Say it aint so

Why do liberals always assume that blacks and other minorities are too stupid to find or display their photo ID they use for everything else in the world? I'm surprised Democrats don't team up with a minority person to wipe their ass for them since they don't believe them capable.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

wait this coming from a person that thinks a youtube video started riots in middle east countries resulting in the death of an American ambassador?

There is more proof of acorn type voter fraud than there is of that farce.
When did I say that youtube had anything to do with anything? Don't assume to know what I think.

Now ask me if I care about the CIA compound in Benghazi. Short answer: No, I don't, because FUCK THE CIA.
That is always your first response. :smiliehug: Dont change k?

A flag doesnt think idiot its what the flag represents but you think that a flag goes around calling people racist names or something. A flag is just a flag. I hate to break it to you. So an inanimate object cant have human thoughts or actions dillweed


Me or people like me? You scared to debate me?

So you're saying not 100% of the racist joined the republican party. Setting the bar really low I see. Congratulations, I think on not being 100% racist. Kudos.

Btw how do you go against a historical fact like the Southern Strategy? I mean besides saying its all made up by liberals or some other world wide historical conspiracy theory?:lol:

Ok so you really thought i meant the confedearate flag was persoanlly racist? Like it actually lynched blacks or that it denied people a lunch counter? Youre either extremely stupid or just trying to be an ass using semantics

Words mean things fuck face. Use the right words next time

I'm sorry I'll use shorter and easier words for you to understand. Assuming when talking about flags that we're discussing their meaning and not that they actually participate in activities is too difficult a proposition for you to it.

second the soutnern strategy is a falsehood. And the great liberal crusader, jimmy carter, who hate jews like most of the democrats has a grandson that supports something that you lillywhite liberals despise as a racist symbol. I think its hilarious. And its an anectdote of what bullshit the southern strategy is.
If only you would stop assuming you would learn something. I'm not white idiot. The Southern Strategy is historical fact. Typing one sentence that says "soutnern strategy is a falsehood." doesnt undo or change the history. You gotta do better than that

So you're not white, good for you. So what ethnicity are you? And from this non white point of view, tell me your thoughts on southern strategy...Im curious as to what you think it tell

so if conservatives are racist as you claim, partly because we dont give a shit about a conferderate flag, then tell me the last time the ultraracist democrat party had a more conservative presidential candidate than the republicans.
What? It doesnt matter what Dems do their actions dont erase republicans actions of being racist pricks. Nice defense you got there...none:lol:

so you support the dems then completely whitewash all their activities and blame republicans for racism, you crack me up. You really have no clue do you?
Why do liberals always assume that blacks and other minorities are too stupid to find or display their photo ID they use for everything else in the world? I'm surprised Democrats don't team up with a minority person to wipe their ass for them since they don't believe them capable.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

But why accept any at all?

If the photo IDs are free and easily available, what's the problem?

I have a bigger problem with eliminating early voting. IDs? I don't see the problem.
Why accept any what? Voter fraud? We don't. That's why there were laws set up to stop that type of thing. Those laws worked to a point where no one can cite any legitimate examples of widespread voter fraud. So if voter fraud isn't a problem then why do you need more big government laws to prevent it?

Also, the photo IDs are not going to be free or easily available. If that were the case, a driver's license would be enough. But this isn't about stopping voter fraud, it's about stopping voter participation.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

But why accept any at all?

If the photo IDs are free and easily available, what's the problem?

I have a bigger problem with eliminating early voting. IDs? I don't see the problem.
Why accept any what? Voter fraud? We don't. That's why there were laws set up to stop that type of thing. Those laws worked to a point where no one can cite any legitimate examples of widespread voter fraud. So if voter fraud isn't a problem then why do you need more big government laws to prevent it?

Also, the photo IDs are not going to be free or easily available. If that were the case, a driver's license would be enough. But this isn't about stopping voter fraud, it's about stopping voter participation.

You keep saying there is no "widespread" voter fraud. I say why accept any at all. The you say there is no voter fraud at all. Which we both know is bullshit. And can you show me some evidence that the IDs are not easily available and free?

