Senator rober byrd, democrat, was a member of the klan, tear down his statue...

No...they attacked first.....and were totally prepared to attack first with their sticks, baseball bats, etc.
No... they didn't. Your lying isn't going to work this time.

Had the ALT LEFT FASCISTS ANTIFA and BLM not shown up, the rally would have been COMPLETELY PEACEFUL, period.
Had the NAZI Alt-Right not shown us, it would have been another peaceful day in Charlottesville. Violence begets violence. These are violent people:
Your pictures dont show them being violent. Why is that?

i was wondering how many leftards got shot that day

there are plenty of pictures of the leftards being very violent and destructive
How many of anybody got shot? We know that a member of the Alt-Right killed a protestor and sent many others to the hospital. How many of the NAZIS were injured?
I see you being your typical partisan hack self, calling out one side while giving the other a TOTAL PASS.

You are a LIAR and a HYPOCRITE, Bo... you are NOT an honorable person.
"Madam, don't bring up your sons to detest the United States government. Recollect that we form one country now. Abandon all these local animosities, and make your sons Americans."
"Madam, do not train up your children in hostility to the government of the United States. Remember, we are all one country now. Dismiss from your mind all sectional feeling, and bring them up to be Americans."

That was finally true leadership, trying to stem the divisiveness after a bitter war.
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Trump has failed to reject support of the white nationalists, racists, and bigots who say they backed him.

That's worse than Byrd.
You are a LIAR and POS MORON...

The article is even from your DEM HACK propaganda site...

Trump denounces KKK, neo-Nazis as ‘repugnant’ as he seeks to quell criticism of his response to Charlottesville

Go talk your LIES and BULL SHIT somewhere else, ass clown.
If anyone erects a statue to Robert Byrd to honor his service in the klan, I will support tearing it down

The KKK is not worthy of honor in this country.....neither is the Confederacy
Byrd apologized, as he said, his mother said you can't die with hate filling you. He worried over his visit to the pearly gates. In the 60's he filibustered civil rights. In 2001 he was still using racial epithets.
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Trump has failed to reject support of the white nationalists, racists, and bigots who say they backed him.

That's worse than Byrd.
You are a LIAR and POS MORON...

The article is even from your DEM HACK propaganda site...

Trump denounces KKK, neo-Nazis as ‘repugnant’ as he seeks to quell criticism of his response to Charlottesville

Go talk your LIES and BULL SHIT somewhere else, ass clown.
Thank you for demonstrating the kind of anger being shown by the Alt-Right.
There is a statue erected to Byrd.
If anyone erects a statue to Robert Byrd to honor his service in the klan, I will support tearing it down

The KKK is not worthy of honor in this country.....neither is the Confederacy
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Trump has failed to reject support of the white nationalists, racists, and bigots who say they backed him.

That's worse than Byrd.
You are a LIAR and POS MORON...

The article is even from your DEM HACK propaganda site...

Trump denounces KKK, neo-Nazis as ‘repugnant’ as he seeks to quell criticism of his response to Charlottesville

Go talk your LIES and BULL SHIT somewhere else, ass clown.
No amount of reasoning or arguing with these people will do any good. The time for reasoning with them is long past.
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Trump has failed to reject support of the white nationalists, racists, and bigots who say they backed him.

That's worse than Byrd.
You are a LIAR and POS MORON...

The article is even from your DEM HACK propaganda site...

Trump denounces KKK, neo-Nazis as ‘repugnant’ as he seeks to quell criticism of his response to Charlottesville

Go talk your LIES and BULL SHIT somewhere else, ass clown.

Trump has failed to reject support of the white nationalists, racists, and bigots who say they backed him which lends credibility.
Byrd apologized, as he said, his mother said you can't die with hate filling you. He worried over his visit to the pearly gates. In the 60's he filibustered civil rights. In 2001 he was still using racial epithets.

Byrd was honored by the NAACP for his voting record on civil rights
There is a statue erected to Byrd.
If anyone erects a statue to Robert Byrd to honor his service in the klan, I will support tearing it down

The KKK is not worthy of honor in this country.....neither is the Confederacy

Very honors a long and distinguished record in the Senate

Now, to be fair, if they erected a statue of someone who fought for the Confederacy, but then went on to do great things would be perfectly acceptable because they are honoring the great things he did, not his service in the Confederacy

See how that works?
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Robert Byrd being elected to Senate 9 times only proves that people in West Virginia are racists.
Robert Byrd being elected to Senate 9 times only proves that people in West Virginia are racists.

Not really

Byrd had a long, distinguished record of supporting Civil Rights. If they were racists, they would have voted him out for supporting those bills
Perhaps the people in the state or town can vote on the people in Charlottesville did....before the Alt-Right NAZIS came to town.
No...they attacked first.....and were totally prepared to attack first with their sticks, baseball bats, etc.
No... they didn't. Your lying isn't going to work this time.

Had the ALT LEFT FASCISTS ANTIFA and BLM not shown up, the rally would have been COMPLETELY PEACEFUL, period.

Dylann Roof is the white nationalist type.
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Trump has failed to reject support of the white nationalists, racists, and bigots who say they backed him.

That's worse than Byrd.
You are a LIAR and POS MORON...

The article is even from your DEM HACK propaganda site...

Trump denounces KKK, neo-Nazis as ‘repugnant’ as he seeks to quell criticism of his response to Charlottesville

Go talk your LIES and BULL SHIT somewhere else, ass clown.
No amount of reasoning or arguing with these people will do any good. The time for reasoning with them is long past.

Because your side has no argument only hyperbole. Trump calls the actions of these clowns bad, then says see ya later! Just more morally corrupt BULLSHIT from Trump.....and the pile is getting higher.
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
This is the desperate rebuttal. Was it too hard to refute tearing down confederate (traitorous) monuments? Be happy that the people supporting confederate ideas amd flags aren't killed like in other less free countries.

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