Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama

Big difference between needing a surgery to survive, and needing a pill to lay on your back like a dead cockroach. See, one is necessary, the other is simply wanted.

Considering this has been a national issue for awhile now, I have to assume you are choosing to ignore the list of medical reasons physicians prescribe birth control for. Some of them are mundane, some of them serious, all of them are issues best left between the patient and her doctor. Its my personal opinion that it you're going to allow employers to deny coverage based on religious beliefs then you can't complain when other religions start choosing to opt out of coverage.

No, I am not ignoring that. Rhinoplasty has legitimate medical reasons. Should we also pay to have Sandra flukes hideous beak fixed? Fuckin parasites.

I would have no issue with any business opting out of coverage.

If someone is having trouble breathing and the doctor says they need rhinoplasty, then I don't think the employeer should have a say in if the insurance that the employee pays into, covers it.

I can tell that the notion of women having sex upsets you, and the notion of women asking that the insurance that they pay into cover a basic medical need, that the insurance company would love to cover, upset you. I'm sure you were also really upset that women decided to leave the kitchen and enter the work force too. It's just too bad we won't shut up and make you a sammich.
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I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

And the right talks about how the left talks about women! As far as I can see, both sides has many that have serious women issues.
Considering this has been a national issue for awhile now, I have to assume you are choosing to ignore the list of medical reasons physicians prescribe birth control for. Some of them are mundane, some of them serious, all of them are issues best left between the patient and her doctor. Its my personal opinion that it you're going to allow employers to deny coverage based on religious beliefs then you can't complain when other religions start choosing to opt out of coverage.

No, I am not ignoring that. Rhinoplasty has legitimate medical reasons. Should we also pay to have Sandra flukes hideous beak fixed? Fuckin parasites.

I would have no issue with any business opting out of coverage.

If someone is having trouble breathing and the doctor says they need rhinoplasty, then I don't think the employeer should have a say in if the insurance that the employee pays into, covers it.

I can tell that the notion of women having sex upsets you, and the notion of women asking that the insurance that they pay into cover a basic medical need, that the insurance company would love to cover, upset you. I'm sure you were also really upset that women decided to leave the kitchen and enter the work force too. It's just too bad we won't shut up and make you a sammich.
I would agree about medically necessary rhinoplasty. It should be covered. But not elective rhinoplasty. Not because someone wants a better looking nose. Why? Because it is not necessary. Same thing with birth control pills. Wanting to fuck every man in sight without consequence is not a medical necessity.

You can fuck off about the rest of your post, you manhating bimbo. I paid for condoms my whole life. I assume you, even though you are a lowlife parasite liberal, have the same ability to pay for the birth control you WANT.
Just think,, covering all those fuck pills takes away from needed open heart surgeries, I hope that Fluk whore is happy.
Yes.. there are more uses for the pill.. complexion, etc...

No.. it is not something WE should all pay for... it is something the INDIVIDUAL should pay for if their employer does not offer BC coverage or if the individual does not have health insurance....

You ain't owed jack shit for a personal want or even a personal need.. whichever one you think it is...

It's not about being owed anything. This is the primary failing of Conservative thought. Nobody thinks women are OWED free birth control, but then again you could argue that since they're the only ones on the planet equipped with the right parts to be saddled with the task of populating the Earth, that maybe we do OWE it to them to let them decide when to be saddled with that burden.

But it's not about being owed. It's about what's right for the country as a whole. And again, you want to see what lack of contraceptives does to a populace, go to Africa. Or go to the Philippines before their MASSIVE contraceptive campaign.

You prove a key point about Conservatives: head in the sand, completely dismissive of valid, vital social science that proves a need for something.

There may or may not be a need for birth control. There is absolutely no need to have mandated birth control coverage. Anymore than mandatory rhinoplasty coverage is needed. It's wanted. By parasites like you. Helpless, whining, foot stomping, bloodsucking, victims of big mean society. Always needin government to step in and equalize the world for you. Pussies.

Fom the sound of your tone and the word usage, I would guess that you are not old enough, or have a learning dissabilty when you can't understand that rhinoplasty and impregnation is not one in the same and invalidates your position.
I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

Oh! fucking bullshit, we've put up with Palin attacks for four years non stop, cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
In a world of limited resources, in order to pay for Sandra Fluke's birth control pills, decisions are going to have to be made as to who else DOESN'T get necessary medical attention.

This may be why we will need death panels.

Who must die so that Fluke may fuck?
Just think,, covering all those fuck pills takes away from needed open heart surgeries, I hope that Fluk whore is happy.

When coverage is mandated for something as medically unnecessary as broth control, it makes one wonder just how serious obammy and the rest of the OWS parasites are about addressing the skyrocketing cost of health insurance.
No, I am not ignoring that. Rhinoplasty has legitimate medical reasons. Should we also pay to have Sandra flukes hideous beak fixed? Fuckin parasites.

I would have no issue with any business opting out of coverage.

