Serious Thread Topic: Can Terrorism Really Be Stopped?

Let's stick to the topic please.


I'm speaking with my mod hat now - this isn't a generic jew bashing thread, muslim bashing thread or anti-Israel thread. We've got plenty of others for that so lets not derail this one. It's in Zone 2 so there are requirements to be on topic which is outlined in Post #1.

Thank you again.
End Muslim access to the civilized world. Round them up, send them back do not allow them to come here. Close the mosques. Then treat islam the way the British dealt with the thuggees in India.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

I agree with the rightwing about Islam being a serious problem. Most Muslims are peaceful, but let's face it, we wouldn't be in this age of terror if Islam never existed.

Yes, no terrorism can be stopped, but when it comes to improving national security, civil liberties must he sacrificed. That trade off is just the world we live in.
It would be helpful if the Regressive Left would:

1. Stop dishonestly equating modern-day jihadism with modern-day Christianity
2. Stop transparently deflecting to the Crusades or other points of history as a way to dilute current-day jihadist atrocities
3. Stop transparently deflecting to political figures or political issues after every jihadist atrocity
4. Stop attacking anyone who dares to point out jihadist atrocities
5. Start holding Islam accountable for its anti-liberal elements
6. Start expecting Islam to move towards a true and badly-needed Reformation

The Regressive Left has done enough enabling. Children were just slaughtered. It's time to stop spinning for your pet PC constituent religion.
there were a lot of...shall we say participants in 9-11. If you think it was only the Mossad you reveal that you know nothing at all. It's VERY deep rabbit hole with many players involved.

The Mossad was the principle player. The Saudis lied about the kids, who were apparently dead soccer players who died in a bus crash several years before 911. The W Administration was 100% behind it, especially Tenet, Cheney, and Rumsfeld (no mention of the DEMOGRAPHIC of those three).

Sorry, I am fluent in the 911 treason.

Funny, why don't you want those behind 911 punished?

It is because YOU WERE ONE OF THEM???

Watch the Video kid.
This is not the first time the west has dealt with violent islam. We just do whatever they did. It's not that hard.
We are just experiencing what other European nations have witnessed for years. We are battling an extreme ideology, that is to say not all Muslims are bad. There is definately a deep seeded mindset from those who take the Koran as a literal religious battle and a need to cleanse those who don't share in their deeply religious roots [infadels]. I'm currently taking the time to read the Muslim culture and religion of the Middle East region, not the adapted forms other nations have perceived as the real Muslim faith. Obviously culture and interpretation of Islam, views of women, are different where they have not encountered a nation that pursues and believes in individual rights, liberties, and equality.

All this being said, we need to be vigilant and wise to how these extremists seek to bring harm to this nation. You can't fight an religious ideology mindset that's an inseparable part of their daily life, but that does not mean you have to give up your values to appease theirs ... you never will appease them. We need to protect our own from those who seek to harm us, through tough borders and being observant of terrorist strongholds where they seek to take advantage of our compassion as weakness to infiltration. These terrorists are intelligent, despite what others may believe. If extremists seek to find a weakness in our security to bring harm within the United States (and that is their bottom line they will not quit to achieve), then we need to be wise to those weaknesses terrorists seek to exploit in us. If we turn a blind eye to what their plans are, no American will be safe from their tireless desire to bring devastation on our soil.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

I agree with the rightwing about Islam being a serious problem. Most Muslims are peaceful, but let's face it, we wouldn't be in this age of terror if Islam never existed.

Yes, no terrorism can be stopped, but when it comes to improving national security, civil liberties must he sacrificed. That trade off is just the world we live in.

I would rather live with the thought of being killed by some unknown idiot with a bomb belt or a truck filled with explosives than give up my freedom... The government can not protect you from all acts of terror and how much freedom are you willing to surrender to pretend you are safe in life?
The first thing that everyone should do to stop 'Terrorism' is:


Call it what it really is:


By calling it something other than 'MASS MURDER' we are categorizing it as something else. We are lending some justification to it.

The history of MASS MURDER camouflaged by some political or religious philosophy extends way beyond Islamic extremists. Communists committed MASS MURDER, Fascists committed MASS MURDER, Christians committed MASS MURDER and I'm sure that there's a long, long list of other religious and political philosophies that have been used to justify MASS MURDER.

