Schiff: Trump Thinking He Can Declassify Without a Process Shows How Dangerous He Is

Notice it specifies "public release". Try again, please.
Why would I try again? You are trying to claim there's a intermediate classification status, that makes documents at the same time declassified but only for the former president.

How does that work? He's no longer a part of the executive branch neither is his staff. It is a federal offense to alter government documents. In other words there is 0 ways in which the appropriate markings signalling declassification can be attached to DOCUMENTS NOT IN THE POSSESSION OF THE GOVERNMENT.

But hey don't let a thing like common sense stand in the way of your fantasy of a super duper different kind of classification.
A statement by his lawyers that there are no longer classified documents at Mar O Lago sure as hell was a lie. As attested by a picture of classified documents at Mar O Lago following a search warrant. Preceded by a subpoena to give the documents to the National archives that wasn't honored.

I don't know how you define cooperation but breaking the law to get out of giving what is demanded isn't in my... or for that matter any honest person's book.
How do you know it was a lie? The picture of the 'classified documents' was a set up by the Democrat controlled FBI.
Why would I try again? You are trying to claim there's a intermediate classification status, that makes documents at the same time declassified but only for the former president.

How does that work? He's no longer a part of the executive branch neither is his staff. It is a federal offense to alter government documents. In other words there is 0 ways in which the appropriate markings signalling declassification can be attached to DOCUMENTS NOT IN THE POSSESSION OF THE GOVERNMENT.

But hey don't let a thing like common sense stand in the way of your fantasy of a super duper different kind of classification.
Why was Obama allowed to digitize his documents? Who knows what changes he could make and call them 'official?' Democrats have destroyed trust.
The fact that Schiff thinks the elected President must bow and scrape before unelected bureaucrats to beg permission to declassify shows how dangerous Schitt is.

Damn. You seriously think it's ok to declassify top secret documents in your head? Without letting anyone who actually HAS TO HANDLE AND PROPERLY STORE/DISCLOSE THE DOCUMENTS know anything?

What the fuck is the point of declassification then? Strictly so you can keep the document without landing yourself in jail? Even that doesn't work because all presidential documents have to be forfited no matter what classification they are. It's complete nonsense, there is no sane explanaiton.

I honestly feel bad for Trumpsters, the way you have to compromise and beclown yourselves to carry water for that degenerate can't be healthy.
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Schiff: Trump Thinking He Can Declassify Without a Process Shows How Dangerous He Is

25 Sep 2022 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump claiming a president can declassify information by thinking about it showed how dangerous he is to the national security of the United States.
Last week on Fox News, Trump said, “There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it. You know, there’s different people who say different things. As I understand, there doesn’t have to be. If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.


The fact that Schiff thinks the elected President must bow and scrape before unelected bureaucrats to beg permission to declassify shows how dangerous Schitt is.
Trump signed off on a STANDING ORDER that allowed him to do just that.
what’s dangerous is Shifty doesn’t know the laws
what’s dangerous is Shifty doesn’t know the laws
Dumbass, something being legal does not make it not dangerous.

Presidents wield great power, which is VERY dengerous in the hands of irresponsible degenerates like Trump.
Pretty weak doc.

What do you think it means to declassify something? I means that it becomes public information. You mean to tell me you're fine with Trump making these documents public?

Unclassified or declassified information is not automatically released to the public.

There is no evidence that Trump made those declassified documents public. The only ones that he tried to make public were the Crossfire Hurricane binder documents that he declassified in writing and ordered the DOJ to release. The DOJ refused, in violation of the law, and are now being sued for their lawlessness.

The only ones that he tried to make public were the Crossfire Hurricane binder documents that he declassified in writing and ordered the DOJ to release. The DOJ refused, in violation of the law
Nope, not true.

I determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible. In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission.

How do you know it was a lie? The picture of the 'classified documents' was a set up by the Democrat controlled FBI.
How I know? I saw the picture. I read the court documents in which Trumps' lawyers refused to say under oath that the docs were unclassified.

My opinion can be supported by actual verifiable facts. Yours isn't even supported by the people who you claim to speak for.
Damn. You seriously think it's ok to declassify top secret documents in your head? Without letting anyone who actually HAS TO HANDLE AND PROPERLY STORE/DISCLOSE THE DOCUMENTS know anything?

