Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now

It's not supposed to be melting. It's supposed to be freezing. The problem is that it isn't freezing as fast as it ought to be because it's not COLD enough.

I saw another article on eggs today. Now, eggs are good for you...again. I find it amazing that science cannot unravel the mysteries of a simple egg, but are positive that they have a dynamic complicated system like climate all figured out.

Why don't you move that to the eggs are good/bad for you forum? It has no relevance here.
The "Scientists" are not floored, that is the headline.

The same scientists have stated publicly that they are predicting the Arctic ice to grow in coming years.

But hey, this is about now, and as much fear and panic that the Global Warming Advocates can spread, the more power and money they can make.

Really? A link or stand a liar.
I already linked, fool, and where are your links OLD LIAR, you ran from how many of your posts in the last week, 10?
The "Scientists" are not floored, that is the headline.

The same scientists have stated publicly that they are predicting the Arctic ice to grow in coming years.

But hey, this is about now, and as much fear and panic that the Global Warming Advocates can spread, the more power and money they can make.

Really? A link or stand a liar.
I already linked, fool, and where are your links OLD LIAR, you ran from how many of your posts in the last week, 10?

You LIAR. I went through this entire thread. You have not posted any links to anywhere in any post of yours in this thread.
You LIAR. I went through this entire thread. You have not posted any links to anywhere in any post of yours in this thread.
Hey, you do not have to get all crazy and be so quick to call somebody a liar, that makes it look like you simply go to google and take the first result and post it here like it is some Holy Grail discovery proving the existance of God.
Crick, simply ask, "Dear Elektra, I am having trouble reading and comprehending English text, could you please help me see what is right in front of my face". You know I am more than happy to always prove that you simply have comprehension deficiencies.
Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now

Nothing on that page predicts increasing Arctic sea ice extent.

Why are you pretending it does? Can't you just be honest for once?
Once again, a MOOT post by maMOOT.

I am not posting here to debate with maMOOT, there is no debate with somebody who argues their ideology. My posts simply show there is no logic in maMOOT's global warming rants. The "graphs and colored" pictures mean nothing. They are small fraction of what is a lifelong career of people who are simply predicting weather. I know maMOOT will always respond, without reading what is even in maMOOT's own links, hence I am able to present what maMOOT must ignore. maMOOT will not never say, "damn, elektra, you are not only hot, but intelligent", because maMOOT does not have the intelligence to see beyond maMOOT's fear.

So my posts simply show the casual viewer of these threads, how easy it is to show that Global Warming Alarmists such as maMOOT have not read or can not comprehend the many articles they link to through google. They mistakenly believe they are being educated and understand science when it is blatantly obvious they do not.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
Predicting decadal trends in Arctic winter sea ice cover

Figure 4. The map shows areas of the Arctic where sea ice models predicted ice gain and loss for 2007 to 2017

Credit: S. Yeager et al.
High-resolution image

Observations show an increase in the rate of winter sea ice loss in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic up until the late 1990s followed by a slowdown in more recent years. The observed trend over the period 2005 to 2015 is actually positive (a tendency for more ice). In a paper recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that the Community Earth System Model (CESM) was able to predict this period of winter ice growth in the North Atlantic. The study further suggests that in the near future, sea ice extent in this part of the Arctic is likely to remain steady or even increase (Figure 4). The ability to predict the winter sea ice extent in this region is related to the ability of the model to capture the observed variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), an ocean circulation pattern that brings warm surface waters from the tropics towards the Arctic.
Why don't you move that to the eggs are good/bad for you forum? It has no relevance here.
Of course its relevant. If science can't get the simple shit right, how the hell are they supposed to get the complex shit right.

You LIAR. I went through this entire thread. You have not posted any links to anywhere in any post of yours in this thread.
I already replied once to Crick, but Crick needs to get hit in the head twice by this, my link came from the OP, mattpew's!

After that I post
It's not supposed to be melting. It's supposed to be freezing. The problem is that it isn't freezing as fast as it ought to be because it's not COLD enough.

