Save the date: “Trans Day of Vengeance” March 31-April 1st

Jane Fonda despite the indefensible things she says is not a transvestite. The President despite being the 100% worst President of my lifetime--worst any anybody's lifetime?--is not a transvestite. I do not defend anything transvestites do that is indefensible.

I think the greatest depths of hell might be reserved for people who do sick, horrendous crimes like school shootings.

But I won't say that identifying as a transvestite had anything to do with the school shooting because there is simply no evidence to support that.

So sue me.
It was the gender identity radical groups it belonged to. Not the fact that it was trans. They are aligned with ANTIFA.
"Yes.....we have seen how countries around the world behave when the people are not allowed to have guns...."

That was 80 years ago, and most people couldn't afford guns in the first place.
It wasn't, in most cases people were not allowed to have guns.
China, like the UK, has a long history of keeping it’s citizens disarmed, other than royalty and nobility, and government that works for them.

That experience in the UK was a big part of the reason for the 2nd Amendment. I don’t think anyone at the time thought an American government would try to disarm the citizenry, because armed private citizens were the militia. Not “The National Guard” which did not exist when the 2A was ratified.

The “well-regulated militia” consisted of all the battle aged men in an area. They were expected to have their own firearms, which was no burden, since they had them anyway. Some wealthy people in town would sponsor a cannon for the militia, which was perfectly legal. The wealthy paid more because they had more to lose.

In the UK, people dealt with not having arms by being as servile as possible to their feudal masters. In Asia, private citizens developed ways to defend themselves by hand called Tae Kwan Doe, Karate, Kung Fu, etc. Nunchaku, or “numchucks,” as we called them when I was a kid, were developed from a rice thresher tool that farmers would not be stopped for carrying.
Yes, I know exactly what you mean ----------- "He didn't mean it, he's just talking, he's a good ol' boy."

Yeah, I don't believe any of that, I believe they would if they could do EXACTLY what they keep saying they want to do. Probably won't because the conditions would have to be right, protected by numbers or chaos, for example. Like in Tulsa: it would have to feel safe. And be possible: many of the men who talk violence are getting on in years, like all of us. But if law and order collapses, I expect quite a lot of killing, since people talk about it all the time now.

Same deal with the trannies, they are now talking AND DOING violence, so I'd suggest we believe them.
Well in Tulsa, back in the good old days....when darkies there got out of line -- it was definitely justified for God fearing patriots to burn that city to the ground and take out those savages....

And then Conservatives got weak and allowed Civil Rights to happen and benefit the very people we should be against.....

And because of that weakness...we now have trans terrorists.....
From what I saw early on from the PD spokesperson, the whole trans thing was all screwed up. They weren't sure what the person was and 'it' was referred to more than once in a dancing around the gender BS mode. 'It's' pronouns were misrepresented a couple times. I expected the wokies to go bonkers and make an issue out of that.

I could see those clowns trying to get the pronoun issue to top the killings.

I noticed that too during the press conference when the guy was describing the subject. He described her as "female" and then mumbled "white".
Well in Tulsa, back in the good old days....when darkies there got out of line -- it was definitely justified for God fearing patriots to burn that city to the ground and take out those savages....

And then Conservatives got weak and allowed Civil Rights to happen and benefit the very people we should be against.....

And because of that weakness...we now have trans terrorists.....
Now, now, Biff ---- you're just a Good Ol' Boy, I know you don't mean it. ;)
You people have a bizarre obsession with transpeople.

If you actually cares about violence extremism, you wouldn’t associate with all the Trumptards who not only threaten violence but actually carry it out.
Trump supporters do not carry out violence. Biden supporters such as Antifa and BLM do though. It's well documented.
What, sue you for free speech? I for one appreciate you sharing what you think. That way, we know what people are thinking! Could come in handy.

All the same ---- I am intrigued that there have indeed been more and more of these trannie mass killings, incl. that Aberdeen one in Maryland just a few years ago. I think given their "Trannie Day of Violence" event and this Nashville massacre, we should watch this situation. If they ARE doing it as a mass movement, that's got to be moved against.
There have been 4 since 2018......that is huge amount considering the tranny population....

Yea, there were over 2500 mass shootings since that same time; yes, the overwhelming majority were by men......but demonizing men is not a good tactic -- because you may alienate allies...

But demonizing trannies is a winning formula.....keep at it and you will win this culture way
Trump supporters do not carry out violence. Biden supporters such as Antifa and BLM do though. It's well documented.
You know it’s always pathetic when your ilk rants about “personal responsibility”. It never applies to yourselves. It’s astounding you don’t have the self awareness to see how incredibly stupid and juvenile you are.
There have been 4 since 2018......that is huge amount considering the tranny population....

Yea, there were over 2500 mass shootings since that same time; yes, the overwhelming majority were by men......but demonizing men is not a good tactic -- because you may alienate allies...

But demonizing trannies is a winning formula.....keep at it and you will win this culture way
Yeah, get hold of a group of people easily identifiable and disliked or feared by most people (and I don't believe even leftists want to work with one of these people who make up their own pronouns and focus everyone's attention onto them!) and go against them hard ---- it might lessen the number of massacres all around; worth trying, anyway.
They align with armed activist groups. Hense they were armed with multiple guns ( with an anti gun activist mother at home no less).
As a kid, probably raised right and sent to a Christian School. I have not heard the 28-year-old lived at home with her mother, as the shooter was a graphic designer of talent, and I figured, probably living at (his/her/it's) own place. I don't have enough info to fault the mother.
^Also it reads as if it is a biological woman, that it is a trans is nowhere mentioned.
The most current CNN story doesn’t mention gender or the name of the shooter. I don’t think CNN has acknowledged yet that the shooter was trans.

But, they go on and on about the evil guns that were responsible for the deed.

These are tranny mass shooters.....

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Since 2018, we have had an overwhelming amount of trans shooters.....there were 2500 mass shootings since that time, 4 of them were trans, the rest were leftists, darkies with very few of them being people suffering from legit mental if 95% of them are trannies and leftists, how are we not calling for them to be removed from society??
Well, that one in Nashville won't be causing any more trouble or coming after anybody else's kids, thanks to the Metro Nashville Police Department. I just wish there was some way to spot the violent ones before they commit atrocities. If there is a Trans Day of Vengeance, it probably won't be in Nashville.

I've watched the bodycam videos, and those cops are stone-cold heroes. Not a single word uttered about being afraid, or worried (unlike the Uvalde pussies) about what the shooter was armed with. They went straight in without hesitation and took the shooter out in mere minutes.
The most current CNN story doesn’t mention gender or the name of the shooter. I don’t think CNN has acknowledged yet that the shooter was trans.

But, they go on and on about the evil guns that were responsible for the deed.

I saw some of the older pictures she looks like a nice young lady a nice person. I don’t know if she had actually transitioned yet. Something at some point went horribly wrong in this person’s life they probably believed the big lie that America is a racist country and that almost for sure played a role in their decision to go on a killing spree

It’s very important that all of the news organizations look into the life of the shooter and try and find out when something went so wrong.
I noticed that too during the press conference when the guy was describing the subject. He described her as "female" and then mumbled "white".
The media was asking about gender identity…and he looked like he was thinking he shouldn’t answer that question to me.

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