Yet, none of these religions or philosophies condone MASS MURDER. I'm no expert on Islam but I'm pretty sure that it prohibits MURDER. They need some other classification that justifies MASS MURDER, so we've invented 'TERRORISM' which gives them that justification.
It would be helpful if the Regressive Left would:

1. Stop dishonestly equating modern-day jihadism with modern-day Christianity
2. Stop transparently deflecting to the Crusades or other points of history as a way to dilute current-day jihadist atrocities
3. Stop transparently deflecting to political figures or political issues after every jihadist atrocity
4. Stop attacking anyone who dares to point out jihadist atrocities
5. Start holding Islam accountable for its anti-liberal elements
6. Start expecting Islam to move towards a true and badly-needed Reformation

The Regressive Left has done enough enabling. Children were just slaughtered. It's time to stop spinning for your pet PC constituent religion.

And how would that stop terrorism?

For example, how would it have stopped these attacks, just a handful of the ones that occurred over the last decade:

DC Sniper Allen Muhammad
Richard Poplawski - who went on a rampage and shot 3 Pittsburgh police in 2009
Wade Michael Page - who attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin in 2012.
Aaron Alexis - killed 12 people when he opened fire on the Washington Navy Yard in DC in 2013
Glenn Miller, Jr. - attacked a Jewish community center and retirement community in 2014
Jarad and Amanda Miller - went on a shooting rampage, killed two Las Vegas police officers, said to have held extreme anti-government views, 2014
Chris Harper-Mercer - went on a shooting spree at his college killing 10 people, had anti-religious and white supremacist views, 2014
Dylann Roof - went into a church and shot 9 people, wanting to start a race war, 2015
Terrorists will never be stopped as long as leftists say we have to live with it! That is a loser mentality and plays right into their goals.

So you take that we have to live with it crap and change it into they have to die for it! We should have killed 100 terrorists for every death they caused.
Yes, they are terrorism. Terrorism does not require group involvement. Ever heard of "lone wolf"?

Yes I have, if any of these were from a group, it is possible terrorisim, but not without a background organization. A lone wolf attack is an attack by a single person involved within a larger group of individuals who are part of a Terrorist network. The events you listed were not. They were the acts of deranged individuals. It is funny to me that you liberals can't see how much you resemble a group like the Jim Jones sheep. You are just as indoctrinated, just as dedicated to a false narrative that is completely disproved by historical FACTS. Have a nice day in the flock.
The first thing that everyone should do to stop 'Terrorism' is:


Call it what it really is:


By calling it something other than 'MASS MURDER' we are categorizing it as something else. We are lending some justification to it.

The history of MASS MURDER camouflaged by some political or religious philosophy extends way beyond Islamic extremists. Communists committed MASS MURDER, Fascists committed MASS MURDER, Christians committed MASS MURDER and I'm sure that there's a long, long list of other religious and political philosophies that have been used to justify MASS MURDER.

Yet, none of these religions or philosophies condone MASS MURDER. I'm no expert on Islam but I'm pretty sure that it prohibits MURDER. They need some other classification that justifies MASS MURDER, so we've invented 'TERRORISM' which gives them that justification.

"Yet, none of these religions or philosophies condone MASS MURDER. I'm no expert on Islam but I'm pretty sure that it prohibits MURDER. They need some other classification that justifies MASS MURDER, so we've invented 'TERRORISM' which gives them that justification."

Killing an "infidel" is not murder it is a sanctioned work of Allah to make the entire World Islamic.
End Muslim access to the civilized world. Round them up, send them back do not allow them to come here. Close the mosques. Then treat islam the way the British dealt with the thuggees in India.

Another vote for stripping citizens of their rights, freedoms and citizenship and expelling them to countries they've never set foot in. Great solution for stopping terrorism.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

I agree with the rightwing about Islam being a serious problem. Most Muslims are peaceful, but let's face it, we wouldn't be in this age of terror if Islam never existed.

Yes, no terrorism can be stopped, but when it comes to improving national security, civil liberties must he sacrificed. That trade off is just the world we live in.

I would rather live with the thought of being killed by some unknown idiot with a bomb belt or a truck filled with explosives than give up my freedom... The government can not protect you from all acts of terror and how much freedom are you willing to surrender to pretend you are safe in life?
It isn't about what I want. I'm just pointing out the reality of the trade off.
Terrorists will never be stopped as long as leftists say we have to live with it! That is a loser mentality and plays right into their goals.

So you take that we have to live with it crap and change it into they have to die for it! We should have killed 100 terrorists for every death they caused.

You could try that but in the end it will be 100 of them for 100 of us and we get back to just doing a massive genocide of the human race.

