Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Those women are NOTHING like you and I mean NOTHING! This is the point. The more you scream bigot, the more you advertise that you are the bigot. They don't hate, you do. They don't judge, you do. They don't push their lifestyle on people. You do. In every way they prove why they are good friends with me and my wife, but an lying asshole like you could never be.

I don't hate anyone. Okay...sometimes I really hate bicycle riders...not to the point of wanting to hurt them or anything...but wishing flat tires on all of them kind of hate. I don't hate you, I hate your bigotry. You wish to deny me equal rights. I don't wish to deny you equal rights.

I also never ascribed hatred to you, just anti gay bigotry. Yes, I am a bigot. I'm intolerant of intolerance.

You have yet to point out where I have lied.
That you lied is now a foregone conclusion. And that you are intolerant of intolerance means you are self loathing and possibly mentally ill. You hate people with unrivaled passion, anyone who doesn't go along with the fag militia.

She turns every discussion into a gay thread.

You keep making that claim, but have not yet proven it despite being asked to do so. I don't bring up my orientation in unrelated threads...that's usually you or Fishy doing that. A dimestore psychologist might have an opinion on that, but I reserve judgement.

This IS a "gay thread" you know.

LOL, you really can't read, can you? I showed you your quote in a thread that had nothing to do with gays and you started with the "reluctant hypocrite" crap. You did like you are doing here, denying what you said meant what you said. So when are you going to show me the quote I called you a liar? You're such a liar, I never said that.

Which did not bring up my sexual did that yourself in response to that comment.
Except I wasn't. Racists do often claim to have a black best friend. That does not mean that they don't, it just means that they are still racists. I never even implied his story wasn't true, only that it was irrelevant to whether he is an anti gay bigot or not. He clearly still is despite liking a couple of lesbians.
Those women are NOTHING like you and I mean NOTHING! This is the point. The more you scream bigot, the more you advertise that you are the bigot. They don't hate, you do. They don't judge, you do. They don't push their lifestyle on people. You do. In every way they prove why they are good friends with me and my wife, but an lying asshole like you could never be.

I don't hate anyone. Okay...sometimes I really hate bicycle riders...not to the point of wanting to hurt them or anything...but wishing flat tires on all of them kind of hate. I don't hate you, I hate your bigotry. You wish to deny me equal rights. I don't wish to deny you equal rights.

I also never ascribed hatred to you, just anti gay bigotry. Yes, I am a bigot. I'm intolerant of intolerance.

You have yet to point out where I have lied.

You've been presented with your quote calling him a liar numerous times. I want you to show me where I ever called you a liar, liar. I never said that.

I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to him. What is wrong with you?

We've both shown you your quote calling him a liar.

Except that's not where I called him a liar. I did not disbelieve his story about his lesbian friends. I really, truly do believe he has friends who are lesbian.

It also does not make him any less of an anti gay I have stated repeatedly.
It says no such thing. It says I still think he is an anti gay bigot despite liking a couple of lesbians. I never once said that I didn't believe his story, I said that he is still an anti gay bigot. I believe his story to be true, I just don't think it makes him any less of an anti gay bigot. People who say racist things and then say "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" are still racist. Yes, I'm sure they have a friend...someone they like, but they are still racist. Is that clear enough for you to understand?

Bull. You are lying your ass off, you are a liar. When you said, every racist has a black best friend, that was not saying you don't believe him, you actually think every racist has a black best friend.

BTW, I never called you a liar, you can't prove otherwise. What a liar.

Gosh, this is really upsetting you isn't it? I believe his story. I cannot make it any plainer. I believe there are lesbians he likes, just as I believe racists when they say there is a black person they like. They are still racist and St.Mike is still an anti gay bigot.

Going with the Hillary Clinton gambit are you? She was stunned (according to her book) when she found out Clinton got a Monica even though she knew he'd repeatedly cheated on her. She couldn't breathe, she was gasping for breath.

