Sarah Huckabee Sanders erupts: "ESPN must fire host for calling Trump white supremacist"

Short answer, definitely yes.

Snowflakes fear the warmth of the sun.
In short a resounding NO to this bitch being fired.

As a matter of fact I want her to continue on with her racist "I hate whitey" and "I hate cops" rants. By all means keep that hate up. Look how well it worked for the Democrats in 2016!

Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

That's not a political view, that's offensive slander.

They can keep the tool on ESPN, but I hope they suffer even further losses to their brand. The standard race card has grown old, especially when people are fighting to keep their jobs, opportunities for their kids and only tune in to sports to escape the world. Now all his supporters have to deal with accusations of racism, the general knee jerk, reflexive reaction from the some on the left against Republicans. This, because we all see how much opportunity and peace is present in the inner cities of Democratic cities. Now THAT is racism.

Instead of focusing on sports, she brings in her personal biases and hyperbole in a low brow, uninformed manner. Another self important Snowflake who if fired wouldn't work in the industry again.

If it's asking too much to compete with the world, stop abuses of foreign governments, be patriotic and reach your potential which in the process will Make America Great Again, than I suppose she should stick to her voting choices. She provides no benefits to anyone in the nation with whining, slandering accusations. Furthermore, does she support BLM or antifa? If so, she has a few labels to explain herself.

Oh, and the constant race discussion in the media and even on this forum is excessive when compared to the challenges facing America.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Sure, with a "golden parachute" that includes stock options in for-profit prisons for the one percent caught trying to evade paying taxes.
Fire her, or you can share in the lawsuit, ESPN.

I imagine Trump has a surprise in store for the bitch.
ESPN is free to do what they want with this bitch.

So we are at the point of having a sitting President suing people for slander instead of having a little dignity and quietly cleaning things up behind the scenes?

Good Lord.

When prosecutors refuse to hold media accountable for the crimes they commit, then you bet. Sue the living shit out of them.

Better would be to have them criminally AND civilly responsible. But these sewer rats would slice their own mothers' throats if they could get some benefit out of it...I think probably they'll dump her if they think they'll have to pay to keep her.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Your title is misleading and inaccurate. Sarah did not say that ESPN must fire anybody, but only that it is a fireable offense.
Appears there is a "boycottespn twitter hashtag gaining a following and Tucker Carlson called out the double standard last night. ESPN has also issued a statement distancing themselves from her hate speech. Many are cancelling ESPN from their cable package based on what I am reading.

Enough of this racial divide and unrelenting attack by the poorly informed.

This is where care says the source isn't valid lol.

AP isnt valid? Since when?

Has she said that before?

I'm surprised you two dont get along more; maybe you two should have a thread on how evil men are. :)

She's a lying POS. She's one of the nastiest, blatantly dishonest online personalities I've ever come across, and I've come across a lot of online personalities.

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