Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor


When she met Dr Allen, Mrs Santorum, who then went by the name Karen Garver, was a 22-year-old nursing student

Read more at: Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor | Times 247

So going by that 'name' means.....its her maiden name?...which means, she wasn't married to santorum? do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy? ..what trash, seriously.:lol:

I am not surprised this appeals to some of you though, reading comprehension- don't leave home without it.
And Obama believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die. The President has no problem with that. Present tense.

Santorum's wife has confessed her sins and has changed her ways and now tries to walk in the name of the Lord. Past tense.

Obama surrounds himself with men who don't believe a child is a human being till the age of two. Men who believe in forced sterilization. Present tense.

Obama is not Presidential material.

I just can't wait to read the link about President Obama believing aborted babies should be put in a closet to die.

So if the president confessed to THAT, would that make it okay for all you rabid haters? Nope. You'd just make up new lies.

But, its okay with you that a potential first lady screwed her pediatrician BECAUSE she confessed to it? Kinda like the preists who ruined the lives of children but - AFTER they got caught - confessed.

What a disgusting religion that is.

tinydancer, please do post PROOF of your allegation about our president.

Thanks ever so much.

Yes, of course I'm kidding because I know you're lying.

You've never heard of the federal BAIPA. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

For true? This came about because what was happening pretty well nation wide was that a botch abortion aka baby was born alive were left in various areas in hospitals to "expire" on their own.

I'll get you as many links as you want. Obama was against an Illinois State version of this Bill before it became federal law.

I don't need to lie about Obama. His track record is well known.


Yes, please do post a link to where President Obama said he
believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die.

... because I don't believe he ever said that. I think you're lying about that.

I'm aware of the "BAIPA. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act".


Interesting that its not just pub men who hate women. Its pub/rw women hate them too. do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy? ..what trash, seriously.
You answered your own question.

tinydancer - those links do not show where President Obama said he
believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die.

Care to try again or would you rather admit you're lying about him actually saying that.
Jill Stanek - Obama caught on tape arguing against giving medical attention to aborted babies from Obama's 2002 IL Senate floor debate wherein he argued that while babies might be aborted alive, it would be a "burden" to a mother's "original decision" to assess and treat them.

Meanwhile,the Alive final version.pdf passed
H.R. 2175 [107th]: Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ( and was Briefing Room | The White House. The pro Abortion group NARAL - Born Alive 001.pdf on the bill.

Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB1082 Born Alive Infant Protection Act

Democrats took control of the IL Senate with the 2002 elections. This year Born Alive was sent to the Health & Human Services Committee,Illinois General Assembly - Senate Committee Members

As can be seen on the's vote against SB1082 pdf.pdf, Obama first voted to amend SB1082 to add the "neutrality clause" from the federal version of Born Alive to the IL version to make them absolutely identical. (DP#1 means "Do Pass Amendment #1.)

Then Obama voted against the identical version. (DPA means, "Do Pass as Amended.)

Additional corroboration of Obama's vote: IL State Senate Republican Staff Analysis of SB 1082, March 12-13, 2003, bottom of page 2

For 4 years following his 2003 vote Obama misrepresented it, stating the wording of the IL version of Born Alive was not the same as the federal version, and he would have voted for it if so. As recently as August 16, 2008 Obama made this false assertion.

But when evidence presented was irrefutable, Obama's campaign on August 18, 2008, admitted the truth to the Jill Stanek - Breaking news: Obama campaign changes story, admits he misrepresented Born Alive vote.

The nonpartison group : Obama and ‘Infanticide’ has since corroborated Obama voted against identical legislation as passed overwhelmingly on the federal level and then misrepresented his vote.

Hope that helps.:eusa_angel:
I just can't wait to read the link about President Obama believing aborted babies should be put in a closet to die.

So if the president confessed to THAT, would that make it okay for all you rabid haters? Nope. You'd just make up new lies.

But, its okay with you that a potential first lady screwed her pediatrician BECAUSE she confessed to it? Kinda like the preists who ruined the lives of children but - AFTER they got caught - confessed.

What a disgusting religion that is.

tinydancer, please do post PROOF of your allegation about our president.

Thanks ever so much.

Yes, of course I'm kidding because I know you're lying.

You've never heard of the federal BAIPA. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

For true? This came about because what was happening pretty well nation wide was that a botch abortion aka baby was born alive were left in various areas in hospitals to "expire" on their own.

I'll get you as many links as you want. Obama was against an Illinois State version of this Bill before it became federal law.

I don't need to lie about Obama. His track record is well known.


Yes, please do post a link to where President Obama said he
believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die.

... because I don't believe he ever said that. I think you're lying about that.

I'm aware of the "BAIPA. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act".


Interesting that its not just pub men who hate women. Its pub/rw women hate them too.

