Save the date: “Trans Day of Vengeance” March 31-April 1st

It would be wise for Americans to attend their local Democrat events and meetings to see who and what they are saying so your community can be ready.

Democrats preach hate white people hate christians hate men hate America and now we are seeing the results of their grooming..
A woman who had been taking testosterone .
Do we know that? I looked for that too and couldn't find any credible source for it. Most said it was unknown if the shooter had or was undergoing hormone treatments. I believe there are studies that such treatments do change the brain, but not sure there is a correlation between that and violent crime.

The fact is the shooter presents as a sociopathic individual who had mental problems as almost certainly evidenced by the fact she identified as a man. The shooting was premeditated and meticulously planned and was vicious and indefensible and tragic in consequence.
I saw some of the older pictures she looks like a nice young lady a nice person. I don’t know if she had actually transitioned yet. Something at some point went horribly wrong in this person’s life they probably believed the big lie that America is a racist country and that almost for sure played a role in their decision to go on a killing spree

It’s very important that all of the news organizations look into the life of the shooter and try and find out when something went so wrong.
Fox is showing video of her walking around in the hallways. She looks like a girl trying hard to look like a guy. Or maybe I just think that because I knew she was trans before I saw her. She reminds me of the Arms dealer who sold the bulletproof vests to the Salamanca twins.

She has obviously been filled with hate by Democrats who have told her over and over that she “must have” been treated terribly by Christians.
Unfortunately sociopaths come out of all different categories and they are definitely not unknown in the Christian community though they may be somewhat less represented there. And the school only teaches through sixth grade so the shooter had not been a student for more than a decade.

The most unusual aspect of this tragic shooting is that the shooter was a woman. Women typically do not commit these kinds of crimes.
Well maybe we need to start cracking down more on women....I know she tried to claim she was a man, may have even been taking hormones that made her more aggressive like a man....

But one of the first mass shooters was a woman.....right around the time they start gaining more rights because of feminism.....some are saying that feminism may have caused the shooting...
Fox is showing video of her walking around in the hallways. She looks like a girl trying hard to look like a guy. Or maybe I just think that because I knew she was trans before I saw her. She reminds me of the Arms dealer who sold the bulletproof vests to the Salamanca twins.

She has obviously been filled with hate by Democrats who have told her over and over that she “must have” been treated terribly by Christians.
I wouldn't have thought her a woman if I had seen this video of her breaking into and entering the school:
Do we know that? I looked for that too and couldn't find any credible source for it. Most said it was unknown if the shooter had or was undergoing hormone treatments. I believe there are studies that such treatments do change the brain, but not sure there is a correlation between that and violent crime.

The fact is the shooter presents as a sociopathic individual who had mental problems as almost certainly evidenced by the fact she identified as a man. The shooting was premeditated and meticulously planned and was vicious and indefensible and tragic in consequence.
No, we do not know whether she was taking testosterone, and she doesn't seem to have a beard and is very feminine-looking. So how far was she planning to take this tranny thing? She was selling "art" online as a male, calling herself Aiden. I'd love to know what was going on about her taking hormones or not. Important info for the public, really. If testosterone dosing makes even pretty little women rabid school shooters ------------ could start to be viewed as a problem.
I don't doubt that for a minute, look at Israel, Hungary.
Two bastions of RWRNJ's.

There wasn't gun registration of guns in Europe, in the 1920's.
ONE country, Germany and registration didn't lead to confiscation except for Jews a decade later, under Hitler.

I don't.

Israel is committing genocide? Are you on drugs? Mixing your drugs with booze?

That’s a picture of the shooter going around online. It looks like a woman clearly looks like a nice person nice young lady. Something went horribly wrong at some point in their life they were probably brainwashed by the far left.

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Well maybe we need to start cracking down more on women....I know she tried to claim she was a man, may have even been taking hormones that made her more aggressive like a man....

But one of the first mass shooters was a woman.....right around the time they start gaining more rights because of feminism.....some are saying that feminism may have caused the shooting...
I think we need to be more careful in how we characterize these things.

Most gun crime is committed by males. That is a fact. But that doesn't translate that being male makes one have a propensity to commit gun crime.

Women also commit gun crime but by a much smaller percentage. But a woman committing a gun crime is not because the person is a woman.

