speculation.
Arbitrary enforcement of rule stating that claims made in OP must be provided with a supporting link is arbitrary. Observably...
I need more sources to believe this story!

Credible sources!

I'm funny that way!:)

I don't know what the truth is, but I do know that Joe Biden is a loudmouthed braggart that has been saying stupid shit for decades. Not sure that the full truth will ever surface, but I do think it's likely that the debris from the explosion ought to indicate whether the explosion came from outside or inside the pipelines. I do not want to believe our gov't would do that, so, maybe my judgement is influenced. But I do think Putin would blow up those Russian pipelines if he thought it would benefit him politically and discredit us internationally and get the sanctions against his country lifted. I doubt very much he cares at all about the cost of the damage, and I don't think he has any scruples about doing whatever it takes to realize his goals of rebuilding the old USSR, or at least as much of it as he can. AND I think his successor is highly likely to be of the same mind.

Back to Biden, it if came out that he did authorize that action, he would be finished as an American politician and his legacy would be forever turned to shit. I do not believe we did it. Could be wrong, I acknowledge that.
That's all there is to it! what's so hard to understand?

Arbitrary enforcement of rule stating that claims made in OP must be provided with a supporting link is arbitrary. Observably...
Well, if a link is required in Current Events then I guess I'm guilty but, White 6 did provide a link later on proving what I said was true. Go ahead and punish me I guess.....:dunno:

YES!! I agree. Biden DID say that. Maybe he DID IT!! I'm not discounting that I'm just being honest and giving information that runs contrary to what FOX commentators were saying, that's all. I do watch FOX and do like Carlson who disagrees with Griffin. BFD
Well, if a link is required in Current Events then I guess I'm guilty but, White 6 did provide a link later on proving what I said was true. Go ahead and punish me I guess.....:dunno:

Well, then, White should be sent to maude re-education camp.

It's nothing personal, Leo. I was just stating an observable fact.
I'm not so credulous as you or some of you here!

You have to check and double check everything, particularly in this Ukranian war.
That's true, the Ukraine invasion or any other war, but it helps to not be immediately skeptical if the news you are hearing does not match your political desires. Some things turn out to be true, whether liked or fitting preferred agenda or not. This one very well might.

I can figure no reason the Russians would blow a hole in their own pipeline, accept possibly to take attention away from the continuing success of the Ukraine offensive, starting a bunch of international accusations and smoke in the air, and that seems a stretch. Of course I was always better at tactics for operating a strategy, then strategy itself.

Did you see, the new Russian Commander is evacuating Russians from Kherson? The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not going too well.
A fairly small breach would create the same effect. The outflow would destroy the breach site as the natural gas escapes, pushing outward. When a tire blows out, it doesn't start from the inside. If you shoot a full plastic milk jug with a .22, the hole you end up is not .22, nor is the hole pushed inwards.
A fairly small breach would create the same effect. The outflow would destroy the breach site as the natural gas escapes, pushing outward. When a tire blows out, it doesn't start from the inside. If you shoot a full plastic milk jug with a .22, the hole you end up is not .22, nor is the hole pushed inwards.
Griffin does not follow the FOX mantra. Yet they still have her on. Think about that.
Ah no ... pfffft ... joking right? ... smart people listen to NPR ... silly goose ...
I will chalk that up as "evaded answering the question."

Unless of course he is hiding behind it all by tryring to pretend PBS is anything different or better than ABC NBC CBS MSNBC CNN. When we all know it is not.
It would be possible to send a "pig" into the pipeline to do something nefarious. A wheeled robot could be used also, like what is used in sewer and water pipes.

In relevant reading, venture capitalist David Sacks has a piece in Newsweek breaking down the alliance between the "woke" cancel culture of the Twitter hive mind and the neocons, explaining how this is being used to move us toward an unnecessary nuclear conflict with Russia.

From the piece...

''We've seen this before: 'Woke mobs' on Twitter routinely demonize and defame their political opponents, impugn the motives of anyone who questions their goals or tactics, and squelch dissent even in their own ranks by declaring the debate on certain topics over.

What makes the "I stand with Ukraine" version of the Twitter mob unique is that it brings together two forces that used to be sworn enemies of one another—the woke Left and the neoconservative Right. It turns out they share many of the same loathsome ideological and personality traits, and have a similar "slash and burn" approach to political engagement. It's a new political marriage.

A regional war turned into the First World War because all parties made maximalist demands and assumed others were bluffing. It can happen again, especially if the media, social media, and foreign policy elite join forces and use woke cancellation tactics to preclude discussion of any alternatives. Right now, we are locked on an escalatory path, and the destination ahead is Woke War III.''

Continued - The Neocons and the Woke Left Are Joining Hands and Leading Us to Woke War III

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