SCOTUS divided over SSM

Homosexuality is a compulsion. It's like compulsive handwashing, hoarding or cutting one's self. There are many kinds of compulsions we just don't consider compulsions normal behavior.
The answer to your question is No. So are you ready to admit that based on what I posted Kagan should recuse herself?
I didn't ask a "yes or no" question, shortbus. As usual, your arguments are getting very tiresome and boring. You apparently don't have the character to engage in an honest discussion.
You are just intent on doubling down on stupid, arent you, Sparky.
Here's your queston:
So, any justice that's an NRA member should recuse themselves from gun control cases?!?!]
I answered No. That is a sufficent answer.
I am the only here with an honest discussion going.
So, based on what I posted from the US Code, should Kagan recuse herself? I have no confidence that you will actually answer. Because you are an ignorant stupid person unable to answer with any shred of honesty. You will deflect to some other meaningless garbage.

If the Supreme Court rules against same sex marriage, Rabbi will declare them the be-all end-all of American justice.

If the Supreme Court rules for same sex marriage, Rabbi will declare them unelected tyrants.
I expect the ruling will be for same sex marriage and it will be unanimous.
Here's your queston:
So, any justice that's an NRA member should recuse themselves from gun control cases?!?!]
I answered No. That is a sufficent answer.
It's NOT sufficient, because you haven't explained why recusal is indicated in one case, but not the other.
You didnt ask why, douchebag. Now answer my question. Based on what I posted shouldn't Kagan recuse herself? Why are you deflecting from the main topic here?
I am not surprised you can't offer specifics on how gays getting married are destroying families.

What are they really after? Enlighten me.

Don't listen to what gays are saying, observe militant gay's actions that will tell you all you need to know.

As I suspected you got nothing.

Don't get huffy with me, I'm not a SCOTUS justice. I will laugh and mock gays if the SCOTUS swats down their over reach.

There is nothing to get huffy about considering you have offered nothing. I am sure if the SCOTUS rules against your position you will be mocked and laughed at as well.

Negative, I don't give a rats ass about any gay issue. But I recognize over reach when I see it and the type of behavior that would give the SCOTUS pause. $135,000 damage award for refusing to bake a cake? Yes that is precisely how gays are shooting themselves in the foot.
Is the baker some religious authority; or, is the Right overreaching under color of religious authority, again.
Human females do not go into season as other animals do. They can mate at any time. Although women in close proximity to one another will ovulate at the same time.

Women aren't a separate species and still have a biological urge to mate. And an urge to mate with a particular kind of man.
Not all of us, Toots.

Geez, just accept that you have an illness and seek treatment.

And on that note- what is the medical treatment for the disease you keep claiming homosexuals have?

there may not be one. but neither is there a treatment for other medical conditions. Mental illnesses are difficult to treat.

Is there an obligation to reproduce in any religious discipline?
Yes. Any other stupid questions?
Don't listen to what gays are saying, observe militant gay's actions that will tell you all you need to know.

As I suspected you got nothing.

Don't get huffy with me, I'm not a SCOTUS justice. I will laugh and mock gays if the SCOTUS swats down their over reach.

There is nothing to get huffy about considering you have offered nothing. I am sure if the SCOTUS rules against your position you will be mocked and laughed at as well.

Negative, I don't give a rats ass about any gay issue. But I recognize over reach when I see it and the type of behavior that would give the SCOTUS pause. $135,000 damage award for refusing to bake a cake? Yes that is precisely how gays are shooting themselves in the foot.
Is the baker some religious authority; or, is the Right overreaching under color of religious authority, again.
The baker is the master of his own soul.
The answer to your question is No. So are you ready to admit that based on what I posted Kagan should recuse herself?
I didn't ask a "yes or no" question, shortbus. As usual, your arguments are getting very tiresome and boring. You apparently don't have the character to engage in an honest discussion.
You are just intent on doubling down on stupid, arent you, Sparky.
Here's your queston:
So, any justice that's an NRA member should recuse themselves from gun control cases?!?!]
I answered No. That is a sufficent answer.
I am the only here with an honest discussion going.
So, based on what I posted from the US Code, should Kagan recuse herself? I have no confidence that you will actually answer. Because you are an ignorant stupid person unable to answer with any shred of honesty. You will deflect to some other meaningless garbage.

If the Supreme Court rules against same sex marriage, Rabbi will declare them the be-all end-all of American justice.

If the Supreme Court rules for same sex marriage, Rabbi will declare them unelected tyrants.
In any case I will critique the majority decision. Like a lot of other people.
You will just post stupid shit.
The answer to your question is No. So are you ready to admit that based on what I posted Kagan should recuse herself?
I didn't ask a "yes or no" question, shortbus. As usual, your arguments are getting very tiresome and boring. You apparently don't have the character to engage in an honest discussion.
You are just intent on doubling down on stupid, arent you, Sparky.
Here's your queston:
So, any justice that's an NRA member should recuse themselves from gun control cases?!?!]
I answered No. That is a sufficent answer.
I am the only here with an honest discussion going.
So, based on what I posted from the US Code, should Kagan recuse herself? I have no confidence that you will actually answer. Because you are an ignorant stupid person unable to answer with any shred of honesty. You will deflect to some other meaningless garbage.

If the Supreme Court rules against same sex marriage, Rabbi will declare them the be-all end-all of American justice.