I personally believe acts of terror will never stop no matter Islamic or some other form because it is in our nature to kill each other. Oh you might disagree for a moment but you know it is true, so why not just admit acts of terror is part of society and Islamic Terror will never end seeing they have a hell of a lot of idots in their ranks willing to be the cowards they are and kill our kids...
It would be helpful if the Regressive Left would:

1. Stop dishonestly equating modern-day jihadism with modern-day Christianity
2. Stop transparently deflecting to the Crusades or other points of history as a way to dilute current-day jihadist atrocities
3. Stop transparently deflecting to political figures or political issues after every jihadist atrocity
4. Stop attacking anyone who dares to point out jihadist atrocities
5. Start holding Islam accountable for its anti-liberal elements
6. Start expecting Islam to move towards a true and badly-needed Reformation

The Regressive Left has done enough enabling. Children were just slaughtered. It's time to stop spinning for your pet PC constituent religion.

And how would that stop terrorism?

For example, how would it have stopped these attacks, just a handful of the ones that occurred over the last decade:

DC Sniper Allen Muhammad
Richard Poplawski - who went on a rampage and shot 3 Pittsburgh police in 2009
Wade Michael Page - who attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin in 2012.
Aaron Alexis - killed 12 people when he opened fire on the Washington Navy Yard in DC in 2013
Glenn Miller, Jr. - attacked a Jewish community center and retirement community in 2014
Jarad and Amanda Miller - went on a shooting rampage, killed two Las Vegas police officers, said to have held extreme anti-government views, 2014
Chris Harper-Mercer - went on a shooting spree at his college killing 10 people, had anti-religious and white supremacist views, 2014
Dylann Roof - went into a church and shot 9 people, wanting to start a race war, 2015
The first four words of my post were "it would be helpful". Nothing will stop all terrorism, not in a free society. But deflecting away from the jihadist terrorism that is worldwide doesn't help.
Yes, they are terrorism. Terrorism does not require group involvement. Ever heard of "lone wolf"?

Yes I have, if any of these were from a group, it is possible terrorisim, but not without a background organization. A lone wolf attack is an attack by a single person involved within a larger group of individuals who are part of a Terrorist network. The events you listed were not. They were the acts of deranged individuals. It is funny to me that you liberals can't see how much you resemble a group like the Jim Jones sheep. You are just as indoctrinated, just as dedicated to a false narrative that is completely disproved by historical FACTS. Have a nice day in the flock.

Terrorism does not require a group - in fact, some of the worst events are inviduals with out group membership. The ones influenced by ISIS but not a member of ISIS. The Dylann Roofs and Timothy McVeighs and Omar Mateems who have no memberships to track.
Terrorists will never be stopped as long as leftists say we have to live with it! That is a loser mentality and plays right into their goals.

So you take that we have to live with it crap and change it into they have to die for it! We should have killed 100 terrorists for every death they caused.

No one says that we have to live with it. We're looking for realistic ways to combat terrorism. RW blathering does not help.

If we knew where there were 100 terrorists we would certainly kill them. The problem is in figuring out who is a terrorist and who is not. Or even worst who will become a terrorist sometime in the future.
It would be helpful if the Regressive Left would:

1. Stop dishonestly equating modern-day jihadism with modern-day Christianity
2. Stop transparently deflecting to the Crusades or other points of history as a way to dilute current-day jihadist atrocities
3. Stop transparently deflecting to political figures or political issues after every jihadist atrocity
4. Stop attacking anyone who dares to point out jihadist atrocities
5. Start holding Islam accountable for its anti-liberal elements
6. Start expecting Islam to move towards a true and badly-needed Reformation

The Regressive Left has done enough enabling. Children were just slaughtered. It's time to stop spinning for your pet PC constituent religion.

And how would that stop terrorism?

For example, how would it have stopped these attacks, just a handful of the ones that occurred over the last decade:

DC Sniper Allen Muhammad
Richard Poplawski - who went on a rampage and shot 3 Pittsburgh police in 2009
Wade Michael Page - who attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin in 2012.
Aaron Alexis - killed 12 people when he opened fire on the Washington Navy Yard in DC in 2013
Glenn Miller, Jr. - attacked a Jewish community center and retirement community in 2014
Jarad and Amanda Miller - went on a shooting rampage, killed two Las Vegas police officers, said to have held extreme anti-government views, 2014
Chris Harper-Mercer - went on a shooting spree at his college killing 10 people, had anti-religious and white supremacist views, 2014
Dylann Roof - went into a church and shot 9 people, wanting to start a race war, 2015
The first four words of my post were "it would be helpful". Nothing will stop all terrorism, not in a free society. But deflecting away from the jihadist terrorism that is worldwide doesn't help.

Neither does your frequent labeling of those who object to broad brushing an entire religion as "regressive leftism" in the face of those (to whom you are silent) who are calling for extermination, genocide, expulsions, stripping away of rights and freedoms. None of that is helpful is it?

Neither is it helpful when people make the claims that Islam is inherently violent, historically violent and nothing but violent and omg - bringing up the Crusades in response is taboo.

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