Just like you're not a liar because you actually believe every racist has a black best friend. That's your story, they are telling the truth, so you're not a liar.

I always find lies bizarre that if we believe you, you look worse than if we don't. It's an odd defense. No, I am not guilty of armed robbery, I am guilty of murder!

LOL. You just keep sticking to that story. I'm still waiting for you to show where I ever called your lying ass a liar.

You really like going off on unrelated tangents don't you? ADD?

I never said you called me a liar. The post you are getting your panties in a wad about was a reply to St. Mike, not to poor little victim Kaz.

OMG, and the tears start flowing again. I told you that you should get away from your computer for a while and calm down. This is just an internet political discussion, you need to stop getting so upset. Maybe a wine spritzer would help. But stop crying, it's embarrassing to watch.

What indication are you getting from my posts that I'm upset? Have I called you names? I don't even think I've used any exclamation points. You obviously can't address the actual content of my posts so you deflect with silliness. Have fun.
A church is a business. It makes money selling an intangible product, but it's still a business with employees, a loyal customer base, and an economic interest. There is no reason they should not be subject to government oversight just like any other business, fined for stepping out of line just like any other business, or prevented from discriminating against protected classes just like any other business. Let them keep their churches. Take away their tax dodging privilege and slap them with fines when they misbehave.
Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.
A church is a business.

Not according to PA laws. No State recognizes a church as a business. And virtually all explicitly exempt religious corporations from all PA laws.

There is no reason they should not be subject to government oversight just like any other business, fined for stepping out of line just like any other business, or prevented from discriminating against protected classes just like any other business.

Sure there is: religion is inherently and inexplicably discriminatory. By its very nature, it must discriminate. Be it between Jew and Gentile, sinners and saints, the meek and the proud, those 'Of the Book' and those 'Not of the Book', those enlightened and those not. Religion can't function without the capacity for discrimination. And yet religion is clearly constitutional.

In a contest between discrimination and religion, religion wins hands down.
Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.

Just go to Silo's old thread on California removing Prop 8 from its books if you want a preview of the panty shitting hysterics you'll see when and if gay marriage is protected by the courts.

Expect endless babble about 'treason' and 'tyranny' and 'coups' and 'judicial fiat' and 'traitors' with heavy dallops of chickenshit references to 'civil wars' and threats of violence against gays for not 'sitting down and shutting the fuck up'.

Thuggery tends to lose its thin veneer of pseudo-legal shellack when the courts expressly contradict its reasoning. Batshit crazy certainly does.
  • Thanks
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Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.

Just go to Silo's old thread on California removing Prop 8 from its books if you want a preview of the panty shitting hysterics you'll see when and if gay marriage is protected by the courts.

Expect endless babble about 'treason' and 'tyranny' and 'coups' and 'judicial fiat' and 'traitors' with heavy dallops of chickenshit references to 'civil wars' and threats of violence against gays for not 'sitting down and shutting the fuck up'.

Thuggery tends to lose its thin veneer of pseudo-legal shellack when the courts expressly contradict its reasoning. Batshit crazy certainly does.

I've read through that hot mess of a thread. How any rationale person could take Sil's predictions or wild legal interpretations seriously is truly mind boggling. Apparently gay marriage is still banned in California because...well...ummm...Sil said so. lol

Is that the same thread where if gays do not back off they'll "make hate crimes look like picnics" or something?
Which is a lie. You manufactured a lie to sell to the public.

The irony of Silhouette complaining that someone else is a

As she lies her ass off in every thread.

Like she lies about her supposed 'poll'.

No one is forcing churches to marry anyone it doesn't want to- nor should they- nor will they.

Just a lie promoted by the homophobic bigots.
Bull. You are lying your ass off, you are a liar. When you said, every racist has a black best friend, that was not saying you don't believe him, you actually think every racist has a black best friend.

BTW, I never called you a liar, you can't prove otherwise. What a liar.

