Senate Report:No Evidence That Russia Changed Vote Tallies

Only weak minded fools would be swayed by online propaganda. Russia had zero impact on the election. Russia doesn’t get an A for effort.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
Morning, gipper! How about this, more recent than 5/2018 and by Republicans: Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds
It’s still bs, just as both parties are lying corrupt gangs.

How convenient? Blame those nasty Russians, yet never provide proof.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
Morning, gipper! How about this, more recent than 5/2018 and by Republicans: Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds

From your link: "It concluded that while there was no evidence that any votes were changed in actual voting machines, “Russian cyberactors were in a position to delete or change voter data” in the Illinois voter database. The committee found no evidence that they did so."
The truth of the matter is that Mexico has had more influence in our National Elections and Russia ever has.
While there is little doubt that some operatives of the Russian Federation attempted to introduce bogus stories into social media, they were doing so in an environment where thousands of other sources are doing exactly the same thing - for their own political purposes - so who would even notice?

Before the Media and the Left went into hysterics over this episode, most Americans with three-digit IQ's understood "election tampering" to include things like stuffing ballot boxes with bogus votes, voter fraud, vote suppression, and possibly messing with the infrastructure of recording and counting votes. On the "soft" side, it would include publishing false slanderous stories about a candidate when it would be too late to refute them before the election. These are election tampering examples.

But what occurred in 2016 included none of that. We had someone - presumably "Russians" - hacking DNC and a couple personal computers, extracting hundreds of emails, and furnishing them to Wikileaks (assuming the worst), which later published them at times inconvenient to the Clinton campaign.

There is no allegation that the emails were altered or falsified in any way. They were simply made public.

And the THEORY is, some Bernie Sanders voters who would otherwise have voted for HRC were induced to stay home, because of the unethical ministrations of the HRC campaign to frustrate Bernie's election chances. It's only a theory. I have not seen anyone actually produce a would-be Bernie voter who 'fessed up to staying home to spite Hillary. I have not seen ANYONE quoted as saying that they would have voted for Hillary but voted for Trump instead because of these emails or any other factor in discussion today.

So the reason why most voting Americans think this whole Mueller-Russia thing is a waste of time is because the Russian activities had ZERO impact on the results of the election. It was NO BIG DEAL. In fact, the only reason it was made into a BIG DEAL was because it was the vehicle chosen by the Never-Trumpers in the Democrat Party and the Deep State to try to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

And of course the non-Fox Media has been, and remains, fully on board with this non-story, non-event, non-sense.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
Morning, gipper! How about this, more recent than 5/2018 and by Republicans: Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds
It’s still bs, just as both parties are lying corrupt gangs.

How convenient? Blame those nasty Russians, yet never provide proof.
I'm not sure what you would consider proof, gipper. But Conventional Wisdom tells us they got into the voting system of 50 States more like a vanguard ahead of the main force. And they are now new and improved. You keep looking the other way for the villains, towards your fellow citizens of traditional government agencies while defending the poor misunderstood Russians. Trump and his cronies love you!
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
Morning, gipper! How about this, more recent than 5/2018 and by Republicans: Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds

From your link: "It concluded that while there was no evidence that any votes were changed in actual voting machines, “Russian cyberactors were in a position to delete or change voter data” in the Illinois voter database. The committee found no evidence that they did so."
But they CAN. And your Senate squelches any attempt to get ahead of them .

from your article and 2018 report. No evidence, they had to change votes, but no evidence. I am sure the propaganda alone changed some votes. Also is that why McConnell won't take up any security voting laws that the House sent to them. He refused, why, why not make it secure??

Among the report's findings:

• At least 18 states, and possibly 21, had election systems targeted by Russian-affiliated hackers in some way. Other states saw "suspicious or malicious behavior" that the U.S. Intelligence Community was not able to definitively tie to Russia.

