SERIOUSLY? Dem's New Slogan / Message: "Have You Seen The Other Guys?'

This is pretty much what American politics is at this point.

Aren't we proud?

The Democrats have no real, positive message. The hate pushers' new slogan is even a personal attack against Republicans.

This is what a bottomed-out, leaderless political party looks like.
You mean the non-obstructionist, non-'hate'-pushing guys who beat your ass ... again ... and who now control the House, the Senate, and White House?

Hot new Democratic slogan: "I mean, have you seen the other guys?" - Hot Air

A better question for the Democrats is, "Have you seen YOUR guys?"

/---- From the Democrat Party Platform of 1952 - when Dems were patriotic Americans:

Strong National Defense

Our Nation has strengthened its national defenses against the menace of Soviet aggression.

The Democratic Party will continue to stand unequivocally for the strong, balanced defense forces for this country—land, sea and air. We will continue to support the expansion and maintenance of the military and civil defense forces required for our national security. We reject the defeatist view of those who say we cannot afford the expense and effort necessary to defend ourselves. We express our full confidence in the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We voice complete faith in the ability and valor of our armed forces, and pride in their accomplishments.

Government Expenditures
We believe in keeping government expenditures to the lowest practicable level. The great bulk of our national budget consists of obligations incurred for defense purposes. We pledge ourselves to a vigilant review of our expenditures in order to reduce them as much as possible.

Atomic Energy
In the field of atomic energy, we pledge ourselves:

(1) to maintain vigorous and non-partisan civilian administrations, with adequate security safeguards;

(2) to promote the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in the interests of America and mankind;

(3) to build all the atomic and hydrogen firepower needed to defend our country, deter aggression, and promote world peace;

(4) To exert every effort to bring about bona fide international control and inspection of all atomic weapons.

Democratic Party Platforms: 1952 Democratic Party Platform


Under the guidance, protection, and help of Almighty God we shall succeed in bringing to the people of this Nation a better and more rewarding life and to the peoples of the entire world, new hope and a lasting, honorable peace.
Their free stuff that adds more gov. & continually adds more debt & taxes is no longer being accepted. :biggrin:
Mainly people got sick of being controlled and the continual loss of our freedoms in the Constitution.
They have turned into a party of hate & of any ideology other than their own.
People finally got sick of the labeling & divisions.
You mean the non-obstructionist, non-'hate'-pushing guys who beat your ass ... again ... and who now control the House, the Senate, and White House?

Hot new Democratic slogan: "I mean, have you seen the other guys?" - Hot Air

A better question for the Democrats is, "Have you seen YOUR guys?"

/---- From the Democrat Party Platform of 1952 - when Dems were patriotic Americans:

Strong National Defense

Our Nation has strengthened its national defenses against the menace of Soviet aggression.

The Democratic Party will continue to stand unequivocally for the strong, balanced defense forces for this country—land, sea and air. We will continue to support the expansion and maintenance of the military and civil defense forces required for our national security. We reject the defeatist view of those who say we cannot afford the expense and effort necessary to defend ourselves. We express our full confidence in the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We voice complete faith in the ability and valor of our armed forces, and pride in their accomplishments.

Government Expenditures
We believe in keeping government expenditures to the lowest practicable level. The great bulk of our national budget consists of obligations incurred for defense purposes. We pledge ourselves to a vigilant review of our expenditures in order to reduce them as much as possible.

Atomic Energy
In the field of atomic energy, we pledge ourselves:

(1) to maintain vigorous and non-partisan civilian administrations, with adequate security safeguards;

(2) to promote the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in the interests of America and mankind;

(3) to build all the atomic and hydrogen firepower needed to defend our country, deter aggression, and promote world peace;

(4) To exert every effort to bring about bona fide international control and inspection of all atomic weapons.

Democratic Party Platforms: 1952 Democratic Party Platform


Under the guidance, protection, and help of Almighty God we shall succeed in bringing to the people of this Nation a better and more rewarding life and to the peoples of the entire world, new hope and a lasting, honorable peace.

Yep that was the party ,until the P C crowd who loves social democracy, took over in the 60's and started bullying everyone into doing things their way.

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