School Holds “Black Lives Matter” Assembly, Ban Other Races

What like you just did?
No, like I just asked you. Show me all the white kids being shot by Black cops. I want you to show all your work.

It also needs to be addressed that almost 80 percent of all people killed by Black Cops are also Black, thats a higher ratio than white officers,
which leads me to believe that most of these shootings are not racism but more about a mix of situations. Why is it also that black drivers die in auto accidents at a much higher rate than whites? or why is it that Men get pulled over more than women? There are always disparities that are not about race, but any stat can be drawn up in a way to show racism as well.

Deadly Force in Black and White - ProPublica

Who is killing all those black men and boys?

Mostly white officers. But in hundreds of instances, black officers, too. Black officers account for a little more than10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.

White officers, given their great numbers in so many of the country's police departments, are well represented in all categories of police killings. White officers killed 91percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers.
Bunch of BS. We all know that is due to the bias that has been admitted where Blacks are targeted more by cops therefore resulting in a higher rate of interaction that ends in Blacks being killed. There are too many factors to intelligently compare car crash death rates to Blacks being killed by white cops. You tried but that was a swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
No, like I just asked you. Show me all the white kids being shot by Black cops. I want you to show all your work.

It also needs to be addressed that almost 80 percent of all people killed by Black Cops are also Black, thats a higher ratio than white officers,
which leads me to believe that most of these shootings are not racism but more about a mix of situations. Why is it also that black drivers die in auto accidents at a much higher rate than whites? or why is it that Men get pulled over more than women? There are always disparities that are not about race, but any stat can be drawn up in a way to show racism as well.

Deadly Force in Black and White - ProPublica

Who is killing all those black men and boys?

Mostly white officers. But in hundreds of instances, black officers, too. Black officers account for a little more than10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.

White officers, given their great numbers in so many of the country's police departments, are well represented in all categories of police killings. White officers killed 91percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers.
Bunch of BS. We all know that is due to the bias that has been admitted where Blacks are targeted more by cops therefore resulting in a higher rate of interaction that ends in Blacks being killed. There are too many factors to intelligently compare car crash death rates to Blacks being killed by white cops. You tried but that was a swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
Ok. No I dont think that Black cops are more racist than whites cops. If they were they would be killing more white people.
It also needs to be addressed that almost 80 percent of all people killed by Black Cops are also Black, thats a higher ratio than white officers,
which leads me to believe that most of these shootings are not racism but more about a mix of situations. Why is it also that black drivers die in auto accidents at a much higher rate than whites? or why is it that Men get pulled over more than women? There are always disparities that are not about race, but any stat can be drawn up in a way to show racism as well.

Deadly Force in Black and White - ProPublica

Who is killing all those black men and boys?

Mostly white officers. But in hundreds of instances, black officers, too. Black officers account for a little more than10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.

White officers, given their great numbers in so many of the country's police departments, are well represented in all categories of police killings. White officers killed 91percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers.
Bunch of BS. We all know that is due to the bias that has been admitted where Blacks are targeted more by cops therefore resulting in a higher rate of interaction that ends in Blacks being killed. There are too many factors to intelligently compare car crash death rates to Blacks being killed by white cops. You tried but that was a swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
Ok. No I dont think that Black cops are more racist than whites cops. If they were they would be killing more white people.
That would require more white people committing crime. Ain't happening -- yet.
Bunch of BS. We all know that is due to the bias that has been admitted where Blacks are targeted more by cops therefore resulting in a higher rate of interaction that ends in Blacks being killed. There are too many factors to intelligently compare car crash death rates to Blacks being killed by white cops. You tried but that was a swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
Ok. No I dont think that Black cops are more racist than whites cops. If they were they would be killing more white people.
That would require more white people committing crime. Ain't happening -- yet.
Whites commit most of the crime all ready. 69% to be exact. How much more crime would they need to commit?
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
Nothing would happen. If white people were being shot by Black cops all the time Black people could relate and respect the position of the event being white only.