Gosh, this is really upsetting you isn't it? I believe his story. I cannot make it any plainer. I believe there are lesbians he likes, just as I believe racists when they say there is a black person they like. They are still racist and St.Mike is still an anti gay bigot.

Going with the Hillary Clinton gambit are you? She was stunned (according to her book) when she found out Clinton got a Monica even though she knew he'd repeatedly cheated on her. She couldn't breathe, she was gasping for breath.

Just like you're not a liar because you actually believe every racist has a black best friend. That's your story, they are telling the truth, so you're not a liar.

I always find lies bizarre that if we believe you, you look worse than if we don't. It's an odd defense. No, I am not guilty of armed robbery, I am guilty of murder!

LOL. You just keep sticking to that story. I'm still waiting for you to show where I ever called your lying ass a liar.

You really like going off on unrelated tangents don't you? ADD?

I never said you called me a liar. The post you are getting your panties in a wad about was a reply to St. Mike, not to poor little victim Kaz.

OMG, and the tears start flowing again. I told you that you should get away from your computer for a while and calm down. This is just an internet political discussion, you need to stop getting so upset. Maybe a wine spritzer would help. But stop crying, it's embarrassing to watch.

What indication are you getting from my posts that I'm upset? Have I called you names? I don't even think I've used any exclamation points. You obviously can't address the actual content of my posts so you deflect with silliness. Have fun.
You're bleeding all over the thread. It's actually quite embarassing. Have some dignity, will you?
Gosh, this is really upsetting you isn't it? I believe his story. I cannot make it any plainer. I believe there are lesbians he likes, just as I believe racists when they say there is a black person they like. They are still racist and St.Mike is still an anti gay bigot.

Going with the Hillary Clinton gambit are you? She was stunned (according to her book) when she found out Clinton got a Monica even though she knew he'd repeatedly cheated on her. She couldn't breathe, she was gasping for breath.

Just like you're not a liar because you actually believe every racist has a black best friend. That's your story, they are telling the truth, so you're not a liar.

I always find lies bizarre that if we believe you, you look worse than if we don't. It's an odd defense. No, I am not guilty of armed robbery, I am guilty of murder!

LOL. You just keep sticking to that story. I'm still waiting for you to show where I ever called your lying ass a liar.

You really like going off on unrelated tangents don't you? ADD?

I never said you called me a liar. The post you are getting your panties in a wad about was a reply to St. Mike, not to poor little victim Kaz.

OMG, and the tears start flowing again. I told you that you should get away from your computer for a while and calm down. This is just an internet political discussion, you need to stop getting so upset. Maybe a wine spritzer would help. But stop crying, it's embarrassing to watch.

What indication are you getting from my posts that I'm upset? Have I called you names? I don't even think I've used any exclamation points. You obviously can't address the actual content of my posts so you deflect with silliness. Have fun.
You're bleeding all over the thread. It's actually quite embarassing. Have some dignity, will you?

Oh can I just use that as a response to all of your posts? It is so apt for you

You're bleeding all over the thread. It's actually quite embarrassing. Have some dignity, will you?
The history..
Logic is wasted here. I've seen the quote, it's perfectly obvious what you said, but Kaz and Mike NEED it to be something else. The Chicken Littles on this thread haven't had a good point in thirty pages and they know it.... No one cares about any of this USMB High drama.

Ah yes, another veiled plea to moderators to "shut this thread down!!". For "nobody caring" about "any of this USMB High drama", it's odd that this thread has 58,000 views, 7,000 replies, sports the most popular poll in USMB history and keeps on getting new votes on that poll pretty much daily, if not every other day, certainly weekly. It registers high in search engines and has brought quite a lot of advertising revenue to this site. So, once again, facts fly in the face of LGBT smoke-and-mirrors assertions to the opposite. And that being said, with all the lawsuits against individual christians going forward and sticking, assurances from the LGBT crowd that congregations of individual christians (churches) "will not be sued" are worth exactly as much as Paperman's comments above that "nobody cares about this thread"......(So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Make these mean "It" go away..) :itsok:

The kind of thing I'm about to point out to you usually comes with a lot of mean-spirited jabs at the other person's intelligence, and I'd appreciate if you took notice that I'm not doing that.

