same sex marriage

You educated me, i never heard of pan sexual

but i knew of a sexual does that count :lol:

Technically they are bisexual

Not necessarily :p

pansexual definition
pan·sex·ual (pan sek′s̸ho̵̅o̅ əl)
displaying or encompassing a broad range of human sexual behavior

Related Forms:

Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

however, since your mind is so closed you probably do not realize that even today many "straight" people participate in homosexual behavior.

Some time ago, I saw a report from the APA which said that studies indicate that almost none is truly "straight" Human sexuality is rarely so clear-cut

Aaah ... pansexual, learn something new everyday with an open mind. :lol:
Technically they are bisexual

Not necessarily :p

pansexual definition
pan·sex·ual (pan sek′s̸ho̵̅o̅ əl)
displaying or encompassing a broad range of human sexual behavior

Related Forms:

Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

however, since your mind is so closed you probably do not realize that even today many "straight" people participate in homosexual behavior.
Some time ago, I saw a report from the APA which said that studies indicate that almost none is truly "straight" Human sexuality is rarely so clear-cut

Aaah ... pansexual, learn something new everyday with an open mind. :lol:


just what I was thinking :lol:
I get it, i dont agree therefore im closed minded.

Ive noticed with many on the pro-homosexual militant movement. And being around these people for 5 months, I can tell you the majority of people gay and straight in the pro homosexual movement are very militant and intolerant of religion and god, because he and the three major faiths dont condone you

Many straight people do not engage in homosexual behavior. that is an outright lie, in 2009, most straight men dont suck cock, and then claim to be straight, unless their lying to themselves.

sex is not all there is but their are two kinds, sex in a relationship or sex for fun.

I dont think anyone that has sex for fun, gay or straight, is a moral person.

Sex should be saved for marriage, but if thats not going to happen atleast a loving committed relationship

but im guess im so close minded, lol

So, you noticed that by being around a group of gays (you didn't specify where) for 5 months, you know all there is to know about gays?

You're fucking stupid.

I've been stationed with gay people all 20 years that I was in the Navy, and I was straight. Almost every duty station that I was at had at least one or two around. How did I know about them? I was in a job that made it my business to know everything about everyone onboard the command.

With that being said, I can tell you that you're wrong Ain't Noble Martin. Most of the gays that I've known have had a healthy respect for theology, with about 50 percent of 'em going to church (Norfolk Va.). Are they "militant" in wanting to be able to live as freely as the rest? Only if you take the attitude that the white person took towards blacks in the 1700 and 1800's. They could only be allowed to be "free" if they acted white. You want to do the same thing to the gays, they can only marry if it's in a heterosexual relationship.

As far as your definition of sex? Well.......there is sex for fun, sex in a relationship, sex for comfort (trust me.......when death and serious injuries happen, people tend to get sexually aroused as sex is life affirming), or sex for any other number of reasons.

By the way...........maybe for YOU it's not "moral" to have sex for fun, but, over in Europe and places like that, it's kind of approved of. Does this mean that those people who are having sex in something other than a committed relationship are "immoral"? Who the fuck appointed your sorry fat ass as God?

Keep your fucked up bigoted "morals" to yourself, and I won't have to tell you what an asshole you are.

And.........just because you want to save sex for marriage (probably too fucking ugly to get laid), doesn't mean that everyone else should wait as well. put it another way, because I'm proud of being patriotic, anyone (such as yourself), who doesn't serve at least 1 term in the military is a communist pinko who wants America to fail.

Doesn't feel so good on the other foot, eh douchebag?
thats not true, their are men and women who are bisexual, ive seen it.

Bi-sexual is a made up word that means nothing.

There is NO such thing as being Bi

If a guy lets another guy pack his fudge. He is a homo. Period
What I was saying, is that anyone who has sex with both male and female is a homosexual.

ho·mo·sex·u·al (hō'mə-sěk'shōō-əl, -mō-)
adj. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
n. Usage Problem
A homosexual person; a gay man or a lesbian.

Ummm.........Sunnidiot.........I nominate this post for the months DUMBEST. state that if you have sex with a man and a woman you're homosexual?

Might wanna try reading the definition above. No problem in getting it for you, as you're obviously too intellectually challenged to do it yourself.
A man who has sex with another man is a homosexual.

Even if that same man has sex sometimes with a woman.

He is still a homo.

Just a homo who sometimes has sex with women.
A man who has sex with another man is a homosexual.

Even if that same man has sex sometimes with a woman.

He is still a homo.

Just a homo who sometimes has sex with women.

You're the gift who keeps on giving...
Fortunately, I haven't questioned any of those people. I haven't even questioned epidemiologists and microbiologists protecting OTHER people's asses from lethal pathogens. I have questioned, and will continue to question, politicians with an agenda to push.

I'm curious how long it's going to take for one of you ostriches to get curious and actually read the document I provided a link to. I'm betting never, because there are none so ignorant as those who assume they already know everything.
provide link again?

also, it's not the politicians recommending these vaccinations - it's the epidemiologists, microbiologists, and physicians you apparently don't question.

I belive homosexuality is a mental illness that requires treatment.
It's a good thing no doctor in the country agrees with that. Wait let me guess, you claim your wife does?

I find it funny, even knowing you're a troll, that you go for this argument. I was really hoping you'd answer the "did you choose to be straight?" question, but I suppose even a troll can see traps.

