Zone1 "Saying "White men are the number one terrorist threat" is racist".


Senior Member
May 3, 2024
Right now, Europe is electing and has elected 'white wing' nationalists into office, to keep out Arab and African migrants. There are a few reasons for this, but the main ones for the voters, are to keep Europe white because white people are racially and culturally superior, but also because of perceived or real threats surrounding the induction of terror attacks from radical Islamists. I was there when Don lemon made this comment, and white people were calling him a racist, yet literally millions of Europeans are doing the same and effecting actual change on the basis of that same sort of "racist" idea. I suppose they are racists, after all. You cannot have it both ways.

You can definitely look at Europe as a canary in the coal mine. The one benefit to the U.S is that it is far more diverse than Europe, so the white voting bloc cannot just do what it wants at a whim; there are checks and balances from other non white outgroups. But make no mistake that, every single issue in the US is also mired from that same prism of race. Immigration, for example is one of them. In other words, opposition of "illegal" immigration, has absolutely nothing with the illegality or legality of it, and everything to do with maintaining white demographics, white power, and white privilege. If you aren't white, this is fundamentally how they see you. You are inferior. They are superior.

As a woke black conservative, myself, I, too, have similar feelings surrounding these issues, but I could never create a false pretense that it is about anything other than race. In truth, I can care less what the whites believe or don't believe; their validation means nothing to me. I see myself as racially superior to 90% of whites, under nearly every metric. But I understand the existential threat posed by whites and others. I always say that our black ancestors didn't buy our freedom, they merely bought us time, and, Europe, again, is just a canary in the coal mine. But we have too many brothas out here who trifle, who ni#ger away that time, by moving to convince whites to like us, instead of working towards a point of self sufficiency and excellence to dominate them.

Right now, Europe is electing and has elected 'white wing' nationalists into office, to keep out Arab and African migrants. There are a few reasons for this, but the main ones for the voters, are to keep Europe white because white people are racially and culturally superior, but also because of perceived or real threats surrounding the induction of terror attacks from radical Islamists. I was there when Don lemon made this comment, and white people were calling him a racist, yet literally millions of Europeans are doing the same and effecting actual change on the basis of that same sort of "racist" idea. I suppose they are racists, after all. You cannot have it both ways.

You can definitely look at Europe as a canary in the coal mine. The one benefit to the U.S is that it is far more diverse than Europe, so the white voting bloc cannot just do what it wants at a whim; there are checks and balances from other non white outgroups. But make no mistake that, every single issue in the US is also mired from that same prism of race. Immigration, for example is one of them. In other words, opposition of "illegal" immigration, has absolutely nothing with the illegality or legality of it, and everything to do with maintaining white demographics, white power, and white privilege. If you aren't white, this is fundamentally how they see you. You are inferior. They are superior.

As a woke black conservative, myself, I, too, have similar feelings surrounding these issues, but I could never create a false pretense that it is about anything other than race. In truth, I can care less what the whites believe or don't believe; their validation means nothing to me. I see myself as racially superior to 90% of whites, under nearly every metric. But I understand the existential threat posed by whites and others. I always say that our black ancestors didn't buy our freedom, they merely bought us time, and, Europe, again, is just a canary in the coal mine. But we have too many brothas out here who trifle, who ni#ger away that time, by moving to convince whites to like us, instead of working towards a point of self sufficiency and excellence to dominate them.

Not really, they're voting further right parties in EU Parliament elections. Nobody cares about the EU parliament because it doesn't do anything.

When it comes to elections in European countries in their own parliaments, the further right will do much worse, except maybe in the UK because after 14 years of the conservatives in power, people are fed up and those conservatives who have voted for the same crap election after election will now vote for the Reform Party because they like the dude in charge. He doesn't even have any policies, he doesn't need them. People like him, that's all.
Terrorists came in all colors, ethnos, and races.,

They are all the number 1 threat. Put them down ruthlessly,
What about the pro-Palestinians who marched on DC on Monday, yelling to kill Jews (one of them screamed that he wished Hitler were still here, and to a Jew), saying that were HAMAS supporters, calling for Intifada, defacing American historical statues, and even assaulting a cop?

Given your support for Israel - you are one of only three leftists on this forum who do - do you agree that we need to arrest these people and deport them if they are not Americans? It is, after all, illegal to support terrorism, and it’s illegal to incite violence against a minority, and it’s illegal to deface property, and it’s illegal to assault people.

Why didn’t the DC government order a sweep, arrest and book all these haters, and identify who is not a citizen?
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The "woke" agenda is completely incongruous to the "conservative" agenda.
And I can say that things like social security-literally socialist redistribution-are incongruous with conservatism. Yet, most Conservatives support it. You can't have it both ways. I'm allowed to delineate my values like everyone else, and not have a semantics game played. We as Woke Black Conservatives are equal parts racial determinists/realists, as we are cultural determinists. You're just upset that we're off the democratic plantation, and refuse to get on the RNC one. Deal with it.
Not really, they're voting further right parties in EU Parliament elections. Nobody cares about the EU parliament because it doesn't do anything.

