Satanic Temple Wins IRS Rccognition as a Tax Exempt Church

owever, this and what you veered of into is not the topic to be discussed; It is the Satanic Temple. These Satanists (apparently what they call themselves) are deluding themselves. They are probably homosexuals who do not want to change their lives since they believe they are gay or LBGTQ. This is far from the truth. There is no gay gene and people are not born gay. Once somebody adopts the gay lifestyle, then it is difficult to change. There is no LBGTQ identity nor orientation. That stuff is all made-up stuff by liberal social scientists in order to promote their political agenda of Hollywood values.

So you believe that there must be a "gene " for a group to be validated and afforded rights? Got news for you. There is no Jesus gene, but there is strong evidence that there a biological basis for homosexuality. Being a Christian, and being a bigot is a choice.

Homosexuality, not so much. Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Read and learn if you dare

I read it and no dare necessary. That would be awesome. If it is epigenetics, then there is way to reverse the process through epigenetics. We already know that homosexuality is not evolutionary.

That would give one less thing for Satanic Temple to gripe about.
So the voices in your head are telling you that everything progressive is sinful obscene, decadent, narcissistic, lawless, and against the will of god. Holy shit ! Really? You have problems !

No. You are getting carried away lol. If you read the Satanic Temple's stuff, it says that if you disagree, then people should protest against them and be allowed to offend the a-holes and they do.
I am not preaching when I quoted the Bible. That is to explain my faith and how it helps when someone like you tries to dissuade it by stating that I am afraid of death. Why should I be afraid when we believers know Jesus died for our sins?
By definition, you are indeed preaching when you quote the bible and present fables as facts. But hey, you are certainly entitled to believe what you will, and I am not trying to dissuade you from anything. That is as as long as you practice your faith in a way that does not impinge on others right not to participate in or abide by your beliefs. To claim that I have "Satan in my heart" because I expressed support for an alternative religion that in reality has nothing to do with the worship of Satan , when you know nothing about me, if religious dogma at it's most insidious.

You have no evidence whatsoever that the Bible is fable. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong and you are wrong.

As for having Satan in your heart, it is my opinion based on your support for this kind of group -- Satanic Temple. I do not disagree with their getting tax-exempt status, but do disagree with their beliefs and statements. Why I think it is important is not impingement, but atheists/agnostics do not think Satan exists. That is one of the tricks that Satan has implemented. You can disagree, but you do not have evidence that Satan does not exist.
And you have no evidence that the Bible is not fable and that Satan does exist. What "beliefs and statements do you disagree with? Egalitarianism, equality, ecology?
Last edited:
So the voices in your head are telling you that everything progressive is sinful obscene, decadent, narcissistic, lawless, and against the will of god. Holy shit ! Really? You have problems !

No. You are getting carried away lol. If you read the Satanic Temple's stuff, it says that if you disagree, then people should protest against them and be allowed to offend the a-holes and they do.
:confused-84::confused-84::confused-84: That is not even coherent.
I am not preaching when I quoted the Bible. That is to explain my faith and how it helps when someone like you tries to dissuade it by stating that I am afraid of death. Why should I be afraid when we believers know Jesus died for our sins?
By definition, you are indeed preaching when you quote the bible and present fables as facts. But hey, you are certainly entitled to believe what you will, and I am not trying to dissuade you from anything. That is as as long as you practice your faith in a way that does not impinge on others right not to participate in or abide by your beliefs. To claim that I have "Satan in my heart" because I expressed support for an alternative religion that in reality has nothing to do with the worship of Satan , when you know nothing about me, if religious dogma at it's most insidious.

You have no evidence whatsoever that the Bible is fable. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong and you are wrong.

As for having Satan in your heart, it is my opinion based on your support for this kind of group -- Satanic Temple. I do not disagree with their getting tax-exempt status, but do disagree with their beliefs and statements. Why I think it is important is not impingement, but atheists/agnostics do not think Satan exists. That is one of the tricks that Satan has implemented. You can disagree, but you do not have evidence that Satan does not exist.

Nobody cares if you disagree with the Satanic Temple's beliefs. You are free to believe and whine about anything you want, no matter how goofy that might be, as long as you accept the fact that the IRS sees the ST as equal to Christian churches for tax purposes, that's enough. Feel better now?
I am not preaching when I quoted the Bible. That is to explain my faith and how it helps when someone like you tries to dissuade it by stating that I am afraid of death. Why should I be afraid when we believers know Jesus died for our sins?
By definition, you are indeed preaching when you quote the bible and present fables as facts. But hey, you are certainly entitled to believe what you will, and I am not trying to dissuade you from anything. That is as as long as you practice your faith in a way that does not impinge on others right not to participate in or abide by your beliefs. To claim that I have "Satan in my heart" because I expressed support for an alternative religion that in reality has nothing to do with the worship of Satan , when you know nothing about me, if religious dogma at it's most insidious.

