Scathing New SEAL Ad Blasts Obama for Literally ‘Bowing’ to Foreign Leaders

By bowing Obama is insulting the people of the country he is visiting.

You haven't travelled much, have you QW?

In almost every country I go to things are done a little differently - in Argentina they kiss three times on the cheek, in East Africa men touch their heart after they shake hands, in West Africa the left hand clasps the right wrist as something is passed from one person to another.

Being familiar with these customs is simple politeness. It can also be the difference between being respected and listened to; and being ignored and sneered at.
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This thread only exists because Obama killed Osama, and Obama-haters just fucking can't stand the fact that it took a fucking mooslim Kenyan marxist communist to fucking do it because the retarded cowpoke in office before him couldn't read a fucking map.

Hmmm....I think these thread would appear anytime a Democrat wins an election, regardless of what he did or where he did it. These threads started before the guy took office, and will go on after he leaves office.

You know a year or so from now posters will insist the recession began under Obama.
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Another add to piss off the lefties

Bow to Nobody - YouTube

Fucking traitor, I guess the dipshit who made this ad prefers that pussy boy Bush, that made American look like a bunch of whips that got their ass kicked by an old man, till a man got elected and killed Bin Laden, piss puke traitor like this should be taken out in to the street and beat the shit out of this pussy boy loving pussy boy.


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as someone who dislikes Obama intensely, i could care less about this.

Politicians and diplomats must do all kinds of things for the sake of diplomacy.

there are just so many other things to dislike about Obama
This thread only exists because Obama killed Osama, and Obama-haters just fucking can't stand the fact that it took a fucking mooslim Kenyan marxist communist to fucking do it because the retarded cowpoke in office before him couldn't read a fucking map.

Was gonna post something but this will work just fine . Thanx
as someone who dislikes Obama intensely, i could care less about this.

Politicians and diplomats must do all kinds of things for the sake of diplomacy.

there are just so many other things to dislike about Obama

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

My first reaction on seeing some of the Obamaphobis threads is that the guy must be doing a decent job, otherwise people would be complaining about real mistakes.
They deal in emotions, fear and anger mostly.
You are joking right???

I doubt its a joke. What exactly is so horrid about Obama bowing to a foreign leader. What is really so damaging in the big scheme of things, please do explain.
Wow, someone actually had to ask that.......

Holy mackerel.
Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.
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Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.

Right....and so when you go to Argentina, you do not kiss people you meet on both cheeks, for instance?

You do not press your hands together in frnt of your chest when you meet Buddhists?

Because you do realise that in not doing these things, you just come across as an ignorant ass, right?
Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.

Exactly! Traditionally, the POTUS DOES NOT bow to ANY foreign potentate, as a matter of U.S. protocol. Ambassadors and tourists do that, but NOT the POTUS. We do this for the same reason U.S. naval vessels DO NOT dip the National ensign to any foreign flag-because it has been our tradition from the founding of the Republic.

Obama not only does this; he apologizes for America abroad, and disrespects her flag here at home; the permanent civilian SOB can't even bring himself to stand at attention, much less render a proper salute (civilian or military). If he is so embarrassed by America, he should not have run for the job of leading her!

Just as an aside, back in 1968, George McGovern promised to go to Hanoi, and BEG for the release of our POWs. Fortunately, he never got the opportunity , but this Vietnam vet would rather have fought all the way to Hanoi, and liberated the POWs, NO MATTER WHAT THAT TOOK, than let such a man humiliate our nation! There is such a thing as national pride; some of you have forgotten that, but there are some of us still around, who would have given our lives for it, and thankfully, there are those still willing to do that, if called upon. You wouldn't understand that either, anymore than you understand what honor is.
There is such a thing as national pride; some of you have forgotten that,.

I agree - anyone here suggesting that people should travel to other countries, ignore their customs and be deliberately rude to them might want to keep that in mind.

I'm amazed that there are still people think the way to earn respect is to refuse to give it.
Maybe the Libs can counter by producing an ad with a gay servicemember thanking Obama for making polesmoking legal in the military.
lol, so now bowing is some sort of means of assuming a persons American credibility?

this is complete trash guys and you know it.

I train USMC boys at 29 palms radar theory and SATCOM. I have also had the privileged of doing the same for our allies on the war on terror. Let me tell you at times you have to digest and accept these allies courtesies and such. Been there and done that, its not a big deal. THE MISSION IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

Its like when a Japanese Business man hands you his card, the last thing you do it put it in your pocket. That would be a huge no no and might kill off the business relations.

Not really.
By bowing Obama is insulting the people of the country he is visiting.

You haven't travelled much, have you QW?

In almost every country I go to things are done a little differently - in Argentina they kiss three times on the cheek, in East Africa men touch their heart after they shake hands, in West Africa the left hand clasps the right wrist as something is passed from one person to another.

Being familiar with these customs is simple politeness. It can also be the difference between being respected and listened to; and being ignored and sneered at.

My guess is I have been to more countries than you.

Only idiots have a need to take a quote out of context to make themselves look even dumber. Either take my whole quote, or put me on ignore unless you like being called on your idiotic attempt to make me look stupid.
as someone who dislikes Obama intensely, i could care less about this.

Politicians and diplomats must do all kinds of things for the sake of diplomacy.

there are just so many other things to dislike about Obama

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

My first reaction on seeing some of the Obamaphobis threads is that the guy must be doing a decent job, otherwise people would be complaining about real mistakes.

Tell me something, idiot, why would the White House insist he isn't bowing if it is such a great sign of respect for different cultures?
There is such a thing as national pride; some of you have forgotten that,.

I agree - anyone here suggesting that people should travel to other countries, ignore their customs and be deliberately rude to them might want to keep that in mind.

I'm amazed that there are still people think the way to earn respect is to refuse to give it.

I tried to explain for your benefit (you are a Finn, no?) the difference between what ordinary Americans do, and the protocol for what the POTUS as our nation's Head of State, is supposed to do; BIG DIFFERENCE!

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