Say it aint so

Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

Why do liberals always assume you have some sort of Constitutional right to vote? States determine your voting qualifications and any requirements aside from those things spelled out in amendments that can not be used to disqualify a person from voting. If a state wants to ensure the quality of the vote and safeguard against any possible fraud, that is their right as long as they don't violate the Constitution.
Since you can't come up with any evidence of widespread voter fraud then every effort to stop widespread voter fraud is completely ridiculous.

Perhaps Miguel de Cervantes can be the 2016 GOPbagger nominee.

It's hard to do since the ruling political party and the lapdog media squash any attempt. You can neither prove or disprove when a blind eye is turned. Why do liberals fight so vehemently to stop any investigation or discussion by screaming racism when the issue is raised? What are you trying to protect? The answer, votes and power.
Jimmy Carter's grandson: People have right to sport Confederate battle flag license plate - Washington Times

White democrats backing the confederate flag?

I Thought they all switched to the republican party?

He's a politician in Georgia.

I have a new word for you to add to your vocabulary:

gerund or present participle: pandering
gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
so you support the dems then completely whitewash all their activities and blame republicans for racism, you crack me up. You really have no clue do you?

No First where is your evidence that the Southern Strategy doesnt or never existed. You've said it a number of times and the best you got is one sentence saying its a falsehood.

Last point, you've offered no defense to Republican racism only saying that they cant be racist because Dems didnt do something. That doesnt change what republicans are. For example the Dems do everything you ask of them then viola Republican history of racism goes away.


Ok, so what do republicans do that is racist? Not care about the confederate flag? not care about people calling each other names?

or is it being against social welfare programs? ahhhhh....I bet we have a winner! But do tell

Once we establish current racism, I'd love to get into the southern strategy, but you still haven't told me what it is?

Oh go fuck yourself...We've been over this and everytime you pull this amnesia act and ask for a list. You said the Southern Strategy was false (or something) and 3 posts later you offer nothing but more goal post moving.
No First where is your evidence that the Southern Strategy doesnt or never existed. You've said it a number of times and the best you got is one sentence saying its a falsehood.

Last point, you've offered no defense to Republican racism only saying that they cant be racist because Dems didnt do something. That doesnt change what republicans are. For example the Dems do everything you ask of them then viola Republican history of racism goes away.


Ok, so what do republicans do that is racist? Not care about the confederate flag? not care about people calling each other names?

or is it being against social welfare programs? ahhhhh....I bet we have a winner! But do tell

Once we establish current racism, I'd love to get into the southern strategy, but you still haven't told me what it is?

Oh go fuck yourself...We've been over this and everytime you pull this amnesia act and ask for a list. You said the Southern Strategy was false (or something) and 3 posts later you offer nothing but more goal post moving.

youre so full of shit. Ok you wanted a eebate and its you saying the republicans are racist and the southern strategy is true. I thought wed move slow tackling one issue at a time, but we can do both. In order to have debate you need a starting point.

so i say republicans arent racist, you say they are. Why domyou feel that way?

i say the southern strategy is false and propoganda, you say its true, again, based on what? Define the southern strategy for me, so i can rebut it.
Closed did you give up?
you really cant answer those two wuestions? I figured uyoud be dying to.
Please, stupid racist neo-Confederate assholes, sport your failed rebellion flag on your car so I know which tires to slash.

Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

(b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
The Confederacy fought specifically to retain ownership of black people. That is as racist as you can get.
Only really stupid idiots try to judge people of that time by today's standards. You seem to fit that to a T.
"Of that time"? Like the South ever stopped being racist?

It took how many decades for black people to be able to vote?

That was Democrat policy.
Why do Conservatives always assume that because there isn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that this somehow justifies the need for Voter ID laws to stop widespread non-existent voter fraud?

But why accept any at all?

If the photo IDs are free and easily available, what's the problem?

I have a bigger problem with eliminating early voting. IDs? I don't see the problem.
Why accept any what? Voter fraud? We don't. That's why there were laws set up to stop that type of thing. Those laws worked to a point where no one can cite any legitimate examples of widespread voter fraud. So if voter fraud isn't a problem then why do you need more big government laws to prevent it?

Also, the photo IDs are not going to be free or easily available. If that were the case, a driver's license would be enough. But this isn't about stopping voter fraud, it's about stopping voter participation.

