Senate-Passed Deal Means Higher Tax on 77% of Households

I don't know where you are getting your information, but you do not get a refund for FICA. Someone might get back more money than they paid in (i.e. kgrill) but they do not get back their payroll taxes.

Let's say a person has $750 in income tax liability, $1400 in social security and $425 in medicare. Total of 2,525 BEFORE deductions and credits. Their earned income credit is $4,000. They pay NOTHING and recieve back $1,475. It happens. You can call it whatever you want Ravi.

Regardless, you were being misleading.

Yeah--the earned income tax credit is nothing but B.S. There are working families out there that pay absolutely no federal income tax during the year but get a "cough-cough" refund check back anyway. Many times in the thousands of dollars.
The tax holiday is over, it is a return to the GOP Bush-era payroll tax schedule, which, if you believe in personal responsibility, is good.

Those making the incomes of $400,000 or $450,000 plus, respectively single or married, will pay the Clinton-era taxes, which they should have been paying any way. This is good, too.

The rest of American income tax payers finally got the "temporary" schedule of Bush-era rates enacted into public law permanently. This is good, and an Obama victory.

The failure rests on the leadership and membership of both parties in Congress for failure to enact spending cuts.

Please inform your Senators and CongressPerson that if they personally do not get involved in actively cutting major spending, including Defense, you will actively work against them in the primaries, and if necessary, vote for the other party in the general election in the future.

Zero tolerance.

Higher tax rates do what?
oh well
links in article at site


By Richard Rubin - Jan 1, 2013 12:54 PM CT.

The budget deal passed by the U.S. Senate today would raise taxes on 77.1 percent of U.S. households, mostly because of the expiration of a payroll tax cut, according to preliminary estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington.

More than 80 percent of households with incomes between $50,000 and $200,000 would pay higher taxes. Among the households facing higher taxes, the average increase would be $1,635, the policy center said. A 2 percent payroll tax cut, enacted during the economic slowdown, is being allowed to expire as of yesterday.

The heaviest new burdens in 2013, compared with 2012, would fall on top earners, who would face higher rates on income, capital gains, dividends and estates. The top 1 percent of taxpayers, or those with incomes over $506,210, would pay an average of $73,633 more in taxes.

Much of that burden is concentrated at the very top of the income scale.

all of it here
Senate-Passed Deal Means Higher Tax on 77% of Households - Bloomberg

So cons should not be bitching. Now everyone will pay more. Besides, that was a terrible tax cut to begin with. While it did put more money in the pockets of those most likely to spend it, it took just contributed to a greater deficit. Hated that tax cut from the get go and will be more than happy to pay the increase.

I will ask you....Higher tax rates will do what?
I don't know where you are getting your information, but you do not get a refund for FICA. Someone might get back more money than they paid in (i.e. kgrill) but they do not get back their payroll taxes.

Let's say a person has $750 in income tax liability, $1400 in social security and $425 in medicare. Total of 2,525 BEFORE deductions and credits. Their earned income credit is $4,000. They pay NOTHING and recieve back $1,475. It happens. You can call it whatever you want Ravi.

Regardless, you were being misleading.
Nice try...You are evading the facts.
No, you were being misleading, but that has been documented and the proper information given by me.


I commented that LAST year payroll taxes weren't considered income taxes by the nutters and THIS year suddenly they are....your little dance was nothing but a deflection.

...and yet, I never said such a thing now did I? I was clarifying terms. In the end, your take home pay is less and that will effect the economy like I said. YOU are the one who seems intent on deflecting from that point.
Ravi is incapable of honesty.
For those of you trying to pass this off as an Obama tax increase, try to use your brain for 2 minutes -

If the payroll tax had never been touched in the last 4 years, you could not have said Obama raised the payroll tax, and yet,

you would have paid MORE in payroll taxes.

You did in fact pay LESS in payroll taxes in the past 4 years, and yet you want to call this an Obama tax increase.

That is idiocy.

No..That is liberal spin.

No, it's math. Math is what you learn in real school, which may be why you missed it.

The tax is higher today than it was on Dec 31st. That's an INCREASE.
And increase that solves nothing. It is pure symbolism. It allows Obama to go to his base and say "see, I raised taxes!!!!....I nailed the bastards".
No, you were being misleading, but that has been documented and the proper information given by me.


I commented that LAST year payroll taxes weren't considered income taxes by the nutters and THIS year suddenly they are....your little dance was nothing but a deflection.

...and yet, I never said such a thing now did I? I was clarifying terms. In the end, your take home pay is less and that will effect the economy like I said. YOU are the one who seems intent on deflecting from that point.
I didn't say you said it. I threw it out there as a general observation which is true even though you've tried to deflect for pages and pages.
Every year Floriduh has a sales tax holiday and when it ends it means the Republicans of Floriduh have raised our taxes!!!

