Shattering Another Liberal Myth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
5. "…repeated like a mantra by the Left: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"

"In other words, not only are illegal immigrants more virtuous than you are….but they're safer to be around!"

6. Government ….Liberals/Democrats….didn't want you to know the truth.

Until now.

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
all that matters to me are the ones that will replace my roof for $450.00
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
all that matters to me are the ones that will replace my roof for $450.00
Does that include clean up?
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
all that matters to me are the ones that will replace my roof for $450.00


“Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
all that matters to me are the ones that will replace my roof for $450.00


“Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
2009 clearly during the Bush presidency...
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
hey, i am not complaining about the 20'something attractive and illegal female mexicans who will clean my house naked.
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
all that matters to me are the ones that will replace my roof for $450.00
Does that include clean up?
i can still remember the 90's where at one of my condos, all I ever heard was the very loud lawn maintenance and roofing noises! drove me nuts!
a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

Estimates vary - but that's about right:
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

Correct and endlessly debunked:
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

Yes, they support local businesses and pay taxes on consumables

Deport them all? Here is the cost:
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes

Anything else? :)
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
hey, i am not complaining about the 20'something attractive and illegal female mexicans who will clean my house naked.
Phone numbers please..

“Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

REALLY? You're going to use fuking Ann Coulter as a factual source?

I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
hey, i am not complaining about the 20'something attractive and illegal female mexicans who will clean my house naked.
Phone numbers please..
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
hey, i am not complaining about the 20'something attractive and illegal female mexicans who will clean my house naked.
Phone numbers please..
I called and Polichic answered..
I'd love be able to claim that this is one of those tales that Liberals live and die by....but....there are so many fables in the Leftist constellations....well....they'll simply pivot to another of 'em

But....this thread will provide a significant revelation.

1. When the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, there are several boilerplate positions parroted by the Left's drones:

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Every one of the above is a bald-faced lie.

Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration, resist strengthening our borders, and pay out huge amounts from the public fisc to support illegals…..and all for one reason alone: illegals do what so very many Americans won't do:

They Vote Democrat.

2. The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

Not anymore!

3. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

4. Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

I'll reveal the actual data.
2010 compiled after the GOP/Bush years...and you want to hang this on just democrats.. Why not lie to yourself about it? The GOP administrations had illegal influxes also and didn't stop it...Thread fail..
hey, i am not complaining about the 20'something attractive and illegal female mexicans who will clean my house naked.
Phone numbers please..
I called and Polichic answered..
I Just called and Joe Biden answered, hmm, maybe I am off a few digits in that number?
a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

Estimates vary - but that's about right:
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

Correct and endlessly debunked:
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

Yes, they support local businesses and pay taxes on consumables

Deport them all? Here is the cost:
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes

Anything else? :)

a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

Estimates vary - but that's about right:
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Amazing what you'll believe.

One need be a dunce to note how porous the borders are, yet the same 11 million figure is accepted every year....for over a decade.

Actually....between 60-80 million.

1. Accepting the 11 million number moves you firmly into the category of 'moron.'

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

2. "... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.
Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade."
How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

There are between 50 million and 80 million illegal aliens living in this country.

That's why you have to press #1 for English, you dope.

3. James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in the United States Department of Justice, writes

"... the U.S. Census Bureau routinely undercounts and then adjusts upward total census numbers of Hispanics and other foreign nationals residing in the United States––counting only, of course, those willing to be counted. For the year 2000, the Census Bureau reported a total U.S. population count of “about 275 million” men, women, and children.

When the states and local governments challenged that number as an undercount, the total was corrected upward to 281.4 million, with no clear count of illegal aliens. The Hispanic 2000 census count was 32.8 million, but on re-count the Census Bureau adjusted this number upward to 35.3 million, a 13 percent increase."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

Increased the totals by 13%!!!

Now....hold on tight....this is gonna involve mathematics, so I may lose you here:

Soooo....if we apply that same 'adjustment' to the fabled 11 million....over a decade of so....we have almost 40 million.

But wait!!!

There's more!
4. Another way to arrive at the numbers of illegals in the country is to base it on the number of apprehensions and escapes.

"The average number of recorded apprehensions of illegal aliens in the United States now hovers at 1.2 million a year [in 2007]. A DHS report, Border Apprehensions: 2005, documented 1.3 million apprehensions in 2005. For the 10-year period (1996–2005), the highest number of apprehensions, 1.8 million, occurred in 2000, and the lowest, 1 million, in 2003. These DHS statistics contradict persistent statements by other government agencies that only 400,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens enter the country each year.

Journeymen Border Patrol agents (on the job five years or more) estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven. That informed estimate would raise the total number of illegal aliens entering the United States in 2003 to 8 million men, women, and children.

He concludes that:

My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports.

5. Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

....and that number is over a decade old!!!!!!

Gettin' nervous?

6. But other Border Patrol agents estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven......which would give a total of nearly 80 million illegals occupying our country.

The number of illegals would be at least.....60-80 million at this time.....permanently residing right here is this country.
a. There are a mere 11 million illegal aliens living in our country

Estimates vary - but that's about right:
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

Correct and endlessly debunked:
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote

c. They pay taxes and are a benefit to our economy

Yes, they support local businesses and pay taxes on consumables

Deport them all? Here is the cost:
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

d. They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes

Anything else? :)

b. Obama didn't tell them to vote, and, anyway….they didn't

Correct and endlessly debunked:
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote it is in his own voice, you dunce:

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself”

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself” is clear in its intended meaning: "Go vote, illegal alien, that act you are as good as a citizen, and thereby eligible to vote."

He's counting on illegals to get the message, and for lying scum to swear he's not saying exactly what he is saying.

Only an imbecile would deny that he sent illegal aliens out to vote.
Raise your paw.
Sorry - not gonna play your stupid games. Stopped reading here:

There are between 50 million and 80 million illegal aliens living in this country.

80 million? So IOW almost one in three Americans is an illegal alien.

See ya - and for the love of God, get some new sources


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