Between 1999 and 2011, over 2100 whites were killed in conflicts with law enforcement, during the same time period over 1100 blacks were killed. So both races are being shot by police, not just one group. The shooting of a white person doesn't get the same amount of press as the killing of s black person.
Were those killings done by Black officers?

Now changing your parameters of the argument? The race of those in law enforcement, were not disclosed, however in over 3200 shootings, I would be willing to bet that there were blacks involved.
I don't think race is the issue in the shootings, if you are disobeying the law, suffer the consequences.
Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
Ok. No I dont think that Black cops are more racist than whites cops. If they were they would be killing more white people.
That would require more white people committing crime. Ain't happening -- yet.
Whites commit most of the crime all ready. 69% to be exact. How much more crime would they need to commit?
Its illegal to drop a candy bar wrapper on the sidewalk. The crimes that society is most concerned with are violent crimes. Black people, despite the fact that they are a small minority, have somehow managed to commit most of all violent crimes. Its a shocking statistic that you are completely fine with ignoring. That makes your opinion irrelevant in any intelligent discussion.
It also needs to be addressed that almost 80 percent of all people killed by Black Cops are also Black, thats a higher ratio than white officers,
which leads me to believe that most of these shootings are not racism but more about a mix of situations. Why is it also that black drivers die in auto accidents at a much higher rate than whites? or why is it that Men get pulled over more than women? There are always disparities that are not about race, but any stat can be drawn up in a way to show racism as well.

Deadly Force in Black and White - ProPublica

Who is killing all those black men and boys?

Mostly white officers. But in hundreds of instances, black officers, too. Black officers account for a little more than10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.

White officers, given their great numbers in so many of the country's police departments, are well represented in all categories of police killings. White officers killed 91percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers.
Bunch of BS. We all know that is due to the bias that has been admitted where Blacks are targeted more by cops therefore resulting in a higher rate of interaction that ends in Blacks being killed. There are too many factors to intelligently compare car crash death rates to Blacks being killed by white cops. You tried but that was a swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
Ok. No I dont think that Black cops are more racist than whites cops. If they were they would be killing more white people.
It also needs to be addressed that almost 80 percent of all people killed by Black Cops are also Black, thats a higher ratio than white officers,
which leads me to believe that most of these shootings are not racism but more about a mix of situations. Why is it also that black drivers die in auto accidents at a much higher rate than whites? or why is it that Men get pulled over more than women? There are always disparities that are not about race, but any stat can be drawn up in a way to show racism as well.

Deadly Force in Black and White - ProPublica

Who is killing all those black men and boys?

Mostly white officers. But in hundreds of instances, black officers, too. Black officers account for a little more than10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.

White officers, given their great numbers in so many of the country's police departments, are well represented in all categories of police killings. White officers killed 91percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers.
Bunch of BS. We all know that is due to the bias that has been admitted where Blacks are targeted more by cops therefore resulting in a higher rate of interaction that ends in Blacks being killed. There are too many factors to intelligently compare car crash death rates to Blacks being killed by white cops. You tried but that was a swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss? all i did was put some numbers from a report out there, and you can read the whole thing. So are Black cops more racist than White cops? cause theyre killing blacks at a higher percentage.
How did you draw that conclusion assuming your numbers are correct? Does your question make sense to you?

I didnt even draw a conclusion about it. The numbers are there in the stats, but no one really knows why. I just asked the question
Ok. No I dont think that Black cops are more racist than whites cops. If they were they would be killing more white people.

Well if Black Cops are killing or shooting more black youths than they are shooting whites, critical thinking would suggest that blacks on average must be doing something different than the whites, because I dont think the black cops are racists either. There may be over reaction by police, but black kids on average are going to have a lot more attitude towards police and it draws attention towards themselves or makes cops nervous. When Obama and Eric Holder set the tone that its all on the cops. It enforces the belief that all cops are racists, which in my opinion would set up even more distrust of cops by blacks. The President needed to address the police in their responsibilities but He also needs to make a stron call for Civility among black youth. To basicaly save their lives. I believe what Obama and his administration have done is set a tone which will get more black kids shot in confrontations.
You're confused. Your post was retarded. You equated racial integration to men being around a woman who was raped. Take your right hand, reach behind you, and slap yourself on the back of the head.