• In a small number of states, the hackers were in a position to change or delete voter registration data, but they did not appear to have the power to manipulate individual votes or vote totals.

• The diversity of state election systems is a strength. "Because of the variety of systems and equipment, changing votes on a large scale would require an extensive, complex, and state or country-level campaign." Still, the committee noted that a few districts in each state "can have a significant impact in a national election."

The Department of Homeland Security's initial response to the cybersecurity threat by the Russians was inadequate, the report concludes.

from your article and 2018 report. No evidence, they had to change votes, but no evidence. I am sure the propaganda alone changed some votes. Also is that why McConnell won't take up any security voting laws that the House sent to them. He refused, why, why not make it secure??

Among the report's findings:

• At least 18 states, and possibly 21, had election systems targeted by Russian-affiliated hackers in some way. Other states saw "suspicious or malicious behavior" that the U.S. Intelligence Community was not able to definitively tie to Russia.

• In a small number of states, the hackers were in a position to change or delete voter registration data, but they did not appear to have the power to manipulate individual votes or vote totals.

• The diversity of state election systems is a strength. "Because of the variety of systems and equipment, changing votes on a large scale would require an extensive, complex, and state or country-level campaign." Still, the committee noted that a few districts in each state "can have a significant impact in a national election."

The Department of Homeland Security's initial response to the cybersecurity threat by the Russians was inadequate, the report concludes.

I suggest we file a complaint with the UN about Russian interference . The Russkies don't like to look bad.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
Morning, gipper! How about this, more recent than 5/2018 and by Republicans: Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds

From your link: "It concluded that while there was no evidence that any votes were changed in actual voting machines, “Russian cyberactors were in a position to delete or change voter data” in the Illinois voter database. The committee found no evidence that they did so."
But they CAN. And your Senate squelches any attempt to get ahead of them .

How do you know they CAN??? I read that they failed to, which meant they can't.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
Morning, gipper! How about this, more recent than 5/2018 and by Republicans: Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds
It’s still bs, just as both parties are lying corrupt gangs.

How convenient? Blame those nasty Russians, yet never provide proof.
I'm not sure what you would consider proof, gipper. But Conventional Wisdom tells us they got into the voting system of 50 States more like a vanguard ahead of the main force. And they are now new and improved. You keep looking the other way for the villains, towards your fellow citizens of traditional government agencies while defending the poor misunderstood Russians. Trump and his cronies love you!
Good morning. there is no such proof.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
There’s evidence in the report. Learn to read, retard.
Mueller claims Russia hacked the election for Trump’s benefit, without ever offering any evidence. The narrative is set so that millions of Americans will believe this obvious lie.
There’s evidence in the report. Learn to read, retard.
No there isn’t dipshit. He makes claims but has no evidence to back those claims. Stop being a dupe to the power structure.
It's difficult to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the fools who "think" the Russians tinkered with ballot counts because they were disappointed about the results of the election. The ironic thing is that the foreign activist used by the FBI to create the anti-Trump dossier may have been an agent of the Russian government employed to disrupt the election.
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It's difficult to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the fools who "think" the Russians tinkered with ballot counts because they were disappointed about the results of the election. The ironic thing is that the foreign activist used by the FBI to create the anti-Trump dossier may have been an agent of the Russian government employed to disrupt the election.
Whitehall, we were not disappointed with the ballot counts, just the EC counts. Actual ballots were cast that painted a completely different picture and there is no doubt in my mind what your opinion would be if the issue were reversed...if Trump had won the popular vote and Hillary had taken the EC.
Facebook, Google, the MSM and the education cartel steered 30 million votes to Democratic candidates. Illegal aliens added another 10 million illegal Dem votes because Dems refuse to pass a voter ID law. So why the hell are we worrying about a few Russian bloggers? It's called a diversion away from the biggest election tampering fiasco in US history. Trump is right. No other President should ever have to endure the corruption he went through. And the mental patients of the D party aren't done yet.

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