Voter fraud never happens.

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds | Fox News
Please, stupid racist neo-Confederate assholes, sport your failed rebellion flag on your car so I know which tires to slash.

you cowardly little twerp, motherfucker, slash tries ?? face me you little libercoward asshole not my tires, they won't fight back but you can be assured that facing me or any other American patriot will get your ass kicked from here to eternity. :up:
But why accept any at all?

If the photo IDs are free and easily available, what's the problem?

I have a bigger problem with eliminating early voting. IDs? I don't see the problem.
Why accept any what? Voter fraud? We don't. That's why there were laws set up to stop that type of thing. Those laws worked to a point where no one can cite any legitimate examples of widespread voter fraud. So if voter fraud isn't a problem then why do you need more big government laws to prevent it?

Also, the photo IDs are not going to be free or easily available. If that were the case, a driver's license would be enough. But this isn't about stopping voter fraud, it's about stopping voter participation.

Voter fraud never happens.

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds | Fox News

the fraud is not who is registered (since the voter can't always control when rosters are cleaned) it is WHERE THEY VOTE?

until you prove anyone voted twice, there is no VOTER FRAUD

(except for things like this, of course..... ):

Oct. 13) -- Federal, state, and local officials are gathering information about allegations of voter registration fraud that were first raised Channel 8 Eyewitness News.

An employee of a private voter registration firm alleges that his bosses trashed registration forms filled out by Democratic voters because they only wanted to sign up Republican voters.

The allegations have set off a political firestorm stretching from Las Vegas to Washington D.C., and beyond.

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations - 8 News NOW

and this:

An effort by Republicans to register voters with paid workers is underway in North Carolina and across the nation. In the past month various ads have appeared on Craigslist, Facebook and other online job listings offering amounts from $11 to $13 per hour (and in some cases internship credit) to help Republicans and Mitt Romney win in North Carolina in November by identifying conservatives and registering them as voters. The operation is linked to an Arizona company with a history of fraud allegations including the destruction of Democratic registration cards.

The operation appears to be run by a company called Strategic Allied Consulting, LLC, on behalf of the NC Republican Party. Campaign filings with the Federal Election Commission show that the NC Republican Party federal fund paid $333,267.50 to Strategic Allied Consulting in July. The company was set up in Virginia in June 2012 and filings with the Virginia Secretary of State reveal no identifying information other than that of a corporate filing service.

and, of course, this:

If you’re a woman in Texas, getting married or divorced could cost you your vote, especially if you drive too. In fact, Republicans are counting on it.

Under Texas’ new voter ID law, Women who were married or divorced will have to update their voter ID to match their current legal name.

It means first, middle and surname on your voter ID must be your current legal name and must match with your voter registration card exactly. This is serious stuff. Some estimates suggest this law affects 34% of eligible women voters. It is complicated, as a Texas judge found out the hard way

Texas Voter ID Law Prevents Women from Voting while Married

“The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that ‘early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.’

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

and let's not forget the Pennsylvania republican who talked about how voter id cut the president's lead in that state:

Pennsylvania’s GOP chairman, Rob Gleason, is pleased with how effective Voter ID laws were in the 2012 election. Despite President Obama’s victory, Gleason believes the laws did what they were designed to do: suppress the Democratic vote.

When asked by a Pennsylvania cable news reporter earlier this week if the laws affected last year’s elections, Gleason responded: “I think we had a better election. Think about this: we cut Obama by 5 percent…I think Voter ID helped a bit in that.”

Pennsylvania GOP Chief Admits Voter ID Laws Suppressed Democratic Vote In 2012 - The National Memo

so what were you whining about again?
Why accept any what? Voter fraud? We don't. That's why there were laws set up to stop that type of thing. Those laws worked to a point where no one can cite any legitimate examples of widespread voter fraud. So if voter fraud isn't a problem then why do you need more big government laws to prevent it?

Also, the photo IDs are not going to be free or easily available. If that were the case, a driver's license would be enough. But this isn't about stopping voter fraud, it's about stopping voter participation.

Voter fraud never happens.

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds | Fox News

the fraud is not who is registered (since the voter can't always control when rosters are cleaned) it is WHERE THEY VOTE?

until you prove anyone voted twice, there is no VOTER FRAUD

(except for things like this, of course..... ):

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations - 8 News NOW

and this:

and, of course, this:

Texas Voter ID Law Prevents Women from Voting while Married

“The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that ‘early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.’