If someone is having trouble breathing and the doctor says they need rhinoplasty, then I don't think the employeer should have a say in if the insurance that the employee pays into, covers it.

I can tell that the notion of women having sex upsets you, and the notion of women asking that the insurance that they pay into cover a basic medical need, that the insurance company would love to cover, upset you. I'm sure you were also really upset that women decided to leave the kitchen and enter the work force too. It's just too bad we won't shut up and make you a sammich.
I would agree about medically necessary rhinoplasty. It should be covered. But not elective rhinoplasty. Not because someone wants a better looking nose. Why? Because it is not necessary. Same thing with birth control pills. Wanting to fuck every man in sight without consequence is not a medical necessity.

You can fuck off about the rest of your post, you manhating bimbo. I paid for condoms my whole life. I assume you, even though you are a lowlife parasite liberal, have the same ability to pay for the birth control you WANT.

You sound tense.

Sit down, relax and have a cookie


Normally I would offer to explain how birth control works, but I think you won't ever have a need to know, so what's the point. :)
Just think,, covering all those fuck pills takes away from needed open heart surgeries, I hope that Fluk whore is happy.

When coverage is mandated for something as medically unnecessary as broth control, it makes one wonder just how serious obammy and the rest of the OWS parasites are about addressing the skyrocketing cost of health insurance.

broth control? dayuuum you good. :D:eusa_clap::lol:
It's not about being owed anything. This is the primary failing of Conservative thought. Nobody thinks women are OWED free birth control, but then again you could argue that since they're the only ones on the planet equipped with the right parts to be saddled with the task of populating the Earth, that maybe we do OWE it to them to let them decide when to be saddled with that burden.

But it's not about being owed. It's about what's right for the country as a whole. And again, you want to see what lack of contraceptives does to a populace, go to Africa. Or go to the Philippines before their MASSIVE contraceptive campaign.

You prove a key point about Conservatives: head in the sand, completely dismissive of valid, vital social science that proves a need for something.

There may or may not be a need for birth control. There is absolutely no need to have mandated birth control coverage. Anymore than mandatory rhinoplasty coverage is needed. It's wanted. By parasites like you. Helpless, whining, foot stomping, bloodsucking, victims of big mean society. Always needin government to step in and equalize the world for you. Pussies.

Fom the sound of your tone and the word usage, I would guess that you are not old enough, or have a learning dissabilty when you can't understand that rhinoplasty and impregnation is not one in the same and invalidates your position.

Obviously, rhinoplasty and impregnating are not the same. In any way, you fucking moron. We are talking about rhinoplasty and birth control. Don't like the way your nose looks? You have options. Live with it. Or pay for a nose job.

Don't want to get pregnant? Don't fuck. Or buy birth control. Where is the medical necessity in not wanting to get pregnant? Oh. That is not a medical necessity. Or perhaps you also believe that men should have condom coverage. Really stupid post, moonbeam, even for a mongoloid like you.
To women that fuck around, birth control is even more necessary than open heart surgery. After all without heart surgery someone might die. That's all. Without birth control women will not be able to have one night stands, their ability to party will be negatively affected and they will have to spend money on birth control better used to buy new thongs. Which is worse? A family that loses a breadwinner or a girl whose boyfriend dumps her because she got pregnant.

If birth control were put into its proper category is would be a cost that should be paid by men. Women complain that they might have to pay for contraceptives and it's unfair to them. In actuality why are women paying so that men can fuck them and move on?
If someone is having trouble breathing and the doctor says they need rhinoplasty, then I don't think the employeer should have a say in if the insurance that the employee pays into, covers it.

I can tell that the notion of women having sex upsets you, and the notion of women asking that the insurance that they pay into cover a basic medical need, that the insurance company would love to cover, upset you. I'm sure you were also really upset that women decided to leave the kitchen and enter the work force too. It's just too bad we won't shut up and make you a sammich.
I would agree about medically necessary rhinoplasty. It should be covered. But not elective rhinoplasty. Not because someone wants a better looking nose. Why? Because it is not necessary. Same thing with birth control pills. Wanting to fuck every man in sight without consequence is not a medical necessity.

You can fuck off about the rest of your post, you manhating bimbo. I paid for condoms my whole life. I assume you, even though you are a lowlife parasite liberal, have the same ability to pay for the birth control you WANT.

You sound tense.

Sit down, relax and have a cookie


Normally I would offer to explain how birth control works, but I think you won't ever have a need to know, so what's the point. :)
The way birth control works has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that, when used to avoid pregnancy, it is as medically necessary as a cosmetic nose job.

Shall I help you pay for those cookies as well? They are no more medically necessary than the pills you are too pathetic to purchase for yourself.
Just think,, covering all those fuck pills takes away from needed open heart surgeries, I hope that Fluk whore is happy.