You earned it.
When did I relate racial integration to anything? Youre an idiot. Not much you can do about that.
You just did it, dummy. You are an unbelievable ass.
Your mind is playing tricks on you. I cant believe how stupid you are.
You can't pretend you didn't equate racial integration with men being around women who were raped. I quoted you before you could edit that stupidity.
You didnt quote me equating racial integration to anything. You must be high. Leave the meth alone.

You did and it's part of the permanent record. Your jackassery cannot be erased like a Clinton email.
Race based assemblies as directed by the freindly neighborhood racist SPLC speaker:
Assembly for black kids only = "Kill whitey! Questions?, (no anti antisemitism allowed though)"
Assembly for latino kids only = "Kill whitey!, Laraza!, no questions necessary!"
Assembly for asian kids only = "Kill whitey!, then you are next!, NO QUESTIONS! NO DISCUSSION!"
Assembly for white kids only = "You White people are evil, and must be destroyed! Kill yourselves! NO QUESTIONS! NO DISCUSSION!"
Pretty much sums up the narrative right?

OK, all kidding aside by the clear "racial" dynamic we are plagued with...

1) Interesting shift of argument... according the the resident black supremacists, blacks have the right to assemble in publicly funded forums to discuss their hatred of whites or anyone else who isn't black supremacist enough, because according to the media blacks are superior and above law enforcement (never mind that argument is simply black supremacist racism). Why ignore the fact that whites are statistically targeted for murder, rape, and robbery by blacks, in general? Wow! Imagine if there was a whites only assembly to discuss JUST the knockout game?

2) I have no problem with groups assembling by whatever group they whip up, be it the croquet club or the local "we hate whitey" black supremacists...
The problem is that: isn't it supposed to be illegal to use public funds to racially discriminate?
If racists don't have to follow the rules, then you have nothing to worry about.
Sayeth one of the biggest racists on this forum. Go pray to Mary and play with your anal beads...St. Patrick said it is okay as long as you drink a gallon of beer.
I don't have a racist bone in my body. You're projecting your own bigotry onto others.
:lmao: I have read your don't fool anyone! Go tell that tale to your priest...hopefully you are old enough where he won't rape youl.
I've read your posts too and you're projecting. Bigots like you rationalize that everyone is as much a bigot so it's ok.
I am going to agree with are just too stupid to understand. I will remember to dumb it down for you next time...although, given you are a member of a cult and pray to dead people...I should have already known. My bad.

1. Of course you're going to agree with ass-lips, you're both black racists.
2. Ridiculing me because I'm Catholic only makes you look more like a bigot. Neo Nazis hate Catholics too. People who have hate in their heart have many commonalities like that.
Sayeth one of the biggest racists on this forum. Go pray to Mary and play with your anal beads...St. Patrick said it is okay as long as you drink a gallon of beer.
I don't have a racist bone in my body. You're projecting your own bigotry onto others.
:lmao: I have read your don't fool anyone! Go tell that tale to your priest...hopefully you are old enough where he won't rape youl.
I've read your posts too and you're projecting. Bigots like you rationalize that everyone is as much a bigot so it's ok.
I am going to agree with are just too stupid to understand. I will remember to dumb it down for you next time...although, given you are a member of a cult and pray to dead people...I should have already known. My bad.

1. Of course you're going to agree with ass-lips, you're both black racists.
2. Ridiculing me because I'm Catholic only makes you look more like a bigot. Neo Nazis hate Catholics too. People who have hate in their heart have many commonalities like that.
Did your priest fuck you or just your head or both?
I don't have a racist bone in my body. You're projecting your own bigotry onto others.
:lmao: I have read your don't fool anyone! Go tell that tale to your priest...hopefully you are old enough where he won't rape youl.
I've read your posts too and you're projecting. Bigots like you rationalize that everyone is as much a bigot so it's ok.
I am going to agree with are just too stupid to understand. I will remember to dumb it down for you next time...although, given you are a member of a cult and pray to dead people...I should have already known. My bad.

