Sequester Impact On States Detailed In New White House Reports


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
WASHINGTON -- It's looking increasingly like the government is about to impose on itself $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts. So as part of its strategy to pressure Republicans into accepting new revenues as part of a deal to prevent the sequester from taking effect, the White House released new reports on Sunday that outline the ugly effects those cuts would have in individual states.

Each state's report is linked below. But Jason Furman, principal deputy director of the White House's National Economic Council, pulled out some state-specific examples of the ways the cuts will hurt education, national defense, public health and the economy.

In Ohio, 350 teacher and teacher-aide jobs are at risk, which means 43,000 fewer students will be served, Furman said on a Sunday conference call with reporters. In Virginia, 90,000 civilian Department of Defense employees would be furloughed. About 4,180 fewer children in Georgia would get vaccines and, in Kentucky, 400 fewer victims of domestic violence would end up being served.

Recently approved aid for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts will also be at risk, officials said, and commuters should expect more delays in airports.

President Barack Obama's deficit reduction plan, which includes new revenues in addition to spending cuts, would be a "much better course, economically and substantively" than the sequester, Furman said. The president's proposal would achieve $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction, made up of roughly $1.1 trillion in spending cuts and $680 billion in new revenues drawn from limiting deductions and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest Americans.

Sequester Impact On States Detailed In New White House Reports
It's all male bovine excrement scare tactics!!!

Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

Yep. There are really no meaningful cuts in there and as longknife said, it's not even cuts to the baseline but on future projections. It's beyond laughable. Actually, it's insulting to anyone with an IQ of higher than 20.
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

They are trying to tear at the heart strings of the American people, as if to say the government can't afford to cut spending, or that such outrageous spending is really "necessary". It's like when a child throws a tantrum and creates this big "DRAMA" scene to get themselves noticed as if they are being deprived.... kicking and screaming .... placing blame on the parent who is trying to show some fiscal responsibility, because they KNOW about their budget and what they can afford.
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

Yep. There are really no meaningful cuts in there and as longknife said, it's not even cuts to the baseline but on future projections. It's beyond laughable. Actually, it's insulting to anyone with an IQ of higher than 20.

Well look who we are dealing with. Has obama done anything smart yet?
WASHINGTON -- It's looking increasingly like the government is about to impose on itself $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts. So as part of its strategy to pressure Republicans into accepting new revenues as part of a deal to prevent the sequester from taking effect, the White House released new reports on Sunday that outline the ugly effects those cuts would have in individual states.

Each state's report is linked below. But Jason Furman, principal deputy director of the White House's National Economic Council, pulled out some state-specific examples of the ways the cuts will hurt education, national defense, public health and the economy.

In Ohio, 350 teacher and teacher-aide jobs are at risk, which means 43,000 fewer students will be served, Furman said on a Sunday conference call with reporters. In Virginia, 90,000 civilian Department of Defense employees would be furloughed. About 4,180 fewer children in Georgia would get vaccines and, in Kentucky, 400 fewer victims of domestic violence would end up being served.

Recently approved aid for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts will also be at risk, officials said, and commuters should expect more delays in airports.

President Barack Obama's deficit reduction plan, which includes new revenues in addition to spending cuts, would be a "much better course, economically and substantively" than the sequester, Furman said. The president's proposal would achieve $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction, made up of roughly $1.1 trillion in spending cuts and $680 billion in new revenues drawn from limiting deductions and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest Americans.

Sequester Impact On States Detailed In New White House Reports

Why do you believe the bullshit you're fed?

A trillion dollar budget and you idiots think that cutting 2 percent of that is the end of the world.
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

You honestly believe that 3rd grades around the country have extra people they could just do without? Where do you live? We'll have to schedule you for a school tour sometime soon. When you find that extra person in the building be sure and just let us know.
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

You honestly believe that 3rd grades around the country have extra people they could just do without? Where do you live? We'll have to schedule you for a school tour sometime soon. When you find that extra person in the building be sure and just let us know.

You misread. The term is "grade 3" as in federal government employment level.

Schools have nothing to do with it, and besides, what the hell is a federal employee doing in a local school to begin with????
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

You honestly believe that 3rd grades around the country have extra people they could just do without? Where do you live? We'll have to schedule you for a school tour sometime soon. When you find that extra person in the building be sure and just let us know.

