Should Gerrymandering be Banned?

I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.


If districts were randomly created in a colorblind manner, minority Representatives in Congress would be decimated.
Where did you get that from?
You said I was confusing redistricting with gerrymandering...they go hand-in-hand. It’s part of politics and has been since Eldridge Gerry.

Oh, look someone finally googled 'gerrymandering', congratulations, idiot.

Redistricting and gerrymandering go hand in hand like baby and bathwater.
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha...I googled it...ha,ha,ha,ha,ha....

Yes, you did. You obviously didn't know that gerrymandering had a negative connotation to it and then you came back with the unimportant fact of who gerrymandering was named after to try to cover for yourself. I'm guessing Wikipedia.
Sure it has a negative connotation attached to it...BUT ITS LEGAL and part of politics.

It's also anti-democratic and the practice should be put out to pasture.

Before you were telling us that gerryma
Where did you get that from?
You said I was confusing redistricting with gerrymandering...they go hand-in-hand. It’s part of politics and has been since Eldridge Gerry.

Oh, look someone finally googled 'gerrymandering', congratulations, idiot.

Redistricting and gerrymandering go hand in hand like baby and bathwater.
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha...I googled it...ha,ha,ha,ha,ha....

Yes, you did. You obviously didn't know that gerrymandering had a negative connotation to it and then you came back with the unimportant fact of who gerrymandering was named after to try to cover for yourself. I'm guessing Wikipedia.
Sure it has a negative connotation attached to it...BUT ITS LEGAL and part of politics.

It's undemocratic and the practice should end. You're also changing your story, this is what you originally said about it:

I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.

Like it's some sort of patriotic practice that keeps the states sovereign from the federal government. You idiot.
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.


What court order? What's the current status?

Not my job to educate you on the history of court ordered redistricting, google can be your friend.

I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.

I dont see gerrymandering in that map though - looks pretty compact especially in comparison to the first one.
What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Gerrymandering is born out of redistricting...part of politics. Happens all the time. Grow up. You better talk to your high school civics teacher tomorrow in class.

No, gerrymandering is perverting the redistricting process.
Win state elections then. Party politics goes all the way down to grassroots. It’s bottom up. Democrats think it’s top down. They will lose more seats on 2018. Platform puts them too far to the left of average Americans.

The problem is when gerrymandering is so extreme it essentially entrenches one political party. It has nothing to do with being too far left or right. And a key difference between previous electoral maps and todays is the ability to use Big Data tools and computers to create maps that essentially entench one party making it almost impossible for the other to gain seats. This is niether healthy nor does do anything to help regional intetests. Instead it is more likely to further national party interests over regional.
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.

I dont see gerrymandering in that map though - looks pretty compact especially in comparison to the first one.

My comment was more historical, the courts haven't been too concerned about partisan balance in the past, they have been more focused on race. They've said districts can't be intentionally drawn to preclude the election of minorities and have imposed maps that favor minorities.

I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.


What court order? What's the current status?

Not my job to educate you on the history of court ordered redistricting, google can be your friend.


Do you or do you not realize the Voting Rights Act was repealed?
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.


What court order? What's the current status?

Not my job to educate you on the history of court ordered redistricting, google can be your friend.


Do you or do you not realize the Voting Rights Act was repealed?

Only some sections, if it had been repealed in total there would be no basis for all these law suits.

Redistricting must be done by non-partisan programs authorized by the state legislatures.

And when state legislatures screw that up, play games and try to cheat it one way or the other? Then who does it?

It's not that hard.

Computer programs are the least biased IMO. Eventually, one side will figure a way to best the system, then the other side will take that cheat to the extreme. Then we will have to fix it again. As long as people are involved, we will have to keep plugging the holes as they appear. We still have to fix the now, and as far as I can tell, an a computer program is more trustworthy than a politician.
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Gerrymandering is born out of redistricting...part of politics. Happens all the time. Grow up. You better talk to your high school civics teacher tomorrow in class.

No, gerrymandering is perverting the redistricting process.
Win state elections then. Party politics goes all the way down to grassroots. It’s bottom up. Democrats think it’s top down. They will lose more seats on 2018. Platform puts them too far to the left of average Americans.

The problem is when gerrymandering is so extreme it essentially entrenches one political party. It has nothing to do with being too far left or right. And a key difference between previous electoral maps and todays is the ability to use Big Data tools and computers to create maps that essentially entench one party making it almost impossible for the other to gain seats. This is niether healthy nor does do anything to help regional intetests. Instead it is more likely to further national party interests over regional.
It has everything to do with ideological splits and wave elections. Used to be FDR Democrats in rural America. Obama and Clinton’s destroyed that. Turned their back on industrial workers that have been left behind by globalization. Instead focused on “social justice issues” and somehow lumped gay marriage in there with it. No wonder Republicans hold 2/3rds of state legislatures. There are no participation trophy’s in politics. Politics is not fair.
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Gerrymandering is born out of redistricting...part of politics. Happens all the time. Grow up. You better talk to your high school civics teacher tomorrow in class.

No, gerrymandering is perverting the redistricting process.
Win state elections then. Party politics goes all the way down to grassroots. It’s bottom up. Democrats think it’s top down. They will lose more seats on 2018. Platform puts them too far to the left of average Americans.

The problem is when gerrymandering is so extreme it essentially entrenches one political party. It has nothing to do with being too far left or right. And a key difference between previous electoral maps and todays is the ability to use Big Data tools and computers to create maps that essentially entench one party making it almost impossible for the other to gain seats. This is niether healthy nor does do anything to help regional intetests. Instead it is more likely to further national party interests over regional.
There is no fairness in politics. It’s a zero sum game. You go too far left or right...other party takes over. Power is simply transferred.
the benghazi morons are realizing, bitterly, the tide is turning against them, and that turn is unstoppable
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.


What court order? What's the current status?

Not my job to educate you on the history of court ordered redistricting, google can be your friend.


Do you or do you not realize the Voting Rights Act was repealed?
Not all of it...but large portions of it. Supreme Court issued an advisory opinion back in 2009 when Democrats (Pelosi and Reid) controlled Congress. Advised the legislative branch to modify the Act if they wanted to keep it. Cases coming up the docket would gut the Act...Democrats refused...Act gutted.
Yes, but how do we find non partisan people to set the districts up?
There are computer programs, algorithms that have been developed, that can reset district lines with the same amount of people in each district....that are not calculated in a partisan manner.

That would shrink the number minority representatives in the US House.
Where the alogrithms interesected majority minority populations, their representation would increase.
Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Gerrymandering is born out of redistricting...part of politics. Happens all the time. Grow up. You better talk to your high school civics teacher tomorrow in class.

No, gerrymandering is perverting the redistricting process.
Win state elections then. Party politics goes all the way down to grassroots. It’s bottom up. Democrats think it’s top down. They will lose more seats on 2018. Platform puts them too far to the left of average Americans.

The problem is when gerrymandering is so extreme it essentially entrenches one political party. It has nothing to do with being too far left or right. And a key difference between previous electoral maps and todays is the ability to use Big Data tools and computers to create maps that essentially entench one party making it almost impossible for the other to gain seats. This is niether healthy nor does do anything to help regional intetests. Instead it is more likely to further national party interests over regional.
There is no fairness in politics. It’s a zero sum game. You go too far left or right...other party takes over. Power is simply transferred.

Not when it comes to gerrymandering - it's not a matter of too far it's a matter of keeping control even when your party's out of favor.

It's close to fraud.

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