When it comes to elections in European countries in their own parliaments, the further right will do much worse, except maybe in the UK because after 14 years of the conservatives in power, people are fed up and those conservatives who have voted for the same crap election after election will now vote for the Reform Party because they like the dude in charge. He doesn't even have any policies, he doesn't need them. People like him, that's all.
It matters. Brexit was also about race and identity, and most white brits supported it. That you could argue that white nationlisim-aka populism-isn't in vogue right now, is just silly. Even the left wind parties are moving further right because of it. Macron castigated all Muslims after that beheading. Said they need to assimilate. That's some shit Trump would say! lol White Europeans may disagree on fiscal policy, but one thing they agree on is these arabs and these niggas, and keeping them out of white society.
What about the pro-Palestinians who marched on DC on Monday, yelling to kill Jews (one of them screamed that he wished Hitler were still here, and to a Jew), saying that were HAMAS supporters, calling for Intifada, defacing American historical statues, and even assaulting a cop?

Given your support for Israel - you are one of only three leftists on this forum who do - do you agree that we need to arrest these people and deport them if they are not Americans? It is, after all, illegal to support terrorism, and it’s illegal to incite violence against a minority, and it’s illegal to deface property, and it’s illegal to assault people.

Why didn’t the DC government order a sweep, arrest and book all these haters, and identify who is not a citizen?
You're not a victim. Neither are the Palestinians. This is war. You invaded that land and they want it back. If Black Hebrew Israelites invaded Israel and claimed the land for their own, I'm sure you wouldn't like that, and you would work to remove their presence, by any means necessary. Human beings are very territorial. Don't play victim as if you aren't the same.
Unchecked unlimited immigration is a subversion of national sovereignty. These “immigrants” don’t strengthen their countries and they don’t strengthen our countries.

Unregulated immigration is invasion.
In other words, opposition of "illegal" immigration, has absolutely nothing with the illegality or legality of it, and everything to do with maintaining white demographics, white power, and white privilege. If you aren't white, this is fundamentally how they see you. You are inferior. They are superior.

It’s complete BS. It’s woke liberal fantasy.

You know who sees everything through the lens of race? Racists. Most white people don’t give a crap about “white identity”. It’s mostly these woke liberals and these fragile minorities who obsess and make everything about race.

There is nothing wrong about protecting your national identity. “White” countries are far more tolerant and than any brown country. White countries also welcome more legal immigrants than any brown country.

The US welcomes more legal immigrants than any other country in the world. But we have these sniveling woke bitches accusing us of “maintaining white supremacy” for opposing illegal immigration. if the US is guilty of that, then every country that takes in fewer legal immigrants is even MORE GUILTY of doing so to maintain its “racial privilege”.
The very premise of this pits people against each other along racial lines. It doesn’t have to be like that, you are the ones making it a reality. Stop promoting racial division.
Right now, Europe is electing and has elected 'white wing' nationalists into office, to keep out Arab and African migrants. There are a few reasons for this, but the main ones for the voters, are to keep Europe white because white people are racially and culturally superior, but also because of perceived or real threats surrounding the induction of terror attacks from radical Islamists. I was there when Don lemon made this comment, and white people were calling him a racist, yet literally millions of Europeans are doing the same and effecting actual change on the basis of that same sort of "racist" idea. I suppose they are racists, after all. You cannot have it both ways.

You can definitely look at Europe as a canary in the coal mine. The one benefit to the U.S is that it is far more diverse than Europe, so the white voting bloc cannot just do what it wants at a whim; there are checks and balances from other non white outgroups. But make no mistake that, every single issue in the US is also mired from that same prism of race. Immigration, for example is one of them. In other words, opposition of "illegal" immigration, has absolutely nothing with the illegality or legality of it, and everything to do with maintaining white demographics, white power, and white privilege. If you aren't white, this is fundamentally how they see you. You are inferior. They are superior.

As a woke black conservative, myself, I, too, have similar feelings surrounding these issues, but I could never create a false pretense that it is about anything other than race. In truth, I can care less what the whites believe or don't believe; their validation means nothing to me. I see myself as racially superior to 90% of whites, under nearly every metric. But I understand the existential threat posed by whites and others. I always say that our black ancestors didn't buy our freedom, they merely bought us time, and, Europe, again, is just a canary in the coal mine. But we have too many brothas out here who trifle, who ni#ger away that time, by moving to convince whites to like us, instead of working towards a point of self sufficiency and excellence to dominate them.

Europe has gone from welcoming Islamics, to detesting them for good reason. The Islamics are destroying Europe through the social safety network. Islamics take from society and refuse to contribute to it, take benefits while denigrating the people paying for those benefits with their taxes. The Islamics are refusing to integrate into western society and are transplanting their homophobic, christianphobic, anti-science and anti equality beliefs into Europe.
And I can say that things like social security-literally socialist redistribution-are incongruous with conservatism. Yet, most Conservatives support it. You can't have it both ways. I'm allowed to delineate my values like everyone else, and not have a semantics game played. We as Woke Black Conservatives are equal parts racial determinists/realists, as we are cultural determinists. You're just upset that we're off the democratic plantation, and refuse to get on the RNC one. Deal with it.
That's a dodge. My statement is a fact. "Woke" is incongruous with "Conservative". That is unless you have some alternate definition of "Woke". Tell you what. You define Woke in your own words and I'll define Conservative in my own words. Deal?

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