HOLY FUCK. You don't have any control over the level of stupidity that flies out of your fingers, do you? Or do you just not have that "Stupid Light" that goes off in the rest of our heads when we're about to say or type something REALLY FUCKING STUPID?
Idiots like conservadddipshit think that adding coverage for things like pre existing conditions and birth control pills will help keep the costs of health insurance down. But, they are the same dipshits that think spending ones way out of bankruptcy is plausible. Morons.
I would agree about medically necessary rhinoplasty. It should be covered. But not elective rhinoplasty. Not because someone wants a better looking nose. Why? Because it is not necessary. Same thing with birth control pills. Wanting to fuck every man in sight without consequence is not a medical necessity.

You can fuck off about the rest of your post, you manhating bimbo. I paid for condoms my whole life. I assume you, even though you are a lowlife parasite liberal, have the same ability to pay for the birth control you WANT.

You sound tense.

Sit down, relax and have a cookie


Normally I would offer to explain how birth control works, but I think you won't ever have a need to know, so what's the point. :)
The way birth control works has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that, when used to avoid pregnancy, it is as medically necessary as a cosmetic nose job.

Shall I help you pay for those cookies as well? They are no more medically necessary than the pills you are too pathetic to purchase for yourself.
Maybe, before ranting about women's health issues you should do a bit of research, it might make you seem less clueless and out of touch.

Upwards of 60% of women who use the pill, take it for "medically necessary reasons" that have nothing to do with an overwhelming desire to fuck every man they see.

No, I'm down arguing this with you, you've added nothing to the conversation except your utter disdain for women.
You sound tense.

Sit down, relax and have a cookie


Normally I would offer to explain how birth control works, but I think you won't ever have a need to know, so what's the point. :)
The way birth control works has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that, when used to avoid pregnancy, it is as medically necessary as a cosmetic nose job.

Shall I help you pay for those cookies as well? They are no more medically necessary than the pills you are too pathetic to purchase for yourself.
Maybe, before ranting about women's health issues you should do a bit of research, it might make you seem less clueless and out of touch.

Upwards of 60% of women who use the pill, take it for "medically necessary reasons" that have nothing to do with an overwhelming desire to fuck every man they see.

No, I'm down arguing this with you, you've added nothing to the conversation except your utter disdain for women.

I have yet to hear an argument made against coverage for medically necessary birth control. We are talking about women that want it simply to avoid pregnancy. I have no disdain for women. I live them. I think they are every bit as capable as men are. It is you that does not. Consequently, it is bimbos like you that I have utter disdain for. You are to my mom, my friend, my sister, or my wife. I hang with a better class of woman. Ones that don't assume victim hood.

Now go find a cop car to shit on.
The way birth control works has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that, when used to avoid pregnancy, it is as medically necessary as a cosmetic nose job.

Shall I help you pay for those cookies as well? They are no more medically necessary than the pills you are too pathetic to purchase for yourself.
Maybe, before ranting about women's health issues you should do a bit of research, it might make you seem less clueless and out of touch.

Upwards of 60% of women who use the pill, take it for "medically necessary reasons" that have nothing to do with an overwhelming desire to fuck every man they see.

No, I'm down arguing this with you, you've added nothing to the conversation except your utter disdain for women.

I have yet to hear an argument made against coverage for medically necessary birth control. We are talking about women that want it simply to avoid pregnancy. I have no disdain for women. I live them. I think they are every bit as capable as men are. It is you that does not. Consequently, it is bimbos like you that I have utter disdain for. You are to my mom, my friend, my sister, or my wife. I hang with a better class of woman. Ones that don't assume victim hood.

Now go find a cop car to shit on.

So you think an employer should as a woman "Are you using this pill for fucking or for medical reasons?"

I thought you Conservatives were all about privacy and shit.
I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

gawd, you people are desperate for anything to work in his favor..

His approvals are down in the LOW 40's, so you think the flukie is going to improve them, dream on:lol:
Maybe, before ranting about women's health issues you should do a bit of research, it might make you seem less clueless and out of touch.

Upwards of 60% of women who use the pill, take it for "medically necessary reasons" that have nothing to do with an overwhelming desire to fuck every man they see.

No, I'm down arguing this with you, you've added nothing to the conversation except your utter disdain for women.

I have yet to hear an argument made against coverage for medically necessary birth control. We are talking about women that want it simply to avoid pregnancy. I have no disdain for women. I live them. I think they are every bit as capable as men are. It is you that does not. Consequently, it is bimbos like you that I have utter disdain for. You are to my mom, my friend, my sister, or my wife. I hang with a better class of woman. Ones that don't assume victim hood.

Now go find a cop car to shit on.

So you think an employer should as a woman "Are you using this pill for fucking or for medical reasons?"

I thought you Conservatives were all about privacy and shit.

My gawd you are fucking stupid. Stick-dumb. Aside from maintaining the coverage for the employee, what involvement does the employer have in the woman's medical care? I will answer that for you, since you are clearly to phucking stupid to formulate cogent thoughts. The employer plays no part in the medical care. So, no. Your interpretation is as moronic as the mongoloid that formed it.

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