Yeah, what fucking difference does it make if he voted in favor of putting babies who survive abortions in closets to die? He didn't actually say the words, so how can anyone POSSIBLY think he's in favor of it?

Have you always been a stupid, gullible piece of shit, or is there some school out there offering classes in it? : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

When she met Dr Allen, Mrs Santorum, who then went by the name Karen Garver, was a 22-year-old nursing student

Read more at: Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor | Times 247

So going by that 'name' means.....its her maiden name?...which means, she wasn't married to santorum? do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy? ..what trash, seriously.:lol:

I am not surprised this appeals to some of you though, reading comprehension- don't leave home without it.

Apparently, this was a common law marriage as they lived together.

But "affair" suits the left wing's motives more.

When she met Dr Allen, Mrs Santorum, who then went by the name Karen Garver, was a 22-year-old nursing student

Read more at: Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor | Times 247

So going by that 'name' means.....its her maiden name?...which means, she wasn't married to santorum? do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy? ..what trash, seriously.:lol:

I am not surprised this appeals to some of you though, reading comprehension- don't leave home without it.

Apparently, this was a common law marriage as they lived together.

But "affair" suits the left wing's motives more.

FYI, simply living together does not make it a "common-law marriage". do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy? ..what trash, seriously.
You answered your own question.

tinydancer - those links do not show where President Obama said he
believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die.

Care to try again or would you rather admit you're lying about him actually saying that.

Are you a basket case? The original story that just busted this wide open was that babies were actually being left to die in the hospital linen closet.

Obama didn't want the babies treated. Now that means the babies born alive from a botched abortion are to be left to die.

There are transcripts and his votes. It's public record.

Obama's 2002 IL Senate floor debate wherein he argued that while babies might be aborted alive, it would be a "burden" to a mother's "original decision" to assess and treat them.

Go to the audio.

I don't care where they were left to die. It was wrong and a Federal Bill corrected a most heinous situation.

But Senator Obama still did not want them treated aka wanted them to be left to die.

What an evil, cold heart.
Okay, so IOW, you lied when you said Obama said 'put them in a closet' and do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy?
gawd - THAT is the definition of an "affair". Read your own words. NOT married = equals "affair".

I suspect that what you think you're saying is "illicit" or "adultery" but you aren't smart enough to realize it.

Anyone surprised at the hypocrisy of being the lover of an abortionist but preaching against it later - when it became convenient? Doesn't surprise me at all and look at the Pretzel People making excuses for really shabby behavior.

No, not the affair. I doubt most would have a big problem with the affair. Its the preaching of "family values" that you hypocrites so love. Typical rw crap.

As soon as YOU and/or your screwy candidates are perfect, THEN you will have the right to preach your hypocrisy to the rest of us.

When she met Dr Allen, Mrs Santorum, who then went by the name Karen Garver, was a 22-year-old nursing student

Read more at: Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor | Times 247

So going by that 'name' means.....its her maiden name?...which means, she wasn't married to santorum? do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy? ..what trash, seriously.:lol:

I am not surprised this appeals to some of you though, reading comprehension- don't leave home without it.

Apparently, this was a common law marriage as they lived together.

But "affair" suits the left wing's motives more.

FYI, simply living together does not make it a "common-law marriage".

Oh, thanks for that.

Apologies. I'm going by Canadian Law that states if a couple live together for a year it's a common law marriage.
Okay, so IOW, you lied when you said Obama said 'put them in a closet' and do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy?
gawd - THAT is the definition of an "affair". Read your own words. NOT married = equals "affair".

I suspect that what you think you're saying is "illicit" or "adultery" but you aren't smart enough to realize it.

Anyone surprised at the hypocrisy of being the lover of an abortionist but preaching against it later - when it became convenient? Doesn't surprise me at all and look at the Pretzel People making excuses for really shabby behavior.

No, not the affair. I doubt most would have a big problem with the affair. Its the preaching of "family values" that you hypocrites so love. Typical rw crap.

As soon as YOU and/or your screwy candidates are perfect, THEN you will have the right to preach your hypocrisy to the rest of us.

What dictionary are YOU reading, Sparkles? 'Cause mine defines "affair" as "a romantic or passionate attachment of limited duration". Living together for several years doesn't qualify.

Anyone surprised at the hypocrisy of the "liberal" left coming over all prudish and Puritanical every time they find out someone else is getting laid? Ooh, it's an "affair", because ::gasp:: they're not married! Never mind that this is the same group that wants to force businesses to give benefits to "domestic partnerships". Hey, assholes! Didn't you just get done telling us those were "affairs"?!

As soon as you and your asshole candidates espouse ANY values, you can start defining family values and how they should be labeled, defined, and practiced for the rest of us. Until then, I'd sooner take advice on swimming from a bird than take advice on morality from a leftist.