Hey, crack, your picture is in my link, how come, you post a pic from my link and then like a complete moron claim that I am a liar, when my link is from the OP, and at that you are using a pic from my link, which was in the link/story/pic crack uses.

Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
Let us play follow mattpew's link, (note, mattpew, crack, old crock, and maMOOT, claim headlines from google searches as scientific fact).

These Global Warming Alarmists, Claim headlines as scientific fact, and when I quote something contrary to the assertions they claim is science, they state I am liar, when in fact I have used their source, which they do not read, they read the headline and believe, and madly cut and past, missing key facts of the story.

This thread, the OP, links to Scientist making the claim that the Sea Ice in the Arctic is growing.
This thread, the OP, links to Scientist making the claim that the Sea Ice in the Arctic is growing.
This thread, the OP, links to Scientist making the claim that the Sea Ice in the Arctic is growing.

The Google Link to the Washington Post propaganda piece, and a quote to the rest of the story.
Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now

Notice the link, in the story, here I copy it again.
(National Snow and Ice Data Center)

The observed trend over the period 2005 to 2015 is actually positive (a tendency for more ice). In a paper recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that the Community Earth System Model (CESM) was able to predict this period of winter ice growth in the North Atlantic. The study further suggests that in the near future, sea ice extent in this part of the Arctic is likely to remain steady or even increase (Figure 4)

NSIDC scientists provide Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis, with partial support from NASA.
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Observations show an increase in the rate of winter sea ice loss in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic up until the late 1990s followed by a slowdown in more recent years. The observed trend over the period 2005 to 2015 is actually positive (a tendency for more ice). In a paper recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that the Community Earth System Model (CESM) was able to predict this period of winter ice growth in the North Atlantic. The study further suggests that in the near future, sea ice extent in this part of the Arctic is likely to remain steady or even increase (Figure 4). The ability to predict the winter sea ice extent in this region is related to the ability of the model to capture the observed variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), an ocean circulation pattern that brings warm surface waters from the tropics towards the Arctic. When the MOC is strong, more warm water is brought towards the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic, helping to reduce the winter ice cover. When it is weak, less warm water enters the region and the ice extends further south. However, while there is an indication that the MOC may be weakening, this winter so far has seen considerably less ice than average in the North Atlantic sector.

Nice peice of taking a sentence out of context. In context, note that they are speaking of just one area.

Figure 4. The map shows areas of the Arctic where sea ice models predicted ice gain and loss for 2007 to 2017

Credit: S. Yeager et al.
High-resolution image

Figure 3. Monthly January ice extent for 1979 to 2016 shows a decline of 3.2% per decade.

Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
High-resolution image

Now we look at the whole picture in the graph above.

Nice piece of lying by taking one sentence out of context, Electra. You should be in politics.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Observations show an increase in the rate of winter sea ice loss in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic up until the late 1990s followed by a slowdown in more recent years. The observed trend over the period 2005 to 2015 is actually positive (a tendency for more ice). In a paper recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that the Community Earth System Model (CESM) was able to predict this period of winter ice growth in the North Atlantic. The study further suggests that in the near future, sea ice extent in this part of the Arctic is likely to remain steady or even increase (Figure 4). The ability to predict the winter sea ice extent in this region is related to the ability of the model to capture the observed variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), an ocean circulation pattern that brings warm surface waters from the tropics towards the Arctic. When the MOC is strong, more warm water is brought towards the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic, helping to reduce the winter ice cover. When it is weak, less warm water enters the region and the ice extends further south. However, while there is an indication that the MOC may be weakening, this winter so far has seen considerably less ice than average in the North Atlantic sector.

Nice peice of taking a sentence out of context. In context, note that they are speaking of just one area.

Figure 4. The map shows areas of the Arctic where sea ice models predicted ice gain and loss for 2007 to 2017

Credit: S. Yeager et al.
High-resolution image

Figure 3. Monthly January ice extent for 1979 to 2016 shows a decline of 3.2% per decade.

Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
High-resolution image

Now we look at the whole picture in the graph above.

Nice piece of lying by taking one sentence out of context, Electra. You should be in politics.
sorry old crock, but you always come up the loser, the article the study that the OP is based on does not state what the OP states, that these, "Scientists are floored".

Further, the cherry picking going on is is when you Alarmists look at one month
January 2016 compared to previous years
and then ignore the:
Predicting decadal trends in Arctic winter sea ice cover

The Scientists close the store speaking of Arctic winter sea ice cover, specifically. That the loss has slowed, and in recent years has been showing positive growth.

And all this based on a paper you have not read Old Crock, a paper Crack has not read, a paper that MattPEW has not read.

I am the only one here that read the entire Washington Post story, beyond the Alarmist headline which is propaganda.

Nowhere does the study indicate that, the Scientists, are floored.

I read the links Old Crock, not you, not crack or mattpew nor maMOOT. Just cause you link does not mean you have offered a valid statement nor that you are not the LIAR.

The people screaming liar loudest, are the liars.

The article is cherry picking a study that is predicting growth in Arctic sea ice, explaining how the study accurately predicted the positive sea ice growth over the last decade.
And if I can take the very last sentence, in ALL that mattpew linked to, inadvertently I am sure.

They found that decadal-scale trends in Arctic winter sea ice extent are largely explained by changes in ocean circulation rather than by large-scale external factors like anthropogenic warming.
Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now

Source: Washington Post
New data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggest that January of 2016 was, for the globe, a truly extraordinary month. Coming off the hottest year ever recorded (2015), January saw the greatest departure from average of any month on record, according to data provided by NASA.

But as you can see in the NASA figure above, the record breaking heat wasn’t uniformly distributed — it was particularly pronounced at the top of the world, showing temperature anomalies above 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than the 1951 to 1980 average in this region.

Indeed, NASA provides a “zonal mean” version of the temperature map above, which shows how the temperature departures from average change based on one’s latitude location on the Earth. As you can see, things get especially warm, relative to what the Earth is used to, as you enter the very high latitudes:

Read more: Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now

But hey, it aint happening as it is all made up and so we should go pray to jesus christ!!! Read our 2,000 year old book and sing how god makes sure this never happens. lol

What about this Matt?

The Selective Bias Of NOAA's National Climate Data Center (NCDC) With Respect To The Analysis And Interpretation Of Multi-Decadal Land Surface Temperature Trends Under The Leadership Of Tom Karl and Tom Peterson

by Roger A. Pielke, Sr.

In 2007 Pielke said that he was not a "sceptical scientist" about climate change, having stated that carbon dioxide, while important, is not the predominant forcing of global warming:

"As I have summarized on the Climate Science weblog, humans activities do significantly alter the heat content of the climate system, although, based on the latest understanding, the radiative effect of CO2 has contributed, at most, only about 28% to the human-caused warming up to the present.

The other 72% is still a result of human activities!"

Pielke has criticized the IPCC for its conclusions regarding CO2 and global warming and accused it of selectively choosing data to support a selective view of the science.
Of course, sea ice is not just frozen sea water, it freezes only when diluted by snow falling on it. This fresh-water input dilutes the surface layer, which allows that small layer to freeze, then snow is piled on top, building 'sea-ice'. The warming climate (more evaporation) means more water vapor in the air is eventually falling as snow in the Arctic, where, even on a winter's day (night, actually, they have a very long night up there...) that is very 'warm', it is still cold enough to snow.
And still, the ice is retreating, regardless of the fools who can't believe it.
Remember your history? Many good men lost their lives trying to crack the North-West Passage, now tankers cruise through without the need of ice-proof hulls.

Another factor in this ice question is the runaway melting of the perma-frost in Siberia. This delivers huge inputs of fresh water to the Arctic Ocean, and it flushes the ice out as Summer progresses.
This is almost certainly one of the factors causing the variations in ocean circulation alluded to by Elektra, above

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