If the Supreme Court rules for same sex marriage, Rabbi will declare them unelected tyrants.
I expect the ruling will be for same sex marriage and it will be unanimous.
I expect the ruling will respect the will of the voters in states that rejected gay marriage.
It is highly likely they will determine that marriage is a matter for the stares.
The full faith and credit clause introduces chaos into our system on many issues.This will be another ome.
If Gay marriage becomes the law of the land via federal statute it will divide gay and straight America not bring them together. A gay lifestyle may become "common" but it will never be considered "normal" and forcing churches to perform gay weddings will only make things worse for everyone. The dividing of Americans continues...
They will decide they cannot dictate social policy to all the states and overturn 1000 years of western tradition.
"We've always discriminated against this group" is the worst excuse there is. And one of the Justices rightly pointed out the same argument was used to defend discrimination against blacks.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Blacks don't choosr to be black, but according to Bruce Jenner, he/she chose to be gay.

Huge difference
Doesn't change the fact that he was equal before the law as a male, and will be as a female. This is about equality, not gender, genitals, or sexual orientation.

You will need to shorten that bull up a bit to fit it on a bumper sticker.
No bull in there. A contract between two adults is just that. It matters not a damn that it goes against tradition, many things here do.

Of course, but then good ol Bruce Jenner threw the civil rights argument under the bus.
They will decide they cannot dictate social policy to all the states and overturn 1000 years of western tradition.
"We've always discriminated against this group" is the worst excuse there is. And one of the Justices rightly pointed out the same argument was used to defend discrimination against blacks.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Blacks don't choosr to be black, but according to Bruce Jenner, he/she chose to be gay.

Huge difference

Who said he was gay?

He will be as soon as he completes the change.
It is highly likely they will determine that marriage is a matter for the stares.
The full faith and credit clause introduces chaos into our system on many issues.This will be another ome.
That was their holding in Windsor. I am not certain if full faith and credit would extend to this. During the segregation era southern states were not obligated to accept marriage certificates for inter racial couples issued in the north.
They will decide they cannot dictate social policy to all the states and overturn 1000 years of western tradition.
"We've always discriminated against this group" is the worst excuse there is. And one of the Justices rightly pointed out the same argument was used to defend discrimination against blacks.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Blacks don't choosr to be black, but according to Bruce Jenner, he/she chose to be gay.

Huge difference he didn't. He's not gay.

Pay attention

He is NOW a heterosexual male

He is spending tens of thousands of dollars to...........

Wait for it.........

Wait for it........

Become a lesbian female

Not only making the CHOICE, but paying through the nose to do so.

Seriously, you can't make this shit up!

Oh? LInk that.

You shoulda watched the interview, but here's another link.

Bruce Jenner to keep dating women after transition report - NY Daily News

And this Diane Sawyer Asks Bruce Jenner Are You a Lesbian Mobile
"We've always discriminated against this group" is the worst excuse there is. And one of the Justices rightly pointed out the same argument was used to defend discrimination against blacks.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Blacks don't choosr to be black, but according to Bruce Jenner, he/she chose to be gay.

Huge difference
Doesn't change the fact that he was equal before the law as a male, and will be as a female. This is about equality, not gender, genitals, or sexual orientation.

You will need to shorten that bull up a bit to fit it on a bumper sticker.
No bull in there. A contract between two adults is just that. It matters not a damn that it goes against tradition, many things here do.

Of course, but then good ol Bruce Jenner threw the civil rights argument under the bus.
Persons is the Only term we need to us.
Looks like SCOTUS ruling in favor of SSM isn't the lock the homos led everyone to believe. Roberts nailed it. Kennedy is all over the map, he's obviously conflicted.

Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. suggested that Ms. Bonauto was asking the court to do something radical.

“You’re not seeking to join the institution,” he said. “You’re seeking to change what the institution is.”

Indeed. This could be settled so easily by doing what the Constitution says - leave it to the individual states to decide for themselves. Get the hell out of the marriage business. It is not within the purview of the Federal government to begin with.
You didnt ask why, douchebag. Now answer my question. Based on what I posted shouldn't Kagan recuse herself? Why are you deflecting from the main topic here?
You can call me all the names you want, but I've already answered the question. I don't believe either should have to recuse themselves. Now, quit being a punk and quit lying about what I asked.
It will go 6-3 in favor

5-4 against forcing states to change their own marriage contract.
7-2 in favor of forcing states to accept valid marriage contracts from other states, no matter what they allow.

You're probably right, but Kennedy was very quiet during the arguments made for state recognition of marriage contracts from other states - meaning either he'd already decided that he was against forcing states to change their own marriage contract laws and this was his way of sort-of straddling the issue or he'd already decided for national recognition of SSM. Or I'm reading into his silence too much...
You didnt ask why, douchebag. Now answer my question. Based on what I posted shouldn't Kagan recuse herself? Why are you deflecting from the main topic here?
You can call me all the names you want, but I've already answered the question. I don't believe either should have to recuse themselves. Now, quit being a punk and quit lying about what I asked.
Why shouldnt Kagan have to recuse herself? She has made her opinions on the matter obvious, plus she is a lesbian herself. based on the Code I posted those are grounds for recusal.
So you can argue either the Code is somehow invalid, the Code means something other than it obviously means, or Kagan has not made her opinions known already.
Which is it, shitforbrains?
Why shouldnt Kagan have to recuse herself? She has made her opinions on the matter obvious, plus she is a lesbian herself. based on the Code I posted those are grounds for recusal. So you can argue either the Code is somehow invalid, the Code means something other than it obviously means, or Kagan has not made her opinions known already.
You haven't explained why being an NRA member ruling on gun control would be any different. I say they're the same. You need to tell us why they aren't. Wouldn't their opinions be just as obvious?

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