What the fuck is the point of declassification then? Strictly so you can keep the document without landing yourself in jail? Even that doesn't work because all presidential documents have to be forfited no matter what classification they are. It's complete nonsense, there is no sane explanaiton.

I honestly feel bad for Trumpsters, the way you have to compromise and beclown yourselves to carry water for that degenerate can't be healthy.
I think they see it as gaslighting the libs. It doesn't really matter if they believe it or not, or if it makes them sound like idiots. As long as they have people like us talking to them like they are serious when they are simply throwing shit at the wall it is a victory of sorts.

It's a conclusion I'm coming to more and more. I see no other reason why anyone would claim to believe that Trump declassified anything while no prove of it actually exists and even his lawyers refuse to say so in court when challenged.
Dumbass, something being legal does not make it not dangerous.

Presidents wield great power, which is VERY dengerous in the hands of irresponsible degenerates like Trump.
i think adam Shifty and his parody are dangerous…very dangerous

teuml doesnkr use parody…shifty does
I think they see it as gaslighting the libs. It doesn't really matter if they believe it or not, or if it makes them sound like idiots. As long as they have people like us talking to them like they are serious when they are simply throwing shit at the wall it is a victory of sorts.

It's a conclusion I'm coming to more and more. I see no other reason why anyone would claim to believe that Trump declassified anything while no prove of it actually exists and even his lawyers refuse to say so in court when challenged.

I think you underestimate what people can internalize when so many other ideas they have hinge on it.

Admiting that Trump commited gross wrong doing that extends into criminality undermines much of what they've been thinking and posting for years. It takes a very strong mind to do that.

I don't think they are out to belcown themselves, I really think they find ways to buy into excuses and avoid thinking through the full implications.
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Trump’s insanity expressed here is laughable, but his cult supporters buying his nonsense is truly pathetic.

No representative democracy, no Republic, can function if it’s top leader acts like a King. Only sycophants and “yes men” can function — even in a monarch’s administration — if they must moment to moment try to guess what the “Great Leader” is “thinking.”

A President, a King, how would it be possible even to guess what they wanted classified if it was all in … the boss’s mind? And how would his aides know what must be protected from enemy eyes? Or what could be shared with the public? Or what must be circulated only to designated personnel?

It’s all impossible to imagine, Republican government itself is impossible to imagine in today’s world, if rules and procedures concerning classification of material are not spelled out.

I am for the greatest transparency possible in government, and when government leaders hide crucial truths from the people that they should be aware of, I support whistleblowers who make public political and government corruption, and lies, and deceit.

I supported Assange and want him freed now!

But Trump, who screamed about the importance of keeping classified documents secret in the past … and who pardoned his corrupt convicted buddies but not Julian Assange, is here acting like a dictator and court jester … at the very same time.

He is making a fool of himself and of his cult followers.
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Trump’s insanity expressed here is laughable, but his cult supporters buying his nonsense is truly pathetic.

No representative democracy, no Republic, can function if it’s top leader acts like a King. Only sycophants and “yes men” can function effectively — even in a monarch’s administration — if they must moment to moment guess what the “Great Leader” is “thinking.”

A President, a King, how would it be possible even to guess what they wanted classified if it was all in … the boss’s mind? And how would his aides know what must be protected from enemy eyes? Or what could be shared with the public? Or what must be circulated only to designated personnel?

It’s all impossible to imagine, Republican government itself is impossible to imagine, if rules and procedures concerning classification of material are not spelled out.

I am for the greatest transparency possible in government, and when government leaders hide crucial truths from the people that they should be aware of, I support whistleblowers who make public political and government corruption, and lies, and deceit.

I supported Assange and want him freed now!

But Trump, who screamed about the importance of keeping classified documents secret in the past … and who pardoned his corrupt convicted buddies but not Julian Assange, is here acting like a dictator and court jester … at the very same time.

He is making a fool of himself and of his cult followers.
Yep, much better to believe Schiff's BS, it's worked out so well for you in the past...dumbass.
The idea that Trump declassified all these documents is worse than if he had stolen them in the first place.

I don’t see how you guys can’t understand that. These are secrets vital to national security. They’re classified for a reason.


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