Saturday Night Fever Reviewed: Vile portrayals, Somewhat Boring... But Guess What. Hollywood Says It's Iconic

You would have been damaged. Some people who have been sexually assaulted as children show immediate signs of damage. Others may not realize the dysfunction of their lives because of rape until later. The fact that people can see this as normal shows where we are as a society.
That sounds like the voice of experience talking. Show us on this doll where the priest touched you!

Just remember, you cannot rape the willing.
Question. Why do you feel the need to troll so heavily and act like an ass with the junvenile name calling? Why would a grown man, especially one who claims to be a conservative act like that on a public forum? Why can't you just have normal polite conversation like an adult?
I told you that your idiocy prompts that in people!
Yeah, statutory rape is not a 'beautiful love story', no matter how you try to justify or glamorize it. Reverse it and make it a 30-year-old guy and a 15-y/o girl. This is no different.
There’s a huge difference!

If a guy does not want to have sex, there will be no boner and hence, no sex.

Apart from prison sex, men cannot be raped.
I am a Boomer too. I despised disco. But, I am sad to say, I did wear a leisure suit. A canary yellow one. lol Looking back it was ugly as homemade sin, and without a natural fiber in the whole thing. But it got me out of wearing a tie to church. So it had that going for it.

Even worse than the leisure suits were the two-tone platform shoes of that era. We called them "Stacks". I had a pair that were white patent-leather and burgundy crushed velvet. Whew, they were some ugly shoes. But I was stylin back in the day.
You and I have a lot in common. My leisure suit was baby blue! I wore the high heeled shoes.
I absolutely lived through this period. I was in college playing football in 1977. This was a crazy permissive time, and I was at a crazy school. I was at the epicenter of people doing stuff, though I didn't really take part. The funny thing is, these fantasies you guys have with women and wished you could have lived, I could have done those things and more, in the environment I was in. Thank God I had sense enough not to. I think that is why I am especially attracted to the Dolores Hart story.
Miss Mary's School for Wayward girls is not a college.
There’s a huge difference!

If a guy does not want to have sex, there will be no boner and hence, no sex.

Apart from prison sex, men cannot be raped.
Then why can women be convicted of statutory rape
The LSD-inspired Cuckoo's Nest bore no relation to reality.
The fuck it didn't. I see you've never studied psychology, treatment, or the history of mental hospitals. That movie spoke volumes about society at so many levels! Man, you sure are one rigid, narrow-minded motherf&@*ker!

Or did that one hit a little too close to home? Does thou protest too much? I've never met a 14 year old who wouldn't kill to spend the night with Jennifer O'Neil. I'd still take a shot at her.

Look, I get everything you are saying, but you totally ignore that these films are an art form of expression designed to evoke an emotional response in the viewer, just that you just happen to have a very NEGATIVE emotional response to them, but HEADS UP! No one was actually raped, it was just a movie, and to my knowledge, no rapist has ever confessed to getting the idea from Summer of 42. It was just a romance drama about a boy growing up doing something that-- like it or not --people do and that happens in real life.
That sounds like the voice of experience talking. Show us on this doll where the priest touched you!

Just remember, you cannot rape the willing.
I think I have had about enough of your jackass trolling. I've tried to civil and nice, and you've continued the crap. You're a troubled old man, talking like that, and now you're on perma ignore. Go right on trolling, because I won't see it.
Did you not read the comments? A bunch of these guys said they saw the movie as younger teens. There was no gatekeeper at the theater for movie ratings. And today, of course, with the internet, ratings are meaningless. Anybody can see anything.

By the time a child reaches 18 they will have seen, on average, 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence. And you think frontal nudity or a couple making love is what will scar them for life.

Basic network tv shows people killing each other all the time. I would worry about that before I worried that the writer One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was on drugs when he wrote the screenplay.
I absolutely lived through this period. I was in college playing football in 1977. This was a crazy permissive time, and I was at a crazy school. I was at the epicenter of people doing stuff, though I didn't really take part. The funny thing is, these fantasies you guys have with women and wished you could have lived, I could have done those things and more, in the environment I was in. Thank God I had sense enough not to. I think that is why I am especially attracted to the Dolores Hart story.

When you were in college you were not underage.
The fuck it didn't. I see you've never studied psychology, treatment, or the history of mental hospitals. That movie spoke volumes about society at so many levels! Man, you sure are one rigid, narrow-minded motherf&@*ker!

Or did that one hit a little too close to home? Does thou protest too much? I've never met a 14 year old who wouldn't kill to spend the night with Jennifer O'Neil. I'd still take a shot at her.

Look, I get everything you are saying, but you totally ignore that these films are an art form of expression designed to evoke an emotional response in the viewer, just that you just happen to have a very NEGATIVE emotional response to them, but HEADS UP! No one was actually raped, it was just a movie, and to my knowledge, no rapist has ever confessed to getting the idea from Summer of 42. It was just a romance drama about a boy growing up doing something that-- like it or not --people do and that happens in real life.

Thank you.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was a brilliant film. And being set in 1962 (and earlier), it was very much a look into the inner workings of a psychiatric hospital.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was a brilliant film. And being set in 1962 (and earlier), it was very much a look into the inner workings of a psychiatric hospital.

So much so that Nurse Ratched has become forever immortalized in the lexicon of literary figures. There are actual living Nurse Ratcheds out there, many hospitals like the one in the film. One interesting aside to the movie is that in many ways, it also set up the foundation for the TV series 'Taxi,' who was its own exploration into the (comical) side of insanity.
By the time a child reaches 18 they will have seen, on average, 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence. And you think frontal nudity or a couple making love is what will scar them for life.

Basic network tv shows people killing each other all the time. I would worry about that before I worried that the writer One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was on drugs when he wrote the screenplay.
It's just another piece of the puzzle. Everybody knows murder is wrong, but when we have simps saying statutory rape is a 'beautiful love story' then young people might believe it.
The fuck it didn't. I see you've never studied psychology, treatment, or the history of mental hospitals. That movie spoke volumes about society at so many levels! Man, you sure are one rigid, narrow-minded motherf&@*ker!

Or did that one hit a little too close to home? Does thou protest too much? I've never met a 14 year old who wouldn't kill to spend the night with Jennifer O'Neil. I'd still take a shot at her.

Look, I get everything you are saying, but you totally ignore that these films are an art form of expression designed to evoke an emotional response in the viewer, just that you just happen to have a very NEGATIVE emotional response to them, but HEADS UP! No one was actually raped, it was just a movie, and to my knowledge, no rapist has ever confessed to getting the idea from Summer of 42. It was just a romance drama about a boy growing up doing something that-- like it or not --people do and that happens in real life.
You're full of crap. Cuckoo's next was an LSD addicts drugged-out hallucination, and nothing more. There was no 'deep meaning' to it. Kesey didn't know where the hell he was when he wrote it. It's much the same as the Beatles' "Come Together" People cite the brilliant lyrics, but they were total drug-induced gibberish. Yeah, it was a #1 song, because dumb kids listened to opinion shapers about how great it was. And it was the Beatles.

Yeah, adult rape kids, but it doesn't mean it should be glamorized and pitched as a 'love story' to dumb kids. Art is no excuse to show immoral acts and glamorize them. Had I been the parents of any of these young actors, no way I would have allowed them to play that scene. It's trash.
Thank you.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was a brilliant film. And being set in 1962 (and earlier), it was very much a look into the inner workings of a psychiatric hospital.
Oh, BS. Like you know anything about it. It was drugged out leftwing perversion.

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