seems you shot your wad to early.

The accusers did not go away, you goofy person.

The heat will pick up again this week.

Really? And what compells you to believe this? Of the two who spoke in public, both have pretty much had their statements answered. Leigh Corfmen’s accusations for excample, they were responded to with times and dates. She and the other one have yet to say anything in response. Other then hating Trump, what makes the stories so compelling?
Except she didn't win, any more than a losing team in the Super Bowl can claim they actually won because they controlled the ball longer.

THAT analogy is as dumb as..............well, actually its worth of your "intellect."
If supporting a child molester for political gain is the new low bar, what could possibly come next? How far is the Alt-Right going to go in behalf of "winning"?

When you prove he molested children, or even accuse him of it, let me know. Then maybe we can address it

What truly is amazing is to think no media or political organization picked up on this when:

A gun loving, anti abortion, anti gay marriage individual ran, not once, but twice for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

Not the local or State Democratic Party, not CNN, not MSNBC, not any network anywhere?

And when he fought to keep the 10 commandments in public spaces, neither the ACLU nor the Atheist brought this up?

And when he fought against Gay Marriage, the LBGT movement was silent?

Even though, supposedly what he did was “common knowledge”?

To the dems, I suppose this makes sense although I’ve brought this up a number of times and they can’t explain this.
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Only a genuine piece of shit would defend a child molesting asshole like Roy Moore. But hey, it is Alabama where child molesting is a common sport for the backwoods redneck inbred fools that live there.

There is zero proof he is a child molester....


So, there is no accuser? I get it. Your a fucking dumbass Republican & you dickweeds don't believe women if what they say is denied by one of your buddy good ole boys.
Democrats also made the mistake of piling on with bs accusations like the "Roy Moore was banned from the mall" nonsense.

If they stuck with the original accuser instead of going overboard with obviously fake accusations they might have had more credibility. But every time they add an additional claim that is easily shown to be false they make them all look more false.

People aren't stupid.

Mmmmm.....or maybe they are......

Trumpette play book:
OMG OMG OMG Fake News!!!! Fake News!!!!! OMG OMG OMG"

My God, Trumpettes believe Trump. Can you get any dumber than that?
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Only a genuine piece of shit would defend a child molesting asshole like Roy Moore. But hey, it is Alabama where child molesting is a common sport for the backwoods redneck inbred fools that live there.

There is zero proof he is a child molester....


So, there is no accuser? I get it. Your a fucking dumbass Republican & you dickweeds don't believe women if what they say is denied by one of your buddy good ole boys.

There are plenty of accusers, but no proof.

There was an accuser in the Rolling Stone Frat Rape story, and an accuser in the Duke Lacrosse team incident. How did those work out?
I am sure to a backwoods, stump jumpin', incest driven Trumpette, there is no difference between 14, 16 & over 21 females.

As Bill Maher quipped, "In Alabama a female HS senior is regarded as a MILF"
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Only a genuine piece of shit would defend a child molesting asshole like Roy Moore. But hey, it is Alabama where child molesting is a common sport for the backwoods redneck inbred fools that live there.

There is zero proof he is a child molester....


So, there is no accuser? I get it. Your a fucking dumbass Republican & you dickweeds don't believe women if what they say is denied by one of your buddy good ole boys.

There are plenty of accusers, but no proof.

There was an accuser in the Rolling Stone Frat Rape story, and an accuser in the Duke Lacrosse team incident. How did those work out?
So all women are liars. You & your orange buddy make quite the pair.
A gun loving, anti abortion, anti gay marriage individual ran, not once, but twice for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

Not the local or State Democratic Party, not CNN, not MSNBC, not any network anywhere?

How, then, did these cute events happen???

Roy Moore's suspension upheld by Alabama Supreme Court; decision ...

Roy Moore Suspended From Alabama Supreme Court For Anti-Gay ...

Roy Moore Is Suspended For Rest Of Term As Alabama's Chief ... - NPR

That doesn’t answer the questions posed. Was these events that were “common knowledge” used against him?

It was a nice attempt to deflect though.
If supporting a child molester for political gain is the new low bar, what could possibly come next? How far is the Alt-Right going to go in behalf of "winning"?

When you prove he molested children, or even accuse him of it, let me know. Then maybe we can address it
Actually, there are Republicans that believe the accusers yet still will vote for the child molesting POS like the AL governor.

Republicans want the vote so they will vote for a child molester. It is only a step down from voting for the Groper-in Chief.
As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
So now the defender of supplying mass killing weapons to crazy people is claiming the following.

1) Women have no proof & should be prosecuted for making accusations.

2) A man's denial (without proof) is good enough to prosecute?
Really asshole?

