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Should Darrell Issa face consequences for Benghazi BS?

You mean like Billy Boy Clinton when he was IMPEACHED. Remember how you all called for him to be run out on rail?

losers and whiners

sit down. you're minority now. You don't get to call for or demand anything
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I'm not sure how much all of his tomfoolery cost the American taxpayers, or how many lies he told, but surely these are substantial in number.

Should Issa face fraud charges? Should he help chip in on paying back the millions wasted?

Republicans are always talking up personal responsibility. Will they follow through on the rhetoric in Issa's case?

Wow, Truman...really? It's patently obvious that the Obama White House both lied about what happened at Benghazi and then conspired to cover up what happened at Benghazi. It took a lawsuit by Judicial Watch to obtain the Ben Rhodes email to Susan Rice that illustrates exactly what happened back then...an email that the Obama Administration deliberately reclassified to hide from Congressional investigators. Yet you now want to blame Issa for the cost of an investigation that lasted as long as it did simply because the Obama White House wasn't forthcoming? Really?

So obvious, that no wrong doing was noted in the latest report on the matter.

Did you actually read the report, Cabbie? It exonerates the Intelligence community but does little to exonerate the Obama White House. They still lied to the American people about this. They still reclassified documents to hide the cover-up that took place. That hasn't changed one bit.

Yes, I read the damn report. Nowhere in that report was any mention made of Obama doing ANYTHING wrong. Please remove your head from your ass! If Obama had so much as SNEEZED wrong, he would have been impeached.

I value you the legitimacy of this report, because Republicans are the ones that reached this conclusion.

Now, please just shut up about it - there is no goddamned great impeachment pumpkin!
You mean like Billy Boy Clinton when he was IMPEACHED. Remember know you all called for him to be run out on rail?

you people are losers and whiners

sit down. you're minority now. You don't get to call for or demand anything

Not really certain what you are saying here, Steph.


We are the ones whining???


^^^ Sore spot, huh? LOL!
I never said Obama should be impeached over Benghazi. All Benghazi illustrates is how dishonest this administration is with the American people and how laughable Obama's promise to be the most transparent administration EVER has turned out to be.
Benghazi was never an Obama problem in the first place, Cabbie. The decisions that led to the deaths of those four men were made by Hillary Clinton. Barry (as usual) didn't have a clue about what was happening.
I never said Obama should be impeached over Benghazi. All Benghazi illustrates is how dishonest this administration is with the American people and how laughable Obama's promise to be the most transparent administration EVER has turned out to be.

No, all that Benghazi was indicative of, was the fact the Republicans will leave no stone un-turned and stoop to no level, where vilifying the POTUS is concerned.

If only they could apply just a fraction of that energy towards forwarding their own agenda.
Issa is in my top ten evil mofo list. He has a history.

Is that what the kids are calling a criminal past these days, a "history"? ;)

I really want to stick with what he has done after having been elected with this guy.
Then why are you bringing up his alleged history?

This will be the third time that I have repeated this. His history since he has been elected. Really. It's not that hard. It isn't alleged. It's right there. What I won't do or participate in is the history prior to that because it will resort to finger pointing and it will ignore the fine work that he has accomplished with the Post Office and that would let the Democrats off the hook.

See, what I'm getting at here?

You would if you investigated him.

Investigation involves looking at independent sources of information, not reading hit-pieces designed to malign his reputation.

You have no knowledge of either. Interestingly enough you are willing to defend that which you don't know. You have no argument currently. You have no debate currently.
the left is so predictable. so we now have five threads running on this they are so desperate for anything, NO matter an innocent American civilian was killed


And another thing about that Benghazi report…
posted at 11:01 am on November 23, 2014 by Noah Rothman
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence’s final report on the 2012 Benghazi attack has restored the left’s swagger. The report, from which a variety of news organizations are deriving the headline “No intelligence failure in Benghazi attack,” largely exonerates the CIA for their role in that deadly attack and clears the White House of the charge that it intentionally misled the public in the days and weeks following that attack.
“House Republicans have insisted that it is a conspiracy,” Rachel Maddow said after throwing out the rundown on Friday to indulge her audience’s egos. “President Obama must have wanted those Americans to be killed. Hillary Clinton somehow ensured that they would be killed. It’s all some sort of crazy cover up.”
How crude.

Writing for Mother Jones, the slightly more thoughtful liberal Kevin Drum fulfilled his desire to indulge in self-congratulations with a touch less condescension. “Their exoneration of the White House was sweeping and nearly absolute,” Drum wrote of the HPSCI’s report. “Late on a Friday afternoon, when it would get the least attention, a Republican-led committee finally admitted that every single Benghazi conspiracy theory was false.”

In a way, the HSPCI report is helpful in that it does dispel for good and for all some of the more offensive theories surrounding that night, the most inflammatory of which centered on the notion that there was a “stand down” order given to first responders. In fact, the personnel at the CIA annex did wait for at least 21 minutes in order to acquire a broader situational awareness before responding to the ongoing attack. While this was a costly delay, it was not the result of a political decision and likely not the result of an order from either Tripoli or Langley.

Another finding that the left can with some accuracy claim leaves conservatives with egg on their face is the commission’s findings that former United Nations Amb. Susan Rice’s “talking points” involving the attack were altered repeatedly not due to the input of White House political personnel, but because of intelligence officials.

The HSPCI’s findings indicate that the CIA believed that a video was responsible for spontaneous protests that accelerated out of control and only officially revised their position on September 24, 2012 after acquiring closed-circuit television footage from the Benghazi outpost which revealed no protests had materialized. Rice appeared on five Sunday morning talk shows to discuss that attack on September 18, six days before the CIA officially revised its position on those protests.

