Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

What does any of that have to do with a monogamous marriage?

Is a sex life not part of a "monogamous" gay marriage too? Or is being gay only a means to make a political statement? If it's the former, it has plenty to do with monogamous marriage. If it's the latter, then we have just discovered the whole motivation behind the LGBTQ movement.

Now, in a monogamous gay marriage, I would assume sex is part of the marriage, as it is with a monogamous heterosexual marriage. Having same sex intercourse can and will prevent dangers to health.
Do you understand what a monogamous marriage is?

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Having same sex intercourse can and will prevent dangers to health.

As long as it is monogamous, yes indeed. Which is why I keep asking dipshit to explain how "gay kills" in a monogamous gay marriage.

Well then, let the burden of proof rest on the accuser. I have other things to do.

You can't answer the question.

The answer is that promiscuity is dangerous. People in monogamous relationships aren't in any danger. You should be supporting marriage for that reason. Marriage promotes monogamy, right?
Why? Is stating fact now bigoted? Care to compare health profiles of homosexual and heterosexual men? No, of course you dont. You deflect every time I bring this up because you know the answer. Gay kills.

Please explain how two men in a monogamous marriage kills.
SO you think only 2 men are capable of monogamous marriage? You sure look stupid.
That is not what I said, incomprehension boi.

You said, "Gay kills". So please explain how two gay men in a monogamous marriage kills.

I predict you will continue to dodge, deflect or defend your bare assertion with another bare assertion.

It can kill. While syphilis itself is not fatal, it can cause loss of eyesight and strokes (which can kill you, or cause brain damage).

Syphilis Cases Among Gay Bisexual Men On The Rise In The U.S.

Other STDs, like HIV can and will kill. As of now there is no effective cure for it...yet.

According to the CDC:

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent an incredibly diverse community. However, these men are disproportionately impacted by syphilis, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)."

Reverse transcription of the HIV-1 pandemic

While I have no control over, nor care as to what gay people do, such a lifestyle presents significant risks to health.
What does any of that have to do with a monogamous marriage?

By the way, syphilis and gonorrhea were killing millions of heterosexuals for centuries before a cure was found.

Not to mention that the most likely customer of a female prostitute is a middleaged married man.

For what it's worth.
Let's go with you and your belief for a second. Where did Jesus say not to bake cakes for gay people?

When Conservative Christians question how much money is being asked of them to the State, liberals remind them the need to be more giving as Jesus said. Jesus did say we need to give to the Church and to the poor. So, it is the liberals that insert the State, not Jesus. So why are you bringing up baking cakes for gay people?
What difference does it make as long as the poor are taken care of?

Which Poor are you talking about; the State's poor that get cell phones and big screen TVs after the bloated bureaucracy and union cronies have been paid out or the poor you meet directly in the street or read about around the world that are truly starving. Who should get that money first, according to Jesus?

Has no one informed the extreme right that they don't make small screen TV's anymore and that no one uses landlines either?

The poor got them newfangled microwave ovens and VCRs too

What else could they want from life?

My money is that Jesus will side with me on giving money to someone who needs food vs. a State funded TV and cell phone.
And so, only one paltry example of "discrimination."

Like I said. Nonexistent.

Do you understand law? How do you write a law that would allow a bakery to deny service based on religious beliefs, and NOT ALLOW an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctor to ALSO deny their service under the protection of the SAME law?
How do you write a law that would allow a bakery to deny service based on religious beliefs and NOT ALLOW an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctor to ALSO deny their service under the protection of the SAME law?

Because baking cakes and saving lives are two different things. Nobody ever lost their life by not getting their cake. Saving lives is a matter of ethics. But this? Not getting a cake for a gay wedding? Not even close, sir!
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Because baking cakes and saving lives are two different things. Nobody ever lost their life by not getting their cake. Saving lives is a matter of ethics. But this? Not getting a cake for a gay wedding? Not even close, sir!

You just don't understand how law works, do you? How would the law NOT protect an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors from refusing service based on religious beliefs?
You just don't understand how law works, do you? How would the law NOT protect an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors from refusing service based on religious beliefs?

They can't. People's lives are at stake. The health, safety and well being of those they serve are on the line.

But a baker? What can a baker do that compares to that, huh? If those refused had a heart attack in the store, the baker would be the first one to call the paramedics. Oh but yeah, the baker would rather leave them there to die.

Yeah, that must be it.
You just don't understand how law works, do you? How would the law NOT protect an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors from refusing service based on religious beliefs?

They can't. People's lives are at stake. The health, safety and well being of those they serve are on the line.

But a baker? What can a baker do that compares to that, huh? If those refused had a heart attack in the store, the baker would be the first one to call the paramedics. Oh but yeah, the baker would rather leave them there to die.

Yeah, that must be it.

So there is a "threshold" to your twisted value system and beliefs...

If a baker's religious beliefs won't allow him to provide service to gays, he is being a good Christian and showing "courage".