Yes, that's exactly what I think. Women who make these FALSE claims should be held accountable for their actions. If I take a walk to my convenient store, get attacked on the way, I don't call the police ten years later. If I am attacked, I notify authorities so they can take immediate action.

Proof. Where is the proof these accusations are false? Because your orange buddy said so? If a woman can't prove it does not make that accusation a crime.

Well I think you were the one that robbed a bank by my house. Prove it wasn't you........

That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Prove YOU DIDN'T do something.

This tactic was revealed by Mary Mapes, Dan Rather's producer. She was still trying to defend 60 Minutes reporting aka Mythology Entertainment. My jaw dropped when I heard her say that this was proper journalism.

"We accuse, you defend" had become their mantra at CBS.
You have to believe that this is fading when the last accuser that was dragged out for a pile on, Becky Gray accused Moore of asking her out for a date a couple of times when she was 22.

OMG she didn't want to date him.


Then you had the accuser who didn't like Moore because she hated the way he kissed her. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If supporting a child molester for political gain is the new low bar, what could possibly come next? How far is the Alt-Right going to go in behalf of "winning"?

When you prove he molested children, or even accuse him of it, let me know. Then maybe we can address it
Accused of molesting a 14 year old. It has been reported by many that, at that same time, Moore pursued High School girls. Former mall employees agree that Moore was banned. Coworkers have reported Moore chased teenaged girls.

Certainly enough to point to the idea the accuser is being truthful.

But hey, stick your head in the sand because you need a vote in the Senate. More proof Republicans hate children. You elect their molesters, you want tio take away their food stamps, you won't refund CHIP, you refuse to reduce greenhouse gas emissions & condemn them to a more difficult future.

Admit it you piece of fucking shit. You hate children. But omg omg abortions!
All he has to do is get 50%+1. He thinks h can make it.

The one accuser has a story full of lies and that will get him some misplaced sympathy. It turns out that the reason that she was in chambers with her and her mom was a messy divorce and custody battle. He awarded custody to her dad who lived in a totally different town far away. there was no way he had any access to her after the custody battle was over
Who awarded custody to her dad????

Moore WAS NOT a judge at the time???? He was an asst district attorney???


Who are we talking about? :)
If supporting a child molester for political gain is the new low bar, what could possibly come next? How far is the Alt-Right going to go in behalf of "winning"?

When you prove he molested children, or even accuse him of it, let me know. Then maybe we can address it
Accused of molesting a 14 year old. It has been reported by many that, at that same time, Moore pursued High School girls. Former mall employees agree that Moore was banned. Coworkers have reported Moore chased teenaged girls.

Certainly enough to point to the idea the accuser is being truthful.

But hey, stick your head in the sand because you need a vote in the Senate. More proof Republicans hate children. You elect their molesters, you want tio take away their food stamps, you won't refund CHIP, you refuse to reduce greenhouse gas emissions & condemn them to a more difficult future.

Admit it you piece of fucking shit. You hate children. But omg omg abortions!

Still lying about the mall ban I see. Loser.

i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Only a genuine piece of shit would defend a child molesting asshole like Roy Moore. But hey, it is Alabama where child molesting is a common sport for the backwoods redneck inbred fools that live there.

There is zero proof he is a child molester....


So, there is no accuser? I get it. Your a fucking dumbass Republican & you dickweeds don't believe women if what they say is denied by one of your buddy good ole boys.

There are plenty of accusers, but no proof.

There was an accuser in the Rolling Stone Frat Rape story, and an accuser in the Duke Lacrosse team incident. How did those work out?
So all women are liars. You & your orange buddy make quite the pair.

I never said that, you cheap, dime-store hack.

I guess the lesson of "To Kill a Mockingbird" was to always believe the woman, right?
If supporting a child molester for political gain is the new low bar, what could possibly come next? How far is the Alt-Right going to go in behalf of "winning"?

When you prove he molested children, or even accuse him of it, let me know. Then maybe we can address it
Accused of molesting a 14 year old. It has been reported by many that, at that same time, Moore pursued High School girls. Former mall employees agree that Moore was banned. Coworkers have reported Moore chased teenaged girls.

Certainly enough to point to the idea the accuser is being truthful.

But hey, stick your head in the sand because you need a vote in the Senate. More proof Republicans hate children. You elect their molesters, you want tio take away their food stamps, you won't refund CHIP, you refuse to reduce greenhouse gas emissions & condemn them to a more difficult future.

Admit it you piece of fucking shit. You hate children. But omg omg abortions!

Still lying about the mall ban I see. Loser.

Are the women lying? Each am deathly every one of them?

It must be exhausting sweeping the crap out of your political movement but supporting more crap as a replacement.

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