Senate Report:No Evidence That Russia Changed Vote Tallies

I am sure the propaganda alone changed some votes
Dude 99% of all media is propaganda for democrats lol talk about changing votes ha
You should change your avatar to a different loser.
Don’t like the truth? Haha
Lawyers for Nick Sandmann File 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Washington Post

Wait till it his the supreme court lol hahah
Who said they changed vote tallies?

They spied and spread misinformation on behalf of Trump
/——/ With only $100,000 most of which was spent after the election vs Hildabeast spending $1 billion? So what misinformation made you change your vote?
I don’t voted for him

What misinformation made you vote for someone as unqualified as Trump?
I am sure the propaganda alone changed some votes
Dude 99% of all media is propaganda for democrats lol talk about changing votes ha
You should change your avatar to a different loser.
Don’t like the truth? Haha
Lawyers for Nick Sandmann File 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Washington Post

Wait till it his the supreme court lol hahah
Supreme Court has better things to do
Dude 99% of all media is propaganda for democrats lol talk about changing votes ha
You should change your avatar to a different loser.
Don’t like the truth? Haha
Lawyers for Nick Sandmann File 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Washington Post

Wait till it his the supreme court lol hahah
Supreme Court has better things to do
Yup protect real Americans
Russians are masters of misinformation campaigns

Putin realizes how simple minded conservatives are and how they will not only believe any fabrication that shows up in their email or on Facebook, but will automatically spread the misinformation to their matter how ridiculous it may be

They didn't because they couldn't. In any event, they did not help TRump.
Sure. The Russians spent tens of millions of dollars and got zilch for their efforts.

You’re not smart.
How do you know what they spent?
FBI, CIA, and all the intelligence services said so. They do these things called “investigations”.

Show us the source.
I am sure the propaganda alone changed some votes
Dude 99% of all media is propaganda for democrats lol talk about changing votes ha
You should change your avatar to a different loser.
Don’t like the truth? Haha
Lawyers for Nick Sandmann File 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Washington Post

Wait till it his the supreme court lol hahah
☝️^ Doesnt know what ‘dismissed” means. ^ lol!
And what is even funnier, The Clintons have been in bed with the Russians For a very long time...

Putin HATES Hillary Clinton.... that's a fact, jack! And LOVES his best bud Trump!
Putin loves trump as a tool. Meanwhile Putin’s state TV, who takes its direction from him, constantly portrays trump as a fool.

Every single day.


Russians are masters of misinformation campaigns
Lol haha have you seen 99% of left wing media? Haha
Give me an example
Lol msnbc, cnn, abc, Fox News, (Chris Wallace) , nbc, cbs, all print media, movies , commercials.. need more?
Give us a specific piece of misinformation
Russian collusion, manufactured crisis on the border , trumps crowd sizes , jeez I can go on and on
Facebook, Google, the MSM and the education cartel steered 30 million votes to Democratic candidates. Illegal aliens added another 10 million illegal Dem votes because Dems refuse to pass a voter ID law. So why the hell are we worrying about a few Russian bloggers? It's called a diversion away from the biggest election tampering fiasco in US history. Trump is right. No other President should ever have to endure the corruption he went through. And the mental patients of the D party aren't done yet.
Where do you get your data? Never mind, it's pretty obvious.
And what is even funnier, The Clintons have been in bed with the Russians For a very long time...

Putin HATES Hillary Clinton.... that's a fact, jack! And LOVES his best bud Trump!
Na, not really
The Clintons and Russia have been business partners for a very long time

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