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

and let's not forget the Pennsylvania republican who talked about how voter id cut the president's lead in that state:

Pennsylvania’s GOP chairman, Rob Gleason, is pleased with how effective Voter ID laws were in the 2012 election. Despite President Obama’s victory, Gleason believes the laws did what they were designed to do: suppress the Democratic vote.

When asked by a Pennsylvania cable news reporter earlier this week if the laws affected last year’s elections, Gleason responded: “I think we had a better election. Think about this: we cut Obama by 5 percent…I think Voter ID helped a bit in that.”

Pennsylvania GOP Chief Admits Voter ID Laws Suppressed Democratic Vote In 2012 - The National Memo

so what were you whining about again?

Or this:

"Former Ohio poll worker Melowese Richardson, who was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for voter fraud, was released early because she has bi-polar disorder.

Richardson, who was trusted with the position of "being a guardian to free elections," admitted to illegally voting in 2009, 2011 and 2012. At her trial, Richardson claims she had no intent to commit voter fraud even though she had cast multiple votes for President Obama at her Hamilton County polling place. Her infractions included voting in person at the poll while also sending in an absentee ballot. Moreover, Melowese had voted on behalf of her sister who is in a coma, her brother, and her grandchild."
Voter fraud never happens.

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds | Fox News

the fraud is not who is registered (since the voter can't always control when rosters are cleaned) it is WHERE THEY VOTE?

until you prove anyone voted twice, there is no VOTER FRAUD

(except for things like this, of course..... ):

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations - 8 News NOW

and this:

and, of course, this:

Texas Voter ID Law Prevents Women from Voting while Married

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

and let's not forget the Pennsylvania republican who talked about how voter id cut the president's lead in that state:

Pennsylvania’s GOP chairman, Rob Gleason, is pleased with how effective Voter ID laws were in the 2012 election. Despite President Obama’s victory, Gleason believes the laws did what they were designed to do: suppress the Democratic vote.

When asked by a Pennsylvania cable news reporter earlier this week if the laws affected last year’s elections, Gleason responded: “I think we had a better election. Think about this: we cut Obama by 5 percent…I think Voter ID helped a bit in that.”

Pennsylvania GOP Chief Admits Voter ID Laws Suppressed Democratic Vote In 2012 - The National Memo

so what were you whining about again?

Or this:

"Former Ohio poll worker Melowese Richardson, who was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for voter fraud, was released early because she has bi-polar disorder.

Richardson, who was trusted with the position of "being a guardian to free elections," admitted to illegally voting in 2009, 2011 and 2012. At her trial, Richardson claims she had no intent to commit voter fraud even though she had cast multiple votes for President Obama at her Hamilton County polling place. Her infractions included voting in person at the poll while also sending in an absentee ballot. Moreover, Melowese had voted on behalf of her sister who is in a coma, her brother, and her grandchild."

so she voted multiple times in the same election, whats the excuse mow liberals?
the fraud is not who is registered (since the voter can't always control when rosters are cleaned) it is WHERE THEY VOTE?

until you prove anyone voted twice, there is no VOTER FRAUD

(except for things like this, of course..... ):

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations - 8 News NOW

and this:

and, of course, this:

Texas Voter ID Law Prevents Women from Voting while Married

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

and let's not forget the Pennsylvania republican who talked about how voter id cut the president's lead in that state:

Pennsylvania GOP Chief Admits Voter ID Laws Suppressed Democratic Vote In 2012 - The National Memo

so what were you whining about again?

Or this:

"Former Ohio poll worker Melowese Richardson, who was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for voter fraud, was released early because she has bi-polar disorder.

Richardson, who was trusted with the position of "being a guardian to free elections," admitted to illegally voting in 2009, 2011 and 2012. At her trial, Richardson claims she had no intent to commit voter fraud even though she had cast multiple votes for President Obama at her Hamilton County polling place. Her infractions included voting in person at the poll while also sending in an absentee ballot. Moreover, Melowese had voted on behalf of her sister who is in a coma, her brother, and her grandchild."

so she voted multiple times in the same election, whats the excuse mow liberals?

Doesn't this disenfranchise those of us who follow the law? That's not faaaaiiiirrrrr!!!

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