Until then, stop preaching your tight-assed "everyone else is a filthy sinner but us" hypocritical prudery to the rest of us.
Okay, so IOW, you lied when you said Obama said 'put them in a closet' and do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy?
gawd - THAT is the definition of an "affair". Read your own words. NOT married = equals "affair".

I suspect that what you think you're saying is "illicit" or "adultery" but you aren't smart enough to realize it.

Anyone surprised at the hypocrisy of being the lover of an abortionist but preaching against it later - when it became convenient? Doesn't surprise me at all and look at the Pretzel People making excuses for really shabby behavior.

No, not the affair. I doubt most would have a big problem with the affair. Its the preaching of "family values" that you hypocrites so love. Typical rw crap.

As soon as YOU and/or your screwy candidates are perfect, THEN you will have the right to preach your hypocrisy to the rest of us.

No you are incorrect by saying that I said Obama said he wanted them to die in a closet.

My original post:

And Obama believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die. The President has no problem with that. Present tense.

Santorum's wife has confessed her sins and has changed her ways and now tries to walk in the name of the Lord. Past tense.

Obama surrounds himself with men who don't believe a child is a human being till the age of two. Men who believe in forced sterilization. Present tense.

Obama is not Presidential material.

The intent of Obama is still the same no matter how you want to parse my post.

Obama believed that a live baby from a botched abortion should go untreated. And it's public record from his days in the Illinois Senate.
Why do Republican voters have so much trust in their leaders? [We know Dems love their leaders, but this makes sense because Dems love government]

Wh don't Republican voters that Santorum is imperfect. (and so is Romney, Gingrich, Bush, Reagan and fill-in-the-politician)

I remember when they set the perjury trap for Clinton. They used an army of people to secretly tape conversations about his private sex life. Meanwhile, the Republican congress is filled with adulterers and pedophiles.

The Republicans have been playing this game forever. They have built a voting-coalition out of stupid Americans who believe that one group of politicians - namely Republicans - have better values than another group of politicians - namely Democrats.

Here is the terrible truth: all politicians are human. Worse: they are, by virtue of their chosen career, opportunists. This means they lie routinely and methodically to gain and hold power. It's called politics. Reagan was a divorced man who was estranged from his children, yet he preached ceaselessly about the sanctity of Family. He did this because Republicans use values and religion to bait uneducated Americans into the voting booth. [If they were educated, and analytical, they would never buy into this stuff - they would never believe in men like Santorum, Romney, or Gingrich]. Or Reagan, who is a cult figure in Republican circles. [Yup, the most anti-government people in history have as their greatest symbol - wait for it - a government leader. Don't kid yourself: Ronald Reagan was pure Big Government. He raised taxes eleven times and doubled Carter's debt. He grew the Pentagon into a Big Government nightmare, far in excess of what an earlier generation of Republicans would find acceptable]

Indeed, Reagan never stepped foot in church. He passed the country's most liberal Abortion policy as governor of California (and he could have vetoed it with zero political repercussions. But he didn't because he is a politician - an amoral opportunist who preys on uneducated Republican voters). His wife Nancy was a notorious astrology buff who despised organized religion. Yet Reagan claimed to be a Conservative man of God. Republican voters bought it "hook, line, and sinker" . Why? Because they have total faith in their government leaders.

Who will Republican voters trust next? Which current candidate will be their next cult hero?

(don't they know that they are being fooled? Don't they know that their greatest political heroes grew government more than 95% of the presidents in American history? We are still paying for Reagan's failed StarWars, which was more expensive than Carter's budget over 4 years. Have Republican voters ever studied the actual numbers of Reagan and Bush? Did it ever occur to them that this values rhetoric - Bible and Flag, Religion and Patriotism - is merely a trick used to push naive people into the voting booth)

God help us.

Ok, so by your analysis then, it is of course that any above average, average or citizen/civillian with a somewhat trained or un-trained/unschooled character running for that office, in which is found in any man or a woman within their personal lives before hand, is not then ever fit for the job or to hold that office ? Gosh we are done then...........

Is it because they fall short of being perfect, honorable, decent, even Godly enough, patriotic enough and/or etc. before hand ? These canidates, men or women can't suit all that is expected of them ever of course, especially before hand, because there are none perfect, no not one, where as this matters not, because the office has in and of itself (a higher spiritual purpose) that is expected for a man or woman to step into when accepted to that office to honor and obey, and not the opposite, where as a man or woman somehow expects the office to conform to (or) somehow be accepted by him or her based upon their own standards and/or personal agenda's in life.

He or she should leave his or her own personal lives as it were at the door, and must leave his or her bad attributes far behind them when they do take the oath of office finally on that day, but do they do this ? Sometimes, but most times they don't, and that is the rub in which we all experience in a bad way when this happens, and it is happening way to much anymore.

