Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

Schiff assisted the whistleblower with his statement
Wow. You are unhinged. Panicked even. Do you have some interior knowledge you'd like to share with this forum?
Schiff never met with the whistleblower, as you well know.
You do know Schiff lied about the whistleblower?
No that was Tramp and it earned him the LIE OF THE YEAR!
Schumer Declared If the GOP Plays By Same Rules The House Dems Did, They're 'Engaged In A Cover Up'

Pure bullshit. Name just ONE relavant witness Democrats did not want to interview.

Republicans want to to have a testimony of everyone EXCEPT ANYONE DIRECTLY INVOLVED with the Ukrainian drug deal Trump is accused of.
The whistlegossip.

Whistleblower IS NOT A DIRECT WITNESS to anything. He was not on the call and had absolutely no role in dealing with Ukrainians.
Thanks for proving this entire Dimwinger Nazi coup is based on nothing.:5_1_12024:

Nothing??? Moron, after the whistleblower complaint hit there was an investigation which resulted in a MOUNTAIN of evidence:

facts - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine was in fact held up by Trump and (partially) released only when Congressional investigations opened.

- WH released memo of the Trump's call with Zelensky where he complains about Ukraine not recieprocating generous American aid, then asks for political favors in investigating DNC server and Bidens.

testimony -
from many people directly involved. Most importantly from Trump's pointman on Ukraine, ambassador Sondland who got the job by donating a million dollars to Trump campaign. Sondland testified to well known among top level WH officials quid-pro-quo effort led by Juliani on behalf of Trump. He also testified to telling Ukranians and other diplomats that everything, even millitary aid release, is conditioned on public anouncement of investigations by Zelensky.
Way to pull BULLSHIT out of thin air. Did Schiff write that 'PARODY' for you.

The ' WHISTLE blower' does not qualify as such according to the law.

The prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ had already DISMISSED the complaint before Schiff the ed it into the next failed coup attempt because there was no crime proven & no witnesses....just GEARSAY.

NOT ONE witness brought forward in Schiff's circus witnessed anything. All had either passed things they heard or admitted to forming opinions based on what they heard.

Stop making shit up, snowflake. Grow up and embrace reality.

The DEMOCRAT CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR TURLEY declared the only ones abusing power and breaking laws ARE THE DEMOCRATS!

That's why at least 3 have been recommended for Indictment.

Citizens Arrest!
Impeachment without a referral for a Senate trial?

Impeach without a Senate trial? The Left's new idea to waste time

"'The resolution,' wrote Tribe, 'expressly and formally proclaiming the president impeachable but declining to play the Senate’s corrupt game, is one that even a president accustomed to treating everything as a victory would be hard-pressed to characterize as a vindication.'

"He argued that declaring Trump 'impeachable' with no Senate referral, would at the least serve as a 'deliberately stigmatizing character' that Trump 'would have to take with him into his reelection campaign.'"
That's right! If the Dems were smart, but they aren't, they would make referring the impeachment to the Senate contingent with McConnell and Graham recusing themselves, and not before.

They don't need to recuse, they just need to agree to a reasonable trial process that makes an effort to establish the facts of the matter. And Republicans know that simply burying the whole thing or running a sideshow circus will give political advantage to the Democrats.
We'll give the DemNazi Ass Lickers THE SAME Consideration they gave us and The American People.

Schummer gets NOTHING!
Schiff assisted the whistleblower with his statement
Wow. You are unhinged. Panicked even. Do you have some interior knowledge you'd like to share with this forum?
Schiff never met with the whistleblower, as you well know.
You do know Schiff lied about the whistleblower?
No that was Tramp and it earned him the LIE OF THE YEAR!
I think the queer of the year award you have fits nicer up your bunghole, don't you?
facts - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine was in fact held up by Trump and (partially) released only when Congressional investigations opened.
There is no evidence one had anything to do with the other.
documents - WH released memo of the Trump's call with Zelensky where he complains about Ukraine not recieprocating generous American aid, then asks for political favors in investigating DNC server and Bidens.
But that's not what happened. Trump did ask that Ukraine look into possible corruption by a former VPOTUS.
testimony - from many people directly involved. Most importantly from Trump's pointman on Ukraine, ambassador Sondland who got the job by donating a million dollars to Trump campaign. Sondland testified to well known among top level WH officials quid-pro-quo effort led by Juliani on behalf of Trump. He also testified to telling Ukranians and other diplomats that everything, even millitary aid release, is conditioned on public anouncement of investigations by Zelensky.
The House had not "many" but rather just one fact witness - Sondland - who admitted under oath that Trump did not require anything inappropriate of Zelensky, a fact supported by the latter.
The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!