You have misread my post. No problem, I've done the same thing. If you look again, you'll see that I'm only talking about this "who lied" spat between Kaz, Mike, and Seawytch. I am not saying the thread is not popular or interesting to people, which obviously it is.

What and who pray tell were you referring to as "The Chicken Littles of this thread"? You know damn well its me and any other poster either legitimately opposed to the Gay Agenda or role-playing a "gay basher" to ramp up sympathy for your cause (you know, since lucid rebuttal and the old choreographed flame-war to lock the threads away routine isn't working for you anymore).

A Chicken Little is a person who is being accused of getting uptight about a danger that ostensibly doesn't exist. There was no actual spat. St. Mike is on your team. What you really, actually meant was a lie. You were lying saying this thread wasn't popular and that its points and data are not compelling. You said the "Chicken Littles" (christians concerned about gays suing churches to accomodate gay weddings) "hadn't had a good point in 30 pages here"..

Which is a lie. You manufactured a lie to sell to the public. Which is precisely why the public becomes concerned when you and your "creative/flexible" ilk tell us we should not expect congregations of individual christians (also known as "churches") will be forced to peform "gay weddings". We know you are lying..

What you are doing in your last post is clear evidence of your cult's penchant for "artful historical revisionism"

It's ironic you'd accuse me of "historical revisionism" when you keep editing my posts to say what you want them to say. Here's the most pertinent slice of what you cut out this time:

And guys [meaning Kaz and Mike]. Pro tip: no one gets this wildly defensive when someone dismisses their "I have X minority friend" claim except bigots (yes, even Native Americans can still be bigots). No one. So dry those tears ya'll. Pull yourselves together. No one cares about any of this USMB High drama.

So does it look now like I'm talking about the whole thread in that last paragraph, or Kaz and Mike's ongoing hysterics?

Now, when I asked before why interracial marriage wasn't forced on churches after the Loving decision, you said that basically, people just accepted it on their own. So you're claiming churches then and now all freely administer interracial weddings, correct? Essentially, that overt racism is gone from the church?
Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.

Just go to Silo's old thread on California removing Prop 8 from its books if you want a preview of the panty shitting hysterics you'll see when and if gay marriage is protected by the courts.

Expect endless babble about 'treason' and 'tyranny' and 'coups' and 'judicial fiat' and 'traitors' with heavy dallops of chickenshit references to 'civil wars' and threats of violence against gays for not 'sitting down and shutting the fuck up'.

Thuggery tends to lose its thin veneer of pseudo-legal shellack when the courts expressly contradict its reasoning. Batshit crazy certainly does.

I've read through that hot mess of a thread. How any rationale person could take Sil's predictions or wild legal interpretations seriously is truly mind boggling. Apparently gay marriage is still banned in California because...well...ummm...Sil said so. lol

Is that the same thread where if gays do not back off they'll "make hate crimes look like picnics" or something?

No, Silo has never made such a claim. My bad if my post inferred as much. Silo is many things. But thuggishly violent isn't one of them.

That was Where_r_my_keys. Backed by St. Mikey who said, and I quote 'even Jesus went on a rampage' when defending threats of violence against gays.

You can't make this shit up.
Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.

Just go to Silo's old thread on California removing Prop 8 from its books if you want a preview of the panty shitting hysterics you'll see when and if gay marriage is protected by the courts.

Expect endless babble about 'treason' and 'tyranny' and 'coups' and 'judicial fiat' and 'traitors' with heavy dallops of chickenshit references to 'civil wars' and threats of violence against gays for not 'sitting down and shutting the fuck up'.

Thuggery tends to lose its thin veneer of pseudo-legal shellack when the courts expressly contradict its reasoning. Batshit crazy certainly does.