Now, as Jazz Shaw noted, this report leads the readers to believe that “mistakes were made” in the creation of those talking points, but those mistakes were not the result of an “intelligence failure.” This, despite the fact that an intelligence failure quite clearly led Rice – and White House advisor Ben Rhodes and the State Department’s Victoria Nuland, et al — to believe this attack was something it was not.

Moreover, The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway observed, if the CIA can miss a coordinated, combined assault on a diplomatic facility and a clandestine outpost conducted by al-Qaeda-linked operatives in a city like Benghazi planned for September 11th and still be cleared of culpability for an intelligence failure, the bar to judge the CIA’s efficacy is set far too low.

But what the left will seek to focus on is not the report but on the center-right media’s coverage of the Benghazi scandal which they will insist is now well behind us (despite the fact that the House Select Committee on Benghazi led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has not yet released its findings).

In fact, the HPSCI’s report debunks a lot of reporting that did not originate on the right.
all of it here:
And another thing about that Benghazi report 8230 Hot Air
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?
Benghazi was never an Obama problem in the first place, Cabbie. The decisions that led to the deaths of those four men were made by Hillary Clinton. Barry (as usual) didn't have a clue about what was happening.

This would be incorrect as well. If there was poor judgement, any cover up, or failure to act on Hillary's part, why was it not even mentioned in the report?

You guys are pathetic and really reaching to continue this sad display of exploitation.

You are the ones politicizing this even for political gain - shame on everyone who had had a hand in this - you are a bunch of lying assholes.
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?

Exactly. just amazing people still stand up to make excuse and protect his lying. we have the IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, and the list is so frikken LONG it's sickening these people still covering his ass
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?

The only "evidence" you have of "Berry" lying, is more concocted bullshit.

Time to reevaluate exactly how susceptible you and your constitutes are to swallowing propaganda.

To me, that's the fascism that you on the right, so readily hand out like Halloween candy.
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?

The only "evidence" you have of "Berry" lying, is more concocted bullshit.

Time to reevaluate exactly how susceptible you and your constitutes are to swallowing propaganda.

To me, that's the fascism that you on the right, so readily hand out like Halloween candy.

Wow, can't believe you're actually going to claim that Obama hasn't lied repeatedly to the American people, Cabbie! But then to accuse me of being a "fascist" because I point out those lies? You're embarrassing yourself here today...
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?

Exactly. just amazing people still stand up to make excuse and protect his lying. we have the IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, and the list is so frikken LONG it's sickening these people still covering his ass

What about people like yourself who willingly and gleefully, swallow any and every bullshit scandal that comes down the pike - hook, line and sinker?

That's equally amazing, especially when you completely ignore reality in order to buy into it.
One of the problems that liberals have, Cabbie is that they have people like Jonathon Gruber who can't help themselves and brag about how they got what they wanted by telling those lies.
Okay...let me try to understand.

A POTUS who is a known liar desperate to get re-elected did nothing worthy of investigation, in the terrible events known as Benghazi. A POTUS who blamed a video and refuses to explain his actions during the event, must be telling the truth. And not only that, but Issa should face consequences for investigating the event.

Now that is some screwed up thinking.

It is as if we Americans are living under the Stasi.

Okay...let me try to understand.

A POTUS who is a known liar desperate to get re-elected did nothing worthy of investigation, in the terrible events known as Benghazi. A POTUS who blamed a video and refuses to explain his actions during the event, must be telling the truth. And not only that, but Issa should face consequences for investigating the event.

Now that is some screwed up thinking.

It is as if we Americans are living under the Stasi.

What do you mean "explain his actions?" You still buying into that horseshit that he went back to sleep?

Oh, brother, get a "grip."

Please tell me exactly what BO did during the event?

I'm on my cell phone waiting in line at the cab stand. I can't post a link, but within one hour of the attack, he was meeting with Leon Panetta, descussing how to handle this. Obama told him to use whatever resources where nessesary.

By the way, this attack started at about 10 PM in Libya, but in DC, it was early afternoon! Just google the info, why do you need me to do it?

Exactly...it was afternoon in DC. BO was in the WH. Spoke with Penata one time....then off the radar....and he did nothing more. Then went early the next morning to a campaign event in Vegas.

Actually I heard he was busy in the oval office, getting a BJ from Al Sharpton.

Ah the Vegas false narrative. If the President went early the next morning to Vegas, how did he give the Rose Garden speech?

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya The White House
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?

Exactly. just amazing people still stand up to make excuse and protect his lying. we have the IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, and the list is so frikken LONG it's sickening these people still covering his ass

What about people like yourself who willingly and gleefully, swallow any and every bullshit scandal that comes down the pike - hook, line and sinker?

That's equally amazing, especially when you completely ignore reality in order to buy into it.

You sound like the serial philanderer who after being caught cheating for the umpteenth time accuses his wife of always looking for things to fight about.
Well gee, Cabbie...if Barry didn't have such a record of lying to the American people then anyone trying to "vilify" him wouldn't have such an easy time of it...would they?

The only "evidence" you have of "Berry" lying, is more concocted bullshit.

Time to reevaluate exactly how susceptible you and your constitutes are to swallowing propaganda.

To me, that's the fascism that you on the right, so readily hand out like Halloween candy.

Wow, can't believe you're actually going to claim that Obama hasn't lied repeatedly to the American people, Cabbie! But then to accuse me of being a "fascist" because I point out those lies? You're embarrassing yourself here today...

Correct, I'm saying that he has not. Has he been wrong? Yes, but that is not, nor does it constitute, "lying."

Lying is a word used to describe a deliberate attempt to deceive; furthermore, it has to be more than someone's "opinion" that that was the case.

Please post one (1) of these deliberate lies. Go right ahead - not fifty, not a thousand, that's just an attempt to not have to focus. NAME ONE.

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