There was a time when Adumb Schifferbrains was promising we would see the "whistelblower' testify..............until it came out he was conspiring with him.


As is so typical of the worthless lying scum Right, when caught lying they simply lie some more!
Nowhere in that video did the honest Rep Schiff say we would "SEE" the whistleblower testify. He actually said he would testify only if and when his safety could be guaranteed.

Both Schiff and Comey came out on National TV just the other night and admitted they lied, and mislead The American People, bunghole sniffer.

Heil Schiffler!
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.
What's he hiding?
No other POTUS in history (not even Nixon and Clinton) stonewalled every impeachment subpoena made by congress. Trump thought he could run out the clock, and now he's too timid to testify in his own defense. What does that tell you about his character and guilty conscience?
Trump has responded to the Hysterical House theatrical antics as any normal American would and only an unhinged fool presumes guilt. Like any American Trump has the right to challenge Congress's un-American demands and they have the same court system we all do to redress their grievances. They instead chose impeachment-lite - a charade certain to crash & burn in the Senate - because they knew our courts would not support their silliness.

House withdraws subpoena for White House official who asked court to decide if he should testify
"The subpoena at issue in this matter has been withdrawn and there is no current intention to reissue it," the House wrote in a court case filed on Wednesday afternoon about Kupperman's testimony.
A better question is: Why didn't the lying scum GOP list him as a witness they wanted to testify????
He's not needed lol must suck to have your hopes up to have your president removed and all you get to do is melt like a snowflake lol
He is definitely needed if he is to be used to contradict sworn testimony. Any lies told to the media are not admissible in a court of law. They are less credible than hearsay!
He could have remained silent I'll take his word over Schiff lying ass any day.
Amazing is the diff between our America-First POTUS and our traitorous Dems. Like day vs night.
If the democrats weren't filled with so much hate and as good as the president has been getting America back on track without the help of the democrats, there is no telling what we could accomplish. And the great thing about it is the democrats cannot take any credit
But they most assuredly will try and yes, we've accomplished our economic miracle despite rising Fed rates, a global slowdown, and Democrat foot-dragging.

Fifteen months ago (and just 19 months into Trump's first term) CNBC - MSNBC's sister station - published an article that not only admitted our economy was hot but that Trump's policies had much to do with it. I'll not bore anyone with the factors that have been a drag on it - much higher Fed rates and global economic weakness for instance - but I will note that despite them and those Americans who would much prefer our prosperity end today, the historic 125 month long expansion rages on.

Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it
During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?

Pointing out that this "investigation" by Schiff was a farce means that I'm against the "rule of law"? Nice try, Nosmo! (eye roll)
Why didn't Bart's DOJ not consider this Ukraine shenanigans appropriate for investigation? Every other impeachment began with anSpecial Prosecutor report. But Trump's "Roy Cohen" Barr demurred. An investigation was warranted, unless you think extortion and bribery are things a president should do.
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?

Pointing out that this "investigation" by Schiff was a farce means that I'm against the "rule of law"? Nice try, Nosmo! (eye roll)
Why didn't Bart's DOJ not consider this Ukraine shenanigans appropriate for investigation? Every other impeachment began with anSpecial Prosecutor report. But Trump's "Roy Cohen" Barr demurred. An investigation was warranted, unless you think extortion and bribery are things a president should do.
Why would Barr investigate something that isn't a crime, nor impeachable? Only lefty hacks would do that.
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?

Pointing out that this "investigation" by Schiff was a farce means that I'm against the "rule of law"? Nice try, Nosmo! (eye roll)
Why didn't Bart's DOJ not consider this Ukraine shenanigans appropriate for investigation? Every other impeachment began with anSpecial Prosecutor report. But Trump's "Roy Cohen" Barr demurred. An investigation was warranted, unless you think extortion and bribery are things a president should do.
So much dirt, so little time:

Hunter Biden Paid $100,000 a Year by MNBA

Biden Inc. How a lifetime of Graft made The Bidens Millions
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?

Pointing out that this "investigation" by Schiff was a farce means that I'm against the "rule of law"? Nice try, Nosmo! (eye roll)
Why didn't Bart's DOJ not consider this Ukraine shenanigans appropriate for investigation? Every other impeachment began with anSpecial Prosecutor report. But Trump's "Roy Cohen" Barr demurred. An investigation was warranted, unless you think extortion and bribery are things a president should do.
If the evidence for that lame "extortion and bribery" nonsense existed, they would be specific articles of impeachment.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?
Which allegedly debunked conspiracy theory are you blabbering about?

BTW, trying to make it all about me can't paper over the total irrelevancy of your "witnesses" in this shit show.

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