1. Of course you're going to agree with ass-lips, you're both black racists.
2. Ridiculing me because I'm Catholic only makes you look more like a bigot. Neo Nazis hate Catholics too. People who have hate in their heart have many commonalities like that.
Did your priest fuck you or just your head or both?

Now you're on ignore.
:lmao: I have read your don't fool anyone! Go tell that tale to your priest...hopefully you are old enough where he won't rape youl.
I've read your posts too and you're projecting. Bigots like you rationalize that everyone is as much a bigot so it's ok.
I am going to agree with are just too stupid to understand. I will remember to dumb it down for you next time...although, given you are a member of a cult and pray to dead people...I should have already known. My bad.

1. Of course you're going to agree with ass-lips, you're both black racists.
2. Ridiculing me because I'm Catholic only makes you look more like a bigot. Neo Nazis hate Catholics too. People who have hate in their heart have many commonalities like that.
Did your priest fuck you or just your head or both?

Now you're on ignore.
So he fucked you.
When did I relate racial integration to anything? Youre an idiot. Not much you can do about that.
You just did it, dummy. You are an unbelievable ass.
Your mind is playing tricks on you. I cant believe how stupid you are.
You can't pretend you didn't equate racial integration with men being around women who were raped. I quoted you before you could edit that stupidity.
You didnt quote me equating racial integration to anything. You must be high. Leave the meth alone.

You did and it's part of the permanent record. Your jackassery cannot be erased like a Clinton email.
So where is the quote jackass? Lets see if you have good reading comprehension.
Sayeth one of the biggest racists on this forum. Go pray to Mary and play with your anal beads...St. Patrick said it is okay as long as you drink a gallon of beer.
I don't have a racist bone in my body. You're projecting your own bigotry onto others.
:lmao: I have read your don't fool anyone! Go tell that tale to your priest...hopefully you are old enough where he won't rape youl.
I've read your posts too and you're projecting. Bigots like you rationalize that everyone is as much a bigot so it's ok.
I am going to agree with are just too stupid to understand. I will remember to dumb it down for you next time...although, given you are a member of a cult and pray to dead people...I should have already known. My bad.

1. Of course you're going to agree with ass-lips, you're both black racists.
2. Ridiculing me because I'm Catholic only makes you look more like a bigot. Neo Nazis hate Catholics too. People who have hate in their heart have many commonalities like that.
A catholic NA? :laugh:
This is absurd...

Illinois High School Holds “Black Lives Matter” Assembly, Ban Other Races from Attending

Oak Park and River Forest High School in Oak Park, Illinois held a “Black Lives Matter” assembly last week, but banned anyone who was not African American from attending. Oak Park is just outside of Chicago.

White students who tried to attend were physically barred from entering the auditorium where the meeting was taking place. Parents of these students said that their children were turned away when they tried to enter.

However, Principal Nathaniel Rouse, who organized the event and is black, is not backing down from his decision to exclude other races. Not only that, but by banning “whites,” he does not feel that he was being “exclusive.”

Illinois High School Holds Black Lives Matter Assembly Ban Other Races from Attending PUNDIT PRESS

Black lives only matter when a cop shoots them.
I don't have a racist bone in my body. You're projecting your own bigotry onto others.
:lmao: I have read your don't fool anyone! Go tell that tale to your priest...hopefully you are old enough where he won't rape youl.
I've read your posts too and you're projecting. Bigots like you rationalize that everyone is as much a bigot so it's ok.
I am going to agree with are just too stupid to understand. I will remember to dumb it down for you next time...although, given you are a member of a cult and pray to dead people...I should have already known. My bad.

1. Of course you're going to agree with ass-lips, you're both black racists.
2. Ridiculing me because I'm Catholic only makes you look more like a bigot. Neo Nazis hate Catholics too. People who have hate in their heart have many commonalities like that.
A catholic NA? :laugh:

We've been Catholic for over 4 centuries, asswipe.

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