You have no evidence whatsoever that the Bible is fable. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong and you are wrong.

As for having Satan in your heart, it is my opinion based on your support for this kind of group -- Satanic Temple. I do not disagree with their getting tax-exempt status, but do disagree with their beliefs and statements. Why I think it is important is not impingement, but atheists/agnostics do not think Satan exists. That is one of the tricks that Satan has implemented. You can disagree, but you do not have evidence that Satan does not exist.
And you have no evidence that the Bible is not fable and that Satan does exist. What "beliefs and statements do you disagree with? Egalitarianism, equality, ecology?

You are wrong again and again. It's gotten to the point of being ridiculous now. The Bible is a non-fiction and historical book and is the best selling book of all time. It is in the Gunness World Records. It leads sales year-after-year. The biggest fact is Jesus rose again on the third day. Satan is a big topic in the Bible which the satanists should study, but they are too busy bowing down to Baphomet. Baphomet and Satan have nothing to do with egalitarianism, equality and ecology. All the Satanic Temple is is a front for evil.

You are a colossal nincompoop. The emphasis on the poop in regards to your words. This banter has gotten boring. You're just another homosexual who is voicing support for the Satanic Temple.
I am not preaching when I quoted the Bible. That is to explain my faith and how it helps when someone like you tries to dissuade it by stating that I am afraid of death. Why should I be afraid when we believers know Jesus died for our sins?
By definition, you are indeed preaching when you quote the bible and present fables as facts. But hey, you are certainly entitled to believe what you will, and I am not trying to dissuade you from anything. That is as as long as you practice your faith in a way that does not impinge on others right not to participate in or abide by your beliefs. To claim that I have "Satan in my heart" because I expressed support for an alternative religion that in reality has nothing to do with the worship of Satan , when you know nothing about me, if religious dogma at it's most insidious.

You have no evidence whatsoever that the Bible is fable. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong and you are wrong.

As for having Satan in your heart, it is my opinion based on your support for this kind of group -- Satanic Temple. I do not disagree with their getting tax-exempt status, but do disagree with their beliefs and statements. Why I think it is important is not impingement, but atheists/agnostics do not think Satan exists. That is one of the tricks that Satan has implemented. You can disagree, but you do not have evidence that Satan does not exist.

Nobody cares if you disagree with the Satanic Temple's beliefs. You are free to believe and whine about anything you want, no matter how goofy that might be, as long as you accept the fact that the IRS sees the ST as equal to Christian churches for tax purposes, that's enough. Feel better now?

It's fine with me ST gets a tax break, but nobody cares about Baphomet as a tool. The decent and regular citizens do not want people like the satanists and members of the Satanic Temple whiing about Baphomet, promoting homosexuality and abortion in their neighborhoods and schools. They protest these people who worship Satan because they promote genocide, terrorism and the homosexual agenda or anti-Darwinism.
I am not preaching when I quoted the Bible. That is to explain my faith and how it helps when someone like you tries to dissuade it by stating that I am afraid of death. Why should I be afraid when we believers know Jesus died for our sins?
By definition, you are indeed preaching when you quote the bible and present fables as facts. But hey, you are certainly entitled to believe what you will, and I am not trying to dissuade you from anything. That is as as long as you practice your faith in a way that does not impinge on others right not to participate in or abide by your beliefs. To claim that I have "Satan in my heart" because I expressed support for an alternative religion that in reality has nothing to do with the worship of Satan , when you know nothing about me, if religious dogma at it's most insidious.

You have no evidence whatsoever that the Bible is fable. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong and you are wrong.

As for having Satan in your heart, it is my opinion based on your support for this kind of group -- Satanic Temple. I do not disagree with their getting tax-exempt status, but do disagree with their beliefs and statements. Why I think it is important is not impingement, but atheists/agnostics do not think Satan exists. That is one of the tricks that Satan has implemented. You can disagree, but you do not have evidence that Satan does not exist.

Nobody cares if you disagree with the Satanic Temple's beliefs. You are free to believe and whine about anything you want, no matter how goofy that might be, as long as you accept the fact that the IRS sees the ST as equal to Christian churches for tax purposes, that's enough. Feel better now?