Things like scaling back early voting - now THAT is an effort to deter participation.
Ok so you really thought i meant the confedearate flag was persoanlly racist? Like it actually lynched blacks or that it denied people a lunch counter? Youre either extremely stupid or just trying to be an ass using semantics

Words mean things fuck face. Use the right words next time

I'm sorry I'll use shorter and easier words for you to understand. Assuming when talking about flags that we're discussing their meaning and not that they actually participate in activities is too difficult a proposition for you to it.

If only you would stop assuming you would learn something. I'm not white idiot. The Southern Strategy is historical fact. Typing one sentence that says "soutnern strategy is a falsehood." doesnt undo or change the history. You gotta do better than that

So you're not white, good for you. So what ethnicity are you? And from this non white point of view, tell me your thoughts on southern strategy...Im curious as to what you think it tell

so if conservatives are racist as you claim, partly because we dont give a shit about a conferderate flag, then tell me the last time the ultraracist democrat party had a more conservative presidential candidate than the republicans.
What? It doesnt matter what Dems do their actions dont erase republicans actions of being racist pricks. Nice defense you got there...none:lol:

so you support the dems then completely whitewash all their activities and blame republicans for racism, you crack me up. You really have no clue do you?

No First where is your evidence that the Southern Strategy doesnt or never existed. You've said it a number of times and the best you got is one sentence saying its a falsehood.

Last point, you've offered no defense to Republican racism only saying that they cant be racist because Dems didnt do something. That doesnt change what republicans are. For example the Dems do everything you ask of them then viola Republican history of racism goes away.

Words mean things fuck face. Use the right words next time

I'm sorry I'll use shorter and easier words for you to understand. Assuming when talking about flags that we're discussing their meaning and not that they actually participate in activities is too difficult a proposition for you to it.

If only you would stop assuming you would learn something. I'm not white idiot. The Southern Strategy is historical fact. Typing one sentence that says "soutnern strategy is a falsehood." doesnt undo or change the history. You gotta do better than that

So you're not white, good for you. So what ethnicity are you? And from this non white point of view, tell me your thoughts on southern strategy...Im curious as to what you think it tell

What? It doesnt matter what Dems do their actions dont erase republicans actions of being racist pricks. Nice defense you got there...none:lol:

so you support the dems then completely whitewash all their activities and blame republicans for racism, you crack me up. You really have no clue do you?

No First where is your evidence that the Southern Strategy doesnt or never existed. You've said it a number of times and the best you got is one sentence saying its a falsehood.

Last point, you've offered no defense to Republican racism only saying that they cant be racist because Dems didnt do something. That doesnt change what republicans are. For example the Dems do everything you ask of them then viola Republican history of racism goes away.


Ok, so what do republicans do that is racist? Not care about the confederate flag? not care about people calling each other names?

or is it being against social welfare programs? ahhhhh....I bet we have a winner! But do tell

Once we establish current racism, I'd love to get into the southern strategy, but you still haven't told me what it is?
Of course there was a southern strategy. Is someone seriously attempting to deny this? There's no point. A maj of southern whites concluded the dem party was discriminating against them by pursuing a policy that was not based on one citizen one vote. I'd say they were right. LOL

As for voter ID ... we'll see. I think its a waste of money, but .... who knows.
Gonna end that. Voter ID.

Why do liberals always assume that blacks and other minorities are too stupid to find or display their photo ID they use for everything else in the world? I'm surprised Democrats don't team up with a minority person to wipe their ass for them since they don't believe them capable.

I'm not surprised you can't tell a conservative from a liberal nor notice sarcasm biting your ass.

Wasn't calling you a liberal. Was making a statement. Can I sell you a roadmap? :D
Gonna end that. Voter ID.

Why do liberals always assume that blacks and other minorities are too stupid to find or display their photo ID they use for everything else in the world? I'm surprised Democrats don't team up with a minority person to wipe their ass for them since they don't believe them capable.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

Why do liberals always assume you have some sort of Constitutional right to vote? States determine your voting qualifications and any requirements aside from those things spelled out in amendments that can not be used to disqualify a person from voting. If a state wants to ensure the quality of the vote and safeguard against any possible fraud, that is their right as long as they don't violate the Constitution.
Jimmy Carter's grandson: People have right to sport Confederate battle flag license plate - Washington Times

White democrats backing the confederate flag?