I've read through that hot mess of a thread. How any rationale person could take Sil's predictions or wild legal interpretations seriously is truly mind boggling. Apparently gay marriage is still banned in California because...well...ummm...Sil said so. lol

Is that the same thread where if gays do not back off they'll "make hate crimes look like picnics" or something?

No, Silo has never made such a claim. My bad if my post inferred as much. Silo is many things. But thuggishly violent isn't one of them.

That was Where_r_my_keys. Backed by St. Mikey who said, and I quote 'even Jesus went on a rampage' when defending threats of violence against gays.

You can't make this shit up.

I know. Silo may be silly and overly dramatic but threatening and/or violent she is not. I disagree with most of her posts but I respect the fact that she remains mostly civil.
Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.

Just go to Silo's old thread on California removing Prop 8 from its books if you want a preview of the panty shitting hysterics you'll see when and if gay marriage is protected by the courts.

Expect endless babble about 'treason' and 'tyranny' and 'coups' and 'judicial fiat' and 'traitors' with heavy dallops of chickenshit references to 'civil wars' and threats of violence against gays for not 'sitting down and shutting the fuck up'.

Thuggery tends to lose its thin veneer of pseudo-legal shellack when the courts expressly contradict its reasoning. Batshit crazy certainly does.

I've read through that hot mess of a thread. How any rationale person could take Sil's predictions or wild legal interpretations seriously is truly mind boggling. Apparently gay marriage is still banned in California because...well...ummm...Sil said so. lol

Is that the same thread where if gays do not back off they'll "make hate crimes look like picnics" or something?

No, Silo has never made such a claim. My bad if my post inferred as much. Silo is many things. But thuggishly violent isn't one of them.

That was Where_r_my_keys. Backed by St. Mikey who said, and I quote 'even Jesus went on a rampage' when defending threats of violence against gays.

You can't make this shit up.

I know. Silo may be silly and overly dramatic but threatening and/or violent she is not. I disagree with most of her posts but I respect the fact that she remains mostly civil.

Agreed- Sil is mostly civil and mostly delusional, but unlike say Greenboy or Keys, never advocating violence towards homosexuals.
Bull. You are lying your ass off, you are a liar. When you said, every racist has a black best friend, that was not saying you don't believe him, you actually think every racist has a black best friend.

BTW, I never called you a liar, you can't prove otherwise. What a liar.

Gosh, this is really upsetting you isn't it? I believe his story. I cannot make it any plainer. I believe there are lesbians he likes, just as I believe racists when they say there is a black person they like. They are still racist and St.Mike is still an anti gay bigot.

Going with the Hillary Clinton gambit are you? She was stunned (according to her book) when she found out Clinton got a Monica even though she knew he'd repeatedly cheated on her. She couldn't breathe, she was gasping for breath.

Just like you're not a liar because you actually believe every racist has a black best friend. That's your story, they are telling the truth, so you're not a liar.

I always find lies bizarre that if we believe you, you look worse than if we don't. It's an odd defense. No, I am not guilty of armed robbery, I am guilty of murder!

LOL. You just keep sticking to that story. I'm still waiting for you to show where I ever called your lying ass a liar.

You really like going off on unrelated tangents don't you? ADD?

I never said you called me a liar. The post you are getting your panties in a wad about was a reply to St. Mike, not to poor little victim Kaz.

OMG, and the tears start flowing again. I told you that you should get away from your computer for a while and calm down. This is just an internet political discussion, you need to stop getting so upset. Maybe a wine spritzer would help. But stop crying, it's embarrassing to watch.

What indication are you getting from my posts that I'm upset? Have I called you names? I don't even think I've used any exclamation points. You obviously can't address the actual content of my posts so you deflect with silliness. Have fun.

My God, you are dense. You really can't think logically or follow a conversation at all
I know. Silo may be silly and overly dramatic but threatening and/or violent she is not. I disagree with most of her posts but I respect the fact that she remains mostly civil.