If an EMT's religious beliefs won't allow him to provide service to gays, he is "discriminating" against gays and being "unethical"

Those are "YOUR" very words and sentiments.
You just don't understand how law works, do you? How would the law NOT protect an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors from refusing service based on religious beliefs?

They can't. People's lives are at stake. The health, safety and well being of those they serve are on the line.

But a baker? What can a baker do that compares to that, huh? If those refused had a heart attack in the store, the baker would be the first one to call the paramedics. Oh but yeah, the baker would rather leave them there to die.

Yeah, that must be it.

So there is a "threshold" to your twisted value system and beliefs...

If a baker's religious beliefs won't allow him to provide service to gays, he is being a good Christian and showing "courage".

If an EMT's religious beliefs won't allow him to provide service to gays, he is "discriminating" against gays and being "unethical"

Those are "YOUR" very words and sentiments.
The baker is self employed.
The EMT works for a company.
Do you not understand the difference here?
When Conservative Christians question how much money is being asked of them to the State, liberals remind them the need to be more giving as Jesus said. Jesus did say we need to give to the Church and to the poor. So, it is the liberals that insert the State, not Jesus. So why are you bringing up baking cakes for gay people?
What difference does it make as long as the poor are taken care of?

Which Poor are you talking about; the State's poor that get cell phones and big screen TVs after the bloated bureaucracy and union cronies have been paid out or the poor you meet directly in the street or read about around the world that are truly starving. Who should get that money first, according to Jesus?

Has no one informed the extreme right that they don't make small screen TV's anymore and that no one uses landlines either?

The poor got them newfangled microwave ovens and VCRs too

What else could they want from life?

My money is that Jesus will side with me on giving money to someone who needs food vs. a State funded TV and cell phone.

I can assure you that Jesus woud not side with you when it comes to helpig those who need help

Jesus would be very proud of a state that is concerned for its people
You just don't understand how law works, do you? How would the law NOT protect an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors from refusing service based on religious beliefs?

They can't. People's lives are at stake. The health, safety and well being of those they serve are on the line.

But a baker? What can a baker do that compares to that, huh? If those refused had a heart attack in the store, the baker would be the first one to call the paramedics. Oh but yeah, the baker would rather leave them there to die.

Yeah, that must be it.

So there is a "threshold" to your twisted value system and beliefs...

If a baker's religious beliefs won't allow him to provide service to gays, he is being a good Christian and showing "courage".

If an EMT's religious beliefs won't allow him to provide service to gays, he is "discriminating" against gays and being "unethical"

Those are "YOUR" very words and sentiments.
The baker is self employed.
The EMT works for a company.
Do you not understand the difference here?

There is no difference.
How do you write a law that would allow a bakery to deny service based on religious beliefs and NOT ALLOW an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctor to ALSO deny their service under the protection of the SAME law?

Because baking cakes and saving lives are two different things. Nobody ever lost their life by not getting their cake. Saving lives is a matter of ethics. But this? Not getting a cake for a gay wedding? Not even close, sir!
So, again, your complaint is with PA laws that have been around for decades. What are you doing to get them repealed? What is ANYONE doing to get them repealed? Any lobbying? Any legal cases? Any fundraising? Any petition drives? What?
You just don't understand how law works, do you? How would the law NOT protect an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors from refusing service based on religious beliefs?

They can't. People's lives are at stake. The health, safety and well being of those they serve are on the line.

But a baker? What can a baker do that compares to that, huh? If those refused had a heart attack in the store, the baker would be the first one to call the paramedics. Oh but yeah, the baker would rather leave them there to die.

Yeah, that must be it.
I think what he's asking, is how do you get the law to differentiate?
When Conservative Christians question how much money is being asked of them to the State, liberals remind them the need to be more giving as Jesus said. Jesus did say we need to give to the Church and to the poor. So, it is the liberals that insert the State, not Jesus. So why are you bringing up baking cakes for gay people?
What difference does it make as long as the poor are taken care of?

Which Poor are you talking about; the State's poor that get cell phones and big screen TVs after the bloated bureaucracy and union cronies have been paid out or the poor you meet directly in the street or read about around the world that are truly starving. Who should get that money first, according to Jesus?

Has no one informed the extreme right that they don't make small screen TV's anymore and that no one uses landlines either?

The poor got them newfangled microwave ovens and VCRs too

What else could they want from life?

My money is that Jesus will side with me on giving money to someone who needs food vs. a State funded TV and cell phone.

Who knew that Jesus would side with the Blame the Victims gang?

What difference does it make as long as the poor are taken care of?

Which Poor are you talking about; the State's poor that get cell phones and big screen TVs after the bloated bureaucracy and union cronies have been paid out or the poor you meet directly in the street or read about around the world that are truly starving. Who should get that money first, according to Jesus?

Has no one informed the extreme right that they don't make small screen TV's anymore and that no one uses landlines either?

The poor got them newfangled microwave ovens and VCRs too

What else could they want from life?

My money is that Jesus will side with me on giving money to someone who needs food vs. a State funded TV and cell phone.

Who knew that Jesus would side with the Blame the Victims gang?


Jesus was known to walk down the street and yell at poor people to"Get a job"

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