Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

If there was a Democrat President and a Democrat Senate and a Conservative Justice died they would fall all over themselves getting a stupid hate America Liberal to be the replacement.
Let the American people decide.... as McConnell said. :rolleyes-41:

When he made that statement there was an idiot Democrat in the house and a Republican Senate. The people were split through their representatives.

Now the people have elected a Republican President and a Republican Senate so they have made their choice.

That hateful shithead Ginsburg will be replaced by a Conservative. God bless Trump!
I cannot say I am sad. She should have been out years ago. I hope Trump brings a strict constitutionalist to the bench.
He can only appoint a justice if he's president.

Which he can do up to January 21, 2021, even if he isn't re-elected
The last 11 months of Barack Obama’s term was rejected when Moscow Mitch rejected Merrick Garland’s appointment.

Are you saying the constitution works one way for democrat presidents and another for republicans?
Elections have consequences ........The GOP rejected Obama and the appointment........gambling they would win the Senate and POTUS............

Dems lost..........States voice rejected Obama........and accepted Trump........

Spare me the outrage as your side would have been dancing.....and pushing the power through if they could..........You know it and we know it.
There’s that pesky constitution that says a president serves a four year term
CNN just reported that RBG told her granddaughter before she died that she did not want Trump picking her successor.

I guess that's just tough shit, because Donald J Trump is President, and will be making an appointment.

Since Sleepy Joe doesn't like the Biden Rule that McConnell honored last time, we can expect the appointment for replacement immediately.

Remember Merrick Garland? The American people should make that decision in the upcoming election - which is only 45 days away. Remember Mitch McConnell's words for not allowing a Senate vote on Merrick Garland?
there are now 3 branches of government on the ballot in November

the election of our life!

Well, that will crank up the Senate.
OK we've mourned long enough,, time to put a constitutionalist like ted cruz or mike lee in there,,,

If that happens, The Biden administration will be well within its right to expand the entire federal court system, including the Supreme Court. This one would cost Republicans big time, if they go down that road.

FDR tried that

and failed

Respectfully screw her reverent wish...she knew she was in poor health for the last several years and could have stepped down during the O'Biden administration, but she thought Hillary was going to win so she took a gamble and lost...

Not arguing. Just put it out there.

If Trump doesnt take advantage of this IMMEDIATELY, hes a fool. I'm betting he will. It is his right and duty


You didn’t feel that way about Scalia’s vacancy.

That was before the political impeachment of a duly elected president
Payback time

Well, that will crank up the Senate.
OK we've mourned long enough,, time to put a constitutionalist like ted cruz or mike lee in there,,,

If that happens, The Biden administration will be well within its right to expand the entire federal court system, including the Supreme Court. This one would cost Republicans big time, if they go down that road.

Oh really?
Why would that give them the right to expand SCOTUS and the federal court system?
Frankly...the way the denied Merrick Garland should...this could be interesting.

If they expand..or even if they don’t, term limits would be a good idea. It would make process less political.

You didnt explain how that would give them the right.
This entire thread makes me seethe with rage. Nothing much triggers me, but this did. This display of utter contempt and hatred is more triggering than anything a vile right or left troll could ever say to me on this board.
Suck it up, buttercup. She was a decisive America hating asshole.

I don't care at this point in time what she was. I do not engage my real opinion..........RIP...........and as always.......there will be a rush to replacement with a Borking of the replacement.
Didn’t you guys state you shouldn’t do that right before an election?
They were just kidding.
Spare me the fake outrage........recently the DNC was talking about stacking the Court if they get power...........

When you lose you change the rules.........And now you demand FAIRNESS when you know your side NEVER PLAYS FAIR.........You would ram it home without vasoline for power.

You are about to get a taste of it back.

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