Thanks. And most people who disagree with "gay marriage" and the Gay Agenda in general are also not thuggish folk. They simple feel, know, believe and like me, have studied about how it is wrong and harmful to society.

You keep your private lives private. But do not demand they become part of the inherited fabric of society.

But we've wandered away from talking about how if individual christians can be sued, congregations of them (churches) most certainly are next.
Gosh, this is really upsetting you isn't it? I believe his story. I cannot make it any plainer. I believe there are lesbians he likes, just as I believe racists when they say there is a black person they like. They are still racist and St.Mike is still an anti gay bigot.

Going with the Hillary Clinton gambit are you? She was stunned (according to her book) when she found out Clinton got a Monica even though she knew he'd repeatedly cheated on her. She couldn't breathe, she was gasping for breath.

Just like you're not a liar because you actually believe every racist has a black best friend. That's your story, they are telling the truth, so you're not a liar.

I always find lies bizarre that if we believe you, you look worse than if we don't. It's an odd defense. No, I am not guilty of armed robbery, I am guilty of murder!

LOL. You just keep sticking to that story. I'm still waiting for you to show where I ever called your lying ass a liar.

You really like going off on unrelated tangents don't you? ADD?

I never said you called me a liar. The post you are getting your panties in a wad about was a reply to St. Mike, not to poor little victim Kaz.

OMG, and the tears start flowing again. I told you that you should get away from your computer for a while and calm down. This is just an internet political discussion, you need to stop getting so upset. Maybe a wine spritzer would help. But stop crying, it's embarrassing to watch.

What indication are you getting from my posts that I'm upset? Have I called you names? I don't even think I've used any exclamation points. You obviously can't address the actual content of my posts so you deflect with silliness. Have fun.

My God, you are dense. You really can't think logically or follow a conversation at all

I'm following the conversation just fine...obviously or you and St. Mike wouldn't be attempting to deflect with your personal insults.

Out of bullets and throwing the gun I see. :lol:
Nobody wants this thread to be shut down drama queen. This thread has become a glorious repository of dramatic pearl-clutching, abject fear-peddling, and, rank desperation from the self-righteous social conservatives. They are losing their anti-gay crusade on almost every front so I suspect they will become more unhinged in the following months. The desperation of which I speak of is beautifully displayed every time Sil tries to claim that this poll means that 80% of the respondents also disapprove of gay marriage even though the vast and overwhelming majority that support gay marriage also voted that the church has every right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.

Just go to Silo's old thread on California removing Prop 8 from its books if you want a preview of the panty shitting hysterics you'll see when and if gay marriage is protected by the courts.

Expect endless babble about 'treason' and 'tyranny' and 'coups' and 'judicial fiat' and 'traitors' with heavy dallops of chickenshit references to 'civil wars' and threats of violence against gays for not 'sitting down and shutting the fuck up'.

Thuggery tends to lose its thin veneer of pseudo-legal shellack when the courts expressly contradict its reasoning. Batshit crazy certainly does.

I've read through that hot mess of a thread. How any rationale person could take Sil's predictions or wild legal interpretations seriously is truly mind boggling. Apparently gay marriage is still banned in California because...well...ummm...Sil said so. lol

Is that the same thread where if gays do not back off they'll "make hate crimes look like picnics" or something?

No, Silo has never made such a claim. My bad if my post inferred as much. Silo is many things. But thuggishly violent isn't one of them.

That was Where_r_my_keys. Backed by St. Mikey who said, and I quote 'even Jesus went on a rampage' when defending threats of violence against gays.

You can't make this shit up.

I know. Silo may be silly and overly dramatic but threatening and/or violent she is not. I disagree with most of her posts but I respect the fact that she remains mostly civil.

Agreed- Sil is mostly civil and mostly delusional, but unlike say Greenboy or Keys, never advocating violence towards homosexuals.

She has however, just like Greenbean and Keys, repeatedly implied that gays are akin to pedophiles.

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