Go back to school, learn about ancient history and civilizations. They not only tolerated homosexual behavior but many embraced it. The greatest armies of the past practiced it quite often. Again, learn your ancient history, but try to learn with open eyes this time.
As much as I find KittenKoder to be irrationally paranoid, this is actually a valid point. Ancient Greeks used to have a mentor relationship between an older man and a younger adolescent boy. The boy would get knowledge, the man would get... the boy.

This was commonly practiced within the society, even with married men.

Homos and their gay loving backers are always making these idiotic claims.

Homo couples don't reproduce.

So a society composed of mainly homos would eventually die out
I think the problem is that your trolling takes on such a black and white stance. There's no gray for you, which makes you a less effective troll. Take this quote for example. Clearly no one is suggesting everyone become gay. Yet you go there. It makes you less credible. Case in point:

There is NO such thing as being Bi
what reason for going if your not going to change and repent, or are they going as a sign of mockery to the lord, or maybe its one of those churches that cater to society. if a preacher doesn't offend someone in the crowd he's not doing his job.

If a preacher doesn't offend someone he's not doing his job?

You've gotta be kidding me.

Let's look at this rationally and logically. If someone is trying to sell you something (i.e. Christianity), your belief is that you SHOULD piss off at least a few.


Ever hear that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar? Oh're probably also one of those douchebags that think torture is a valid option for gaining intel as well, right?
i volunteered for my local pride office, and other gay events.

did i say i was an expert. Alright i gotta clarify again, rolls eyes.

I have experience being around gay people, and political events, so i think i know something about gays

I get it, i dont agree therefore im closed minded.

Ive noticed with many on the pro-homosexual militant movement. And being around these people for 5 months, I can tell you the majority of people gay and straight in the pro homosexual movement are very militant and intolerant of religion and god, because he and the three major faiths dont condone you

Many straight people do not engage in homosexual behavior. that is an outright lie, in 2009, most straight men dont suck cock, and then claim to be straight, unless their lying to themselves.

sex is not all there is but their are two kinds, sex in a relationship or sex for fun.

I dont think anyone that has sex for fun, gay or straight, is a moral person.

Sex should be saved for marriage, but if thats not going to happen atleast a loving committed relationship

but im guess im so close minded, lol

So, you noticed that by being around a group of gays (you didn't specify where) for 5 months, you know all there is to know about gays?

You're fucking stupid.

I've been stationed with gay people all 20 years that I was in the Navy, and I was straight. Almost every duty station that I was at had at least one or two around. How did I know about them? I was in a job that made it my business to know everything about everyone onboard the command.

With that being said, I can tell you that you're wrong Ain't Noble Martin. Most of the gays that I've known have had a healthy respect for theology, with about 50 percent of 'em going to church (Norfolk Va.). Are they "militant" in wanting to be able to live as freely as the rest? Only if you take the attitude that the white person took towards blacks in the 1700 and 1800's. They could only be allowed to be "free" if they acted white. You want to do the same thing to the gays, they can only marry if it's in a heterosexual relationship.

As far as your definition of sex? Well.......there is sex for fun, sex in a relationship, sex for comfort (trust me.......when death and serious injuries happen, people tend to get sexually aroused as sex is life affirming), or sex for any other number of reasons.

By the way...........maybe for YOU it's not "moral" to have sex for fun, but, over in Europe and places like that, it's kind of approved of. Does this mean that those people who are having sex in something other than a committed relationship are "immoral"? Who the fuck appointed your sorry fat ass as God?

Keep your fucked up bigoted "morals" to yourself, and I won't have to tell you what an asshole you are.

And.........just because you want to save sex for marriage (probably too fucking ugly to get laid), doesn't mean that everyone else should wait as well. put it another way, because I'm proud of being patriotic, anyone (such as yourself), who doesn't serve at least 1 term in the military is a communist pinko who wants America to fail.

Doesn't feel so good on the other foot, eh douchebag?
Those who enjoy the government dictating their religious beliefs need to go to the Middle East and let us lift the bans on such things as gay marriage. Seriously, that's all it is, a ban on one form of marriage is just that, the government dictating what your religious beliefs should be.
i volunteered for my local pride office, and other gay events.

did i say i was an expert. Alright i gotta clarify again, rolls eyes.

I have experience being around gay people, and political events, so i think i know something about gays

I'll make it simple, as you're obviously mentally challenged..........

In the biker culture we have a quote......"18 grand and 18 miles don't make you a Biker".

In your case? "5 months and 5 gay acquaintances doesn't make you an expert on homosexuality".

I actually LIVED with 2 lesbians for 2 years while stationed in Norfolk Va. from '98 to '99. So yeah....I kinda think I know a thing or two about 'em.

Or...........another way of putting it..............just because you petted some animal at the zoo, doesn't mean that you know enough about the animal to pet it in the wild.

Try again. I'll wait.
If a preacher doesn't offend someone he's not doing his job?

You've gotta be kidding me.

Let's look at this rationally and logically. If someone is trying to sell you something (i.e. Christianity), your belief is that you SHOULD piss off at least a few.


Ever hear that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar? Oh're probably also one of those douchebags that think torture is a valid option for gaining intel as well, right?

no. but he should preach the bible and if someone thinks he talking to them should they try to get him fired? thats how a lot of these fancy churches are getting it ok for gays to become members and keep on sinning should a church sell you that?

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