Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

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Is anyone going to post about the OP anymore? This thread is getting pretty lame.

So lame, you and your fellow Nazi Meatheads have stalked it for well over a year. Coming to such a 'lame' thread everyday for over a year straight? Yeah, you meatheads aren't too loony or anything. lol. My guess is, you nutters will be stalking and lurking on it for another year. Wanna bet on it? ;)
Is anyone going to post about the OP anymore? This thread is getting pretty lame.

It's lame because it's adults teaching children how to back research their fun little cynical theories, on the backs of dead people.......... for their own personal boredom.

It's not funny, it's sick these conspiracy theorists have a mental disease.
Is anyone going to post about the OP anymore? This thread is getting pretty lame.

So lame, you and your fellow Nazi Meatheads have stalked it for well over a year. Coming to such a 'lame' thread everyday for over a year straight? Yeah, you meatheads aren't too loony or anything. lol. My guess is, you nutters will be stalking and lurking on it for another year. Wanna bet on it? ;)

I'll ask you one more time. Do you have anything intelligent to ad to your OP? I'm not asking for your BS Name calling, But it appears you have worn out any thing that has to do with the OP let me know, If that's all you've got I will most certainly take this lame ass thread off my open list. But since you keep opening it back up with BS I have to look to see. Tell me that the rest of the thread will be your name calling and yes I'll be glad to allow it to die. Along with your failure.
Is anyone going to post about the OP anymore? This thread is getting pretty lame.

So lame, you and your fellow Nazi Meatheads have stalked it for well over a year. Coming to such a 'lame' thread everyday for over a year straight? Yeah, you meatheads aren't too loony or anything. lol. My guess is, you nutters will be stalking and lurking on it for another year. Wanna bet on it? ;)

I'll ask you one more time. Do you have anything intelligent to ad to your OP? I'm not asking for your BS Name calling, But it appears you have worn out any thing that has to do with the OP let me know, If that's all you've got I will most certainly take this lame ass thread off my open list. But since you keep opening it back up with BS I have to look to see. Tell me that the rest of the thread will be your name calling and yes I'll be glad to allow it to die. Along with your failure.

I don't answer to you Nazi bully meatheads. But i'm not surprised you haven't figured that out yet. You guys ain't too smart. Got your Jackboots tied too tight. It's cutting circulation off to your heads. lol. But you meatheads go on stalking and lurking. I'll be sure to come back from time to time to kick and your goose stepping arses. Have fun. :)
You couldn't kick a flys ass. And you got your ass creamed all over this thread every time you or one of your goosesteppers had the guts to make a claim it was shown to you how and why you were wrong.

But i had already decided that I was going to unsubscribe from this thread. And I will do that right after applying another neg rep to the little liar Pauline.

Do have a nice day, I'm sure we'll cross paths on other threads.
Wow i know you're a weird little Nazi critter, but i have to say i didn't expect your creepy perv shite. Now i think i get you, Rat in the Ass, and Ollie. It all makes sense now. Y'all are weirdos fo sho. :cuckoo:

:lol: Waaay too funny and certainly the irony escapes you. :lol:

Yeah, i'm pretty sure you don't understand what the word 'irony' means. Read the dawgshit comment i replied to again. He has a nasty habit of going creepy pervy when he gets frustrated. It's another symptom of his mental illness.
funny how paulie having no originality will attempt to cheery pick other posters work and fuck that up too...
what i said was neither creepy or pervy you wishing it was is about as metal as it gets...
You couldn't kick a flys ass. And you got your ass creamed all over this thread every time you or one of your goosesteppers had the guts to make a claim it was shown to you how and why you were wrong.

But i had already decided that I was going to unsubscribe from this thread. And I will do that right after applying another neg rep to the little liar Pauline.

Do have a nice day, I'm sure we'll cross paths on other threads.

Took ya 13 months straight of creepy stalking and lurking on my thread to finally give it up ay? Yikes! :cuckoo:

But hey, at least you're finally facing your problem. I think now even you realize you're an obsessive kooky Big Brother-Worshipper. Accepting you have a problem is a start on the road to recovery. I wish you the best of luck with that. Now go on and goose step your tired ass outta here. You won't be missed. I promise :)
:lol: Waaay too funny and certainly the irony escapes you. :lol:

Yeah, i'm pretty sure you don't understand what the word 'irony' means. Read the dawgshit comment i replied to again. He has a nasty habit of going creepy pervy when he gets frustrated. It's another symptom of his mental illness.
funny how paulie having no originality will attempt to cheery pick other posters work and fuck that up too...
what i said was neither creepy or pervy you wishing it was is about as metal as it gets...

Nah, don't make me go back and find the comment. It was creepy & pervy. But you always resort to that shite when you get frustrated. I know you're a nutter. lol. But hey dawgshit, one of your Nazi meathead cohorts finally decided to quit stalking & lurking on my thread. Took him 13 months to do it, but he finally did it. Maybe it's time for you to consider it too? Pretty sure you have nothing left to offer. I mean seriously, what's the point of your stalking and lurking now? You're a loyal Nazi meathead. We've already established that. Not much left to discuss huh? Anyway, think about it. See ya. :)
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Yeah, i'm pretty sure you don't understand what the word 'irony' means. Read the dawgshit comment i replied to again. He has a nasty habit of going creepy pervy when he gets frustrated. It's another symptom of his mental illness.
funny how paulie having no originality will attempt to cheery pick other posters work and fuck that up too...
what i said was neither creepy or pervy you wishing it was is about as metal as it gets...

