Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case

If you were being sued would you want your judge helping raise money for the lawyer suing you?
Lawyer my ass. My fucking dog knows more about the law than you ever will. And stop pretending you have any ethics at all, or even knowledge of what they might be?

it's always cool when the stupidest people on the board think they're insulting me.

moron. :rofl:

i'm sorry, little boy, but you know nothing.
Because conflicts of interest on apply to conservatives. Don't you know that, Charles?
Play that perpetual VICTIM card, crybaby. :eusa_boohoo:
That's all CON$ do, whine and bitch how everyone picks only on them.

No were not whining about everyone Picking on us, We rightly Complaining about the Free pass Liberals get. That and the Unbelievable Double Standard Liberal posters on this Board have.
If you were being sued would you want your judge helping raise money for the lawyer suing you?
Last time I checked when they pay taxes they do help fund one side of the argument. Should we make them tax exempt to rid ourselves of this conflict?
Lawyer my ass. My fucking dog knows more about the law than you ever will. And stop pretending you have any ethics at all, or even knowledge of what they might be?

it's always cool when the stupidest people on the board think they're insulting me.

moron. :rofl:

i'm sorry, little boy, but you know nothing.
LOL... I know where to find the cannons you don't know, idiot. You have yet to offer one cogent argument on even one simple aspect of any legal debate. Don't worry, we know it's because "cogent" is simply beyond your capabilities. You saying "it's about ethics" and failing to realize that following the law in all cases is by definition, ethical, is kind of funny. Especially for someone who claims some legal training while displaying only legal confusion.
why yes of course, forget about kagan:rolleyes:...then you wonder why you're thread isn't overrun with commentary.....get a grip dude.

so hey who did the wise Latina have dinner with last week? what speaking engagements has she had? do you know? does the media or you even care?


what 'charge'? I asked a question. so?

am I stoned or was this not your personal, OP commentary...:eusa_eh:

Forget about Kagan; if anybody should recuse themselves from the SC health care law case, it should be Thomas and Scalia

You're right. I did bring her up in the OP. Compare away; but there really is no comparison.
from the first fucking post...

how fucking stupid are you, anyway?

I never said that they broke any ethics rules. I said that their behavior is unethical. See the difference? How fucking stupid are you?

wow.. you are fucking stupid.

breaking ethics rules is unethical. If what they did didn't break any ethics rules.....

I'd continue, but you appear to be stuck on fucking stupid, as usual.

Jesus Christ, you are a fucking idiot. Listen as I slowly explain this to you: I understand that there are no ethical rules that SC justices must abide by. However, I believe that their behavior is unethical. That does not mean that I believe they broke any rules, it simply means that I feel they are acting unethically. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help. Moron.
Forget about Kagan; if anybody should recuse themselves from the SC health care law case, it should be Thomas and Scalia. This isn't the first time these two have crossed ethical boundaries. Anybody interested in a fair process should be outraged.
They should be investigated and their financial records subpoenaed to see if they have been paid off, and if so they should be impeached.
OK, lets investigate and find out where obamaturds 300 million dollars in campaign contributions came from since he won't disclose that.
It has been disclosed, the money came from the American people in small donations.
Forget about Kagan; if anybody should recuse themselves from the SC health care law case, it should be Thomas and Scalia. This isn't the first time these two have crossed ethical boundaries. Anybody interested in a fair process should be outraged.
They should be investigated and their financial records subpoenaed to see if they have been paid off, and if so they should be impeached.
OK, lets investigate and find out where obamaturds 300 million dollars in campaign contributions came from since he won't disclose that.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Obama doesn't have to disclose his campaign contributions because of the conservative SC's ruling on Citizens United.
The Federalist Society?


They appeared at the Federalist Society??

When Obama loses in 2012 Im going to volunteer at a Suicide Prevention hotline and tell Liberal callers to go suck a howitzer.

The Federalist Society!?

Yes, a conservative group. A dinner with a lawyer from the firm who will be arguing against the health care law. Understand?

OMG!!!!!!! Are you saying our Supreme Court Justices actually eat dinner?

With other people? In a restaurant?

OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!

I thought they were sequestered for the rest of their lives.
Lawyer my ass. My fucking dog knows more about the law than you ever will. And stop pretending you have any ethics at all, or even knowledge of what they might be?

it's always cool when the stupidest people on the board think they're insulting me.
moron. :rofl:
i'm sorry, little boy, but you know nothing.
LOL... I know where to find the cannons you don't know, idiot. You have yet to offer one cogent argument on even one simple aspect of any legal debate. Don't worry, we know it's because "cogent" is simply beyond your capabilities. You saying "it's about ethics" and failing to realize that following the law in all cases is by definition, ethical, is kind of funny. Especially for someone who claims some legal training while displaying only legal confusion.

And yet, if you actually read what I said, it was a wholly accurate statement. You just clearly have difficulty with comprehension.

Go take your meds, little boy
The Federalist Society?


They appeared at the Federalist Society??

When Obama loses in 2012 Im going to volunteer at a Suicide Prevention hotline and tell Liberal callers to go suck a howitzer.

The Federalist Society!?

Yes, a conservative group. A dinner with a lawyer from the firm who will be arguing against the health care law. Understand?

OMG!!!!!!! Are you saying our Supreme Court Justices actually eat dinner?

With other people? In a restaurant?

OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!

I thought they were sequestered for the rest of their lives.

You're not too bright, are you?
I would be greatly surprised if any of the Justices recuse themselves.

I'm just hoping Obamacare lands in the rubbish heap where it belongs.

Careful what you wish for..

This was the conservative plan. Next up will be the liberal plan. And that will very likely pass constitutional muster.
They should be investigated and their financial records subpoenaed to see if they have been paid off, and if so they should be impeached.
OK, lets investigate and find out where obamaturds 300 million dollars in campaign contributions came from since he won't disclose that.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Obama doesn't have to disclose his campaign contributions because of the conservative SC's ruling on Citizens United.
Ok, you're wrong, where would you make up that idea from? CU had nothing to do with disclosure rules of the campaigns.
I never said that they broke any ethics rules. I said that their behavior is unethical. See the difference? How fucking stupid are you?

wow.. you are fucking stupid.

breaking ethics rules is unethical. If what they did didn't break any ethics rules.....

I'd continue, but you appear to be stuck on fucking stupid, as usual.

Jesus Christ, you are a fucking idiot. Listen as I slowly explain this to you: I understand that there are no ethical rules that SC justices must abide by. However, I believe that their behavior is unethical. That does not mean that I believe they broke any rules, it simply means that I feel they are acting unethically. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help. Moron.

Which puts this squarely in the court of congress. Scalia and Thomas really flaunt this recusal stuff.
Does it really matter who they dine with?

We already know how they are going to vote
wow.. you are fucking stupid.

breaking ethics rules is unethical. If what they did didn't break any ethics rules.....

I'd continue, but you appear to be stuck on fucking stupid, as usual.

Jesus Christ, you are a fucking idiot. Listen as I slowly explain this to you: I understand that there are no ethical rules that SC justices must abide by. However, I believe that their behavior is unethical. That does not mean that I believe they broke any rules, it simply means that I feel they are acting unethically. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help. Moron.

Which puts this squarely in the court of congress. Scalia and Thomas really flaunt this recusal stuff.
Except of course that the cannons on ethics would not require (or even suggest) that they should recuse themselves for simpy going to dinner.

Working on writing the law and actually working on the defense of the law... yeah, that would be covered.

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