Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

You must not have been much of a soldier of anykind if you like dimshitscum. They are the ones who have caused the waste of our soldiers lives on the soil of so many war theatres, and they are the ones who brought about the coming WARS on our soil. So go ahead and praise your destructors if you are that foolish. If you really were in the military you surely didn't take advanced military tactics and counter insurgency. Anyone with ANY comprehension of theatre strategy knows the idiot in office now NEVER HAD any INTENTION of setting the strategy up to WIN, his strategy was to lose, and subjugate our military from day one. Any second louie with half a brain should see that.
That ^^post^^ is by a person who never served. What an idiot.

Trump will not look out for the veteran.
You claim to be ex military but don't realize Obama and his policy has weakened the military? Really? The SOB had to be reminded to salute the Marine guard...that's just tons of respect, eh?
What a silly butt you are. The real military here are telling you that Trump is not to be trusted.

Wrong to Deltex and get back to me. Fake jake one again making shit up and expecting we'll buy into his fucktardiness
Your "fake news" does not get any tread here, honey. Trump is anti-veteran.

Yeah like I'm going to believe what a fake ass retard like you spews...and save the "honey, jackass. That'll score you nothing except even more contempt...if that's possible.

Here is the problem with you, everyone knows you're a fake but yet you continue along with the charade....that's just utter ignorance
Yes, you are held in contempt. I am surprised you understood that. We know you are one of several monikers by LGS, so save you whining about socks, sock.

Try to keep up, sock trash.

My VA in SLC is awesome. Houston and Shreveport were not up to its standard, but they served larger veteran populations.
She is cool by me broheim.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary

You're funny as hell. You want to complain about Palin possibly getting the job and you have no idea if she'll do a good job but you're silent about the shit job barry did helping veterans.:cuckoo:

Actually, when Obama became aware of the problem, he got rid of the VA secretary responsible and got a new one. Speaking as someone who actually uses the VA, after that happened, the services improved a great deal. Same with them issuing cards that allow veterans to use civilian medical facilities if the VA cannot fit them in within 30 days of request.

Matter of fact, the last time I had a physical, they told me that if I wanted, I could go to a civilian doctor because it was going to take them over 30 days to schedule me because they were still hiring new doctors. I told them there was no problem, and that because it was routine, I wasn't concerned and didn't mind waiting.

And now that it's starting to work better, you really think that a clueless person like Palin should be in charge of keeping it going in the right direction?

I don't. And part of it is the way she handled the care of rape victims as governor of AK.

I personally haven't seen any change in service during this regime, but from what I gather the DeBakey area is one of the better ones. I've been dealing with them for 16 years with no major problems.

You being in the Great State of Texas may have something to do with that.
We respect our Military here.

We've got some great congressional reps that stay involved and hold their feet to the fire.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary

You're funny as hell. You want to complain about Palin possibly getting the job and you have no idea if she'll do a good job but you're silent about the shit job barry did helping veterans.:cuckoo:

Actually, when Obama became aware of the problem, he got rid of the VA secretary responsible and got a new one. Speaking as someone who actually uses the VA, after that happened, the services improved a great deal. Same with them issuing cards that allow veterans to use civilian medical facilities if the VA cannot fit them in within 30 days of request.

Matter of fact, the last time I had a physical, they told me that if I wanted, I could go to a civilian doctor because it was going to take them over 30 days to schedule me because they were still hiring new doctors. I told them there was no problem, and that because it was routine, I wasn't concerned and didn't mind waiting.

And now that it's starting to work better, you really think that a clueless person like Palin should be in charge of keeping it going in the right direction?

I don't. And part of it is the way she handled the care of rape victims as governor of AK.

He got a new one that continued with the same old practices.

Actually, no they didn't. The same old practices would have been to keep people waiting. After the dustup in Phoenix, about 4 months later the VA sent me a card with a letter attached telling me that if I ever had to make an appointment and it took over 30 days, I could use that card to make an appointment with a civilian doctor, or if I lived over 50 miles away from a VA facility, the card would allow me to use a civilian doctor then as well. I last physical with the VA, I was afforded that choice because they didn't have enough doctors yet, as they had started hiring more, and it would take over 30 days for me to see the VA. I chose to wait, because number one, it's a routine physical, and number two, I wanted to keep my medical records together in one place.

I live 50 miles away and it took 4 months to get approval to see a civilian dentist.

Thats kinda f'd up.
I think it's a great choice... Sarah will do an awesome job. I would have tapped her for Sec. of Energy instead, but that's just me.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary

You're funny as hell. You want to complain about Palin possibly getting the job and you have no idea if she'll do a good job but you're silent about the shit job barry did helping veterans.:cuckoo:

Actually, when Obama became aware of the problem, he got rid of the VA secretary responsible and got a new one. Speaking as someone who actually uses the VA, after that happened, the services improved a great deal. Same with them issuing cards that allow veterans to use civilian medical facilities if the VA cannot fit them in within 30 days of request.

Matter of fact, the last time I had a physical, they told me that if I wanted, I could go to a civilian doctor because it was going to take them over 30 days to schedule me because they were still hiring new doctors. I told them there was no problem, and that because it was routine, I wasn't concerned and didn't mind waiting.

And now that it's starting to work better, you really think that a clueless person like Palin should be in charge of keeping it going in the right direction?

I don't. And part of it is the way she handled the care of rape victims as governor of AK.

I personally haven't seen any change in service during this regime, but from what I gather the DeBakey area is one of the better ones. I've been dealing with them for 16 years with no major problems.

You being in the Great State of Texas may have something to do with that.
We respect our Military here.

I was in the military for a few years during peace time-------LOTS OF TEXANS---volunteered. Good boys
What a silly butt you are. The real military here are telling you that Trump is not to be trusted.