Where do you live where the 3rd grade school teachers work for the federal government? They are state employees. Police and firefighters are paid for by the cities that employ them. But, liberals are so utterly stupid that they really believe that the term "government employee" means that everyone works for obama.
Who cares. It should have been 500 billion in cuts over 3 to 4 years. Crying over such as small amount is hilarious.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

You honestly believe that 3rd grades around the country have extra people they could just do without? Where do you live? We'll have to schedule you for a school tour sometime soon. When you find that extra person in the building be sure and just let us know.

What they did is make sure it only impacts services that the public notices. So that 3rd grade beancounter whos job no one quite knows what it is becomes safe, but people interatcting with the publitc get furloughed.

That way the feds can turn around and say "look what happens when we cut $85 Billion! Those eeevul republicans want to cut 10 times as much!!!!"

You honestly believe that 3rd grades around the country have extra people they could just do without? Where do you live? We'll have to schedule you for a school tour sometime soon. When you find that extra person in the building be sure and just let us know.

You misread. The term is "grade 3" as in federal government employment level.

Schools have nothing to do with it, and besides, what the hell is a federal employee doing in a local school to begin with????

I wasn't sure how you meant that. Either way it equals about the same logic. Let's leave off the discussion of the role of federal money in public education for the time being.

Let's put this in terms you can relate to. Walmart has annual revenue of $446.950 billion. Pretty big company right? Well let's say your local store just got a order from above that it has 15% less budget for the rest of the year. Guess what you are going to be doing the next time you stop by.

You honestly believe that 3rd grades around the country have extra people they could just do without? Where do you live? We'll have to schedule you for a school tour sometime soon. When you find that extra person in the building be sure and just let us know.

You misread. The term is "grade 3" as in federal government employment level.

Schools have nothing to do with it, and besides, what the hell is a federal employee doing in a local school to begin with????

I wasn't sure how you meant that. Either way it equals about the same logic. Let's leave off the discussion of the role of federal money in public education for the time being.

Let's put this in terms you can relate to. Walmart has annual revenue of $446.950 billion. Pretty big company right? Well let's say your local store just got a order from above that it has 15% less budget for the rest of the year. Guess what you are going to be doing the next time you stop by.

Except that store is not getting a 15 percent cut. It is profitable. THIS store is:


What you are missing is that there are literally thousands of positions that could disappear tomorrow and you would never notice. As a matter of fact, it would make things FASTER. It is the nature of a bureaucracy. The government tells you that these positions are and the people in them demand that they cannot be done without but when they disappear, no one even notices.

You really would not realize how bad it is unless you worked in a government agency. I have seen positions crated for people not because of a need but because they knew someone. I have seen positions disappear and IMPROVE our process, not degrade it. Thinking that there is no place to cut waste is rather nuts.
You misread. The term is "grade 3" as in federal government employment level.

Schools have nothing to do with it, and besides, what the hell is a federal employee doing in a local school to begin with????

I wasn't sure how you meant that. Either way it equals about the same logic. Let's leave off the discussion of the role of federal money in public education for the time being.

Let's put this in terms you can relate to. Walmart has annual revenue of $446.950 billion. Pretty big company right? Well let's say your local store just got a order from above that it has 15% less budget for the rest of the year. Guess what you are going to be doing the next time you stop by.

Except that store is not getting a 15 percent cut. It is profitable. THIS store is:


What you are missing is that there are literally thousands of positions that could disappear tomorrow and you would never notice. As a matter of fact, it would make things FASTER. It is the nature of a bureaucracy. The government tells you that these positions are and the people in them demand that they cannot be done without but when they disappear, no one even notices.

You really would not realize how bad it is unless you worked in a government agency. I have seen positions crated for people not because of a need but because they knew someone. I have seen positions disappear and IMPROVE our process, not degrade it. Thinking that there is no place to cut waste is rather nuts.

I have seen someone buy a Pepsi at a convenience store. That does not give me an honorary PhD in economics. You should really wake up to the fact you don't know shit.

And Palin is not qualified to be the Secretary of State. Are all of you Republicans so uninformed that you think you know everything?
After WW 2 the government finally stopped spending and we had the longest biggest economic boom in world history!! If the sequester can grow each year we should she the same phenomenon- right??.

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