Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

look dude you have a really shitty track record for getting anything correct.

And what do you choose to do here?

Try to cause the harrassment of familys grieving for dead children

Seriously, brush up on those Crisis Acting skills. You're not very convincing. Also, you're bold accusation is absolute BULLSHIT. So piss off dipshit.
The CT. State Police Dept. has apparently released the official tally of the weapons used in the Sandy Hook massacre.

[...]Seized inside the school:

#1. Bushmaster .223 caliber-- model XM15-E2S rifle with high capacity 30 round clips

#2. Glock 10 mm handgun

#3. Sig-Sauer P226 9mm handgun

Seized from suspect’s car in parking lot:

#4. Izhmash Canta-12 12 gauge Shotgun (seized from car in parking lot) [...]

So it seems the rifle taken from the trunk has no bearing on the issue as to whether the Bushmaster M-15 was used in the shootings or not.

Still problematic to the official story, though, is the Medical Examiner's description of the bullets pulled from some of the victims' bodies.


[...]...the bullets are designed in such a fashion that the energy -- this is very clinical; I shouldn't be saying this -- but the energy is deposited in the tissue so the bullet stays in [the tissue].

That description doesn't jibe with the sort of high velocity ammo utilized by the 'long weapon' reportedly found inside the school.

Did I not say that the weapon removed from the trunk did not look like an AR 15? Thank you very much....... Who ever that was that questioned my judgement on the issue.....
:eusa_boohoo: Calm down Sally. Stop being such a Drama Queen.
who's not calm?
I'm laughing my ass off.
how ironic you, using the term drama queen.

Nah, you're just whining and expressing predictable faux outrage. But it's not surprising. You have your marching orders. We all know you're incapable of critical and independent thought. You're so damn boring.
really then why is this the same robotic response you give when your ass is in a crack?

btw it's not critical thinking (that's the term faux intellectuals use) it's analytical thinking..
independent though? fuck me...your thoughts are as hard wired as a fly eating shit , you can do nothing else.
The institutionalization of tyranny is the achievement of the Bush/Obama regimes of the 21st century. This, and not the Great Society, is the decisive break from the American tradition. The Bush Republicans demolished almost all of the constitutional protections of liberty erected by the Founding Fathers. The Obama Democrats codified Bush’s dismantling of the Constitution and removed the protection afforded to citizens from being murdered by the government without due process. One decade was time enough for two presidents to make Americans the least free people of any developed country, indeed, perhaps of any country. In what other country or countries does the chief executive officer have the right to murder citizens without due process?

They're all NWO Globalist Monsters. Republican vs. Democrat? :lol: Funny stuff. They all play on the same team. There are a few exceptions, but very few. Fuck em.
who's not calm?
I'm laughing my ass off.
how ironic you, using the term drama queen.

Nah, you're just whining and expressing predictable faux outrage. But it's not surprising. You have your marching orders. We all know you're incapable of critical and independent thought. You're so damn boring.
really then why is this the same robotic response you give when your ass is in a crack?

btw it's not critical thinking (that's the term faux intellectuals use) it's analytical thinking..
independent though? fuck me...your thoughts are as hard wired as a fly eating shit , you can do nothing else.

:lol: Whatever dipshit. How bout another 'Tin Foil Hat' insult? That's all you're good for. You say nothing. You're an empty suit. A hollow little Goose Stepper. But hey, have fun with that. See ya. :)
:( You're a very bad Actor. Must be one of those Crisis Actors.
actually I'm a very fine actor.. I've got your undivided attention and that all that's necessary to rattle your cage.

Maybe ole Anderson Cooper (Former CIA Operative), will invite you on his show. Maybe show off some of your awful Crisis Acting skills. :lol:
another failed attempt at deflection.. Anderson Cooper has fuck all to do with this thread.. put your man pants on.
I'm still waiting on the two dumbasses who doubt my word based upon my experience to come back and say something else stupid.........

Paulitician I simply write off as a total lost cause. He truly believes that his government is pure evil and wouldn't have it any other way......
The timing of the release of the official report concerning the weapons allegedly used at Sandy Hook couldn't have been any better for the gun control crowd (Plouffe ET AL), specifically in their effort to "enlist the American people in these debates". The report came out on Friday the 18th, just in time for David's appearance on one of CNN's nationally televised propagandist shows.
The institutionalization of tyranny is the achievement of the Bush/Obama regimes of the 21st century. This, and not the Great Society, is the decisive break from the American tradition. The Bush Republicans demolished almost all of the constitutional protections of liberty erected by the Founding Fathers. The Obama Democrats codified Bush’s dismantling of the Constitution and removed the protection afforded to citizens from being murdered by the government without due process. One decade was time enough for two presidents to make Americans the least free people of any developed country, indeed, perhaps of any country. In what other country or countries does the chief executive officer have the right to murder citizens without due process?
yes dear, now take your meds...
Nah, you're just whining and expressing predictable faux outrage. But it's not surprising. You have your marching orders. We all know you're incapable of critical and independent thought. You're so damn boring.
really then why is this the same robotic response you give when your ass is in a crack?

btw it's not critical thinking (that's the term faux intellectuals use) it's analytical thinking..
independent though? fuck me...your thoughts are as hard wired as a fly eating shit , you can do nothing else.

:lol: Whatever dipshit. How bout another 'Tin Foil Hat' insult? That's all you're good for. You say nothing. You're an empty suit. A hollow little Goose Stepper. But hey, have fun with that. See ya. :)
as always, paulie pulls up his skirts and runs away..
The timing of the release of the official report concerning the weapons allegedly used at Sandy Hook couldn't have been any better for the gun control crowd (Plouffe ET AL), specifically in their effort to "enlist the American people in these debates". The report came out on Friday the 18th, just in time for David's appearance on one of CNN's nationally televised propagandist shows.
I'm still waiting on the two dumbasses who doubt my word based upon my experience to come back and say something else stupid.........