Nah, don't make me go back and find the comment. It was creepy & pervy. But you always resort to that shite when you get frustrated. I know you're a nutter. lol. But hey dawgshit, one of your Nazi meathead cohorts finally decided to quit stalking & lurking on my thread. Took him 13 months to do it, but he finally did it. Maybe it's time for you to consider it too? Pretty sure you have nothing left to offer. I mean seriously, what's the point of your stalking and lurking now? You're a loyal Nazi meathead. We've already established that. Not much left to discuss huh? Anyway, think about it. See ya. :)
same paulie bullshit !
I'll ask you one more time. Do you have anything intelligent to ad to your OP?
You can't be serious with this question.

I bet you can't find one post in this gigantic thread where Paulitican has even attempted to defend/support any of his regurgitated talking points, not a single one. He just posts them, then ignores when others easily rip gaping holes in them.

Even other tin-hat retards will at least make an attempt to prove their side in the face of objections, but Paulitican can do nothing but click "paste" to insert other people's text. Since he can't even generate his own points, he sure as hell can't defend them. It is like the king of intellectually shallow.
I'll ask you one more time. Do you have anything intelligent to ad to your OP?
You can't be serious with this question.

I bet you can't find one post in this gigantic thread where Paulitican has even attempted to defend/support any of his regurgitated talking points, not a single one. He just posts them, then ignores when others easily rip gaping holes in them.

Even other tin-hat retards will at least make an attempt to prove their side in the face of objections, but Paulitican can do nothing but click "paste" to insert other people's text. Since he can't even generate his own points, he sure as hell can't defend them. It is like the king of intellectually shallow.

Don't follow the asinine Nazi Meathead lead and spew unsubstantiated Bullshite. It's a very long thread. Don't be a Nazi Meathead in-training. Try to be better than that.
Don't follow the asinine Nazi Meathead lead and spew unsubstantiated Bullshite. It's a very long thread. Don't be a Nazi Meathead in-training. Try to be better than that.
Hey what do you know, its Paulitician again showing he is incapable of defending his position or posts, more of the unoriginal nonsensical nazi/bootlicker rhetoric.

My point stands, you are incapable of supporting your positions. All you do is paste other people's text then ignore instead of attempting to defend them when others tear them apart. You are the laughingstock of this forum, and I suspect deep down you know it.
Don't follow the asinine Nazi Meathead lead and spew unsubstantiated Bullshite. It's a very long thread. Don't be a Nazi Meathead in-training. Try to be better than that.
Hey what do you know, its Paulitician again showing he is incapable of defending his position or posts, more of the unoriginal nonsensical nazi/bootlicker rhetoric.

My point stands, you are incapable of supporting your positions. All you do is paste other people's text then ignore instead of attempting to defend them when others tear them apart. You are the laughingstock of this forum, and I suspect deep down you know it.

Yet you're still here. Go figure? Just relax rook, your Nazi Meathead training is almost complete. You're gonna make Gomer and dawgshit very proud one day. Good luck and HEIL BIG BROTHER!! :)
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Don't follow the asinine Nazi Meathead lead and spew unsubstantiated Bullshite. It's a very long thread. Don't be a Nazi Meathead in-training. Try to be better than that.
Hey what do you know, its Paulitician again showing he is incapable of defending his position or posts, more of the unoriginal nonsensical nazi/bootlicker rhetoric.

My point stands, you are incapable of supporting your positions. All you do is paste other people's text then ignore instead of attempting to defend them when others tear them apart. You are the laughingstock of this forum, and I suspect deep down you know it.

Yet you're still here. Go figure? Just relax rook, your Nazi Meathead training is almost complete. You're gonna make Gomer and dawgshit very proud one day. Good luck and HEIL BIG BROTHER!! :)
any body wanna take a guess at how long paulie's Nazi meat head bender goes on?
Hey what do you know, its Paulitician again showing he is incapable of defending his position or posts, more of the unoriginal nonsensical nazi/bootlicker rhetoric.

My point stands, you are incapable of supporting your positions. All you do is paste other people's text then ignore instead of attempting to defend them when others tear them apart. You are the laughingstock of this forum, and I suspect deep down you know it.

Yet you're still here. Go figure? Just relax rook, your Nazi Meathead training is almost complete. You're gonna make Gomer and dawgshit very proud one day. Good luck and HEIL BIG BROTHER!! :)
any body wanna take a guess at how long paulie's Nazi meat head bender goes on?

I'll put $5 on it lasting another 6 years.
Yet you're still here. Go figure? Just relax rook, your Nazi Meathead training is almost complete. You're gonna make Gomer and dawgshit very proud one day. Good luck and HEIL BIG BROTHER!! :)
any body wanna take a guess at how long paulie's Nazi meat head bender goes on?

I'll put $5 on it lasting another 6 years.

We need more quotes,so this turns into a huge wall of meaningless text.
Keep the childish insults going too!
Lets see just how far off-topic this can get!:clap2:

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