^rightwingnutter logic.
Every year Floriduh has a sales tax holiday and when it ends it means the Republicans of Floriduh have raised our taxes!!!

^rightwingnutter logic.

So your Holiday has no specific end date? How interesting. Oh wait, it does, so that would be a worthless comparision from a dishonest poster. Your pattern of circular logic gets to be tiresome and predictable Ravi. Gloves are off today. Be careful.
If Obama somehow has to take the 'blame' for the payroll tax increase,

then he also has to get 'credit' for all of the tax cuts in the bill.
Let's just say its a higher rate than you paid in 2012. That said, returning it to 6.2% is the responsible thing to do. Not sure right now was best, but time will tell.

Oh, and NYC? It does have higher rates than before for those with higher incomes, so it IS an increase for them.

Never cutting it in the first place was the responsible thing to do.

It was a Democratic led Congress that passed the social security reduction.


And I complained about it at the time.
Did the SS cap get raised or should I say revert back or not? A yes or no will do.. Save your spin. Thanks.

6 Ways Social Security Will Change in 2013 - Planning to Retire (

Payroll tax cut scheduled to expire. Workers will pay 6.2 percent of their income into the Social Security system in 2013, up from 4.2 percent in 2012. The temporary payroll tax cut expires at the end of December 2012 under current law.

Higher Social Security tax cap. The maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security taxes will be $113,700 in 2013, up from $110,100 in 2012. Approximately 10 million people will pay higher taxes as a result of the increase in the taxable maximum.

And save you spin by saying that you said "that Obama signed" Did he push for it to remain?

So you can't show us any such bill. You wasted a lot of space saying that.

You life is a waste of space as well as your piss poor dancing. Evasive much? I preempted your reply and in your infinite stupidity you replied as expected anyway. :clap2: Polly want a cracker?

Now try replying to what was said or admit you're a fucking jerkoff who has no reply. But most of us know that so...

Did Congress send Obama a payroll tax cut extension bill to sign or not?

That's a yes or no question.
So you're in denial that a fiscal cliff bill passed NYC? How funny!

I'm saying that the Congress did not include a payroll tax cut extension in the bill they sent the president to sign,

therefore it is not in his power to extend or not extend the payroll tax cut.

Use your head.
If Obama somehow has to take the 'blame' for the payroll tax increase,

then he also has to get 'credit' for all of the tax cuts in the bill.

There are no tax cuts.
Everyone, earning up to just under $114k per year plus all employers paying those people got a 67%( 4.2% up to 6.2%) payroll tax increase.
oh well
links in article at site


By Richard Rubin - Jan 1, 2013 12:54 PM CT.

The budget deal passed by the U.S. Senate today would raise taxes on 77.1 percent of U.S. households, mostly because of the expiration of a payroll tax cut, according to preliminary estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington.

More than 80 percent of households with incomes between $50,000 and $200,000 would pay higher taxes. Among the households facing higher taxes, the average increase would be $1,635, the policy center said. A 2 percent payroll tax cut, enacted during the economic slowdown, is being allowed to expire as of yesterday.

The heaviest new burdens in 2013, compared with 2012, would fall on top earners, who would face higher rates on income, capital gains, dividends and estates. The top 1 percent of taxpayers, or those with incomes over $506,210, would pay an average of $73,633 more in taxes.

Much of that burden is concentrated at the very top of the income scale.

all of it here
Senate-Passed Deal Means Higher Tax on 77% of Households - Bloomberg

You can thank your republican house people. Thanks Cantor, he even wants to with hold disaster relief from sandy victims.
So you're in denial that a fiscal cliff bill passed NYC? How funny!

I'm saying that the Congress did not include a payroll tax cut extension in the bill they sent the president to sign,

therefore it is not in his power to extend or not extend the payroll tax cut.

Use your head.

It was a Senate bill NYC. That means Democrats wrote it.

to pass something in the Senate, you need republican votes. Also you forgot to mention, the kkk-nazi republicans in the house would not go along with it unless it had stuff in it. so THANK YOU republicans.
I'm saying that the Congress did not include a payroll tax cut extension in the bill they sent the president to sign,

therefore it is not in his power to extend or not extend the payroll tax cut.

Use your head.

It was a Senate bill NYC. That means Democrats wrote it.

to pass something in the Senate, you need republican votes. Also you forgot to mention, the kkk-nazi republicans in the house would not go along with it unless it had stuff in it. so THANK YOU republicans.

Why do you need Republican votes in the Senate again?
It was a Senate bill NYC. That means Democrats wrote it.

to pass something in the Senate, you need republican votes. Also you forgot to mention, the kkk-nazi republicans in the house would not go along with it unless it had stuff in it. so THANK YOU republicans.

Why do you need Republican votes in the Senate again?

Cause you can bust it up with out a super majority, or support from the house. SO republicans crossed the picket line this time and voted.

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