It's fine with me ST gets a tax break, but nobody cares about Baphomet as a tool. The decent and regular citizens do not want people like the satanists and members of the Satanic Temple whiing about Baphomet, promoting homosexuality and abortion in their neighborhoods and schools. They protest these people who worship Satan because they promote genocide, terrorism and the homosexual agenda or anti-Darwinism.
Neat! And the westboro freaks will also get their tax breaks.
The obvious question of this thread is why any religion should get special tax breaks. What part of "Congress shall write no law ..." did the Court get confused about?
I am not preaching when I quoted the Bible. That is to explain my faith and how it helps when someone like you tries to dissuade it by stating that I am afraid of death. Why should I be afraid when we believers know Jesus died for our sins?
By definition, you are indeed preaching when you quote the bible and present fables as facts. But hey, you are certainly entitled to believe what you will, and I am not trying to dissuade you from anything. That is as as long as you practice your faith in a way that does not impinge on others right not to participate in or abide by your beliefs. To claim that I have "Satan in my heart" because I expressed support for an alternative religion that in reality has nothing to do with the worship of Satan , when you know nothing about me, if religious dogma at it's most insidious.

You have no evidence whatsoever that the Bible is fable. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong and you are wrong.

As for having Satan in your heart, it is my opinion based on your support for this kind of group -- Satanic Temple. I do not disagree with their getting tax-exempt status, but do disagree with their beliefs and statements. Why I think it is important is not impingement, but atheists/agnostics do not think Satan exists. That is one of the tricks that Satan has implemented. You can disagree, but you do not have evidence that Satan does not exist.
And you have no evidence that the Bible is not fable and that Satan does exist. What "beliefs and statements do you disagree with? Egalitarianism, equality, ecology?

You are wrong again and again. It's gotten to the point of being ridiculous now. The Bible is a non-fiction and historical book and is the best selling book of all time. It is in the Gunness World Records. It leads sales year-after-year. The biggest fact is Jesus rose again on the third day. Satan is a big topic in the Bible which the satanists should study, but they are too busy bowing down to Baphomet. Baphomet and Satan have nothing to do with egalitarianism, equality and ecology. All the Satanic Temple is is a front for evil.

You are a colossal nincompoop. The emphasis on the poop in regards to your words. This banter has gotten boring. You're just another homosexual who is voicing support for the Satanic Temple.
Sure slick. Whatever you say. I'm bored also. This is pointless. You are entitled to believe whatever the fuck you want. I'm noy buying into the mythology and I am also entitled to believe what I believe. Lastly, it is no credit to your level of intellectual functioning or emotional maturity to decide that I am gay based on my position on an issue.
Satanic Temple Wins Official IRS Recognition As Tax-Exempt Church

As announced by Church leaders:

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church. The Satanic Temple recently received notice from the IRS affirming our status. This acknowledgement will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants.

It's a great day for religious freedom in America!

In a statement, Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple, explains why the group sought out tax-exempt status:

In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.

And by the way, before anyone has apoplexy, they do not believe in of worship Satan

For the record, the Satanic Temple does not promote the worship of Satan, or any other imaginary deity. Instead, the group utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state.

The Satanic Temple is a faith community that describes itself as facilitating “the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty.”

So, it is a scam. A satanic church that is more interested in politics and fighting against real religion in the public square than any religious beliefs of it's own.
Satanic Temple Wins Official IRS Recognition As Tax-Exempt Church

As announced by Church leaders:

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church. The Satanic Temple recently received notice from the IRS affirming our status. This acknowledgement will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants.

It's a great day for religious freedom in America!

In a statement, Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple, explains why the group sought out tax-exempt status:

In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.

And by the way, before anyone has apoplexy, they do not believe in of worship Satan

For the record, the Satanic Temple does not promote the worship of Satan, or any other imaginary deity. Instead, the group utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state.

The Satanic Temple is a faith community that describes itself as facilitating “the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty.”

So, it is a scam. A satanic church that is more interested in politics and fighting against real religion in the public square than any religious beliefs of it's own.
...playing by the same rules as everyone else. Cry us a river.
Satanic Temple Wins Official IRS Recognition As Tax-Exempt Church

As announced by Church leaders:

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church. The Satanic Temple recently received notice from the IRS affirming our status. This acknowledgement will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants.

It's a great day for religious freedom in America!

In a statement, Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple, explains why the group sought out tax-exempt status:

In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.

And by the way, before anyone has apoplexy, they do not believe in of worship Satan

For the record, the Satanic Temple does not promote the worship of Satan, or any other imaginary deity. Instead, the group utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state.

The Satanic Temple is a faith community that describes itself as facilitating “the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty.”

So, it is a scam. A satanic church that is more interested in politics and fighting against real religion in the public square than any religious beliefs of it's own.
...playing by the same rules as everyone else. Cry us a river.

Show me any other "church" that is more interested in politics than faith, and I will call it a scam too.

They are NOT playing by the rules. They are breaking them.
Show me any other "church" that is more interested in politics than faith, and I will call it a scam too.
Fine. Show me ANY church getting tax breaks, and I will call it a scam. So you aren't telling me anything i don't already know.