You see the offfice itself holds the character that was formed by two hundred years of service, understandings, policies, blood letting, values, and etc. in which the man or woman is suppose to step into and aquire this character in respect of, where as they are then required to represent in that character "a goodness" that most if not all can except and relate to once they are sworn in. When a man or woman decides that their character is better than the character of the office in which took two hundred years to build, then Houston we have a huge problem.

Sadly, in what we have these days, is men who want to dictate or rule from that office, and this with their personal agenda's, greed, and personal characters involved, thus ignoring the stage that had already been built and set for them over two hundred years prior, in which they swore an oath to uphold & protect. Yet for some crazy reason, when they don't uphold that oath, and thus become a dictator from that office as it were these days, we for some reason allow this or have no power to stop this ? Think about it for a sec.. Let it all just sink in...

In summary: The office of the Presidency has a high standard and character that exist within itself, in which was preset and shaped within the hundreds of years of progress and blood letting that had preceeded that office to date, and what a man or woman is supposed to do when gain that office, is to respect that office highly, and to adopt even it's character in order to do the peoples business for whom do know the character of that office all to well, and when a man or woman decides that he or she will not honor that character and office for which resides within, then we instantly will know and see this, then it is up to us to decide what we need to do as a result of these inactions, come election day 2012. :eusa_pray:

PS. I would love to think that John Wayne would have been the type of character, that would have assumed that office and it's character fully, and that he would have left his own personal faults at the doorway on that day, thus accepting the role as commander and chief, in which is to be expected in character of our commander and chief by us, thus walking away a changed man from that day forward, to do the business of the nation based upon the character that exist within that office in honor of, and that was built and shaped from over two hundred years of struggles and achievements.
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You've never heard of the federal BAIPA. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

For true? This came about because what was happening pretty well nation wide was that a botch abortion aka baby was born alive were left in various areas in hospitals to "expire" on their own.

I'll get you as many links as you want. Obama was against an Illinois State version of this Bill before it became federal law.

I don't need to lie about Obama. His track record is well known.


Yes, please do post a link to where President Obama said he
believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die.

... because I don't believe he ever said that. I think you're lying about that.

I'm aware of the "BAIPA. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act".


Interesting that its not just pub men who hate women. Its pub/rw women hate them too.

Yeah, what fucking difference does it make if he voted in favor of putting babies who survive abortions in closets to die? He didn't actually say the words, so how can anyone POSSIBLY think he's in favor of it?

Have you always been a stupid, gullible piece of shit, or is there some school out there offering classes in it? : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
I can see that the truth hurts as written in your response.....sad
PS. I would love to think that John Wayne would have been the type of character, that would have assumed that office and it's character fully, and that he would have left his own personal faults at the doorway on that day, thus accepting the role as commander and chief, in which is to be expected in character of our commander and chief by us, thus walking away a changed man from that day forward, to do the business of the nation based upon the character that exist within that office in honor of, and that was built and shaped from over two hundred years of struggles and achievements.

I think the problem lies in the gap between what they say and what they do.

They say they are for God, Family, Nation, and Small Government. But, they are really for big business. Politicians don't work for American families, they work for big energy, defense, pharmaceutical, and insurance companies. They use "values" rhetoric to get Republicans to vote for them. I'd rather they just come out and say that they serve the special interests which got them elected. But I appreciate your thoughts.
Okay, so IOW, you lied when you said Obama said 'put them in a closet' and do have an 'affair' when you are not married to the guy?
gawd - THAT is the definition of an "affair". Read your own words. NOT married = equals "affair".

I suspect that what you think you're saying is "illicit" or "adultery" but you aren't smart enough to realize it.

Anyone surprised at the hypocrisy of being the lover of an abortionist but preaching against it later - when it became convenient? Doesn't surprise me at all and look at the Pretzel People making excuses for really shabby behavior.

No, not the affair. I doubt most would have a big problem with the affair. Its the preaching of "family values" that you hypocrites so love. Typical rw crap.

As soon as YOU and/or your screwy candidates are perfect, THEN you will have the right to preach your hypocrisy to the rest of us.

No you are incorrect by saying that I said Obama said he wanted them to die in a closet.

My original post:

And Obama believes aborted babies who live should be put in hospital closets to die. The President has no problem with that. Present tense.

Santorum's wife has confessed her sins and has changed her ways and now tries to walk in the name of the Lord. Past tense.

Obama surrounds himself with men who don't believe a child is a human being till the age of two. Men who believe in forced sterilization. Present tense.

Obama is not Presidential material.

The intent of Obama is still the same no matter how you want to parse my post.

Obama believed that a live baby from a botched abortion should go untreated. And it's public record from his days in the Illinois Senate.
Obama is an asshole when it comes to babies...that's all there is to it.

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