I Thought they all switched to the republican party?

He's running for Governor in a state full of crazy republicans.

Crumbs. Tossing crumbs to the idiots...

So its a campaign gimmick and its ok then. Anything to win. Now we see how genuine these people are. As long as you agree the flag is a non issue and juat a way to get the base riled up. Why do democrats have to manufacture shit like this?

And where is, gonna pput you back in chains joe biden on this one?
Why do liberals always assume that blacks and other minorities are too stupid to find or display their photo ID they use for everything else in the world? I'm surprised Democrats don't team up with a minority person to wipe their ass for them since they don't believe them capable.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

Why do liberals always assume you have some sort of Constitutional right to vote? States determine your voting qualifications and any requirements aside from those things spelled out in amendments that can not be used to disqualify a person from voting. If a state wants to ensure the quality of the vote and safeguard against any possible fraud, that is their right as long as they don't violate the Constitution.
Since you can't come up with any evidence of widespread voter fraud then every effort to stop widespread voter fraud is completely ridiculous.

Perhaps Miguel de Cervantes can be the 2016 GOPbagger nominee.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

Why do liberals always assume you have some sort of Constitutional right to vote? States determine your voting qualifications and any requirements aside from those things spelled out in amendments that can not be used to disqualify a person from voting. If a state wants to ensure the quality of the vote and safeguard against any possible fraud, that is their right as long as they don't violate the Constitution.
Since you can't come up with any evidence of widespread voter fraud then every effort to stop widespread voter fraud is completely ridiculous.

Perhaps Miguel de Cervantes can be the 2016 GOPbagger nominee.

I already did asswipe. Get that cock out of your mouth and read the thread
Why do liberals always assume you have some sort of Constitutional right to vote? States determine your voting qualifications and any requirements aside from those things spelled out in amendments that can not be used to disqualify a person from voting. If a state wants to ensure the quality of the vote and safeguard against any possible fraud, that is their right as long as they don't violate the Constitution.
Since you can't come up with any evidence of widespread voter fraud then every effort to stop widespread voter fraud is completely ridiculous.

Perhaps Miguel de Cervantes can be the 2016 GOPbagger nominee.

I already did asswipe. Get that cock out of your mouth and read the thread
You already did? What? This?:
Woman Arrested For Nevada Voter Fraud « CBS Las Vegas

THAT is your proof of "widespread voter fraud"? One woman was arrested in Nevada, so MILLIONS of illegal immigrants are swaying elections in favor of destroying America, right?

Fucking idiot.
Only really stupid idiots try to judge people of that time by today's standards. You seem to fit that to a T.
"Of that time"? Like the South ever stopped being racist?

It took how many decades for black people to be able to vote?

I have known allot more racist from northern states than I have from the south, but there are racist in every state and country for that matter. You just want to try to make political hay by ignoring that fact.

For decades, one of the nation's most viciously-racist cities (operating under court-ordered school integration TO THIS DAY) was Boston!
The Confederacy fought specifically to retain ownership of black people. That is as racist as you can get.

Only really stupid idiots try to judge people of that time by today's standards. You seem to fit that to a T.

Present-ism is the word for which you are looking, tiger.

And generally you are on track.

However, moral judgments can be made about the past. The South was wrong, Hitler was wrong, and so on.

The first was, indeed, racist; the second was, indeed, genocidal.

Still comparing apples and oranges I see, slavery was legal in most of the states at the time and the south didn't try to kill all the blacks, no genocide involved.
Gonna end that. Voter ID.

Why do liberals always assume that blacks and other minorities are too stupid to find or display their photo ID they use for everything else in the world? I'm surprised Democrats don't team up with a minority person to wipe their ass for them since they don't believe them capable.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

So you're against laws that help insure the integrity of your vote? Doesn't matter how small the problem is, it's still a problem.
There are already laws which are supposed to ensure the integrity of the vote, which is why there are so few cases of voter fraud as to make the issue of voter fraud irrelevant.
There are already laws which are supposed to ensure the integrity of the vote, which is why there are so few cases of voter fraud as to make the issue of voter fraud irrelevant.

Right, murder rates are on the decline, should we just not worry about it? Like I said, even a small problem, is a problem.

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