Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 64.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Fuck Obama

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Fuck Donald

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters
This is the problem with leftists.......they have to lie to themselves... she will eventually announce that she's running

Moron, will you admit needing to lie to yourself when she (Hillary) won't?
It's not a lie either way. The definition of a lie is saying something you know not to be true.

Just face it, numbnuts.......

.....she's already said she wants to beat Trump again......and you probably think she's kidding.
Terrorists who oppress and murder innocent people should never sleep soundly, knowing that we will completely destroy them. These savage monsters will not escape their fate and they will not escape the final judgement of God.
Who was killed on Obama'a order -- which demonstrates you're an imbecile for thinking Obama wouldn't have given this order.


We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama
UPDATED: 04:34 EDT, 15 January 2009
We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama | Daily Mail Online


"At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission, according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August 21. The Daily Caller has seen a portion of the chapter in which the stunning revelation appears."

"In “Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him,” Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the “kill” mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March. Obama’s close adviser Valerie Jarrett persuaded him to hold off each time, according to the book."

Book bombshell: Obama canceled Bin Laden ‘kill’ raid three times at Jarrett’s urging
Nice revisionist history

What you can’t bear is that the Great Obama killed bin Laden
"holy crap...its Mad Dog Mattis" - Trump, the 1st time he met Mattis...Mad Dog answered: "who are you?"
Who was killed on Obama'a order -- which demonstrates you're an imbecile for thinking Obama wouldn't have given this order.


We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama
UPDATED: 04:34 EDT, 15 January 2009
We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama | Daily Mail Online


"At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission, according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August 21. The Daily Caller has seen a portion of the chapter in which the stunning revelation appears."

"In “Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him,” Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the “kill” mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March. Obama’s close adviser Valerie Jarrett persuaded him to hold off each time, according to the book."

Book bombshell: Obama canceled Bin Laden ‘kill’ raid three times at Jarrett’s urging
Nice revisionist history

What you can’t bear is that the Great Obama killed bin Laden

I was thrilled when I heard he had been killed.

What has been revised?
I just would like to know why WAPO didn't write Bin Laden's eulogy: Father of five dies unfortunately while thieves invaded his home.
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Trumps ass was on the line, just like Obama’s
If the raid was a disaster, the President would take the blame

Just ask Jimmy Carter
Obama blamed Benghazi on a disgusting video.

And the left bought it.

Nah, the talking heads at Faux news/GOP Headquarters purposefully conflated the talking points the Obama Administration put out between the riot at the embassy in Cairo and the extremists who attacked the compound in Benghazi. Folks who parrot this line still are in denial But it did provide the context for the years of fruitless GOP investigations whose ulterior motive appears to have been to politically damage Hillary.
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Trumps ass was on the line, just like Obama’s
If the raid was a disaster, the President would take the blame

Just ask Jimmy Carter
Obama blamed Benghazi on a disgusting video.

And the left bought it.

Nah, the talking heads at Faux news/GOP Headquarters purposefully conflated the talking points the Obama Administration put out between the riot at the embassy in Cairo and the extremists who attacked the compound in Benghazi. Folks who parrot this line still are in denial But it did provide the context for the years of fruitless GOP investigations whose ulterior motive appears to have been to politically damage Hillary.
blamed on a video. all over the internet, Fox news is not needed to confirm. it. how often do you clean out the rocks from your teeth when you come up for air?
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Trumps ass was on the line, just like Obama’s
If the raid was a disaster, the President would take the blame

Just ask Jimmy Carter
Obama blamed Benghazi on a disgusting video.

And the left bought it.

Nah, the talking heads at Faux news/GOP Headquarters purposefully conflated the talking points the Obama Administration put out between the riot at the embassy in Cairo and the extremists who attacked the compound in Benghazi. Folks who parrot this line still are in denial But it did provide the context for the years of fruitless GOP investigations whose ulterior motive appears to have been to politically damage Hillary.
blamed on a video. all over the internet, Fox news is not needed to confirm. it. how often do you clean out the rocks from your teeth when you come up for air?

Conflated by the propaganda masters.

"RICE: Well, Jake, first of all, it's important to know that there's an FBI investigation that has begun and will take some time to be completed. That will tell us with certainty what transpired.

But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous -- not a premeditated -- response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We'll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that's the best information we have at present."

'This Week' Transcript: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice

We know the investigation said there was no protest like in Cairo but the extremest certainly came with heavy weapons.
Quote of the day, SWAT TV series S3 E4

"Where I come from, people with badges don't protect killers"
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Trumps ass was on the line, just like Obama’s
If the raid was a disaster, the President would take the blame

Just ask Jimmy Carter
Obama blamed Benghazi on a disgusting video.

And the left bought it.

Trump claimed he was always against the Iraqi war.

And the right bought it.

And all of the rest of Trump's lies.
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Trumps ass was on the line, just like Obama’s
If the raid was a disaster, the President would take the blame

Just ask Jimmy Carter
Obama blamed Benghazi on a disgusting video.

And the left bought it.

Trump claimed he was always against the Iraqi war.

And the right bought it.

And all of the rest of Trump's lies.
you'll never figure it out. why do you keep trying? why can't you just accept his supporters exist and move on to channeling efforts to beat us?
I just would like to know why WAPO didn't write Bin Laden's eulogy: Father of five dies unfortunately while thieves invaded his home.

Well we all know how Fox would write it:

Bin Laden ruthlessly murdered at President Obama's orders.
Sources say that Bin Laden was murdered as part of a cover up of Obama's Kenyan birthplace.
I just would like to know why WAPO didn't write Bin Laden's eulogy: Father of five dies unfortunately while thieves invaded his home.

Well we all know how Fox would write it:

Bin Laden ruthlessly murdered at President Obama's orders.
Sources say that Bin Laden was murdered as part of a cover up of Obama's Kenyan birthplace.
well we know WAPO didn't. yet, hmmmmmmmmm baghdadi got one. what's the difference? you won't answer, I get it. it places you in a corner.
I just would like to know why WAPO didn't write Bin Laden's eulogy: Father of five dies unfortunately while thieves invaded his home.

Well we all know how Fox would write it:

Bin Laden ruthlessly murdered at President Obama's orders.
Sources say that Bin Laden was murdered as part of a cover up of Obama's Kenyan birthplace.
Wow, what a fucking moron. Google is your friend. You can easily search and find how it was covered by any news agency and disprove your delusions. I know facts and liberalism are like oil and water, but do try or go post in the gardening forum.
Obama took all the credit in his way:


He should be given credit for giving the go on the operation that killed him just as Obama should be given credit for doing the same on the Bin Laden operation. It's not like either man was on the ground leading the raid but they were the CIC at the time green-lighted them.
Barack Obama's statement was carefully crafted to paint a narrative that made him a central figure of the events leading up to bin Laden's death. Obama's goal was to make him synonymous with the death of bin Laden the year before he would face the voters again. He mentioned himself several times: “Tonight, I can report... I directed Leon Panetta… I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden… I met repeatedly with my national security team… I determined that we had enough intelligence…” It was all about him and what he did. He nearly broke his arm patting himself on the back and taking credit for the raid.

FLASHBACK: Barack Obama Made The Death of bin Laden All About Himself

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