They absolutely are playing by the rules. Unfortunately, nothing in the rules tests the faith of people making magical horseshit claims.
Show me any other "church" that is more interested in politics than faith, and I will call it a scam too.
Fine. Show me ANY church getting tax breaks, and I will call it a scam. So you aren't telling me anything i don't already know.

They absolutely are playing by the rules. Unfortunately, nothing in the rules tests the faith of people making magical horseshit claims.

The rules, that you claim to be supporting, say that CHURCHES get tax breaks.

This group admits that they are not really about worshiping, but about politics. That is not a church, that is a political group running a scam.

That you support this, is part of the Left's war on religion, specifically Christianity.
Satanic Temple Wins Official IRS Recognition As Tax-Exempt Church

As announced by Church leaders:

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church. The Satanic Temple recently received notice from the IRS affirming our status. This acknowledgement will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants.

It's a great day for religious freedom in America!

In a statement, Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple, explains why the group sought out tax-exempt status:

In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.

And by the way, before anyone has apoplexy, they do not believe in of worship Satan

For the record, the Satanic Temple does not promote the worship of Satan, or any other imaginary deity. Instead, the group utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state.

The Satanic Temple is a faith community that describes itself as facilitating “the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty.”

So, it is a scam. A satanic church that is more interested in politics and fighting against real religion in the public square than any religious beliefs of it's own.
What is "real religion" and how are they fighting against it?
Satanic Temple Wins Official IRS Recognition As Tax-Exempt Church

As announced by Church leaders:

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church. The Satanic Temple recently received notice from the IRS affirming our status. This acknowledgement will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants.

It's a great day for religious freedom in America!

In a statement, Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple, explains why the group sought out tax-exempt status:

In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.

And by the way, before anyone has apoplexy, they do not believe in of worship Satan

For the record, the Satanic Temple does not promote the worship of Satan, or any other imaginary deity. Instead, the group utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state.

The Satanic Temple is a faith community that describes itself as facilitating “the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty.”

So, it is a scam. A satanic church that is more interested in politics and fighting against real religion in the public square than any religious beliefs of it's own.
What is "real religion" and how are they fighting against it?

There is no "Separation of Church and State". That is lefty code for working to ban Christianity from the Public Square.
Show me any other "church" that is more interested in politics than faith, and I will call it a scam too.
Fine. Show me ANY church getting tax breaks, and I will call it a scam. So you aren't telling me anything i don't already know.

They absolutely are playing by the rules. Unfortunately, nothing in the rules tests the faith of people making magical horseshit claims.

The rules, that you claim to be supporting, say that CHURCHES get tax breaks.

This group admits that they are not really about worshiping, but about politics. That is not a church, that is a political group running a scam.

That you support this, is part of the Left's war on religion, specifically Christianity.

The IRS criteria for tax exempt status says nothing about any requirement to worship a deity. I will grant you that I does prohibit political activism - so you have better alert your Evangelical friends.
Show me any other "church" that is more interested in politics than faith, and I will call it a scam too.
Fine. Show me ANY church getting tax breaks, and I will call it a scam. So you aren't telling me anything i don't already know.

They absolutely are playing by the rules. Unfortunately, nothing in the rules tests the faith of people making magical horseshit claims.

The rules, that you claim to be supporting, say that CHURCHES get tax breaks.

This group admits that they are not really about worshiping, but about politics. That is not a church, that is a political group running a scam.

That you support this, is part of the Left's war on religion, specifically Christianity.

The IRS criteria for tax exempt status says nothing about any requirement to worship a deity. I will grant you that I does prohibit political activism - so you have better alert your Evangelical friends.

Satanic Temple Wins Official IRS Recognition As Tax-Exempt Church

As announced by Church leaders:

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church. The Satanic Temple recently received notice from the IRS affirming our status. This acknowledgement will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants.

It's a great day for religious freedom in America!

In a statement, Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple, explains why the group sought out tax-exempt status:

In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.

And by the way, before anyone has apoplexy, they do not believe in of worship Satan

For the record, the Satanic Temple does not promote the worship of Satan, or any other imaginary deity. Instead, the group utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state.

The Satanic Temple is a faith community that describes itself as facilitating “the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty.”

So, it is a scam. A satanic church that is more interested in politics and fighting against real religion in the public square than any religious beliefs of it's own.
What is "real religion" and how are they fighting against it?

There is no "Separation of Church and State". That is lefty code for working to ban Christianity from the Public Square.
I am well aware of the fact that the Constitution does not specifically say "Separation of Church and State" but it does say that " " " " "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment if religion " That means that there shall be no laws favoring a religion as well as no laws limiting religion. Thomas Jefferson most certain thought that meant separation of church and state. I is not code for anything and no body wants to ban religious speech from the town square, nor do we thing that we can.

Having said that, how the hell does tour reply address the question that I asked?

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