Wrong to Deltex and get back to me. Fake jake one again making shit up and expecting we'll buy into his fucktardiness
Your "fake news" does not get any tread here, honey. Trump is anti-veteran.

Yeah like I'm going to believe what a fake ass retard like you spews...and save the "honey, jackass. That'll score you nothing except even more contempt...if that's possible.

Here is the problem with you, everyone knows you're a fake but yet you continue along with the charade....that's just utter ignorance
Yes, you are held in contempt. I am surprised you understood that. We know you are one of several monikers by LGS, so save you whining about socks, sock.

Try to keep up, sock trash.

My VA in SLC is awesome. Houston and Shreveport were not up to its standard, but they served larger veteran populations.
Bob McDonald has done a pretty decent job of cleaning things up.

Much more to do, but he got them off to a good start (or reboot).

The incoming Secretary would be smart to keep much of Mac's agenda and project planning, and even to put him on the bench as a consultant.

Ater the scandal that broke last year at the Department of Veterans Affairs, it didn't look possible to reduce the department's credibility. But Secretary Robert A. McDonald has found ways to do so.

What does it take to get fired at the VA?
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary
As a veteran, I never expected Drumpf to look out for me....his insult to POWs was unforgiveable.
i think that she'd be ok . If not she gets fired or is given assistance or help . Its just my OPINION that she would approach the assignment with the goal and correct attitude to help military veterans BSailor
I think she would probably go in there and kick some ass. You don't need a PHD to solve the problems at the VA. You just need the guts to fire some people.
She was so tough she quit.
i think that she'd be ok . If not she gets fired or is given assistance or help . Its just my OPINION that she would approach the assignment with the goal and correct attitude to help military veterans BSailor
I think she would probably go in there and kick some ass. You don't need a PHD to solve the problems at the VA. You just need the guts to fire some people.
She was so tough she quit.
She was being sued into bankruptcy by douche bags like you, you fucking moron.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary
As a veteran, I never expected Drumpf to look out for me....his insult to POWs was unforgiveable.

Funny that most veterans and people serving voted for Trump.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary

You're funny as hell. You want to complain about Palin possibly getting the job and you have no idea if she'll do a good job but you're silent about the shit job barry did helping veterans.:cuckoo:

Actually, when Obama became aware of the problem, he got rid of the VA secretary responsible and got a new one. Speaking as someone who actually uses the VA, after that happened, the services improved a great deal. Same with them issuing cards that allow veterans to use civilian medical facilities if the VA cannot fit them in within 30 days of request.

Matter of fact, the last time I had a physical, they told me that if I wanted, I could go to a civilian doctor because it was going to take them over 30 days to schedule me because they were still hiring new doctors. I told them there was no problem, and that because it was routine, I wasn't concerned and didn't mind waiting.

And now that it's starting to work better, you really think that a clueless person like Palin should be in charge of keeping it going in the right direction?

I don't. And part of it is the way she handled the care of rape victims as governor of AK.

Well she wasn't the Governor of Alaska at that time. She was the Mayor of Wasilla. The Police Chief enforced this practice which is outrageous, but this what was the practice at the time. Many towns were doing it.

The bloody State legislature didn't ban the practice until 2000.Now when she was Governor she approved a generous increase improving domestic violence shelters AND she reauthorized a Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

The bullshit that was put out at that time on Palin like this lie that Palin was responsible for charging victims or the other massive freaking lie about the aerial hunts being for sport rather than culling appropriately will never go away.


Because the left wing would rather believe the freaking lie.
Pismoe is willing to give her a chance.

I am a veteran, I use the VA, I have great care in Salt Lake City, and I am not sure she would allow that to continue.

I had an angioplasty and stent put in in SLC. I wasn't impressed. They kept having to run across the street to get the doctor that to go back and forth. Took all day for a 90 minute procedure.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary

You're funny as hell. You want to complain about Palin possibly getting the job and you have no idea if she'll do a good job but you're silent about the shit job barry did helping veterans.:cuckoo:

Actually, when Obama became aware of the problem, he got rid of the VA secretary responsible and got a new one. Speaking as someone who actually uses the VA, after that happened, the services improved a great deal. Same with them issuing cards that allow veterans to use civilian medical facilities if the VA cannot fit them in within 30 days of request.

Matter of fact, the last time I had a physical, they told me that if I wanted, I could go to a civilian doctor because it was going to take them over 30 days to schedule me because they were still hiring new doctors. I told them there was no problem, and that because it was routine, I wasn't concerned and didn't mind waiting.

And now that it's starting to work better, you really think that a clueless person like Palin should be in charge of keeping it going in the right direction?

I don't. And part of it is the way she handled the care of rape victims as governor of AK.

I personally haven't seen any change in service during this regime, but from what I gather the DeBakey area is one of the better ones. I've been dealing with them for 16 years with no major problems.

You being in the Great State of Texas may have something to do with that.
We respect our Military here.
Not when I was there....Kingsville, the citizens didn't like us at all.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary
As a veteran, I never expected Drumpf to look out for me....his insult to POWs was unforgiveable.

Funny that most veterans and people serving voted for Trump.
Back that up with some links, Skippy.
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary
As a veteran of two branches (US Army...USMC) Trump is a man who respects veterans. You sir...are a bucket of shit.

Actually, I'm a retired 20 year vet from the U.S. Navy. And, no, I don't think that Trump respects the military.

Especially when he tried to link his private schooling as military experience, and said his own personal 'Nam was trying not to catch STD's.

He has zero understanding of what the military experience is.

And O'Bama did? Double standard. Anyone?

The only President in the last 24 years that had military experience was Bush 43, and Liberals even tried denigrate/deny that!

Gimme a friggin' break.
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