Paulitician I simply write off as a total lost cause. He truly believes that his government is pure evil and wouldn't have it any other way......

Thats right........everybody knows the federal government exists only for the good of all. Its intentions are always noble.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Shit s0n........whats up with posting your own pic in the avatar? Those people always weird me the most. does anybody get to be over 50 years old ( like me) and can still be so incredibly naive? Its fascinating!!!!!:up:
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I'm still waiting on the two dumbasses who doubt my word based upon my experience to come back and say something else stupid.........

Paulitician I simply write off as a total lost cause. He truly believes that his government is pure evil and wouldn't have it any other way......

Thats right........everybody knows the federal government exists only for the good of all. Its intentions are always noble.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Shit s0n........whats up with posting your own pic in the avatar? Those people always weird me the most. does anybody get to be over 50 years old ( like me) and can still be so incredibly naive? Its fascinating!!!!!:up:

So strange, I've always used my own pic, I don't have any reason to hide behind a fake one.....And you think it's weird to be yourself? In your case it might just be......

Naive? I don't think so. Proud maybe, or at least nothing to be ashamed of....

But then again this is the conspiracy area so maybe that's not me and I'm actually some 12 year old girl.... But I'll leave that up to your imaginations, after all you fools are so good at that............
I bet the loyal Bootlickers on this Board truly believe everything Anderson Cooper tells em. He's a CIA Operative. But no, the Government/Media Complex definitely doesn't exist. No way.
Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret

Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there's one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA—Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency's monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper's CIA involvement to Radar.

"Whatever summer jobs or internships our anchors had in college couldn't be less consequential," she added. He has kept the experience a secret, sources say, out of concern that, if widely known, it might compromise his ability to travel in foreign countries and even possibly put him at greater risk from terrorists.

"He doesn't want to be any more of a target than he already is," says one Anderson confidante. On the other hand, as Bob Woodruff and others have learned, American journalists are already prime targets in the world's conflict zones, and are typically accused of having CIA ties even where none exist. And by not disclosing his training before now, Cooper has arguably made it into a potential issue. "It creates the appearance of something smelly there," says a former CNN official who knows Cooper. (Particularly in light of the period Anderson spent studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi after college. Soon after, Cooper apparently gave up his Bond fantasy to pursue a career in journalism—except for a brief period when he starred as host of ABC's reality show, The Mole.)

According to the spokeswoman, Cooper told his bosses at CNN about his time with the agency. But even if he hadn't, says Walter Isaacson, who headed the network from 2001 to 2003 and is now president of the Aspen Institute, it's not the sort of thing that would automatically require disclosure, since the stint was brief and far in the past. "I think what he did was probably fine and cool, and I've got no problems with it," he added.

Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret - informationliberation
Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret

Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there's one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA—Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency's monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper's CIA involvement to Radar.

"Whatever summer jobs or internships our anchors had in college couldn't be less consequential," she added. He has kept the experience a secret, sources say, out of concern that, if widely known, it might compromise his ability to travel in foreign countries and even possibly put him at greater risk from terrorists.

"He doesn't want to be any more of a target than he already is," says one Anderson confidante. On the other hand, as Bob Woodruff and others have learned, American journalists are already prime targets in the world's conflict zones, and are typically accused of having CIA ties even where none exist. And by not disclosing his training before now, Cooper has arguably made it into a potential issue. "It creates the appearance of something smelly there," says a former CNN official who knows Cooper. (Particularly in light of the period Anderson spent studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi after college. Soon after, Cooper apparently gave up his Bond fantasy to pursue a career in journalism—except for a brief period when he starred as host of ABC's reality show, The Mole.)

According to the spokeswoman, Cooper told his bosses at CNN about his time with the agency. But even if he hadn't, says Walter Isaacson, who headed the network from 2001 to 2003 and is now president of the Aspen Institute, it's not the sort of thing that would automatically require disclosure, since the stint was brief and far in the past. "I think what he did was probably fine and cool, and I've got no problems with it," he added.

Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret - informationliberation
another failed attempt a not taking responsibility.
I bet the loyal Bootlickers on this Board truly believe everything Anderson Cooper tells em. He's a CIA Operative. But no, the Government/Media Complex definitely doesn't exist. No way.

did you go get an instance where your bullshit turned out to be real?

The timing of the release of the official report concerning the weapons allegedly used at Sandy Hook couldn't have been any better for the gun control crowd (Plouffe ET AL), specifically in their effort to "enlist the American people in these debates". The report came out on Friday the 18th, just in time for David's appearance on one of CNN's nationally televised propagandist shows.

Just playing a little Advocatus Diaboli, Daws.

If you can't muster a legitimate response to the factual aspects of my apparently biased view, keep the smilies to yourself. Or, in other words, if you can't take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen.

In case you can't decipher the facts on your own, here they are:

1) On Friday Jan. 18, 2013, the State of Connecticut released a "clarification" concerning the weapons found at the Sandy Hook crime scene.

2) Included in the inventory was a Bushmaster .223 assault rifle (I.E. the kind of weapon the gun control lobby really wants to ban).

3) Two days later, on a nationally televised Sunday Night news show, David Plouffe spoke of gathering support for gun control (read: the AWB) outside of Washington DC (on "the grassroots" level).

If you want to refute any conclusions drawn from these facts, your best bet would be to start with the facts themselves ...and then to offer an opposing interpretation of their apparent relationships to each other.
And just to tack on a little reminder, prior to the Jan. 18 release, there was a higher degree of doubt surrounding the kind of weapons reportedly used by the perpetrator(s).

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