Schiff: Trump Thinking He Can Declassify Without a Process Shows How Dangerous He Is

A lawyer is bound professionally to be truthful before a court. The system relies on it. Those lawyers who aren't truthful face repercussions.

See the Trump election dream team cadre of lawyers like Sydney Powell who are facing disbarment.

We aren't dealing with medical records here. Medical records aren't labeled Top Secret SCI.
A lawyers ethical duty of candor before the Court is not the same as a witness testifying. Bill Clinton for example, while a lawyer, he was also a witness in a civil case, and called to testify as a witness...he lied, faced perjury charges, and ultimately took a deal to plea to simple contempt of court....but he was also disbarred by the Bar for lacking cantor
everyone knows the President can declassify anything, at any time

"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

It's extremely dangerous that we have a member of Congress like Adam Shifty that doesn't understand the US Constitution.

Almost anything.
There are a limited number of things that were enumerated in the atomic energy act.

You probably know that the FBI is worried about what President Trump has on them.
The rest is all a smoke screen for the Dumb Masses.
Schiff is not my man, nor is he accused of possessing secret documents he is not authorized to possess, denied having, claimed the FBI “planted,” claimed he “declassified” in his own mind, refused to return, etc., etc. On these issues Trump is solely responsible for bringing on his own problems.

Schiff has nothing to do with Trump’s arrogant self-destructive actions.
Yet Schiff is "your man" making those accusations, you ass-wipes are so gullible.
yeah, because the government never tells people anything that isn't true.

What a moron.
Of course it's true. The government still treats all of these documents as highly classified which is why the government would tell you that you couldn't have access to them.
A lawyer's role is not to swear to facts under oath. Did Bill Clinton's lawyers swear under oath that oral sex is not sex?

Depends what it is.

DOJ is refusing to release the Crossfire Hurricane binder that Trump declassified in writing. Medical records aren't classified but they are not released to the public.
It is when the judge asks them to verify claims made out of court that have a bearing on the ruling.

If at that point the lawyers say. "Well, I won't say" chances are that the claims out of court are BS. Unless of course, you think a lawyer would refuse to give exculpatory evidence for the hell of it?

I told you this before Seymour. It's not so much that Trump supporters claim they believe unsubstantiated claims. It is that they claim they believe those claims DESPITE evidence to the contrary. In this case, statements from both the FBI and Trump's lawyers when confronted in court, and an actual picture of top secret documents in Mar O Lago.

The amount of cognitive dissonance a person needs to display in order to square that information away in his head is so large, that I have an honest-to-God problem believing it is anything but people like you gaslighting.

Schiff: Trump Thinking He Can Declassify Without a Process Shows How Dangerous He Is

25 Sep 2022 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump claiming a president can declassify information by thinking about it showed how dangerous he is to the national security of the United States.
Last week on Fox News, Trump said, “There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it. You know, there’s different people who say different things. As I understand, there doesn’t have to be. If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.


The fact that Schiff thinks the elected President must bow and scrape before unelected bureaucrats to beg permission to declassify shows how dangerous Schitt is.
Trump signed off on a STANDING ORDER that allowed him to do just that.
Why would I try again? You are trying to claim there's a intermediate classification status, that makes documents at the same time declassified but only for the former president.

How does that work? He's no longer a part of the executive branch neither is his staff. It is a federal offense to alter government documents. In other words there is 0 ways in which the appropriate markings signalling declassification can be attached to DOCUMENTS NOT IN THE POSSESSION OF THE GOVERNMENT.

But hey don't let a thing like common sense stand in the way of your fantasy of a super duper different kind of classification.
I never said any such thing. You people can't make an argument without lying. Can you? Why is that?
Almost anything.
There are a limited number of things that were enumerated in the atomic energy act.

You probably know that the FBI is worried about what President Trump has on them.
The rest is all a smoke screen for the Dumb Masses.
Also CIA operatives are classified by law.

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