Black people commit gun crime at a much higher percentage of their numbers than do white people. That is not because they are black but because they are more often part of a violent, sometimes sociopathic culture that promotes that kind of behavior and possibly aggravated by leftist conditioning that convinces them they are oppressed victims or some such.

People who mutilate their bodies with hormones and surgeries to transgender can in no way be considered normal. Just identifying oneself as another gender strongly suggests mental issues that are in no way normal. But a transgender committing a gun crime cannot automatically be assumed that transgendering caused the violent, illegal, or sociopathic behavior.

Sometimes we need to put aside our political partisanship and emotional reactions to these things and use critical thinking and honest appraisals of the situation. The hard core leftists seem incapable of doing that. I hold out hope that Patriots can.
I don't doubt that for a minute, look at Israel, Hungary.
Two bastions of RWRNJ's.

There wasn't gun registration of guns in Europe, in the 1920's.
ONE country, Germany and registration didn't lead to confiscation except for Jews a decade later, under Hitler.

I don't.


German gun laws

As the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany, it inherited a 1928 gun registration law that had replaced a total ban on gun ownership imposed on a defeated Germany after World War I. The 1928 law created a permit system to own and sell firearms and ammunition.


The regulations to implement this law, rather than the law itself, did impose new limits on one group: Jews.
On Nov. 11, 1938, the German minister of the interior issued "Regulations Against Jews Possession of Weapons." Not only were Jews forbidden to own guns and ammunition, they couldn’t own "truncheons or stabbing weapons."

In addition to the restrictions, Ellerbrock said the Nazis had already been raiding Jewish homes and seizing weapons.

"The gun policy of the Nazis can hardly be compared to the democratic procedures of gun regulations by law," Ellerbrock told us. "It was a kind of special administrative practice (Sonderrecht), which treated people in different ways according to their political opinion or according to ‘racial identity’ in Nazi terms."

The power of a police state

In short, Nazi-era Germany imposed greater gun restrictions for Jews (and other perceived enemies) at the same time it loosened gun restrictions for other groups.

PolitiFact - Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

In 1931, Weimar authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns within 24 hours would be executed. They were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.” The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.

In 1933, the ultimate extremist group, led by Adolf Hitler, seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents and Jews. Constitutional rights were suspended, and mass searches for and seizures of guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of Social Democrats and others who were not “politically reliable.”
During the five years of repression that followed, society was “cleansed” by the National Socialist regime. Undesirables were placed in camps where labor made them “free,” and normal rights of citizenship were taken from Jews. The Gestapo banned independent gun clubs and arrested their leaders. Gestapo counsel Werner Best issued a directive to the police forbidding issuance of firearm permits to Jews.

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
The time had come to launch a decisive blow to the Jewish community, to render it defenseless so that its “ill-gotten” property could be redistributed as an entitlement to the German “Volk.” The German Jews were ordered to surrender all their weapons, and the police had the records on all who had registered them. Even those who gave up their weapons voluntarily were turned over to the Gestapo.

How the Nazis Used Gun Control | National Review

France, the Nazis, and Gun Control

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms. Laval and France's ruling parties feared social revolution and banned "war" weapons, instituting strict gun registration policies. They believed that repressive limits on civilian gun ownership were necessary at a time of Depression-sparked unrest and ongoing conflicts among various political factions. Strict time limits for firearms registration and harsh penalties for noncompliance, including forfeiture, fines, and imprisonment, were put in place. Laval's government did not foresee the impact these restrictive measures would have on a Nazi-conquered France just five years later, when firearms surrender would be required under threat of death.

In Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, attorney Stephen P. Halbrook explores the impact and efficacy of gun control measures on Wehrmacht-controlled France and how these measures hindered the French Resistance's fight against Nazi tyranny. The author asserts that Laval's 1935 gun control efforts left the French people vulnerable to the Nazi invaders and ill equipped to deal with the Nazi invasion of 1940, plus simplified the Nazi efforts to confiscate firearms and impede a French resistance.
No, not yet.
Given the circumstances of RW ideology and track record, they both embrace.........dictatorships.
They will.

The mass murdering governments since 1917 have all been left wing, you dumb ass.......from the national socialists in Germany to the international socialists in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba and around the. world....

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